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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12658540 No.12658540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it impolite to eat on the bus?

>> No.12658552


>> No.12658671

it's also fucking disgusting because of how filthy public transport is. it just makes you look like a complete slob

>> No.12658685

Yes. In fact most busses have a sign saying no food or drink

>> No.12658694

Look at this guy living his life being dictated to by inanimate objects. Fuck signs.

>> No.12658708
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Yesterday I was taking the bus home when a lady flipped out, started calling a guy "a white devil bastard" and then threw a smoothie on him.
I fucking hate the bus.

>> No.12658732

depends on what you're eating
>odorless potato chips
>tuna sandwich

I used to take the Q train from Astoria to Coney Island every day, and would somehow manage to sit across from the same blue collar worker almost every trip and watch him drink a full 6 pack in the ~75 minute train ride.

>> No.12658739
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Imagine having to ride the bus

>> No.12658741

I'll have things that never happened for $800, Alex.

>> No.12658743
File: 8 KB, 276x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short answer: yes.
Long answer: it depends.

Anything with a strong odor is super rude to eat and anything that generates trash (even shit like banana peels or apple cores) is a no-no since blacks and other low-class individuals have a tendency to leave their trash on the bus instead of throwing it in the garbage can at the front. It's shocking how many discarded chicken bones I see on the bus or train every year.

>> No.12658747


>> No.12658769

You better not be eating sunflower seeds on the train

>> No.12658774
File: 122 KB, 438x503, yeah that about covers it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this guy? This fag right here? Why the fuck is he still here, still using that tired phrase? Alex has pancreatic cancer so stop harrassing the guy! You fuckwad holy shit!

>> No.12658791
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Considering I live in a city that has women that will pee in a cup and throw it on the bus driver, you find the story of someone apeing out and throwing a drink on someone unbelievable?

>> No.12658799

what am I supposed to be looking at in this image?

>> No.12658800

Isn't Alex the swan? You posted Tony, probably.

>> No.12658807

his penis

>> No.12658921

Depends what you're eating.

If you're eating something smelly then obviously yes, if you're eating a snickers bar then obviously no.

Common sense wins the day.

>> No.12659454

what was the point of this image?

>> No.12659466

He looks like he has a hot sauce collection at home.

>> No.12659488
File: 39 KB, 377x482, 670dd2f4d9a0be94cafd6354db62efc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so fat that you just have to eat while riding a bus or watching a movie

>> No.12659502

I’ve had some of my best meals at the cinema.

>> No.12659516

crab legs, beans, you name it!
just make sure the wagies clean the bird cages first or you might get bird seed in your drink

>> No.12659525

show off his chad manspread

>> No.12659571

>taking the bus home
>hobo is flipping his shit, swearing at the top of his lungs
>grabs my face
>calls me a nigger
>gets thrown off
>feelings are hurt even though I'm a red-headed white

>> No.12659620

I've got some good ones from my time in NYC
>riding Q train late at night
>some guy starts chanting "let's get weird"
>whole car actually ends up joining him after 2 full stops of him chanting it nonstop
>comes up to my face
>"I got weird in a homeless place I got weird right in her face"(to rihanna's "we found love")
he did that for a solid 45 minutes before I got off the train
>waiting an obscene amount of time for the N train because construction
>get on when it finally arrives
>there's a whole bench completely empty
>take a seat
>something smells awful
>look up and see everyone on the opposite bench staring at me covering their mouths/noses
>turn to my right
>homeless guy with his pants around his ankles is oozing brown goo out his butt while jerking off
>the brown goo almost touched me before I got up and exited the train to wait for the next one
>riding the Q train late at night
>on my phone
>some old guy sits next to me
>acting super weird
>invites me to his comedy show the next day
>I actually go
>Louis CK and Chris Rock are there as well as the entire writing team for SNL
>who the fuck is this guy
>tfw he just invited me because I was a young skinny guy and he was prowling for twinks
>tfw not gay so bounced and ghosted him

>> No.12659659

>Long answer: still yes
odor or no odor, no one wants you smacking your lips and slurping two inches away from their ears.

>> No.12659682

Jesus christ.

>> No.12659700

I've got more
NYC is a cesspool

>> No.12659702

Fake news.
What would Chris Rock be doing at a comedy show?

>> No.12659713


its "what is things that never happened for 800 alex" you fucking prat

>> No.12659716
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>> No.12659722

he's actually hilarious in person
and way shorter than I expected
I was also expecting him to have silky girl hands from a lack of manual labor, but they seemed pretty rough
either he hits the gym a lot or he's got super ashy skin
I honestly disliked him before meeting him, but now think he's a pretty cool guy. Don't remember much since it was almost 10 years ago now.

>> No.12659727

>dat nigga famous why he ain't at a football stadium filming a netflix special

Comedians aren't on their A game 24/7 and play smaller venues to work on new material.
Comedians are also human beings and have personal preferences, a fair few of them enjoy smaller clubs for the relaxed intimacy of the venue.
Comedians are also humble weirdos and most famous clubs are still small places that they've been hanging out in for decades.

>> No.12659730

Why the fuck does anyone choose to live in a hellhole like that? There are people out there who actually choose to move to NY and San Francisco. The only time I went to SF I saw a homeless guy shitting in a box right next to the metro escalator, and I promised then I would never go back.

>> No.12659744

I'm not a poor fag so I don't take the bus.
But I lose my shit at any fucker that thinks he can eat in my car.
My ex atr all sort of trash in hers and left crumbs and wrappers everywhere.
It was a huge red flag and one of the reasons I knew we could never be together long term.

>> No.12659758

Yes, but I have long commutes and busy work days so people can hate me all they fucking want.

>> No.12659793

>itt: 'murrica is a beautiful place, lol!
Meanwhile, get on subway, bus or train in japan or korea and they're sparkling clean and everyone is clean and polite
>b-but muh weebs
I literally saw a random nip walk up to a scumbag US serviceman who threw his cigarette butt onto the sidewalk and told him to pick it up, they didn't trash their country like the US. He picked it up. Powerful shit right there.

>> No.12659810

>Why the fuck does anyone choose to live in a hellhole like that?
because I was a recent college grad who wanted to become an actor
while I'd never choose to live there again, it did give me a taste for city living, and I definitely prefer it over suburbia
haven't really tried rural life yet, but am in a midwest city right now and really miss having access to great food

>> No.12659826


>soy beard

No chads here bruv

>> No.12659834

yes, only drinking should be allowed

>> No.12659839

It’s not a purse.... IT’S EUROPEAN.

>> No.12659988

>because I was a recent college grad who wanted to become an actor
Ah, you're retarded. That explains it.

>> No.12660044

*was retarded
I realized I'd been lied to my entire life and that a college degree "in literally anything" and "follow your dreams" were practically worthless. I worked my ass off, got an MBA, and now work as a consultant.
Having an arts degree does make me "more interesting" to normies though.

>> No.12660098

Some autist took a creepshot of a guy because he didn't like that that a male stranger had an earring.

>> No.12660261

post em fagit

>> No.12660275


>> No.12660296
File: 231 KB, 1200x1308, Is+this+_c85c42_6607089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan lacks diversity

>> No.12660301

Politeness is a social construct. It doesn't exist.

>> No.12660312

Getting kicked off the bus is also a social construct

>> No.12660329

Shitskin detected

>> No.12660355

biology is a social costruct bro

>> No.12660359

eating while in transit is peak efficiency

>> No.12660437

Not as impolite as that very loud and personal phone call that bitch was taking.
Fucking shameless cunt.

>> No.12660448

it was a pretty bad movie desu

>> No.12660469

maybe stop with the fucking perfume? its 20 god damned 19 for fucks sake.

>> No.12660487

Did he not have to take a piss?

>> No.12660620
File: 105 KB, 934x736, 1539640387262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you just say about a based Mel kino?

>> No.12660622

probably had a massive bladder at that point
>A train
>guy dressed as a clown is vomiting into jumbo size knitted mittens and they're acting like a sieve, so the liquid portion is running onto the seat
>he gets up and leaves
>some lady comes on with paper grocery bags and sets them directly on the vomit without looking
that one was more observational
>2 train
>just dropped my mom off at Penn station (she was visiting from Boston)
>massive fight breaks out
>duck and cover
>push my way to the door
>look back inside
>some homeless guy is swinging a bike lock and knocking people out
cops took 45 minutes to show up after I called 911

keep in mind I only lived in NYC less than 2 full years: september 2011 to may 2013

>> No.12660790

>lived in NY sept ‘11
Thank you for your service

>> No.12661104

but I worked with a guy who was walking around on 9/11 and said it was super eerie how few people were out
he got high and then started walking toward ground zero and remembered a cloud of ash obscuring even his own feet as he walked through
turned a corner when a row of cops started shouting at him to get the fuck out of there
pretty wild

>> No.12661111

what if it's bobba tea. it's practically eating and drinking both at once.

>> No.12661259

>women that will pee in a cup and throw it on the bus driver
brb getting a bus license

>> No.12661319

Do they have cancer?

>> No.12661398

I think it's fine so long as you don't make a mess.

>> No.12661816

So I took off my hat and said, imagine that. Me working for you.

>> No.12662663


>> No.12662669

Where did you get my picture DELTE this

>> No.12662824

why would he have cancer?
why would you call him "they"?

>> No.12662904

Lol you met Luis J Gomez and accidentally went to skankfest?

>> No.12663951

For someone who seemingly likes comedy so much, the joke here eluded you.

>> No.12664012
File: 32 KB, 450x338, signnotacop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12664043

>It doesn't exist.
That's not what social construct means.

>> No.12664054
File: 132 KB, 882x731, n0ktYzA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public transportation
do city cucks really do this

>> No.12664055

cute feet on the milf

>> No.12664061 [DELETED] 

yes especially if you’re a fat nigger with some smelly shit you just got from the free handouts place—soup kitchen or whatever
stop slobbering all over the train and spilling your coon chow everywhere

>> No.12664086


>> No.12664121

thats a guy

>> No.12664157

>Is it impolite to eat on the bus?
If the eating items in question would be better eaten with a knife, fork, table, and napkin, or needs handwashing afterwards, then yes, it could be considered rude. If the items are smelly, they probably shouldn't be unwrapped at all.
If it's a bubble tea, a smoothie, a chocolate croissant in a bag, a wrap sandwich, a bag of honey roast cashews, or a cup of yogurt parfait, then your life is your own. Just take the garbage neatly with you upon exiting.

>Yes. In fact most busses have a sign saying no food or drink
Because of people who do shitty things like spill a coffee making an entire row unusable for the rest of the day, or put their garbage on the floor. The driver, probably in most cases, is the guy who walks the aisle picking up and sweeping.

>>>12658540 (OP)
>Imagine having to ride the bus
OP's picture looks like an airport parking shuttle bus.

>Imagine being so fat that you just have to eat while riding a bus or watching a movie
That's your lack of imagination and shitty mundane life to think people are less busy than you or enjoy their more than you hate your life. Why are you on /ck if you don't enjoy a night out at the movies with snacks? Do you have issues with food that causes you to project upon others? I've enjoyed Schoefferhoffers and melissa sodas, while munching on a pastry, while on the train from Vienna Austria to Melk, while on vacation because it's allowed and I was on vacation and drinking during the day for the hell of it to try new things. I'm a fat loser for not waiting until I was in a restaurant and it was exactly lunchtime?

>> No.12664167


>> No.12664170

thats my dad

>> No.12664172

>Japan lacks diversity
Wow @pic ...were those people coughing? Japanese are germaphobes and might do that the entire time on public transport in a tunnel or something. Or like another anon said, wearing too much cologne? Or was there a nonexistent smell related to racism. Does a certain race smell a certain way? Curry goes through the pores. Some cultures aren't into armpit antiperspirants and commuters can get ripe by the end of the day in summer, of any color, esp if they only use deodorant and natural garbage organic nonsense.

>> No.12664196

>Does a certain race smell a certain way?
Asians often complain White people smell like spoiled meat.

>> No.12664207

>keep in mind I only lived in NYC less than 2 full years: september 2011 to may 2013
>>lived in NY sept ‘11
>Thank you for your service
He wasn't there in 2001, but 2011, a full decade later.

I was in D.C. during 9/11 though, and my spouse was in the Pentagon the night before the attack. He was taking a lie in and wasn't at work yet on the exact day, due to working almost to midnight the previous evening. We watched the whole thing on TV and couldn't reach many friends until hours upon hours later. Cell phones weren't connecting, busy signals, people stuck on roads while closed bridges caused hours-long traffic jams. I drove past the burned out side of the building daily, watched guards on duty with rocket launchers covered in camo tarp until they buried the launchers and eventually diverted the expressways with new ramps built farther away from a blast zone. I waited forever and ever for Reagan airport to reopen, though it never should, and I saw fighter jets escort planes before landing, which was eerie. I remember going through TSA as they implemented the new changes, DCA staff were the best and most efficient, and even offered the ziplocs for free on a stand right at the beginning of the line. I remember my friends and neighbors overworked, double and triple shifts covered police posts, because the nation's corporations paid top dollar for trained cops, and it left a vacuum of jobs from the capitol police to every other agency. I remember people turning serious watching and reporting every shifty eyed person on a train or bag on a bench. I remember new Homeland Security knocking on my door to ask me questions about neighbors from Singapore and Malaysia and what did I know about them...made me think of deja vu from a movie or even Nazi Germany, but wow they were thorough, even before they had badges to show as ID yet.

Was bad times, but not AS bad as the D.C. Sniper in my opinion. He turned DC into a ghost town.

>> No.12664216

Stfu boomer

>> No.12664242

>no drink
Why? I understand the food because it can have strong odor and that but someone sippingvin a water bottle should be fine

>> No.12664247

buses are only for impolite people to begin with, so who cares?

>> No.12664262

>black guy gets on bus
>discovers he got on the wrong one
>he yells at the driver to let him off
>driver says he has to wait until next stop for safety/liability reasons
>black is now pissed
>the woman with him looks visibly shaken as shes seen this anger from him many times and knows something bad is about to happen
>guy bus cussing out and threatening the driver
>challenges him step off the bus and handle it
>driver stands up and acts like hes gunna fight the nog
>As soon as soon as the black guy steps off, driver turns around and shuts the door
We had to wait on the bus until the police arrived and I was late for work as a result

>> No.12664267


I too do not understand the English language

>> No.12664293

I've fucking seen this before myself.

>> No.12664303

>not being a metrosexual chad

>> No.12664355

tl;dr: nogs ruin everything
film at 11

>> No.12664411

I typically buy about 4 lbs worth of Jack-N-the-Box on my way to work (about $23.00 worth) and slop it down on the bus no matter how full/crowded it is. It's a good way to secure personal space too. If I feel someone is standing too close to me I will chew loudly, with my mouth open, making greasy smacking sounds with my lips as close to their ears/eyes as possible. They always get away from me when I do this.

>> No.12664421

>vacation = daily routine
Based strawman

>> No.12664433


>> No.12664440

>Does a certain race smell a certain way?
nogs stink

>> No.12664451

lol what an asshole you are
that was a great post you complete and utter moron

>> No.12664492
File: 224 KB, 486x562, 1561146310837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares?
Just live your life the way you want. Thst's the best part of our individualist society. Eat on the bus if you want, mah niggy.

>> No.12664545

According to asians whites smell like sour milk and cumin.

>> No.12664551

>4 lbs worth of jack-n-the-box
good grief...

>> No.12664565

>Deflect how nasty my race smells by making a claim that someone else from another race, said some other race smelled too, in a different way.

>> No.12664575

thats interesting in that my experience would be telling them "no, you". I took the bus in college and the stop in front of my apartment was followed directly by a stop at an apartment complex mostly populated by chinese students. They always had a soured smell to them, dunno if it was their hair or their clothes but it was always pungent. I assumed it was more there clothes as they didnt seem to understand the available utilities and would forgo using their clothes dryer and instead put wet clothes hung up outside in the very humid air, or not even hung up just piled on a balcony.

>> No.12664580

Maybe asians just have good sense of smell.
Makes sense because whites like to wallow in their own filth, blacks are greasy, and asians like to be extremely clean.

>> No.12664662

the person taking the picture is also (((manspreading)))

>> No.12664676

I'd like to cumin some asian girls haha

>> No.12664683

that may be true, but nogs still smell strongly of body odor

>> No.12664882
File: 61 KB, 1088x396, 1540050179145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related. The sound of people chewing irritates me in a way you wouldn't believe. I was arrested 8 years ago for assaulting a woman eating a bag of chips in the waiting area for the Walgreens mini-clinic thing. It felt SOOOO good to grab the bag and beat her over the head with it. Didn't get convicted of anything because it's textbook insanity.

>> No.12664887

kys fatty

>> No.12664890

I always thought this about smoking in the car. I smoked from ages 16-37 and I never smoked in my car. I didn't want it smelling like smoke. I never understood how people couldn't make it to work without smoking and flicking cigarettes at passing cars.

>> No.12664907

Same, I only smoke when I drink (so obviously never in the car) and think it's disgusting

>> No.12664911

So you beat people who make chewing sounds, and the only way treatment is to avoid people eating? And some woman sits next to you and starts eating in a completely inappropriate and unexpected place. I see why you didn't get convicted. Can you only eat through a straw or soft foods that you don't chew? Or is it gulping sounds, too? How does that work for yourself?

>> No.12664918

lmao how do you "beat" someone with a bag of chips? that's akin to saying you beat someone with a piece of paper.

>> No.12664921

Sure, but what would Chris Rock be doing at a comedy show?

>> No.12664925

>"One such case described in the journal Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology detailed 'involuntary violence' exhibited by a sufferer in response to a trigger in the form of another person eating loudly.[5]"
That was you, wasn't it? Dude, you're famous.

>> No.12664926

do /ck/ people actually takes buses?
I thought it was only white people and asians here

>> No.12664935

You've never hit a wall or a counter but 'pulled your punch' or open-palm slapped it instead to prevent damage? It's mustering what little restraint you can not to cause damage but still get that release of pressure.

>> No.12664936

A space which everybody is forced to share for a prolonged period is not an appropriate place to eat. It is also not an appropriate place to fart or to play your music so loud that it can be heard by others. It's about mutual respect.

Actual dining areas excepted, obviously.

>> No.12664941

East Asians are pretty impressive when it comes to scent. They barely grow any body hair, and I think they don't produce a lot of the same gross smells that whites do when they sweat. Although it's probably the case that what you eat affects how you smell, I think it's part biology when it comes to East Asian.

If I hate to rate who generally smells the worst to best, it would be as follows:

1) South Asians (garlic and a lot of hair)
2/3) Whites/blacks
4) East Asians

>> No.12664946

>A space which everybody is forced to share for a prolonged period is not an appropriate place to eat.
Oh, please. Shut up, fatty. Dining halls, cafeterias, or spaces occupied only by yourself are acceptable places. Whether or not it's allowed, public transit and waiting rooms are definitely not places to be stuffing your face. It's rude, like smoking next to non-smokers or listening to music loudly in public. Have some self-respect and learn some manners.

>> No.12664957

Who taught you to read?

>> No.12664993

Pigskin comment.

>> No.12665010
File: 2.45 MB, 428x426, eating on subway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12665015


>> No.12665043

It's like Heaven. Why can't we be this socially minded here?

>> No.12665051


>> No.12665060
File: 26 KB, 384x384, 1558823997032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty sad how far we've come as a species and yet there are still people that literally need to have sense beaten into them.

>> No.12665084

Evangelicals. The bible was the only textbook I ever needed, praise the lord, ok?

>> No.12665124

Fug, gotta say guys, that particular shitpost got the most (you) I've had in a long while. Thx, my thoughts and prayers are with you, ok? I'll have another shot of pinnacle vodka to say cheers and then we'll move on.

>> No.12665249


>> No.12665297

Yes, just wait until you get home or to your destination

>> No.12665323

where I live, all the chink immigrants are like this. If only there was a hammer vigilante here to bring justice

>> No.12665341

blacks smell like grease and fermentation, asians smell like wet lockeroom towels and indians smell like shit or curry

>> No.12665375

It's worse on the D Train because it goes over the chinese part of Brighton Beach and they don't give a shit about etiquette and they each shit like hard boiled eggs on the train

>> No.12665402


Plenty of Public Transportation Kino on Youtube.

>> No.12665430

I find blacks smell like burnt hair. I've had 2 white women who have gone black tell me how they had a hard time handling the smell. It's just straight up pheromones. If you cant stand the natural smell of someone, you're likely not gunna be around for long.

>> No.12665702
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>> No.12665826

fuck politeness
eat where and how you want, just don't make a mess

>> No.12665833

I find that they smell kind of swampy. I'm not a coalburner though lel.

>> No.12665875
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>and way shorter than I expected
These four must be really small.

>> No.12666219

it's because you forgotten, dripping milkshakes of human beings actually do smell like shit compared to us

>> No.12666336

>>there's a whole bench completely empty
>>take a seat
>>something smells awful
>>look up and see everyone on the opposite bench staring at me covering their mouths/noses
>>turn to my right
How blind are you

>> No.12666354

It's not perfume. Somehow all niggers refuse to not lather themselves in baby powder and baby oil. Its such a suffocatingly unnatural smell.

Asians genetically have less or no sweat glands and don't require as much antiperspirants or fumes to over an odor. They virtually have no odor unless they didn't brush their teeth.

Now funnily enough, Korean don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, even the cute girls. So if you think Asians are perfect, think again. Each has their disgusting quirk

>> No.12666362

You forgot Hispanics.
People who think Hispanics can be black or white are stupid. They are completely contradistinctive from every other race.

All Hispanics smell nice anyways, except for Mexicans

>> No.12666385

>honk cong lady
totally would.

>> No.12666387

british ladies sound like knives clacking against each other.

>> No.12666436

I was on a bus and there was a guy chopping up bud and stinking up the place. Driver didn't get a fuck. I pulled out a sandwich and he hits the "no eating in the bus" announcement button.
I guess he's right, there's no rule against cutting up bud on the bus.

>> No.12666558

is that the subway samurai reborn? the metro mauler?!

>> No.12666585
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How much do you want to wager anon?

>> No.12666627

I'm inspired. I'm gonna be a social etiquette vigilante too.

>> No.12666634

i want my face in between his crotch

>> No.12666635

Literally every race stinks. We just do,kt know in what way our own race stinks because we are accustomed to the smell.

But I think we can all agree that poo's smell the worst

>> No.12666748

I still remember that fat white guy that came into my college computer lab. I could smell him from 10 feet away. It was the smell of fermented urine, sweat, and genital musk. The visible despair on the woman's face when he was right next to her, talking to her, was something I could never forget. The experience made me super self conscious about my own body odor. The fact that the guy seemed like he had no idea that he smelled like a walking corpse showered in dog piss was extremely concerning.

>> No.12666794

I had a guy like that in my class once. He was at least 10 years older than everyone else, fat as fuck, balding, never shaved and wore cum stained band t-shirts and the same pair of sweat pants that must've been at least XXL size every single day for at least a year. Smelling of sweat would have been an improvement for him - he straight up reeked of mold and the stench was so overpowering that I don't even want to imagine what kind of a rotten dump he lived in. On top of that he didn't even seem to care that people gave him shit for it every day and only started showering when he was facing disciplinary action due to his odor being a distraction to literally everyone who had to sit anywhere near him. Still kept wearing that single pair of sweat pants though. I wish I was making this shit up but engineering really does attract the worst kind of neckbeards for whatever reason.

>> No.12666804

Because engineers never really have to think. They just apply rules. It's a lazy application of intelligence, which is attractive to the worst kind of neckbeards.

>> No.12666977

it's a natural smell that most black men and women have, and in all honesty it is pretty fucking gross. mostly for women. i don't mid stinky guys, that's whatever, within reason of course.
but when the ladies go around smelling like that natural shit they smell like like they don't touch water, nu uh. any cool negro will tell you the fucking same.
>inb4 nogs start a race-war through use of social media

>> No.12667186

how big is your peepee

>> No.12667201

congratz on still making something out of yourself, anon

>> No.12667367

Yup, and of all the fans, Mark would be the most likely to post on ck

>> No.12667393

Inspirational story braj

>> No.12668281

I was thinking it was a bit extreme, but
>throwing the shells on the ground
He deserved every bit of it, especially when warned so many times, and being rude with each warning.

>> No.12668298

I live in Brazil, and even though you're not supposed to do it, most people will find it fine as long as it's something like chips.
Actually, it's pretty common to find people illegally selling products in the bus, like chocolates, chips, sometimes even goods like earphones.

>> No.12669111

no I met Barry Sobel

>> No.12669123

no, you're totally right
since we don't know the gender of "a GUY", we should totally use the bastardized singular "they" as in
>they is showering right now
>I am talking to them while they gives treats to their dog
fucking retard.

>> No.12669137

I don't remember experiencing any boiled eggs on the train, but there's much worse that I did experience chinese people eating:

>> No.12669139

Not unless it stinks or the person eats like a slob.

>> No.12669149

I just was expecting like a 6'+ black guy when in reality he's 5'10
dude I don't know
even after that experience I tended to scan for open seats rather than truly soak in what was surrounding me
I'm sure I'm not the only one

>> No.12669164

Not to mention how much worse it makes you smell. One of my coworkers smokes in his car, and his scent lingers for 5 minutes after walking through a room.

>> No.12669572

I eat raw oats and protein drinks every morning in the bus. Fight me

>> No.12669580

>Barry Sobel
wow fuckin yikes

>> No.12669604

Public transportation should be as unpleasant and disgusting as possible to remind those who take it that they fucked up in life.