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File: 27 KB, 340x606, 1544776158537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12642565 No.12642565 [Reply] [Original]

why are you still taking in caffeine by drinking disgusting black sludge like a caveman?

>> No.12642572

These go in the butt

>> No.12642576

Coffee tastes good, doesn’t have any weird additives like pills do and has extra health benefits over pure caffeine

>> No.12642589

>disgusting black sludge
t. bought a can of Folgers once
also, joke's on you, I drink tea

>> No.12642595
File: 20 KB, 355x355, Jet-Alert-caffeine-200mg_per_caplet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're so stupid as to be addicted to caffeine then just pop a pep pill, why bother with the starbucks pretentious coffee bullshit? You people that stand in line for that starbucks crap look like and are total suckers.

>> No.12642597

fine, disgusting leafy sewage

>> No.12642604

Caffeine addicts should be gassed

>> No.12642617

i once toook 36 of these in one go.

>> No.12642749

you can fuck up and literally die with this shit

>> No.12642762

I take one 100mg a day, it doesn't feel effective as drinking coffee even if its around the same dosage

I usually drink a cup of tea with it, since it mellows out the caffeine and makes it last longer

>> No.12643038

that's just retarded. you're approaching a lethal dose

>> No.12643084

36 x 100mg = 3.6grams, nowhere near a lethal dose.

>> No.12643120

the can says 200mg per tab. so, 7.2 grams. for most adults lethal dose equates to around 10 grams of caffeine. how is that "nowhere near a lethal dose"? anything over safe limit of 400g is already asking for consequences.

>> No.12643132

ah, well the ones i took were 100mg, so it was 3.6 grams.
lethal dose is around 10 grams.
nowhere near.

>> No.12643165

still I'd steer clear of going anywhere over 0.5g because it's simply an overdose. you might not die instantly but could get poisoning from as little as 1g.
>While intake levels below 400mg per day are generally thought to be safe in healthy adults, individuals encountered in a clinical toxicology setting are likely to have ingested much larger, gram quantities [[26], [27], [28]]. In cases of overdose, often intentional but sometimes undetermined and unintentional, at least 5g or more (i.e., often around 10g but up to 50g) have been ingested leading to fatalities particularly if the individuals are not treated in time or at all. However, doses up to 50g have also been treated successfully otherwise [29,30]. Some have indicated that after a dose of around 1g, toxic symptoms begin to manifest, a dose of 2g requires hospitalization, while higher doses (e.g., typically 5g or more) could be lethal [27,28,31]. However, some have determined that as little as 3g could be lethal under certain circumstances [28,31,32]. One case describes rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure in a male who ingested approximately 3.6g of caffein

>> No.12643184

lmao, caffeinelets

>> No.12643198

>drinking coffee for the caffeine

meth exists bro

>> No.12643209

This. As an actual coffee appreciator I can't help but cringe at being lumped in with caffeine cucks. I savour an elixir, they consume a stimulant.

>> No.12643213

You're addicted and have built an unnecessary tolerance and a dangerous lifestyle to boot.

>> No.12643215

For me, it's the mccocaine.

>> No.12643219

Worldwide caffeine addiction, why would any planet be this stupid?

>> No.12643225

>look at me I'm super smart for not consuming caffeine

>> No.12643273

It's not so much that, it's the hypocrasy of the caffeine / coffee crowd that thinks it ok to consume that but something such as smoking a joint is so bad, like it would cause earthquakes or volcanos or something. It's retard level hypocracy.

>> No.12643281

OMG if I smoke a joint I'll turn into a axe murdering sex maniac fiend like from Reefer Madness but coffee is ok. They just don't realize their level of stupidity.

>> No.12643287

>weed causes earthquakes lmao
If you're going to make an argument then at least try not to pick such a stupid one.

>> No.12643288

Getting rid of stupid laws is difficult to say the least especially when there are multiple industries based around them.

>> No.12643291

One has to start somewhere so why not pick the low hanging fruit so to speak?

>> No.12643317

>doesn't have any weird additives like pills
soiboi detected. Obviously you have no idea how to read a label because if you did, you would know that these pills are formed with dextrose and calcium.
If we're talking about "extra stuff" now, let's have a talk about how horrible roasted coffee beans are for you

>> No.12643354

>literally no one mentions weed
>"we live in a society where coffee is ok but smoking weed is bad! stoners rise up! 420 69 blaze it"
t. butthurt stoner

>> No.12643392

>being this retarded
Weed is psychoactive, bordering psychedelic, in a way nowhere close to coffee.

>> No.12643395

weed is also gay as hell

>> No.12643860

You're insufferable. I bet your family thinks so too