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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 500x500, 41UoGpZghyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12644683 No.12644683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

$.05 each. There's literally not one single reason to wash dishes ever again.

>> No.12644692

they're great

>> No.12644699
File: 196 KB, 1431x1080, Dark_Rei_Magician_Ayanami_Girl_(madoka).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I told you that I don't wash dishes and I don't waste money on paper plates

>> No.12644700

fuck them trees

>> No.12644708
File: 294 KB, 1455x1795, 1563260479495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you to suck my dick?

>> No.12644723

Stupid ass, bitch trees!

>> No.12644727

one of the byproducts of having sex is someone washes your dishes for you. You should try it sometime

>> No.12644739
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is that why your mother is in my kitchen

>> No.12644750
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>wanting everything you eat to taste like paper
>paper mashed potatoes
>paper steak
>paper rice
>paper rice paper
>paper stir fry
>paper eggs
>paper bacon
>paper burrito
>paper soup
>paper pasta
>paper mac and mayo
>paper bbq
>paper chips
>paper crisps
>paper fries
>paper croquettes
>paper lobster
>paper jumbalaya
>paper pizza
>paper ice cream
>paper cake
>paper fruit
>paper creme brulee

>> No.12644767
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>using them for food
pleb detected

>> No.12644829

A plate costs less than a dollar. By the end of a month, you've saved money.
You'd have to be paying yourself like $100/hour for just using a regular plate and taking a few seconds to wash it like a normal human being not be the superior choice.

>> No.12644836


>> No.12644853

>paper leeches into your food somehow
or are you eating the plates? you don't eat the plates anon

>> No.12644855

Paper isnt some kind of all consuming creature from space that injects paper flavor in whatever it touches. You should see if you can get that lobotomy reversed.

>> No.12644861

You're leaving out the cost of the soap and water, also washcloths and towels.

>> No.12644864
File: 260 KB, 693x413, 1561055653823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wash paper plates for re-use

>> No.12644866

>what is water
>what is soap
>what is a dishrag
apparently you think these things are free

>> No.12644875

no but those ones shown do absorb any sauce or liquid, stealing flavor and partial texture from whom ever uses them. The better ones are the ones coated in wax or whatever it is. Styrofoam is worst because hot food melts the styrofoam into the food and tastes really bad.

>> No.12644877

Figures you americans wouldn't know subtly. Paper plates are absolute cancer and ruin everything if you had any taste buds.

>> No.12644884
File: 31 KB, 300x200, dog-licks-dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a dog, never wash another dish. Also, the dog loves you and appreciates your company.

>> No.12644901

>indirect kiss

>> No.12644916

Stay classy /ck/.

>> No.12644945


>> No.12644946

I rinse off and reuse paper plates. Sometimes I use the same plate for months.

>> No.12644949

It works the other way. Why the fuck do you think paper towels exist?

>> No.12644954

i remember my geography teacher telling the class that this is what niggers do

>> No.12644967


>> No.12645171

I get that you're disgusting NEETs who never bathe and so you perceive the concept of "soap and water" as having some overpowering mystical aura, but a big bottle of Ajax is less than $10 a month, and you're going to need soap and water to wash your pots, knives, cutting board, etc anyway.

>> No.12645180

>not reusing the same pot over and over
nigga do you even know how to cook? that shit seasons the pan so well and imparts better flavors on the next meal

>> No.12645199

no bottle of ajax costs me zero dollars a month though

an economic argument will never succeed because I have already discovered the cheapest methods in all areas.

>> No.12645210

Pot ash is free and you save even more money by not having to throw your ashes away after a fire

>> No.12645217

As I said
>I get that you're disgusting NEETs who never bathe and so you perceive the concept of "soap and water" as having some overpowering mystical aura
When you are ready to join the rest of humanity and start washing your dishes, wiping your ass, changing your underwear and so on, we will be waiting.

>> No.12645251
File: 561 KB, 1500x1125, kool-aid-man-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Dogs deserve to be abused fuck a Dog. they are satans children!

>> No.12645266

thanks for your contributions to this thread chang

>> No.12645277

You're overestimating it's way lower than that

>> No.12645279
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images(25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dumbass is seriously defending paper plates over dishware.

Do you live in a trailer?

>> No.12645285

I kicked my dog in the head today haha

>> No.12645292

that's mr.chong to you

>> No.12645307
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-07-16-18-01-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like .013

>> No.12645335

>this cuck actually likes wasting his time having to clean plates after every meal

>> No.12645348

Nobody likes cleaning plates. We do it because we dislike the trashiness of paper plates even more than we hate doing dishes.

>> No.12645366

well la de da mister hollywood. who are you trying to impress at every meal?

>> No.12645377
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>> No.12645378

Ive seen black people eat every meal without napkins or plates at all, ever go to a niggas house notice how everything is dirty and greasy, sometimes you can see handprints on the walls and they are all yellow and smeared? that's chicken grease they use the walls as napkins and their PlayStation controls as grease absorbers.

>> No.12645380

>>12645366 #

stop eating every meal like a fucking goblin on a soggy paper plate and wash a goddamn dish

>> No.12645391 [DELETED] 

why would i willingly go to a nigger's house

>> No.12645438

Ever since I moved out from my moms, all my dishes and cutlery are disposable.

Except my grilling utensils and a few steak knives, I go through 1 dollar store dawn bottle a year maybe.

>> No.12645450

Based and redpilled

>> No.12645486

Do you dress yourself in rags too because its cheaper? Do you not own a car and ride a bike everywhere like some dui bum? Do you steal from stores because its better than spending money?

Have some class you faggot and buy some dishes.

>> No.12645498

get a load of this wagecuck lmao

>> No.12645506

Too much waste.

>> No.12645509

Do you mean potash?

>> No.12645534

They'll plant more. Do you say "fuck them potatoes" when you eat potatoes? Trust me, we won't run out of trees used to make paper.

They fucking suck to eat off of, unless I'm at a picnic. Try cutting into a 16oz strip steak with nothing but a paper plate.

>> No.12645545

why are you cutting it? just use your hands

>> No.12645548

I use paper for most things, but I have hard plastic disposable plates for stuff like steak.

Never use foam, foam is shit.

>> No.12645549

potash is made from pot ash. You can use ashes to wash things

>> No.12645657
File: 97 KB, 720x687, questits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why don't I just use potash

>> No.12645697

Yes there is. The paper gets hot and sticks to my table. Horrible mess that's more of a hassle than washing real dishware.

>> No.12645711

I live alone so I can use the same shit every day for years without washing.

>> No.12645719

Dogs stink worse than NEETs, and you can't fuck a dog.

>> No.12645723


>> No.12645885

>You can't fuck a dog
the internet tells me otherwise

>> No.12645925

It's often illegal. Man ass is totally allowed where you're likely from. It's not hard to find a boi into pup play if you want to pretend you're fucking a dog.

>> No.12645932

I'll just move to Canada, thanks.

>> No.12646076


>> No.12646084

I've seen thrift shops that have sets of plates for like 2 dollars assuming you live alone what the fuck is your excuse? Are you really that lazy?

>> No.12646096


>> No.12646169
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he can't possibly come back from this

>> No.12646189
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1524449203184s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT Poorfags who can't afford a dishwasher, let alone have the IQ to use one
>tfw no shitty soggy plates absorbing my liquids
>tfw can hold plate with one hand without it bending and spilling shit everywhere
>tfw Don't have to spend time picking up paper plates from the store like some wagie
>tfw eating off an elegantly designed piece of porcelain

>> No.12646243

water pollution by washing dishes is bigger damage to the enviroment

>> No.12646286

>live in first world country
> have clean water from the tap I use to wash my dishes
>water gets treated and is usable again
>civiled country has regulations to prevent pollution and preserve my country's beauty

>live in third world country
>finish eating monkey and wash plate
>no plumbing let alone sewage treatment
>dump water in rivers
>surround by rivers of shit
>use more water then washing and wait 15 years to grow a tree for paper plates

>> No.12646301

How about self-respect?

>> No.12646370

Try eating a curry dish on a paper plate. It doesn't end well. Most liquidy dishes make paper plates fail immediately.

>> No.12646583

found the Jew

>> No.12646647
File: 322 KB, 1456x970, seasoned pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh seasoning

>> No.12646676

ceramic plate: $1
>one time investment
>doesn't create needless waste
>can be put in a hot oven to reheat or cook food
>completely waterproof, won't disintegrate mid-meal
>doesn't bend with heavy food on top
>resistant to even the sharpest steak knives, won't be cut apart during a meal
>can invite dinner guests over without embarrassment
i guess none of these things are a huge concern though when you live alone and only eat pb&j sandwiches

>> No.12646678

to save 5 cents every time i eat. adds up my dude

>> No.12646741

>one time investment
*slips out of your hands and somehow shatters from falling two inches on to the counter*

>> No.12646854
File: 109 KB, 720x569, 1562624364042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true bachelor chads use the palm of their hand or napkins they stuffed in their pack from the restaurant next door rather than sullying dishes or wasting money on garbage in the shape of a plate

>> No.12646879

career ended

>> No.12646882
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>you don't eat the plates anon
lmao get a load of this retard

>> No.12646940
File: 40 KB, 768x768, anime girl hand signing the actual numbers of holocaust victims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put paper plates as a cover on my real plate

>solves structural problems
>solves cleaning up

Paper plates are basically food underwear.

>> No.12646955


>> No.12647019
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 1562072327760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have to do him like that but you did

>> No.12647055
File: 3.06 MB, 480x360, irishman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute animal.

>> No.12647087

Plates are the easiest dish to clean, though.
It's the big shit, pots that you boil in, mixing bowls where you stir shit together, food processor units, etc. that's a pain in the ass to clean, and there's no disposable alternatives.

>> No.12647107
File: 329 KB, 500x500, BGEE_Bandit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I kicked him in the head till he was dead haha

>> No.12647108

what the hell is that filename

>> No.12647111

Why'd you have to point that out now I'm trying to figure it out too

>> No.12647280

to be fair most liquid dishes go in bowls...

>> No.12647299

I find washing my crockery by hand quite satisfying.
Why would I deprive myself of that?

>> No.12647315

>water isnt free

>> No.12647369
File: 95 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't fuck a dog

>> No.12647388

tell that to white women lmaoooooooo

>> No.12647409

I know where to get 1,000 for $20, so that's 2 cents per plate. The water, soap, labor, and occasional replacement dishes might end up being worth more than that, but not by much. Water is less than a penny per gallon here and a little soap goes a long way. You can always let your shit air-dry if it's just you.

The problem is that paper plates are the cheapest part of your dinner set. Paper bowls and plastic utensils cost more per item, and all of your cooking tools will still need to be washed. The same soapy water could be used to clean one plate at only the cost of a few seconds of labor.
If you're making something annoying to clean off the plate this could still make sense.