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File: 28 KB, 320x320, 1509854797969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12636161 No.12636161 [Reply] [Original]

>2 energy drinks every day usually averaging 600mg caffeine.
someone help me before I die...

>> No.12636171



I'd be equally worried about the sugar.

>> No.12636174

600mg is well below the maximum amount of caffeine you're "supposed" to have per day.

>> No.12636184

I used to drink an energy drink once a day and multiple sodas.
I quit shortly after college because the caffeine made me super uncomfortable while I was sitting at a desk job all day.

>> No.12636186

Nobodys gonna stop you lol

Might as well take charge of your life

>> No.12636193
File: 63 KB, 604x453, 7AF054DA-C8A3-4B79-A912-A44DB2FC6DF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re already dead.

>> No.12636199

I'd rather you die.

>> No.12636294
File: 37 KB, 975x600, pepethefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink 2 zero ultras a half an hour before bed
>sleep like a baby

>> No.12636316

You'll get kidney stones long before you die and then you'll really pray for death. Good job falling for any meme after 2013, you stupid baby, they're all advertisements now and you're hooked.

>> No.12636336

No it isn't. 400mg is the recommended daily limit, and even that is kind of high. 600mg won't kill you but you're probably feeling like shit except for the couple hours after you have the drink. Everyone reacts to caffeine differently but once I start going over around 200mg I get headaches if I stop. And a dose low enough just to feel some effects from the caffeine is better because it avoids a shitty caffeine crash which causes people to drink more and more.

>> No.12636383

So glad I didn't fall for the energy drink meme. Have not even tasted a red bull.

>> No.12636393

You made the right choice. They're poison.

>> No.12636398

Just drink coffee you fucking losers, or tea or something. Why the fuck did it ever become popular to overdose on caffeine with these fucking glorified sodas?

>> No.12636406 [DELETED] 


>> No.12636407

>Why the fuck did it ever become popular to overdose on caffeine with these fucking glorified sodas?
Advertising. It's a marketing campaign disguised as memes.

>> No.12636408

Caffeine does have benefits in the right amount but I guess like with a lot of things it takes people a while to realize more isn't always better

>> No.12636415 [DELETED] 

we dont really know why, but sufferers get reverse effects from stimulants. i feel tired and calm after a few cups of coffee or energy drinks. i was on adderall for 10 years and never felt high, even used meth for awhile because i couldnt afford health insurance and it was 1/10th the cost to capsulate 5-10mg of crystal meth than get a prescription for the same effects. thanks obama

>> No.12636488

Shit, you're right. I thought that 1000mg was the maximum. My bad.

>> No.12636859
File: 72 KB, 350x639, Consumer Reports December 2012 Energy Drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up to 400mg is a "safe" amount for healthy adults, meaning it can be consumed without adverse effects. 600mg might produce adverse effects, but it won't kill you, especially caffeine alone. the lethal dose is around 10,000mg. very few people have been reported dying from actual caffeine overdose.
but energy drinks contain other shit which interacts with caffeine too, and it might be more harmful than you think. there were known cases of kids dying from consuming too much of them, but IIRC they were under 18yo.
>2 cans = 600mg
what the fuck do you drink, Reign or Bang? they have round double the caffeine of other drinks. just switch to something lighter ffs.

>> No.12636874

Reign and bang. Also eat my shit

>> No.12636885

oh, I guess you don't want to changing anything after all? so you just want to feel sorry for yourself and validate your shit habits on 4chin? what a loser.

>> No.12636902

Don't call me a loser. I bet my dad can beat up your dad

>> No.12636915

deez nuts lol

>> No.12637561 [DELETED] 

based and redpilled

>> No.12638697

You mean you actually bought meth and managed to use only 5-10mg a day? You never once binged a gram over the course of a few days?

literal godlike self-control

>> No.12640212

Fuck off you're not gonna die. I've been on 3 energy drinks and at least 3 strong cups of coffee a day for about 3 years now and have no health problems, although the rest of my diet is decent.