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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 680x367, Applegate-Lunch-Boxes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12642722 No.12642722 [Reply] [Original]

What do you pack your kids for lunch?

>> No.12642725


>loving your kids
>sending them to government schools

pick one, and only one.

>> No.12642746

Great contribution.

>> No.12642747

Why would I have kids? They're ugly little sodomites, cast the porcine little shits into the gulf.

>> No.12642758

Only shithole countries and Norgay make you pack your kids lunch.

>> No.12642761

How the hell is Africa going to make kids pack their lunch? Here's a bag, fill it with nothing little faggot.

>> No.12642775

>Africa is a country

>> No.12642777

Africa is full of countries, dum dum.

>> No.12642787

I see you partook in plenty of sodomy when you were a little porcine shit, too bad you didn't get thrown into the gulf. I do hope that your fissures have healed by now though.

>> No.12642790

>i don't know these words so i can only copy you
Here, I'll post for you specifically: faggot shit fuck faggot faggot shit

>> No.12642791

give them 20 bucks to go the mcdonalds

>> No.12642794

pick one

>> No.12642795


>> No.12642798

Two Vegemite sandwiches and a mini pack of chips.

>> No.12643010
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>has kids

Yeah, sure. I miss Capri Sun

>> No.12643014

Doritos and Mountain Dew

>> No.12643030

A glock

>> No.12643035

Peanut butter, cheezits, an apple and a juice box. Every day.

>> No.12643057

mcdonalds and KFC

>> No.12643066

Typical lunches are some kind of sandwich, his favorite is tuna, but I don't want him getting too much mercury, so I only pack it once or twice a week. Other sandwiches include roasted turkey, lettuce, tomato, and mustard, and almond butter or sunflower seed butter with homemade jam. Then, he also gets either vegetable sticks or baked chips (I alternate), some kind of fruit ( depending on what we have), and either a can/bottle of V8 (his favorite) or money to buy milk. They also have a cold water dispenser in their cafeteria that he gets cups from at lunch.

>> No.12643074

Awwe. You sound like a good parent. Can I have a hug? :)

>> No.12643081

*gives big hug* sure thing, anon!

>> No.12643093
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Do you know how to make liver and onions? My mom died when I was young and she cooked that for me all the time.

>> No.12643098


>> No.12643101

Yeah, I do. Learned that from my mom. Sorry about your mom, anon. I'd make you some liver and onions to cheer you up.

>> No.12643106

wtf is this shit nigger just make them a sandwich

>> No.12643112

Fuck off carnist. Children are meant to be raised vegan.

>> No.12643251


>> No.12643255

Children are meant to be raised WELL, which means no mentally ill veganism around them.

>> No.12643257

Children being fed a vegan diet are being neglected they should be taken off their abusers and given a home where people actually care about their health.

>> No.12643587

>tfw mommy didn't love me enough to make me a lunch
>or any other food
>i subsisted on canned things and frozen tv dinners i could make myself until i could use a stove and make more complex stuff like ramen and rice
>soy sauce for the rice was a rare treat, if there were any packets floating in the cupboards from leftovers from takeout
>still fond of shitty white rice with soy sauce to this day as a comfort food
feels bad man.

>> No.12643595

Generally a sandwich (some meat, cheese), fruit, juice, some type of cracker, cheese stick, and yogurt or applesauce.

>> No.12644291

3 slice whole wheat sandwich
Piece of fruit
Milk box

>> No.12645056
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>> No.12645067

>faggot shit fuck faggot faggot shit
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12645084

Ma used to pack me a thermos of Chef Boyardee ravioli, an orange, and a can of Coke.

>> No.12645085

imagine hating your kids so much you'd force them to eat public school cafeteria food

>> No.12645094
File: 130 KB, 640x640, 1553963810082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's a bag, fill it with nothing little faggot.

>> No.12645134

What the fuck is wrong with you OP? I don't eat my kids.

>> No.12645176
File: 226 KB, 1200x513, US_$5_series_2003A_obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give them cash so they can buy the best parts out of other kids lunches

>> No.12645287

I used to do this all the time because I missed the first day of school where they taught the lunch line. I didn't know how it worked ( pretty much everyone had free lunch tickets except me ). Used to pay to get those pizza pockets. Mmm

>> No.12645299

I'm not a parent but I'd pack my kid a whole wheat peanut butter sandwich, one of those premiere protein things to drink, a bottle of water, and either fruit or a light treat like a rice crispy treat.

>> No.12645412


I have an event with my sister, her husband, their kids and while I have pretty good ideas for snacks / drinks, I'm looking for something nutritious and good tasting.

RN, I'm going for grilled chicken breast cut in strippes, bacon, veggies and ranch sauce burrito and chicken with mango guacamole and salsa burrito.

Yay / Nay / or am I making this too complicated for nothing?

>> No.12645430

Feed them berries. Just make sure they CHEW them! Haha! Or they'll choke.

>> No.12645434

You were a kid once too

>> No.12645442
File: 36 KB, 345x345, 1476155364000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your 4'11 malnourished teenager.

>> No.12645597
File: 213 KB, 764x468, Wait what.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12645605

its a little kid they dont need a 700 calorie burrito for lunch anon

>> No.12645652

t. Dept of Education

>> No.12645750

They got parents? And I don't plan to forcefeed them a whole burrito each either.

>> No.12646085


>> No.12646117

Is 26 and fucked too old and experienced to be here?

>> No.12646120

My son's school doesn't allow the kids to bring PB&J due to peanut allergies. Usually he has a dry turkey and cheese sandwich on a pita or tortilla, an apple or a handful of grapes, carrot sticks or those veggie puff things. Sometimes a couple tootsie rolls or starburst.

>> No.12646127

I don't think that ranch and mango go together, no. I also think that cali avocado bacon chicken shit is overrated. I appreciate your honest response though, gonna pop my fox tail in now.

>> No.12646128

Just cover the kid's clothes/belonging in peanut powder. Let natural selection weed out the genetic defects in the school so they don't teach your son that it's ok to be a failure.

>> No.12646135

Peanut powder is so much better in calories though, just add water. So many uses.

>> No.12646141

It really is good stuff

>> No.12646341

Vegan babies always die, always. They need milk and if not that formula.

>> No.12646352
