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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12659035 No.12659035 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck do people eat super spicy food? whats the joy of having to chug a cup of milk every minute?

>> No.12659047

they do it in non-white shitholes to not die from dysentery
by the time they grow up their tastebuds are burned and they can't taste normal food anymore

>> No.12659048

I like the sensation, it makes me briefly feel alive.

>> No.12659052

soys do it to convince themselves they're proper men

>> No.12659064


it really is no wonder why all non-white countries like spicy food it's because it burns off the bacteria like the way lemon juice washes your hands (think germ-x and the like" because they arent have lots of food fresh meat so woops i got ebola or some shit so hey lets just make it super spicy kill all the germs!! oh white people are so dumb can eat spicy food huh... yea let them laugh but it's definitely dunning-kruger

>> No.12659069

A bit of heat adds to a dish but not pepper spray territory that's just for tryhards.

>> No.12659139

>people doing something i cant is being a tryhard

>> No.12659156

k bud have fun eating that ghost pepper you will really impress everyone

>> No.12659165

A little bit of heat with the right flavors can be nice. Almost everyone likes some degree of spice, even if it's black pepper or yellow mustard. And it's one of those things that you build up a tolerance to if you eat enough, meaning you need more for the same satisfaction.

>> No.12659171

No way man I love the Death Reaper Extreme 3000 Presented by Mountain Dew and XBox I can definitely add it to any dish for the flavor.

>> No.12659186

non-whites have finally found one thing to be proud about, so they can't stop talking about it

>> No.12659192

So I can feel superior to my sissy white boy friends! Of course!

>> No.12659211

How about the fact we are overtaking your countries at an incredible rate, ever consider that?

>> No.12659217

Because they have a higher spice/pain tolerance

>> No.12659223
File: 165 KB, 1280x868, San Francisco Public Defecation India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because leftists think it's unfair to not import everyone who cries about the shit conditions they cause for themselves.

>> No.12659241

The people shitting in SF are white and Latino homeless people, the Indian people working high paying big data/tech jobs there are the ones who have to walk past it
This was a really interesting irony I found when I lived there, a stinking irony

>> No.12659243

>why the fuck do people eat super spicy food? whats the joy of having to chug a cup of milk every minute?
Sometimes people chug a beer, or a sugary iced coffee with cream.

Why? I think it is enjoyment of the tingle, that sweat and vasodilation, running of the sinuses, and euphoric feeling after the endorphin rush. I think there is a level of ignorance about delicious chili flavor and extracts of oils that burn with little to no flavor. Also there is ignorance about not taking care of your GI and overdoing sour and hot things too often, but chilies are digestible, it's black pepper that is not. Idiots do a challenge for fun, possibly collect sauces like an addict hoarder, and it's a phase they grow out of once they stop being stupid or cook with more flavor or get more money to not have the same crap day after day.
Also, don't forget that smokers and people who are depressed have a palate that is basically numb. Old people lose a lot of tastebud activity too. It's why some people might oversalt food. It simply isn't tasting good enough yet.

>> No.12659257

ohhh darling. you don't realize doing something sensitive white boys don't like is a crime

>> No.12659347

People I know like to poke fun of me for not liking extremely spicy food because they think I can't handle it. I can handle it just fine but food is just not delicious when all you can taste is spiciness, it should be part of the flavor and not the only flavor. I do have a soft spot for wasabi/horseradish though since at least the spiciness goes away quickly and I can taste other things again.

>> No.12659350

If you consistently eat spicy foods you build a tolerance of the sensation and are now enjoying the flavors. This is excluding people who only care about eating the hottest peppers possible raw through their nose, which is entirely different. It's normally just that food which may be "extremely spicy" to you is not spicy at all to other people, who eat it for the flavor.

>> No.12659385

Going to assume you're replying to me. I know you can build tolerance but I'm not going to start chugging spicy food just to get accustomed to super spicy foods. I enjoy the heat, I just don't consider it the main attraction

>> No.12659394

spicy isn’t a flavor

>> No.12659435

It isn't spicy to them, they don't eat it for spice but the flavors of the ingredients that also contain capsaicin. If you can't tolerate the capsaicin you won't taste those flavors either

>> No.12659819

There’s actually been a lot of reaearch confirming that shithole countries with higher risks of pathogenic infection use more spices in their food. Chilli and acid in particular are very useful for this purpose.
The increasing popularity of spicy among white american males is probably due to them using it as a signal of their masculinity, since it’s now un-PC to signal it in traditional ways. This is a hypothesis i have, so please try to debunk it.

>> No.12659857

so do non-soys

>> No.12659859

Whites won the game of risk so hard that we feel like we were picking on a retarded child and are now throwing the game because we pity you.

>> No.12659864

I agree with your basic assessment, especially with regards to how white men treat it. This applies to many hobbies bugmen take on for themselves, they're undoubtedly a substitute for a personality.

>> No.12659874


>> No.12659881

They're shitting in the streets because SF shut down all the public toilets because they're afraid of homeless people. If you're idea of "leftists" is some neoliberal, west coast hellhole then you really are just that stupid.

>> No.12659889

If we chose to we could genoside the entire non-white world and you know it.

>> No.12659890

why the fuck do people complain about what other people eat? whats the joy of making this same shitty thread every minute?

>> No.12659946

Anon, this is post-gamergate/post-2016 summertime 4channel. Everything you don't like is a leftist.

>> No.12659961

They have no accomplishments or attributes to be proud of but they still want to feel superior to others, so they latch on to anything they think might elevate them above anyone else no matter how petty or insignificant.

>> No.12660174

It hurts a bit, which triggers various reactions that make food taste better.

>> No.12660191

I can't give a reasonable explanation, I love the taste and I just really love hurting myself

>> No.12660196
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>to not die from dysentery
>it burns off the bacteria

You guys do realize that just because it's irritant to human flesh, that doesn't mean it's literally fire. You realize that, right? The opposite of "peppery" is not "cold".

>> No.12660224

theyre getting away with thisa shit way too muich now. I cant even eat a fguicking "McRib Sandwich" without getting red faces and driply nose from the "barbecue" "SAUCE"

>> No.12660231

I think it's just a macho manliness thing. Keep in mind op said super spicy.

>> No.12660256
File: 48 KB, 481x360, 1449966995672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. holds utensils like this

>> No.12660264

Do you observe a correlation between bugmen and a taste for spicy food in the US? I sure have on the internet.

>> No.12660327

ITT: stop liking what I don't like

>> No.12660342

>he can't handle the heat

>> No.12660770

>Anon, this is post-gamergate/post-2016 summertime 4channel. Everything you don't like is a leftist.
oh yeah man prior to 2016 there was a very nuanced idea of what delineates your super special flavour of marxism from those CHUD liberals lmao. Leftist is just a catch all and nobody cares about making a meaningless distinction when they're both equally as faggy

>> No.12660777


>> No.12660809

Minorities (blacks, Mexicans, Indians) like spice because they have unrefined taste buds. White people don't like overwhelming spice because they have very refined taste buds that pick up subtleties in milder flavors. Spiciness is for those who cannot into the wide range of spices available.

Some people just have better taste buds, sorry!

>> No.12660826

all this projecitng..

>> No.12660835

I take heat and dish it out. Why order spicy food if it isn't your style?

>> No.12660853

In what way? Literally try to counter a single point.

>> No.12660861

first off it's all just racist bullshit and i dont think there's any point arguing past that

back to >>>/pol/ bucko!

>> No.12660863

>I think it's just a macho manliness thing
It's literally a trend among low testosterone soi boys though?

>> No.12660875

>has no rebuttal
>can't back up his position
>g-go back to /pol/
Haha the absolute state of Liberals

>> No.12660892

>it's all just racist bullshit
Right, the same way differing IQ averages among races is also just "racist bullshit". God damn, your cognitive dissonance is astounding.

>> No.12660901
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Wh*te people coping the fact that they cannot eat spicy food
Many such cases!

>> No.12660918

You build up an immunity to capsaicin super-quickly. People who like spicy foods and actually eat them on a routine basis don't feel like they're in severe pain every time they eat.
It's just a nice stimulating feeling. A little bit of stress can feel rewarding e.g. People who exercise similarly don't feel like they're in severe pain every time they do it or else very few people ever would.
Or to use a lazier person example, would you rather play a video game that's incredibly easy and offers no resistance to progress and no threat to your character's life? Or one that challenges you and makes you put some work in to succeed at?
Can help with digestion too. When all you eat is bland food it can just sit there and give you bad bloating / constipation. Spiciness stimulates the GI tract and helps move things along so you don't have to spend your weekend doubled over in abdominal pain and getting more and more stressed out that you'll be going into work Monday morning having had very little rest or relaxation thanks to your treacherously immobile intestines.

>> No.12660927

Yeah, we've all heard about the "brown people used spiciness to cover up rancid food" trivia by now. Obviously that's not the only attraction to spiciness and it's a pretty dumb thing to base your eating decisions on.

>> No.12660978

The best metaphor I've heard for it is Rollercoasters.

Rollercoasters give you a thrill that typically cannot kill you. Now, if you've never ridden a rollercoaster, or are otherwise not used to them, starting out with a crazy intense one will just make you feel sick and throw up.

But if you work your way up, you can get larger and larger thrills without ever truly risking your safety.

Spicy food triggers dopamine. On top of that, there is some genuine flavor to be had in many peppers, so it's got a number of benefits.