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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.79 MB, 4160x3120, 20190713_225018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12630640 No.12630640 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit this beer tastes so bad, I wonder why...

>Brewed in the U.S.A.

Personally, I prefer a nice Stella. Smooth, mellow taste and all, that Nordic shit.

Oh and this is a /beer/ thread

>inb4 "nigger"

>> No.12630652

>Inb4-ing your own post
Nigger move desu

>> No.12630660

Stella tastes like a fart. You’re only pretending to like it, its as smooth as your ashy rough hands

>> No.12630666

I think someone is stealing your beer

>> No.12630698

I always forget just how unevolved you people are.

>Da white man always be talkin' bout dat exotic craft beer, so I be finna buy some of dis Bush beer.
I'm on 5000 IBU IPAs brewed in hyperbaric chambers by Jesuit priests in actual beaver lodges in Portland, then infused with CBD oil and Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. And OP asking about Busch to start a beer general.

>> No.12630701

Fact: Busch Light is the best beer ever brewed.

>> No.12630769


>> No.12630820

That thumb tho..

>> No.12630835


In the US, overpriced and its pretty shitty.
Are you drinking brews for taste? Cop some microbrews (better yet buy local fuck the giant corporations)

Are you drinking beers to get fucked up? Either get cheap shit light beer or malt liquor

t. minor boozebag

>> No.12630847
File: 101 KB, 718x572, samuelsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright I guess. Pic related is my go-to brewery when I have some money to burn. I wish imports weren't so expensive.

>> No.12630870

Yeah all of my fingers are double-jointed. All the more for me to steal with, my dear.

>> No.12630903

Thanks man. I'm a newfag when it come to brews so my views are limited and biased. At least youre giving legit advice rather than giving me the black treatment and telling me to fuck off.

>> No.12630915
File: 106 KB, 1024x1024, hitachino_sampler_2_1024x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Smith chocolate stout, strawberry, and apricot ale are high tier beers

Hitachino also have some great import brews

>> No.12630918


>> No.12630919
File: 84 KB, 976x549, 1562519111102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12630928

Does anyone else think Busch has a weird sour chemical taste to it?

>> No.12630932

I've always been partial to their nut brown ale. It was the first beer that I ever drank that wasn't a shitty macro and it totally changed my opinion on how proper beer should taste. That was over a decade ago and it's still one of my favorite beers.

>> No.12631086

Oh don't get it twisted, i live in the states

>> No.12631093

nice nails op

>> No.12631103

don't worry nobody would call you a nigger
you're not even a real black
you're lighter than some pooloos

>> No.12631115

For me, it's Milwaukee's Best Ice

>> No.12631123

Thanks bb

That's just the flash anon. I'm part Cuban and not the Spaniard kind.

>> No.12631169

While I was in Europe I had the opportunity to try Edelweiss Weissbier, Feldschlösschen, and Augustiner-Bräu. All really good and just the perfect amount of sweetness, they all tasted somewhat creamy too. Just gonna recommend those 3 but there's so many good German beers unironically

>> No.12631294

Alcohol is overtaxed as fuck in Alberta in general, and import beer even more so, so lately I usually drink shit tier lagers like Rolling Rock or Miller High Life, and treat myself to "fancier" English/European beer every now and again.