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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12621257 No.12621257 [Reply] [Original]

more like...one drop does nothing LMAO

>> No.12621343

You shut your whore mouth. Louisiana is tasty classic tier.

>> No.12621360

who here /franks/? I put that shit on everything heh

>> No.12621384

Are we still not allowed to accuse threads of viral marketing?

>> No.12621392

Got eem

>> No.12621393

All hot sauce threads are bait for the guy who puts soyface on everything.

>> No.12621435

Frank's and Louisiana are the same sauce with a different label

>> No.12621459

yeah but franks comes in bigger bottles

>> No.12621467


Franks is great if you just want to put vinegar on whatever garbage you're eating. It's not a hot sauce.

>> No.12621474


Why would corporations viral market to a bunch of basement dwelling NEETs with no disposable income?

>> No.12621627

Exactly what a shill would say

>> No.12621669



>> No.12621680

Refine those tastebuds, mijo.

>> No.12621696

No one has ever explained this 'gotcha' against vinegary hot sauces. Yes, they're sour. Your point is? If a sauce is salty (they all are), would you say it's great if you just want to put salt on what you're eating? No. It'd be dumb. Sour, like saltiness, is a fundamental flavour type.

>> No.12621714


I understand that, I'm just not sure what the overpowering acidity adds to a hot sauce. It puts me off, not because it's spicy, but because the vinegar is so intense.

Maybe I'm just out of touch and people like that feeling? I really enjoy testing the limits of my heat tolerance, but things like Tobasco and Frank's are simply tasteless.

>> No.12621737

The acid helps tenderize meats and it also helps the gut digest vegetables. Acidic hot sauces are good all-around because they provide both heat and acidity on the table as needed. That's why you see Tabasco, Cholula, Tapatio, Frank's, Louisiana, and so on at every table at the diner. The choice is usually up to regional spice preference but they all accomplish the same job. If the dinee wants more acid and/or heat, they'll splash it on. Same as anyone would with salt and pepper. The big advantage for the diner with these sauces is their long shelf-life, so they can sit on the tables, unperturbed, for up to a month without having to be replaced as per USDA guidelines. The bottles will usually run out though because diners in each region knows what to provide on the table. Frank's for the Northeast, Louisiana for The South, Tapatio and Cholula for NorCal, Tabasco for the Southwest.

>> No.12621973
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>hot sauce

>> No.12622174

go away moshe
i used to like this stuff a lot it was in the show hall but then several years later they either changed something of my tastebuds changed cause now its tastes like bullshit

>> No.12622749

Me sirven bien pendejo

>> No.12623166

I swear to GOD im getting sick of the fucking memers around here. Louisianna hotsauce is the LAST FUCKING TIME I get memed by you fucking faggots. I've always been a Tabasco guy. I like the original, the garlic, and the habanero versions. Bring this up to /ck/??

>enjoy your normie nigger-tier bottle of vinegar, faggot try a real hotsauce
>mmm vark vark vark vark vark

So like a gullible faggot I am I tried a bottle of Vark. Fucking. Disgusting. Its thick as tomato paste and its fucking predominanely SWEET. ITS A SWEET SAUCE


Good at being fucking absurdly hot while tasting fucking disgusting. As bad as Dave's insanity sauce.... But no.... When you faggots actually talked SHIT about Tabasco and said Louisianna was better... I got a bottle... It is the LAST TIME I ever take advice from you morons about ANYTHING. IT IS LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING AS TABASCO BUT LESS FLAVORFUL. ITS ALMOST INDISTINGUISHABLE. FUCK YOU AND YOUR MEME SAUCES YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS ALL OF YOU

>> No.12623172

Haha bullied

>> No.12623180

Bro, it's your own damn fault you buy into that crap. I've grown up eating hot sauces, and there's three main hot sauces I stick with, because of flavor, heat, and usefulness. Those are Louisiana (and it's delightful little brother Louisiana Gold), Tabasco (Original, Jalapeno, and Buffalo mainly), and Valentina (regular and black label). Those are all you need, really.

>> No.12623334
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Not really

>> No.12623337

Texas Pete is best

>> No.12623344


>> No.12623643

this guy makes 6 figures with full benefits and has at the very least 1 month paid vacation per year

>> No.12623695 [DELETED] 
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