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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12627568 No.12627568 [Reply] [Original]

Breakfast thread

>> No.12627574

Take the fucking spoon out the tea and post again you prick.

>> No.12627577

Imagine the weight.

>> No.12627582

It's coffee, you prick, and I like spoons in my coffe

>> No.12627590

my breakfast is usually never this big, let me have it you silicon valley twit

>> No.12627591

I'd love to sit down to a big Saturday morning breakfast, but I have too much to do this morning.

>> No.12627596

Imagine being such a petty pedantic faggot that you care about spoons in tea. Wanna hear something awesome? Tea sucks, always has, and you’re super gay for caring about tea etiquette.

>> No.12627600

same. it's thrilling to know that every sip could lead to an eye injury

>> No.12627607
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>Drinking coffee with breakfast
Yeah just have an bitter drink with your first meal
Fucking Americans. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.12627616

Oh, gee, I'm sorry you don't have enough fingers to keep the spoon away from your face

>> No.12627620

well maybe tomorrow I'll come to your mother's house and suck on her tits

>> No.12627625

Wind your fucking fat neck and chins in pal. Coffee's for faggy little pretentious fairies like yourself, I bet you take it like you take your men, BLACK.

>> No.12627633

Yeah, it will be an opportunity to get your first sexual experience.

>> No.12627642

And your mothers thousandth

>> No.12627652

As opposed to taking his tea Muslim like you?

>> No.12627653

Probably will be as my father's a big good looking bastard like myself.

>> No.12627670
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0.02 Muslim population in my country what's it in yours?

>> No.12627671

Where're the eggs? Also is that a hash or just potatoes? And I would never let my dessert touch the main dish.

>> No.12627674

If your coffee is bitter you are either buying shit beans, or you're making it wrong.

>Fucking Americans.
Oh. Found your problem.

>> No.12627686

I make coffee all the time for my roommate and I. I find it extremely bitter but he doesn't think it tastes bitter. It's almost like we're two different people with different taste buds. Ironically, he hates bitter greens while I love the fuck out of them.

>> No.12627693

Hey man not everyone wants to buy single origin or estate level coffee, sometimes people just need a cup of liquid caffeine in the morning and don't care about over roasting the beans or using too hot water.

>> No.12627702

>donuts and bacon
Yeah, that's American alright.

>> No.12627706

I too like to thrust my face violently towards my coffee cup instead of just bringing the cup calmly to my mouth like a human being.

>> No.12627714

Caffeine addicts need to neck themselves. If you ate a healthy diet you wouldn't need caffeine to wake up.

>> No.12627724

they are actually onion rings I cut up and fried up real quick

>> No.12627736
File: 2.44 MB, 4128x3096, 20190713_110922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a souffle omelet for fun. It was pretty good but I can't get it to stay at maximum fluff and cook all the way through

>> No.12627745

Fascinating, they looked really well cooked. What kind of batter and oil did you use, whenever I try to make onion rings they end up either an oily mess or the breading always falls off.

>> No.12627766

> instead of just bringing the cup calmly to my mouth with a spoon still in it that impedes drinking and pokes me in the face like all human beings do.

>> No.12627783


>> No.12627785

Coffee drinkers are statistically likelier to live longer than non-coffee drinkers.

>> No.12627806

>t. Dolly Parton

>> No.12627811

t. Dabney Coleman

>> No.12627812

>not drinking it like soup

>> No.12627817

they're from Ralphies, actually. I just used a tiny bit of canola oil to get them crispy again

>> No.12627826

Ah. Either way looking good.

>> No.12627840

Those are Entenman’s or something, aren’t they? They’re disgusting and coat your whole mouth with greasy shortening. Why would you eat those at all, let alone for breakfast?

>> No.12627864

It doesn't poke you in the face unless you're mentally challenged, just move it to the side retard.

>> No.12627868

Does it defy gravity?

>> No.12627877
File: 1.50 MB, 3302x2945, 9F53CB73-47B8-4C7C-9B03-D79F8BEDFCD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s an anon prepares a lazy breakfast even though it’s saturday episode

>> No.12627880

No. Does the coffee cup defy gravity? How is it staying up in the air like that? It's almost like there's some sort of other external force acting on it. Spoooooooky dude. It's almost like you can use your hands and fingers to enact forces on objects in the opposite direction of gravity.

>> No.12627884
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>Drinks coffee with spoon still in mug
>You're the retard for taking it out
You really are a dense motherfucker.

>> No.12627886

Are those premade prosciutto wrapped mozzarella?

>> No.12627889

>there are people unironically triggered by a spoon in a cup because they are too retarded to not poke themselves in the eye with it
Unless I go out of my way to purposefully poke my eye with the spoon I can't imagine being so comically clumsy as to have it happen. You might as well stop using a fork lest it slips away and ends up pricking you.

>> No.12627916
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fucking shit, now where's your spoon? Is it still in the mug like retard OPs or have you removed it like someone without a learning difficulty.

>> No.12627930

You know how they caught the Russian spy? He closed his right eye when he sipped his coffee.

>> No.12627935
File: 39 KB, 480x360, spoon in mug drinkers~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12627956
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I don't buy coffee because I don't drink the vile shit.

>> No.12627963

no it’s just prosciutto i wrapped myself with nothing inside

>> No.12627972

>Can't physically move a spoon with his finger
Do you tape the corners of all the tables in your house too? What do you do when you have to use a knife or, god forbid, light the stove? I guess you just call for delivery, but then what do you do if you accidentally trip and fall in front of the delivery guy's car as he's driving away?
I'm curious to know how you go through life if you think a spoon in your cup presents a clear and immediate danger to the existence of your eyeballs.

>> No.12627993
File: 12 KB, 578x566, spoon in mug drinker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't physically move a spoon with his finger
How do you think I remove it after I've stirred with it you fucking brainlet?

>> No.12628014

That's what I'm trying to figure out. Since you have difficulty understanding the concept that you can use your fingers to move things.

>> No.12628028

That's pretty stupid and not even remotely ergonomic.

>> No.12628031
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>voluntary moving the spoon 20-30 times while sipping coffee instead of once after it's stirred

>> No.12628035 [DELETED] 

Usually it's because of overextraction. A bean without any bitter notes would be worthless.

>> No.12628038
File: 655 KB, 206x128, 5VzX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trolling? I have no need to move a spoon with my fingers whilst drinking because there isn't a fucking spoon to move. Why would I have a spoon in my drink serving no purpose you absolute fucking idiot.

>> No.12628054

I keep the spoon in my coffee because I enjoy the clink.

>> No.12628056

How are you typing these replies with no eyes?

>> No.12628084

I don't type with my eyes I use my fingers that also come in handy for removing spoon from mugs after stirring. I have got eyes, why would you assume I hadn't. How are you able to function without a brain?

>> No.12628097

>why would you assume I hadn't.
Because your world is apparently so dangerous that cutlery in a coffee cup constitutes a serious threat to the safety of your eyes. I just assumed with your lack of hand eye coordination you must have lost them already.
Congratulations on exceeding my expectations and not losing your eyes to rogue tea spoons.

>> No.12628102

only valid reason presented so far

>> No.12628104
File: 30 KB, 607x607, i like clicky noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I keep the spoon in my coffee because I enjoy the clink.

>> No.12628110

What if I want another cup when I’m done?

>> No.12628114
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1944, dsc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12628117

How's that diabetes going?

>> No.12628121

>Because your world is apparently so dangerous that cutlery in a coffee cup constitutes a serious threat to the safety of your eyes.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12628143

no idea what you're talking about

>> No.12629458

i'd take the fattest shit ever after that meal op

>> No.12629462

I'd watch that.

>> No.12629574

Bowl of cheerios with almond milk, strawberries, and walnuts. Pretty good desu.

>> No.12629577

Why is the spoon still in the coffee?

>> No.12629588

Looks good, I've been cravin some donuts lately. Just need an egg and you'd be set