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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 726x882, Rumplestilskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12651522 No.12651522 [Reply] [Original]

This is part something of a continuing series in my head, because I think I have good ideas sometimes.

Grill some sourdough bread in a skillet with olive oil (or butter; I was out of butter).

Spread some mayonnaise and sriracha on that shit, and use it liberally.

Add some four-cheese mexican blend.

Put a pot-lit over it and wait for a while (the pot-lid directs the heat so that it melts the cheese and crisps the bread at the same time; it's an awesome trick).

Once your cheese has melted, ditch it to a plate and fry some eggs. Add a tiny bit of olive oil or butter and some ground salt and pepper.

Wait until the yolks look melty and then throw the pot lid over it. Wait for a little, while you open a can of ravioli.

Fork out a few onto a plate, like maybe eight or nine.

Once your eggs look fit to burst, drop them onto the bread. Then throw the ravioli in, and chop each one in half and spread it all around, turning the heat up and adding a little more olive oil (or butter).

Fry that shit up. Fry it hard.

Once it's crispy, drop it onto the half of the sandwich that doesn't have eggs, and then clean your dishes as it cools.

Let it rest for about five minutes before you fold one half on top of the other and cut it in half.

I'll give you the results in a moment.

>> No.12651527

>Dude weed
Plz neck yourself, druggie

>> No.12651540

>t.a typical ck alcoholic

>> No.12651543
File: 236 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Loco_Moco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12651546

When I'm hungover or drunk I like to beat 3 eggs then fry it in butter, then finish it under the grill. Then I dice it up. Then I mix mayo and sweet chilli sauce into rice, then throw in the eggs, a can of tuna and a good grind of salt and pepper then mix it all up.

>> No.12651555
File: 47 KB, 739x452, rumplestilskin_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just one of the best things I've ever eaten. It's very salty, so I'd hesitate on adding too much, but the flavor and texture is off the chain.

Adding more Sriracha to the finished product helps bring out the underlying flavors, and the hard-fried ravioli just lays down a blend of bread and pasta carbs that works to make you sort of feel like you're doing something wrong like when you mix your rice and macaroni salad at the Hawaiian BBQ (you know it's good).

Altogether, you should do this, /ck/, even though people are gonna hate on it.

Try it first before you judge at least.

>> No.12651564


Like, you dismiss this out of hand because you lack imagination or inspiration or something. I don't know what rules you're trying to play by.

I'm telling you though: this shit is absolutely tasty af.

Lol; I don't really care what you think of it unless you actually try it.

>> No.12651580


Similar, with the mixture of eggs and meat, and obviously with the Hawaiian BBQ tie in that I meant as an analogy, but like shit I'd eat this with a side of rice and mac salad any day; that would be an amazing fucking pairing to be honest.

But, it's a sandwich. It's like the complexity of a Loco Moco inside of a further complex Sourdough, which adds a level that both soaks up the mayo and Sriracha as well as the yolk of the egg and the ground beef inside of the ravioli, which all kind of congeals into a point where you are experiencing more flavors and textures than you can reconcile, like the first time you bit into a spam musubi, and you find that there are limits to be yet broken.

Not to oversell it or anything.

>> No.12651616

>>Dude weed

It's a genre, retard. You have no idea what drugs I'm on right now, if any.

But when you tell someone you had the idea of adding fried ravioli to a grilled-cheese-and-egg sandwich, they're gonna ask if you were high.

So fuck off with your judgy-mc-judgerson impression, Nancy Reagan.

>> No.12651629


How does that make sense. I call it "stoner food" and you call me an alcoholic?

I mean, lucky guess, but it doesn't really follow from the given input.

Either way, I double-dog dare you to try it and tell me it's not tasty.

Get drunk first if you want. It won't make a difference.

>> No.12651653


That sounds interesting. I like a nice melty yolk over my rice, but I'm sort of compromised when it comes to the tuna. I mean, I love a good tuna and rice, but adding eggs into the mix makes me wary.

Until I actually try it, though, I'll reserve judgment.

Because it could be the bee's knees, and I appreciate your recommendation.

I'll keep it under my hat for future reference.

>> No.12651816

When I see this picture I can only think of a bottle of vodka and how instead of this garbage looking thing, you could down one whole.

>> No.12651829
File: 23 KB, 500x499, 1563157805165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you blind or just really high right now? They were obviously responding to the other anon telling you to neck yourself for smoking. Also I like to make tomato soup with diced mushrooms, sausage link, red onion, black pepper and melted pepperjack and medium cheddar when i'm high.

>> No.12651848

>stoner food
>uHh aKShuAlLy yOu hAve nO IdEA wHaT drUGs i'm On
Again, just neck yourself

>> No.12651878

Hey, you don't have to put a new sentence on every other line. You can have a continuous paragraph on this site. Double return is not necessary. And it doesn't actually simulate your speech while high. Source: I'm high right now on dabs.

>> No.12651899


>> No.12651953

I've always suspected that "reddit spacing" had less to do with websites and more to do with their inability to focus on long lines of text. So anyone not sober (stoned) or riddled with adhd no longer has any white paint left on their enter key.

>> No.12651962

>t. physically addicted to fast food

>> No.12651964

Learn how to type you fucking retarded zoomer. Unironically go back to R*ddit.

>> No.12652047
File: 45 KB, 933x700, zapiekane-kanapki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread, cheese, some ham or sausage or such, ketchup. Microwave for a minute.

>> No.12652154

>They were obviously responding to the other anon telling you to neck yourself for smoking.

That was not obvious until you mentioned it as a possibility, at which point it seems really obvious.

That sounds like a fantastic soup recipe. I'd want to throw in a pepper or two, and maybe a little ground round blend of rib-eye, sirloin, prime-rib and filet, if we're just shooting off the hip.

>> No.12652166

>you don't have to

No, my guy; I do it because I *want* to.

Like, it just means something to me to be able to space my prose as I intend it: certain statements being forced to be accepted as either "true" or "false" before the next statement can be evaluated.

And the next statement is always separated by a full space.

It's just how I roll, and I can't see how it could upset anyone who doesn't like it - just pretend it's not there.

The negative feedback is so weird. Like, why does anyone give a shit? Just ignore it and try to read past whatever retarded spacing issues you might have and respond to the actual message being communicated.

>> No.12652199

>Learn how to type you fucking retarded zoomer. Unironically go back to R*ddit.

In point of fact, I have been trained in the typographic arts, and if one can be a "zoomer" at 41, then I'll take the charge gladly, but from my understanding that's not a thing.

Also, in point of fact, I almost never go to Reddit. I just don't really care for it.

Zero for two, buddy.

It's okay. The game is rigged.

>> No.12652207


Wait - just microwave the bread and cheese and meat and ketchup all at once like that?!

Wouldn't that brick the bread and burn the cheese and ketchup while the meat is still barely done?

This seems like such a more complex thing than you're claiming.

>> No.12652311
File: 214 KB, 1242x1238, 1513807016025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I do is add a bit of diced sirano or habenaro peppers that I've roasted over the stove flame for a bit, I chop them real finely afterwards so they can contribute heat but not end up as a solid chunk. get some bread or some torillas and toast them, then dip them for that cheesey goodness.
I recently have started messing with some powderd ghost pepper as a seasoning, a little bit of that could give it some good kick since it has a flavor I think would compliment the meal and the powder form lets you balance the intensity easier.

>> No.12652340

I think you missed the part "1 minute".

You don't use raw meat, just something ready to eat, stuff you normally put on a sandwich. The biggest downside to this is that the bread comes out so moist it's almost soggy so definitely not burning anything - although if you're high, that is an advantage, soft, easy to take huge bites, not all that much chewing. Good even with a pretty stale old bread as it turns up like fresh.

But yeah, pour the ketchup only afterwards. Cooked ketchup is meh.

>> No.12652362



Sounds like alchemy.

I like it.

>> No.12652371


Why, though... why even do this? it seems like you'd do better to deconstruct the sandwich and use an oven to re-toast the bread while keeping the other components cold.

I mean, these are dire circumstances, clearly, but if you have to face them, then you have to face them.

>> No.12652391


1 minute, man. Oven is at least 10 minutes work. Plus you get melted cheese, which tastes much better, you're getting bread you can inhale, it's the best food for munchies.

Sure a proper toast sandwich may be good for a nice orderly breakfast to start a productive day. But that's not what this thread is about.

>> No.12652420

nutella + spoon

>> No.12652448


Just why tho.

>> No.12652469

I think I'm fucking retarded I think.

>> No.12652470

Not to bite your fingers.

>> No.12652478


Lol; what do you have left?

>> No.12652672

this stupid fucking article is as spaced out as you, faggot.
try to find a way to type that you didn't learn from a bunch of shitheel tranny faglords.

>> No.12652685

>lucky guess
Not on ck where there are loads of alcoholics.

>> No.12652692

Hope you hit a tree next time you're driving drunk

>> No.12652703



Guess I hope that queen bitch is as the head of the line for that, eh?

Maybe miss me with that instead, lel.

>> No.12652755

Empty Nutella jar. 'Cause I used a spoon!

>> No.12653156

>Guess I hope that queen bitch is as the head of the line for that, eh?
>Maybe miss me with that instead, lel.
Holy shit you are drunk.

I'm high and even I'm more coherent than your stupid drunk ass.

>> No.12653235

Literally any food is good when you're stoned. This is how I know you're 16

>> No.12653262


>> No.12653682

Yeah i don't think a stoner is going to be doing that.

>> No.12653691
File: 431 KB, 556x644, 3AAA8C70-58EA-4E13-8D9D-8B36AF76E98E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i was stoned I wouldn't need this thread to tell me what to do and if I'm sober I'm not gonna put ravioli on a sandwich.

>> No.12653720

>open a can of ravioli
>eat cold ravioli from the can
>muh munchies
>meanwhile kitchen is on fire
>dude lmao
ftfy stonerino

>> No.12653729

Breakfast sandwich.
Omelette, Bacon, Cheddar, Tomato.
Put mayonnaise on the OUTSIDE of the bread and grill the whole thing in a pan.
You will die from how good it is.

>> No.12653950

this sounds really good.
i hope i remember to do this sometime