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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12647415 No.12647415 [Reply] [Original]

I quit cocaine and liqour about 7 months ago, it was one of the hardest things i've ever done but i'm so happy i left that shit behind. I work in he hospitality business and i worked at several nightclubs and to this day i am shocked how normal evereybody in that scene finds drug and alcohol abuse. I worked 60hrs weeks and spent all the money i made on drugs en whisky, and i didn't see the problem...... i saw close friends of mine overdose, or go completely crazy over lines and money.

The hospitality business has such a dark side but nobody seems to know/care about it. 80% of nightlife crew where i worked are on coke or amfets. This realization completely ruined clubbing for me, but this is only a reminder of what will become of me if i ever relapse.

How i stay clean is simple. I made lists: reasons i stopped using; goals i want to have reached in a year; what are my internal triggers (emotions); what are my external triggers (people, places etc.). Every day i wake up and look at these lists. Then i look in the mirror and tell myself "today i wont use, today i wont drink, and today i will stay sober.

Addictions are easy to catch and hard to get rid off. To anyone who is interested in picking up a job in this industry i have one message: sure the job, people and drinking are a lot of fun; but be careful and set boundaries for yourself. It is very easy to get stuck in this world.

pic unrelated

>> No.12647417

This is why I never tip. I am not an ennabler.

>> No.12647441

I've quit all but liquor now.. it's still my vice. I'm 22, hopefully will be off the shit in the next few years. Used to use quite a bit, I've seen how crazy people get, who were good people before hand. Never understood it myself. Maybe that's why I'm recovering and they're still waking up at 6pm

>> No.12647478

What do you do with yourself now that you don't drink? 7pm on a Friday is a very hard trigger for me, even though I know if I go out for drinks it will never never end well

>> No.12647481

Nice blog I hope you get aids from the patients fag

>> No.12647487

Not related to to /ck/ I guess but my ex is a tattoo artist and it's the same shit, coke/drug use is rampant and I'm honestly worried about anyone who's a bit younger who gets into those sort of scenes since it's so normalised. It's pretty fucked how older people in these industries are so happy to get everyone else to their level, especially when their young and want to fit in with the vibe.

>> No.12647489

"Upper 20's" as in early or late twenties?

Because what he's describing sounds more late.

>> No.12647495


25 onward for sure. The hangovers start getting bad 23-24 and by the time you're pushing 26 no one is bothered and everyone has shit they need to do.

>> No.12647616


>> No.12647626
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>6 friends

>> No.12647630


>> No.12647682

I dont know how to identify my internal and external triggers.

>> No.12647688

Breaking news: Poor people abuse drugs and alcohol. More at 11

>> No.12647691

No, you're a stingy old fuckface. You'll use any excuse.

>> No.12647714
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Breaking news:
Rich people only suffer from "exhaustion".
Its true.
No, really.

>> No.12647764


>> No.12647772

Sorry bud I’m based middle class, and we don’t have any problems, other than being super comfy

>> No.12647786

>middle class

So you're poor, in debt and in denial.

>> No.12647795


>> No.12647799

>in debt
Nothing except my mcmansion

>> No.12647820

So you're a liar with no assets.

>> No.12647841

can this work with no fap?

>> No.12647858

Hey nice job man
You should reward yourself with a drink or a rail or two

>> No.12647867

t. junkie degenerate that couldn't get a real job even if he tried

>> No.12647894

>if you’re house isn’t paid off you have no assets

>> No.12647902


That is just the lie that renter scum says to console themselves. Yes, you do owe the mortgage jew, but unless you're a total fucking idiot you have equity and therefore an asset with value.

>> No.12647903

>the absolute state of seething poorfag

>> No.12647949

OP, good thread topic and hopefully will help someone, even though the statistics aren't probably made up on the spot (don't do that). For yourself, I'll add my two cents about your story and motivations as I see them.
I'll tell you why many people use drugs, they are ignoring life for a brief state. Not saving money is one live in the moment urge your parents or peers should have instructed you was wrong. Why do you ignore life and want to pause your thinking and feel numb or euphoric or good for a while? That's the real reason people overindulge or that it becomes a habit. It's an artificial way to ignore problems, ignore goals or feel like someone who wasn't ignoring them.
Anyone that even touches the sort of drugs that are suicidal type drugs has it really bad. Depression to the point to roll your chances at possible death that day or that instant. Meth is stupid tier. It goes nowhere good when it's a habit. It fucks up your teeth and just ewww at anyone who wants hillbilly teeth on purpose, or the good sense that you'll need 150,000 to fix them and who has that kind of money to risk. There is no downtime or normal days whatsoever, no ability to work or drive a car. Dumb people take it even once. Coke, well, there's real ecstasy, but it's all deadly poisoned nowadays (unlike the 80s), and not worth the roulette of risk.
Anyone that overdrinks likely has a inhibition and filter problem while drinking, something genetic their family had before them, if science has that pan out to addictive genes. There's limbic system reward pleasure involved.. There's people who are hyper adhd types self-medicating relaxation the wrong way (same a pot users).. If the lack of stoppage isn't your thing once you start, then think about why you can't stop at 1 or 2 per day. Why? U don't care about your health because you haven't planned for your future yet. Lists are a good start to get to goals, tackle the depression to finish the goals.

>> No.12647967

There are a number of reasons, that drugs are so prevalent in the hospitality sector. one is that the workers tend to be lower income bracket, and that tends to attract drug usage. But I think the biggest is that working in hospitality is shit, customers are shit, bosses in the hospitality sector are shit, and it's really hard to keep smiling when you're dying inside working 60 hours a week.

>> No.12647974

I quit cocaine and only have an occasional drink these days. People are so casual about drugs in food service that you forget how much it fucks with your mind. I work out a lot more now. I try and keep the mindset of “ does this action bring me closer or further from what I want?”. Drugs killed my motivation for anything, my job was just drug money. I am surprised that I even kept it.

>> No.12647981

I entirely stopped eating out. No restaurants offer the kind of food I like, and I'm totally done paying for shit I don't want.

>> No.12647996

>you all work tomorrow

I got fired from my job and at the same time my best friend broke his leg so spectacularly that he won't be working for three months. We both have plenty of savings and don't need to work for a while, so it's time for a three month bender.

>> No.12648009

Also the crushing reality that you are dying inside while lining someone else’s pockets.

>> No.12648022

Not OP but in a similar situation. I've started doing stuff in the morning and slowly turned myself into a morning person. I'm usually in bed by 10, even on weekends now.

>> No.12648031

Genuinely sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy yourselves.

>> No.12648585

based and redpilled

>> No.12648598

No you're a fucking retard that makes things worse because the employers see your dumbass giving their employees money so they reduce their actual pay, fucking moron. It's one of the biggest scams America has created and it spread to other countries but thankfully some countries still have common sense.

>> No.12648609
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Remember to pay with plastic, so servers, earning more per hour than an engineer, can't evade taxes.

>> No.12648613


>Dark side
>Implying everyone doesn't know everyone in hospitality isn't a stoned out of their gourd drunk that constantly takes an upper with their bong rip before work and sells their addy script when the tips are coming up short

Why do you think we don't like tipping you drug-addled, overestimating, overly self-important chucklefucks?

Every waitress I've ever spent time casually seeing was pretty much only good for sex as well. They're always too fucked up to be interesting enough for any sort of meaningful relationship.

>> No.12648772
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"Hospitality industry" doesn't mean what you think it means, anon.

>> No.12648788
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>down to 6 friends
Fucking normalfags and their whining.

>> No.12648806

>due to an allergy thing

>> No.12648814

I cant imagine what it would be like to have that many friends

I have zero and I cant even afford to get myself drunk tonight fuck I wish I was dead

>> No.12650237

God I wish that were me

>> No.12651558
File: 83 KB, 400x400, 6EC39D23-5E56-4835-B513-10F0DD7894D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only retards work in nightclubs, you fucking retard
>start a career retard