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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12626816 No.12626816 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Americans like food like this?

>> No.12626827

hm let me see
>some kind of mini fries(?)
no thanks

>> No.12626833

>let me see
>writes down that list
Your eyesight is actual garbage. Get new lenses.

>> No.12626838
File: 257 KB, 360x360, 2 Spooky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about ranch
>make rice, meat, and almost completely covers it with with mayo and dressing?

>> No.12626845

>mint yogurt
>chili hot sauce
>coriander pesto
I-it's no better than ranch guys amiright?

>> No.12626849

You realize that ranch is just a garlic herb buttermilk dressing right? I bet you would hate it less if it weren't so popular you contrarian faggot.

>> No.12626853

where the fuck do you see mini fries

>> No.12626854

It looks like a pile of random foods

>> No.12626888

>Mini fries


>> No.12626905

Amerikeks have shit food. Even their junk food is shit.


>> No.12626906

>Flyovers dislike something they know nothing about
This is /ck/ in a nutshell.

>> No.12626908

>chilled sauce
>ice cold tomatos
>slightly-under-room temperature rice
>rapidly cooling scraps of warm meat
>the worst kind of lettuce
>that frilly shit which you aren't even supposed to eat

Every single time.
I hate these because I've learned from experience.

>> No.12626931
File: 36 KB, 360x360, 1477981312576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12626932

That looks like those sad salads you get from a pizza place

>> No.12626934
File: 40 KB, 798x500, 1489332583249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it sink in for a second..

>> No.12626950

holy shit are you just stupid or what ?
this anon is correct you need to get NEW lenses, you are blind as fuck,
there is No Broccoli, that is a green chutney

the LEAVES are either Cilantro or Parsley
that isn't Beef , it looks like lamb ,
mini fries ? damn you need to really see a doctor
the red isn't ketchep and the white is a yogurt dressing
and all of this is on RICE
this looks like lamb tikki on rice

>> No.12627038

absolutely based

>> No.12627064

creamy white sauce gay af

>> No.12627085

ate this a lot as a high schooler in nyc but my stomach can't do this shit anymore

>> No.12627094

the absolute state of americans

>> No.12627347

You realize this is one of the most common street foods on the east coast, right?

>> No.12627420

Is that kapsalon (sp?)
Sounds good to me. I love all those meat tornado with veg and sauce things. I wish there were more of them, and more open late.

>> No.12627470

Kapsalon is served in those little aluminum takeout trays because they need to jam that faggot intl the oven to melt the cheese. Also it has fries.

I think this is a doner kebab box or whatever those terrorists call it.

>> No.12627575

Because lamb tastes like rotten meat

>> No.12627580

Tastelet detected.

>> No.12628915

It’s halal cart lamb on rice... probably from nyc. It’s on literally every corner in midtown.

Americans do like it.

>> No.12628921

>Implying Americans don't get food like this all the time from a food cart or a Shah's or whatever you have nearby you.
Shit's open until 3am. It's the perfect after party food.

>> No.12628929

>mini fries
What the fuck are you sniffin mate, I want some

>> No.12628933

It's probably some mobile shitter who thinks the onions on the right are fries.

>> No.12628937
File: 27 KB, 361x312, Prsident_Obongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you care about what americans do or dont like?

>> No.12628962

>loose meat
>hot sauce
>creamy stuff
>grilled onions
>raw veg
I'd eat it, so would most of my amerifat friends and family. There's nothing offensive in here.

>> No.12628978

that looks delicious, i'd eat that in a heartbeat.

>> No.12628989

Too many vegetables.
Ironically, potatoes are consumed more than anywhere else, fries or not.

>> No.12628994

>thinks that's ironic
>thinks people eat more potatoes than they do corn

>> No.12628997


>> No.12629013

There's corn and then there's corn syrup.

>> No.12629424
File: 66 KB, 1600x900, albatross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mini fries

>> No.12629432


>> No.12629442

parsley holds up well... the green slop in the middle is a sauce

>> No.12629443

We do, it just hasn’t made it into Flyoverland yet. Gotta give those retards time to get over their fear of scary foreign words.

>> No.12629504

Over time, every progressive innovation that originates on the coasts, crawls it's way through flyover land. It's just a matter of time, similar to downies finally absorbing the techniques to accomplish a specific task. Flyovers are just very, very slow on the uptake.

>> No.12629796

reminds them of casseroles

>> No.12629812

>some kind of mini fries
Best comment.

>> No.12629878

holy fucking based. pulling the seething yuropoors out of the woodwork

>> No.12629901

We have kebab it's called halal guys, it's pretty successful but expensive compared to the shit load of alternatives.

For 10-12 dollars unless in LA or some bullshit place you can get a meal of
>mongolian bbq
>buffet of tons of shit
>ample amount of burg

I had kebab last night but it was 13 dollars for a platter like that. Why bother with that when I can get something for under 10 that fills me and tastes great

>> No.12629917


>rice pilaf


>Mystery meat
>Mystery white sauce someone could have ejaculated into
>Take away

Gonna be a hard no from me senpai.

>> No.12630020

>lives in his own world

>> No.12630132

>t. seething yuro

>> No.12630164

I wouldn't mind the food but I wouldn't eat it because I don't like rag heads.

>> No.12630180

Why would anyone like it? It looks like a retarded pile of mostly undigestible filler ingredients. Maybe a cow who can actually break down cellulose would like it.

>> No.12630205

>progressive innovation
Go away with your outdated 18th century philosophical ideas

>> No.12630219
