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File: 38 KB, 450x450, root beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12660188 No.12660188 [Reply] [Original]

What is the appeal of soda/pop drinks? They all painfully burn my throat. Pic related is only tolerable when poured on ice cream.

>> No.12660203
File: 100 KB, 300x244, gcwaw7izkzo11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soda with ice cream

>> No.12660263

>he's never heard of a root beer float

>> No.12660266

Taste good

>> No.12660281

I have heard of it, I just find it disgustingly sweet.

>> No.12660298

if you've never even had a root beer float at least once in your life, you must be some pretentious faggot or severely autistic. That's sad, really. It's like saying you spent your childhood sitting alone in a room instead of having fun outside.

>> No.12660303
File: 12 KB, 170x313, Root_Beer_Float.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about you zoomer retard? Ice cream floats are a classic. Everyone's liked them since before your great-grandparents were born.

>> No.12660311

>disgustingly sweet
Keto fad cult brainwashes yet another gullible fatty.

>> No.12660337

>painfully burn
That's not normal at all. Soda carbonation is just tiny little bubbles. Did you break out in hives when you got in a bubble bath as a kid? I can't imagine how anyone could be that ridiculously fragile.

>> No.12660338

>dude people who don't like my cloying sugary abominations r like the actual fatties!
Enjoy your diabetes, projecting landwhale.

>> No.12660348

lose weight

>> No.12660368

Fuck off fatties, ice cream floats are great. Sorry your weight problems prevent you from enjoying them, but some of us have functional bodies that can still accomplish feats like processing sugar without insulin shots.
Just eat fewer calories if you have weight issues, it's not that complicated.

>> No.12660370

Lol only fatties constantly worry about diabetes. Normal people have no problem enjoying sweet things.

>> No.12660391

I hope in the trend of faggy unsweetened soda drinks somebody finally gets around to a birch/rootbeer flavor.
Would be good for floats and to add liquor to.

>> No.12660398
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have birchbeer and sprucebeer in every grocery

*hon hon hons bilingualy*

>> No.12660408

that does look tasty, leaf.

>> No.12660410

That brand of spruce beer is surprisingly bad.

>> No.12660845

Maybe pain isn't the right word, but it does burn and it's always felt uncomfortable for as long as I can remember.

>> No.12660852
File: 1.28 MB, 3394x3394, e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the appeal of soda/pop drinks? They all painfully burn my throat.
That's extremely weird. Soda is soothing if anything. They give it to you in hospitals when your GI tract is too fucked to tolerate real food.
And ginger ale is maybe the most stereotypical sick person drink in existence. Soda in general was developed and became so popular to begin with because of the interest people had in the soothing properties of naturally occurring effervescent springs, same reason why sodium bicarbonate's an ingredient in Alka-Seltzer.
Basically effervescence has been recognized as the exact *opposite* of burning / irritating since the fucking (real, not HRE) Roman Empire was still around, and what is wrong with you?
>In patients complaining of functional dyspepsia and constipation, carbonated water decreases satiety and improves dyspepsia, constipation and gallbladder emptying.

>> No.12661030

>how DARE you not like my cloyingly sweet treats and eat healthily? Y-you r the real fat one!!1
Sorry, lardies, no amount of doublethink from you will make me like your candy as I haven't drenched my taste buds in sugar over the years nor will it fool anyone but yourselves.

>> No.12661038

Just watch your calories if you have weight problems you idiot zoomer. Floats are a goddamn classic and you ketofags don't even really dislike sweet tasting things, you were just indoctrinated into being terrified of them and started convincing yourself you don't even enjoy it.

>> No.12661075
File: 50 KB, 320x320, 262-2621192_ck-food-cooking-png-wojak-fat-crying-rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no this can't be happening, you HAVE to be a candy-loving chubster like me!!1
I don't do keto, fattie. It's pretty pathetic how you have done nothing but project a diet I don't follow, bring up weight issues out of nowhere and tell me what I allegedly like all because I said I dislike your nasty candy. Lmaoing at you, buddy, less projecting and more healthy eating will do you better.

>> No.12661082

Yikes, I’ll pray for you

>> No.12661103

If you aren't 300lbs then why have you researched diabetes? That's not something fit people do.

>> No.12661115

I've got the same problem with carbonation burning my tongue and throat. It also leaves a really bad aftertaste, that I can only assume comes from the carbon dioxide.

>> No.12661136

>weight issues out of nowhere
You're the one who brought them up though? Are you OK? Is the fat seeping into your brain?

>> No.12661153

Nope, as you can see I stated here >>12660203
my distaste for your candy and >>12660311
sperged out on weight.
Post wrist, fattie.

>> No.12661176
File: 508 KB, 740x552, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post wrist
Your turn, tubbo. Post wrist.

>> No.12661197
File: 2.05 MB, 1485x3256, IMG_20190720_000135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12661214

OK. You don't look fat, but I'm probably a good deal less in weight / BMI than you are.
Which I guess proves ice cream floats are perfectly fine and nothing to be afraid of.
I'm in my 30s by the way too, so you don't have to worry about getting older and having it suddenly turn you into a fat person. It's seriously all just calories if you're concerned about weight. A float on its own is harmless, not to mention I don't think anyone has an ice cream float on a daily basis. It's more of a novelty thing you do every once in a while when you remember it exists, like a chili dog.

>> No.12661227

If I've gone any meaningful amount of time without having a soda, they're usually sickeningly sweet. I drink water when Baja Blast isn't around.

>> No.12661238

You're not fat either and probably skinnier than me I admit, lol. Anyway I don't keep sweets or carbs out of my diet, I'm just not much of a sweet-toothed guy. My threshold for what is too sweet is perhaps placed somewhere else along the sweetness scale compared to other people.

>> No.12661256

>mfw fat as shit and wrists of a teenage skeleton
See you faggots next challenge

>> No.12661534

root beer float is an american thing. us non-americans have never had it, and as for me im never planning on having it because i dont consume ultra-processed foods

>> No.12662770

that's really funny since there is no carbon dioxide in the soda, and you exhale carbon dioxide several thousand times a day.

>> No.12662802

>presidents choice
What? I've never seen this flavour. Where are you located?

>> No.12662804


>> No.12662818

This turned really civil. Good job gentlemen.

>> No.12662948
File: 119 KB, 326x352, 2015-float-14oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn so good
go suck a bag of dicks OP

>> No.12663090

in australia we call them coke spiders

>> No.12663138

Not him, but I don’t drink soda much, for the same reason. It’s uncomfortable to drink unless I sip it slowly.

>> No.12663154

You can make your own ice cream and root beer, you know. Is this not the fucking cooking board?