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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12657674 No.12657674 [Reply] [Original]

Who do you go from being a casual cook
who can follow recipe instructions clearly
to someone who can modify existing recipes to their own liking/create their own dishes and recipes?

>> No.12657681

By continuing to use recipes like you have been doing, but experimenting with them in ways you think you would like. You might make something and think "this could use a bit more spice" or "I think this would go well with X sauce" through doing that you'll find out what works and what doesn't and eventually will have a good enough understanding to make things on the fly without necessarily needing a recipe to follow.

>> No.12657687

do the same recipe over and over but modify it slightly each time, cook it for people once and awhile and ask them how they like it
basically figure out your pallet

(my pallet is super salty, food I cook purely for myself most people cant eat, also have a hardon for spices like cumin and tyme )

>> No.12658014

cook 10 to 15 meals a week and pay attention to what you are doing. Read up on how other people make the same dishes you do

>> No.12658022

I'm this way with spicy food. I can't cook for people without totally misjudging it

>> No.12658028

A chef. I hope you have 30-40 hours a week to spare

>> No.12658079

there was a cook who was so good she created recipes that even if you messed them up in predictable ways, were still very good
trying to remember a children’s book about a French family and the son rode his bike in the forest and found mushrooms he was dying to add to fsmily’s soup (they owned a restaurant)

>> No.12658087

you can learn by doing
Like I can eyeball a recipe I've never made before and tell if it's going to be bad right away but that's because I've made a lot of bad recipes before

>> No.12658129

Learn to control the heat on the stove, learn to use the knife and most importantly learn the flavor profiles and how they effect each other.
6 to 10 years of consistent cooking should do it.