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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12637582 No.12637582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12637588

C or E depending on mood

>> No.12637589


>> No.12637603

D is for true patricians.

>> No.12637611
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d occasionally c
>pic related

>> No.12637619

E or D

>> No.12637621


>> No.12637642

usually f, c or d if I'm not feeling coffee but still need caffeine, a or b if the coffee sucks

>> No.12637652

F or D depending on what I feel like.

>> No.12637654


>> No.12637659

Usually B/C using skim milk, 'cause I don't have a way to make great coffee at work, so I'm using freeze-dried instant, which is sorta okay with plenty of milk.

F if I can get my hands on excellent coffee. Drinking mediocre/bad coffee black is a misunderstanding.

>> No.12637672
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>> No.12637684

F, I know how to make coffee

>> No.12637702

D or E

>> No.12637703

E with no sugar

>> No.12637704

F, caffeine doesn't affect me so I only drink coffee for the taste

>> No.12637706

Black, like my men.

>> No.12637708

>no crema

>> No.12637720

Only cream

>> No.12637725
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C right now because I'm on keto and I've pumped it with heavy cream. F usually though.

>that first sip of the morning

>> No.12637745

If it's good coffee that I made myself or from some fancy third wave coffee shop than F but I only drink that once or twice a month.

The worse the coffee is the more milk and sugar I may add. I try to not add it because I try not to consume sugar or milk if I can but a lot of coffee is so fucking bad. Especially the free coffee in the break room at work. I guess I probably make that a C.

>> No.12637821
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>he didnt pick a-

>> No.12637834

Pretty sure this thread was intended for people who like coffee.

>> No.12637849
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i like coffee though

>> No.12637854

A, B, E, or F
Some days I crave a shot of espresso or some black coffee, other days I like a caffe mocha or latte

>> No.12637886
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>> No.12637903

Best answer.

>> No.12637920

A is basically just coffee-flavoured milk

>> No.12637922

F only. if i want coffee with milk ill have something interesting like a cappuccino, but there's no need for it in regular black coffee

>> No.12637961

B, D or F, it depends on what I want at that particular moment because I'm a grown man that doesn't need to fill the void in its personality with inane stuff like his taste for coffee.

>> No.12637973


>> No.12637978

D E F depending on mood.

>> No.12637990

>implying your pic is not A-E

>> No.12638001

kek, this

>> No.12638045

depending on mood, a b or f

>> No.12638048
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>> No.12638060

B-D depending on how aware I am when I'm pouring in the creme.

>> No.12638063

Fuck off

>> No.12638119

F with sugar most of the time.
Sometimes I go with D, but I always fuck up and put too much milk so I end up with C.

>> No.12638268

Mainly, F. I fucking love black coffee. But, occasionally, I'll go the opposite way and go full B.

>> No.12638307

None of these since Im neither a boomerfag with no taste nor a millenial hipster, so I actually own an espresso machine...
That being said if Im somewhere where people dont have espresso, Ill take it as black as a rubber tire necklaced bantu.

>> No.12638314

Properly prepared F or D/C if it's store bought, pre-ground, Mr. Coffee maker coffee.

>> No.12638653

A, B or F depending if I want it with milk or not

>> No.12638659

A or B. Always lattes

>> No.12638670

F. i like liquid diabetes in extravagant starbucks frappucinos and shit, but just simple coffee-cream-sugar doesn’t taste right to me.

>> No.12638718


>> No.12638736


>> No.12638757

Starts looking like D then ends up looking like F. I add cream at first but then I freshen up with more coffee and it gets blacker and blacker till the pot is empty.

>> No.12638774

C or E

>> No.12638783

Stated drinking F recently, don't know why it took me so long to warm up to coffee this way. If it's even half decent quality coffee then it won't be disgustingly bitter and really doesn't need the addition of any sugar or cream to lighten the boldness. I'm also a big winefag so that plays into my recent decision to start drinking coffee without adding anything to it

>> No.12638784


>> No.12638785

F or C depending on my mood.

>> No.12639128

Well what?
Are you so caffinated up on your stupid coffee that you can't formulate a proper question?

>> No.12639144
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B/C. Smokey beans + half & half is god tier.

>> No.12639147


>> No.12639150

B or C.

>> No.12639153

I just like the kick of the coffee.

>> No.12639154

Not even. That's what my girlfriend drinks and there's barely any coffee in there. Might as well just be drinking straight creamer.

>> No.12639160
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>> No.12639163

I don't drink coffee because it tastes bad

>> No.12639171

I wish I had enough freedom to be this american tbqh

>> No.12639215

I drink it and it tastes great.

>> No.12639484
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I drink milk.

>> No.12639487

I just put caffeine powder in milk.

>> No.12639496


>> No.12639561

it's ok, I'm not judgemental of kiddie palates

>> No.12639569

What are you implying with that image?

>> No.12639572

the thumbnail looks like a glass of milk.

>> No.12639746

A middleground between A and B

>> No.12639764

E. Just enough cream to stop the coffee from staining my teeth

>> No.12639788

C and/or D depending on the day

>> No.12639802

F for hot, B for cold

>> No.12639810

Is there anything more wishy washy than E?

>> No.12639823

None they all look ill

>> No.12639846

I drink D or E depending on how shaky my hands are. I make a cup of A for my son on the weekends because he wants to drink coffee and read with me. I love being a dad.

>> No.12639893

Somewhere between E and F cause sometimes my coffee is more red than black

>> No.12640023

Respects paid.

>> No.12640062


>> No.12640073


>> No.12640084
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>ever going A

>> No.12640111

I like B. I used to drink black coffee when I was in college, but the experience of a warm cup with cream and sugar is so much more pleasant.

Just assume everyone here that drinks it black is lying and/or suffering because they want to look cool for the internet.

>> No.12640136

C or F depends.
Sometimes I just put a little water to cool it down or milk.

>> No.12640138

I'm gonna assume you're insecure about your kiddie palate.

>> No.12640144

>black coffee is soy
you pissbottlers really need to be less brazen with this 'stop liking what I dislike" shit

>> No.12640149

A-F, they're all nice depending on the mood/occasion. Never sugar though, I don't think it mixes well with the flavor of coffee regardless of quality.

>> No.12640163

I'll take it black, like my girls.

>> No.12640177

It's just projection. Numales/soyboys are by definition childish and children are imto sweet stuff and put off by string or bitter-leaning flavors. Basically it's just a "n-no u!!" by these types.

>> No.12640181

F. I used to do C or D but I just don't like milk anymore. Now I only drink black coffees or americanos, maybe an espresso after a meal. For a real treat I'll have a moka pot Cuban coffee with brown sugar.

You're free to drink your coffee however you want, I don't care. I just like it black.

>> No.12640182
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50/50 coffee/milk

>> No.12640190

F because I care about my dental health.

>> No.12640200


>> No.12640206

Coffee is famously teeth-staining (and acidic) anon.

>> No.12640216

E or F, usually with ice and occasionally a little sugar

Anything below that is an occasional treat or for women and children

>> No.12640217

Stained teeth are still healthy. Cavity-ridden teeth are not.

>> No.12640223

Eroded teeth aren’t healthy, you’re not getting cavities from cream in your coffee. Do you ever brush?

>> No.12640267

People with their taste buds intact drink tea. Black.

>> No.12640311

F Espresso only. At least double, sometimes triple.

>> No.12640316

>moka pot Cuban coffee with brown sugar.

I like your style

>> No.12640347

F if it's good black. If it's not good then I'll turn it into E or D.

>> No.12640407

A or B but it's cold brew so I have to dillute it with the milk. I like E for hot coffet

>> No.12640411

F or A, depending on if I feel like reaching in the fridge for the half and half

I pour enough that it swirls up to the top and turns the coffee lighter without needing stirred

>> No.12640441


>> No.12640459

C sometimes D

>> No.12640465

F if just coffee
D if mixing in bailey's or kahlua

>> No.12640511

>I make a cup of A for my son on the weekends because he wants to drink coffee and read with me.

You sound like a cool dad.

>> No.12640539
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>everyone chooses a shade of brown
>no one chooses the true patrician's coffee

And you call yourselves "coffee drinkers".

>> No.12640544
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mine turns yellowish i dont know why, it's really offputting so i just drink less

>> No.12640587

>I actually own an espresso machine
what do you have?
can you do a mini review?
just wondering because i want to buy one
~$1k price range

>> No.12640597

just the opposite tbhfam

>> No.12640598
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This is correct, you go lighter only if the beans suck or you don't want something too acidic.

>> No.12640601

F or you're a pussy

>> No.12640630

F for me
>Coffee, black
>Medium or Light roast depending on mood

>> No.12640639

f-c depends on how I'm feeling plus what bean

>> No.12640643

F on the regular. Occasionally, I'll take it to C with milk and honey or sugar when I want something sweet.

>> No.12641053

All I see is one nice cup of coffee and five cups of animal cruelty. How is this even a question?

>> No.12641094

b b cause i dont like bitter coffee but lactose INTOLERANT @!!!!

>> No.12641201

Depends on the day, usually C but sometimes B. Cold brew I drink with no creamers

>> No.12641329

F, I always prefer drinking a good filter coffee black.

If I'm craving milk then it's a flat white

>> No.12641345

F but iced

>> No.12641541

F if I'm drinking actual coffee, D or E if I have to resort to the instant crystal crap.

>> No.12641589

How? What the fuck?
Are you pissing in your coffee lad? How does drinking less help?

>> No.12641596

What? You got that backwards fag. Real men drink their coffee black.

>> No.12641624


>> No.12641678

I take mine mixed with cinnamon milk and butter

>> No.12641692

I've been drinking my coffee black for so long, I get physically nauseous when I have sugar or cream in it.

>> No.12641727

You can get a decent single boiler machine for the 1k range, but you will need an appropriate grinder to go with it.
A 1k budget for both is possible, but I would highly recommend saving up a bit more.
A single boiler machine also makes more challenging to do multiple shots in a row/any milk based drinks. If you mostly drink straight espresso you'll be fine, but for anything else I would look at an h/x machine, which will cost more money.

>> No.12642094

i used my friends french press. why's the coffee taste like bitter dirt? is it an acquired taste?

>> No.12642234


>> No.12642237

The way I like my women, I just want one to love me for who I am.

>> No.12642244

E is for little bitches who can't go F

>> No.12642246

This guy Fs.

>> No.12642263

no I go D or C
I'm just pointing out that E is so close to F that there's really no reason to not go the whole way

>> No.12642265

Fucking shut up you goddamned killjoy nobody here cares about you as an individual.

>> No.12642273

Moods are for women and cattle, which are you?

>> No.12642284

you need to be 18 to use this site

>> No.12642312

So what's your excuse?

>> No.12642360


>> No.12642370

A or F, no in between
I don't like coffee, but I'll make A in the winter because it's better than hot chocolate and I'll make F because the rich "bitterness" contrasts excellently against something sweet like crumb cake. like I said though, I don't really like coffee. I probably haven't had any in five or six months.

>> No.12642392

same usually
if I want to down it right away I'll add milk though

>> No.12642398

Usually C, sometimes B. What is the point of E?

>> No.12642673

>Boss whines about his coffee being cold practically 2 minutes after he poured himself a cup
Hot, warm, lukewarm or ice cold. I enjoy coffee no matter what temperature it has.

>> No.12642955

soys drink it black as an analog for masculinity.
a real man doesnt give a fuck whats in his coffee.

>> No.12642972

C or F is top tier

>> No.12643058

D, sometimes F. C if I accidentally pour in a little too much milk, E if I pour in too little (E is much worse than either D or F.)

>> No.12643069
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>F if it's some gourmet shit
D or C if I'm drinking cheaper koffie that is just nasty when drinking it without sugar and cream.

>> No.12643088

F if I'm working, C or D if I have time to spare

>> No.12643094

About one third of the way between F and E. I add two to five drops of milk. Usually three.

>> No.12643097

either A or F

>> No.12643127

Real men do as they please without catering to a standard. Children follow codes of conduct. Bragging about drinking black coffee is about as manly as geeking out about scenes from the new die hard

>> No.12643152

F in the mornings, E-A in the afternoons

>> No.12643433

A and i won't apologize.

>> No.12643440

I’m an F man myself.
But does anyone ever get the craving for A? it’s so fucking good sometimes.

>> No.12643451
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>> No.12643464

Why did you feel it appropriate to post an image of a trilby, anon?

>> No.12643466

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12643479

/ck/ ----------------------------------------->reddit

I made is extra special for you. Don' t loose your way!

>> No.12643483

D, E and F.

>> No.12643484
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People like you suck
>Dont shit on fedora, guy.

>> No.12643491

>implies fedora
>posts incorrect headwear
Classic newfag.

>> No.12643494

Black coffee is soy, not neckbeard. Get your shit together.

>> No.12643512

The irony of you telling someone to go back to plebbit is palpable.

>> No.12643534

C or F depending. I don't put creamer though just regular powdered milk and cinnamon. I hate coffee elitist faggots

>> No.12643634

Muricans? Coffee? Fuck son, don't make me laugh.

>> No.12643680


I put whole cream in it

>> No.12643769


>> No.12644059

unironically A

>> No.12644162

w-w-will 9.2k hold

>> No.12644201
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Starbucks makes some of the best coffee in the world, that's why it's so popular worldwide. Right now I'm a big fan of the Jelly Frappuccino And Mousse Foam Caramel Macchiato

>> No.12644230
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>stop loss: none

>> No.12644233

Either A or F depending on my mood.
I only like going both extremes.

>> No.12644241


>> No.12644371

F unless I'm getting a capuccino

>> No.12644373

I go no higher than C unless I'm having a latte.

>> No.12644586
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>> No.12644594

None of the above. It's pure coffee, but as a nordic roast it's far from appearing black, more of a deep reddish tea like color.

>> No.12644609

Cause sometimes you just want a little bit to mellow it out without diluting it too much.

>> No.12645967

I don't drink coffee because I don't pretend to like things I don't like.

>> No.12646048

If I put anything in it, I'm insulting whoever brewed it

>> No.12646064

Milk usually ruins a good coffee. Ironically it also saves an already ruined coffee (cold, too thin) and makes it drinkable again.

>> No.12646068


>> No.12646078

Imagine being so terrified of coffee you literally can't believe other people like it

>> No.12646081


>> No.12646098

The middle ground between b and c is perfect

>> No.12646138

F because I am trying to lose weight and suppress my massive appetite

>> No.12647099

i like my coffee like i like my men... white!