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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12621524 No.12621524 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a fan of how sweet dishes like sukiyaki and okonomiyaki are: after I finish, I always walk away with the sweet taste stuck in my mouth for hours. I've tried making sukiyaki broth and skipping the granulated sugar altogether, but the mirin was still hitting me hard. I never have this problem with any other kind of cuisine, am I making it wrong, or do other people also have this complaint?

>> No.12621532

I'm sorry, I know this is a weeb board, but what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.12621553

asians like sugar, don't make it if you don't like it weeb

>> No.12621557

Sounds like he's not a fan of the sweetness of the added sugar/mirin used in many Japanese sauces. It's a common meme here about how bland and overly sweet all Japanese food is. I'd say it's a low effort shitpost, but since it's summer I'll bump it up to a regular level shitpost.

>> No.12621560

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12621561


Interesting. I have a bottle of mirin in my refridgerator, but have never tasted it on its own to really grasp the flavor. It just goes into my cookie cutter zaru soba dipping sauce. Thank you for the context.

>> No.12621564

Nevermind. This is a low level shitpost after all...

>> No.12621565

Shut the fuck up, you faglord.

>> No.12621569
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>> No.12621570


"refridgerator" man I'm stupid. refrigerator.

>> No.12621577

no one liked hillary you moron they just like you personally worse

>> No.12621579

>It's a common meme
I must have missed it in the regular sea of fast food, alcohol, and snack food threads. Heaven forbid I ask a cooking-related question.

>> No.12621589

So you just click on threads at random instead of opening the ones that actually interest you, and now you're starting your first "serious" thread and it's just a coincidence that it looks like a very unoriginal shitpost? Sounds legit.

>> No.12621593

Eat some pickled ginger or something similar afterwards to cleanse your palate, gaijin

>> No.12621671
File: 400 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20180329_095538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese deserts tends to be naturally sweetened (bean paste, sweet potato, etc.), so they sometimes go on overboard with sweet sauces for main dishes (nikujaga, sukiyaki, kurosubuta etc.) One way to counteract that is to up the acid (use more vinegar) and remove sugars (switch rice vinegar for sweet/sushi vinegar).

I that said, I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so my preferred method is to drink a really dry sake with the meal, SV +4 or more, to cut the sweetness.

Source: guy who's lived in Japan for 8 years.

>> No.12621673



>bean paste

ok bud.

t. american

>> No.12621674


Japanese deserts tend to be dry and desolate.

>> No.12621681

Get edumacated, Bubba.


>> No.12621703


i admit defeat.

>> No.12621721

No sweat. I couldn't believe it the first time my buddy handed me a sweet bean bun. Kudos to you, though. It's rare for internet interactions to actually change my minds... Usually it devolves to shit slinging.

That said, bean paste isn't terribly sweet, but it goes well with lightly flavored breads/mochi.

You can also get sweetness from sesame seeds. Black sesame ice cream is fucking dope (it has sugar, too, but whatever).

>> No.12621727


i like learning new things. i was reading about sweet bean paste and its uses and actually found a Chinese store that has some buns filled with sweet red bean paste. will get tomorrow. appreciate the info!

>> No.12621743

Adzuki. Good stuff.
If you have a local Japanese restaurant, they probably have red bean ice cream (Adzuki) for dessert. They might even have manju (sweet bean buns like the ones at your Chinese joint).

>> No.12622084

Shut the fuck up weeb. This isn't your weeb safe space nobody fucking cares in fact we ALL hate Japan and we hate you.

>> No.12622091

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12622120

OK there, tough guy. I forgot how thin-skinned and unsecure some Americans can be.

>> No.12622124

Apparently I also forgot how to spell insecure. Stupid phone.

>> No.12622989

Try it, it's intensely sweet in a not good way. There's also fake mirin that's even worse than the real stuff. Swap regular sake in for it.

I'm going to guess based on your complaint of sweetness that you get your recipes from good ol' Francis.
Cooking with dog's recipes are not good. You know growing up, when you were at a friend's house and their mom would make mac-n-cheese or spaghetti or some shit? It would taste almost normal, but there was something just...wrong...about it, compared to how your own mom made it? That's what cooking with dog is like.

Any recipes you find in English are going to either be Weebinese fusion, or loosely remembered homemaker food by someone who emigrated from Japan 30 years ago.

Get your recipes by finding a Japanese language cooking site like cookpad and translating it. Real, modern Japanese food is pretty good. Not world class, but certainly good.

>> No.12623071

I don't know what you're talking about. I've never had a "sweet" taste from okonomiyaki. Maybe there's something you're overly sensitive to????

>> No.12623105

Japanese "cuisine" is primarily fast cooked, non-browned, bland food.
This defines Japanese cuisine. Bland. It's also quite low cost, other than rare seafoods, and quite similar in flavor profiles across the day. This is why there's a love of dripping mayo or frying, to bring in some fat and texture.
To add flavor, there's less an emphasis on fresh herbs, layers of texture and flavor, other than green onion or dried stinky fish flakes/kelp, and cheap flavors from soy products, sometimes fermented.

Try mixing up your straight up traditional Japanese food creations with fusion mentality. Do add some coconut. Do add some cilantro or basil. Do brown meats and veggies rather than sweating them vs dropping in simmering broths. Switch out your mirin for sherry, vermouth, whiskey, wine, vinegar, anything, just something that isn't rice based.