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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12637598 No.12637598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Soul food is pretty good. I mean, how can you go wrong with fried chicken and mashed potatoes covered in gravy made from meat juices.

>> No.12637605

Are you one person making a “soul food” thread every day or are there several of you?

>> No.12637608

This is my first bread on ck in 9 days.

>> No.12637620

got news for you, neither fried chicken or mashed potatoes are authentic, classic soul food.
soul food is s
pecifically scraps, offal and other undesirable foods.

>> No.12637630

Cuisines evolve.

>> No.12637646

hey man you should come to my house for authentic mongolian barbecue
tonight is spaghetti and meatballs
mongolian barbecue sure has come a long way, whooeee

>> No.12637695
File: 84 KB, 334x500, 1c52f7c2993d06b35dacc15b7910db3c-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*slavic soul food

>> No.12637700

Why are all these women doing that tongue thing nowadays?

>> No.12637738

Fried catfish, greens, mac and cheese, candied yams, cornbread, and sweet potato pie is heaven.

>> No.12637741

They are imitating hentai faces which is known as "aheago"

>> No.12637742

>mac and cheese is soul food.
>cornbread is soul food.

>> No.12637743

To show they don't have cancer or mouth herpes. Come git some dis, boyeeee!

>> No.12637750

because incels are so fucking delusional they think thats why women look like after getting fucked because of their animes, and these whore roastie cunts think thats how you appeal to incels to attract more beta orbiters.

>> No.12637753

Good summary

>> No.12637814

No, you're describing slave food. After they were freed they they ate and lived the same as southern whitetrash.

>> No.12637842

soul food is just slave food dude

>> No.12637857

>posting what OP presumes to be an attractive person related to soul food in order to try to get anons to make the correlation that if they eat soul food one of these things will presumably start liking them
Oh no no no no no

>> No.12637981

What the fuck? No, soul food is just southern comfort food.

>> No.12638276

Your race will disappear. Stay high IQ irrelevant for big pic faggot.

>> No.12638301

why is it called soul food when blacks don't have souls?

>> No.12638306

>Soul food is pretty good

Soul food is nothing more than appropriated & stolen carribean & latin recipies that have existed for hundreds of years before Blacks tried to claim it as their own.

Soul food is not a black invention you ignorant racistst white faggots. It's nothing more than just stolen Latin cuisines.

>> No.12638324

soulful post

>> No.12638325
File: 121 KB, 750x563, Cultural Appropriation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soul food is nothing more than appropriated & stolen carribean & latin recipies that have existed for hundreds of years before Blacks tried to claim it as their own.
Why do your American blacks have to steal everything & try to claim it as their own?

>> No.12638340

You guys have lost touch with reality. I've never even heard of that, I know loads of girls who do this shit all the time and I'm certain most of them haven't either. They're literally just being whimsical.

>> No.12638349

I want to lick her soulbootyhole

>> No.12638351

It's all fried stuff with tons of spices and sugar added. Of course it's delicious.

>> No.12638353

>latin cuisines

I thought it was native americans? also soul food is a mix of both native american cuisine and white cuisine. for example fried chicken, mac n cheese, biscuits, and mashed potatoes and gravy come from whites. whereas barbaque and bbq sauce aswell as cornbread and many other domesticated vegetables come from the natives.

>> No.12638355

This. I always laugh at white people when they think "soul food" is some black invention when we've been literally making that shit for a 1000 years.

>> No.12638360

American blacks invented* everything, famforeigner.

* = steals

>> No.12638378

Native American and African cuisine influenced it as well. The people saying otherwise are idiots. They eat a lot of beans, rice, plantains, etc. in Africa too. To say that they stole latinos cuisine is fucking retarded when they aren't much a like.

>> No.12638391
File: 43 KB, 1024x538, Cultural Appropriation .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do your American blacks have to steal everything & try to claim it as their own?

That's a very good question

>> No.12638398

American BBQ is unique and was invented by blacks. Spics btfo!

>> No.12638504
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1557263857305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme fetish from anime and its pure retardation, if anybody ever made that face and crossed their eyes during sex i'd stop because i'd think they were having a stroke or brain aneurysm. I can't wait till we cycle past this cultural genre, we've already been in it to long but i feel its just getting started. Even scarier is what could possibly come next? Does it get even more plastic or does it get darker and sink into a techno goth world

>> No.12638519

>American BBQ is unique and was invented by blacks. Spics btfo!
Are you niggers really this brainwashed by white people? Do you really think you invented everything?

>> No.12638531

no, what you're experiencing is called "meme" one or two people do something for a reason and their friends copy it then it spreads like a contagion almost as if its gone "viral" then all the sudden people all around the world are making a stupid face and they don't even know why.

>> No.12638540

>invented by blacks
then how come 0% of people in africa cook american bbq