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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12636894 No.12636894 [Reply] [Original]

100g of broccoli
200g of chicken breast

I put olive oil on both sides of the chicken, then put salt and pepper on both sides, and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 170. Turns out great.

>> No.12636913

>turns out great
that looks like cadaver flesh. pass.

>> No.12636962

this has to be a shitpost right

>> No.12637052

Needs more broccoli

>> No.12638808

>2 plates

>> No.12638836

Sounds like bland white people food

>> No.12640860

white "cuisine"

>> No.12640868

You should be eating a pound of broccoli, shitlet.

>> No.12640887

Are you trying to lose weight? This looks like you're trying to lose weight.

This looks bland, so buy a bunch of spices and shit. You can have chicken breast and greens every day and not get sick of them too fast if you make an initial investment in a bunch of different spices.

>> No.12640928

i swear to god gymcels have never heard of a stuffed chicken breast. it's so easy to do just go watch a single youtube video. stop cooking this shit. food is fun. eating makes you happy. the way you're treating food is as nothing more than nutrition. it's a dark, dreary outlook on life and you probably don't have that many friends

>> No.12640999

Have sex.

>> No.12641166

OP i feel you. This is the meal of someone in search of gains and has forgone the carnal pleasures of flavor.

>> No.12641170

woah you put salt AND pepper on BOTH sides? you absolute madman.

>> No.12641230

Also I just noticed, that's not a Microsoft Sidewinder X4 is it?

>> No.12641252

For real flavor it needs to be medium rare,there should be a little blood on the plate.

>> No.12641475

Yes it is, friend.

>medium rare
>chicken breast


Yeah, I'm 6'4 and 143 kgs

>stuffed chicken breast

Sounds interesting.

>> No.12641488

OP your food is tragic. Make a sauce vierge for that chicken.

>> No.12641494

>Make a sauce vierge for that chicken.

M8 it should be obvious I can't cook for shit, I've never even heard of that.

>> No.12641510
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he cant let the heavy seasoning on the chicken contaminate the broccoli. one man can only handle so much flavor

>> No.12641513

Sauce vierge:
>diced tomatoes
>a chopped shallot
>olive oil
>small splash of balsamic vinegar
>sea salt
>some herbs (usually thyme & chives)
>chopped or torn basil

>> No.12641517

KOYAANISQATSI: life out of balance

>> No.12641519

Oh and lemon juice.

The sauce is good on chicken but it really shines over fatty fish like salmon or trout. You can heat it if you want the flavors to completely blend and macerate, otherwise let it sit at room temp for a couple hours

>> No.12641559
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I've used a sidewinder for years, decent enough keyboard. I still have it but it just sits in my closet as a backup.

>Yeah, I'm 6'4 and 143 kgs
Dang, you're a heavy boy. It's fantastic that you're making an effort towards losing some weight and healthy eating but you seriously need to learn how to make even somewhat healthy food taste good. I'm not a fat guy, but I'm definitely a glutton at heart and can balloon up to your weight and probably past it without self control so I'll share what's worked for me:

You've probably been eating like shit for a long time, so it's unreasonable to all of the sudden do a 180 and eat ONLY super healthy food and disregard the taste. With this mindset you are only setting yourself up for failure. Instead of going hard as a motherfucker and eating only boring no oil chicken and boiled broccoli, learn some relatively healthy recipes for lean meats and veggies, buy some spices and make some still healthy foods that taste great and instead practice portion control (which is most of what weight management is to be honest), and excessive. Also don't underestimate making very small changes and steps towards a healthier lifestyle. If you're used to drinking a couple of sodas a day, even cutting out a couple of sodas a week will make a difference in the long run. Do you drink coffee or tea every day with sugar? Take one less spoon or even no sugar. It seems minor in the short run, but over time it adds up. True change doesn't happen in a day, or a week or even a month. It takes time, man.

I'm not an expert in this shit, but what's working for me and for a lot of people is intermittent fasting. Google it and look at what works for people, but for me it's simply not eating foods before 10-11am and past 9-10pm. There are days that I'm craving something salty and savory at night and as silly as that sounds, I'll basically put some spices or seasonings on a plate and eat those.

>> No.12641579

Re-reading some of that, I've mistyped some of that, but you get the gist. Being healthy doesn't mean only eating flavorless foods. Spices are like a cheat code and with portion control and exercise you can actually make and eat delicious foods and even eat garbage every once in a while. It just takes practice and discipline. Going extreme and going on a diet doesn't work for most people. Doing small, incremental changes in their lifestyle does. Also decently healthy food doesn't have to taste terrible and there are a lot of benefits to going a long time between food.

>> No.12641610

Just say how many pieces you are you autist.

>> No.12641623
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it stands for grams

>> No.12641652

I'm going for hour to 45m+ walks daily and sometimes fasting for 24 hours, I try to eat oats with skim milk for breakfast or failing that there's a cereal "XO Crunch" I eat, with skim milk. I haven't drank anything but water for about a month, when I wasn't dieting I used to eat like shit, take away every meal with a pepsi/coke. Sometimes I have bad moments where I eat something shitty like a pizza or a burger but I still go out walking, I've been in a vicious for several years where I don't give a fuck about my diet and gain weight, then in a few months or a year I'll change my mind and diet and exercise till I drop weight again and rinse repeat.

>> No.12641654

*vicious cycle

>> No.12641689

we have the same keyboard

your food looks like shit though

>> No.12641720
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x2268, kittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it man, and it sounds like you're making a real effort. Start listening to podcasts by the way, if you don't already, to make those walks less like a chore.

I say don't fast for that long, because it will most likely just make you want to eat a TON of food afterwards and more or less cancel out. Just pick a reasonable window of time that you can eat between and just learn to get better and better at sticking to that window. 12 hours is not unreasonable. Let's say you get up at 8am, you do your morning routines, you eat at 9am. That means that you can't eat anything substantial past 9pm. That's not unreasonable.

Then give yourself a break one day a week to treat yourself, but no more. Just one day. If you blow it on Tuesday, you can't fuck up until the rest of the day. Some weeks you'll fail and you'll feel like a fat piece of shit. That's OK. You failed and you should feel a little bad, but that doesn't mean you're completely off course. Do better next week and learn to face your failures and recognize when you haven't failed. Think about all the other weeks you were able to not eat past 9pm. Give yourself like 6 months to do this eating within 12 hours and compare notes to when you first started.

It takes time man and it's hard, but eventually you learn to control yourself. That's self discipline and it's rewarding because it leaks into other aspects of your life.

Here's an OC picture of some kittens to motivate you, cunt.

>> No.12641747

Thanks mate, do you know of any good podcasts? I've never listed to anything while exercising before, earphone hurt my ears but I could get those ones that curve around your ear.

>> No.12641848

Oh man, podcasts! It really depends on what you like, but there are pods for anything you like.

I personally love comedy, video games, so I have a couple that I can recommend if you're interested in any of those.

>> No.12641857

and history, god damn it. I'm an idiot today. Either way I have recommendations, at least in English.

>> No.12641866

That's not 100g of broccoli

>> No.12641967
File: 151 KB, 325x343, 1562526981670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the chicken is touching the handle of the fork 2/3rds of the way up. UNACCEPTABLE!!! hand might get dirty, also no paper towel to wipe mouth after every bite

>> No.12642161

What I do with chicken is first of all add spices to it.
Then put olive oil in a pan, making sure that the outside is baked nice, then put it in the oven to make sure the inside is cooked wel.

Also you could split that big chunk in two thinner layers. Or maybe even chop it into smaller bits so its easier to cook.

>> No.12642163

>/fit/ here

>> No.12642224

That's some real nightmare fuel desu, would rather have a protein shake

>> No.12642249
File: 18 KB, 248x239, 1540043273648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking /fit/ fags

>> No.12642928

>he doesn’t have the discipline to eat healthy

Never going to make it, fatass.

>> No.12642979

>that sad motherfucking chicken

>> No.12643124
File: 207 KB, 692x960, 1483944603724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a terror in the kitchen with a knife m8, I can't chop/dice for shit, I don't have the dexterity to use a knife properly, what's even worse than that is also the fact that I have a disease which affects my balance and makes my hands shake involuntarily, I'm still young at 29 but it's going to get worse as I age.

>> No.12643282

>food makes you happy!
Found the fatass.

>> No.12643305

>Mmmm yummy - commercial broccoli with no nutritional value and the least nutritious portion of a chicken from a factory farmed poorly raised chicken!

You are barely living if you eat this shit often. Where are the herbs, the spices? Where are your minerals, your fats? This is sad.

>> No.12643313

I'm positive you eat fast food several times a week.

>> No.12643321

I dowse the chicken in olive oil, yeah, the broccoli is from a supermarket rather than a farmers market. I also grind Himalayan salt and pepper on the chicken.

>> No.12643333

Slap Chop and Food Mill for you then. But srs Slap Chop may seem like a meme pushed by that meme man, but I think it may be useful for someone like you. I don't expect you to buy it but at the very least check it out. You may be surprised.

>> No.12643334
File: 206 KB, 1312x738, IMG_20171009_213911333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost never, but I'm bored and will participate in this meme thread as well as post my lunch if I feel like it in an hour and a half.

Why is there no color on the chicken?

>> No.12643336

very simple, but looks nutritious. good job anon, don't be afraid to be more adventurous!

>> No.12643347

I think a slap chop would work.

I only cook it in the oven for 15 minutes by itself?

Also, this isn't a meme thread.

>> No.12643348

You don't know what nutrition is/means if you think that looks nutritious

>> No.12643352

You should be hammering it thin and pan frying it in EVOO if that's the only oil you're using, the flesh should be browned like the skin on the chicken I posted. You should also be dicing it and stir frying it with the broccoli.

>> No.12643363

Good idea man

>> No.12643397

>Slap Chop

The slap chop is made of shit materials.

>> No.12645218

I hope you mean 170 Celcius.

>> No.12645280

What do you think Einstein?