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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 797x880, wagies btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12619977 No.12619977 [Reply] [Original]

what is your favorite movie theater food? do you sneak stuff in? for me, I usually just get popcorn w/ some extra butter or nachos (with salsa, cheese, and jalapenos if available)

>> No.12619984

popcorn is the only acceptable answer

>> No.12619988

Straight up like 7, 8 beefy nacho loaded grillers from taco bell. I make sure to hide them but only so well, I want the employees to know when they see the lukewarm bulge along the side of my arm, I want to see their fear as they contemplate bringing it up, as they think about confronting me, fighting me on my taco bell smuggling routine. They never do, it's like an instant shot of testosterone straight to the heart, I end up feeling clear-headed and pumped. I don't like using the same spots in my sweater to hide them either, I like the challenge and surprise. A couple times I ended up squishing a few against my seat but they were still edible because they were still in the paper.

>> No.12619993

Do Americans eat this messily at all restaurants, or just for some reason when they watch whatever capeshit of the month is out?

>> No.12620000

What, how do you eat at restaurants?

>> No.12620001

what if it was the 22 movie (59 hours long) Marvel marathon? after I hit the showers and use the hygiene kit I'd probably get some beef Wellington

>> No.12620008
File: 72 KB, 598x576, 22movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12620021

I put the food in my mouth, and in the extremely unlikely event I spill something on the floor, I use a napkin and pick it up.

Why do Americans eat like fucking pigs at the movie theater?

>> No.12620027

the best food at the movies is the hot dogs.... among the best hot dogs you can ever get

>> No.12620038
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, wagie kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how else can I let the industry know I didn't like the movie?

>> No.12620060

Can't children of the freedomland bring snacks into movie theater?
I usually just some candies worth of 2€ if I'm by myself, with someone else we usually share popcorn and soda.

>> No.12620082

These pictures get sent to movie executives? And they issue refunds to everyone who left garbage on the floor?

>> No.12620104

>Do Americans eat this messily at all restaurants
Yes. We pride ourselves on tossing all of our garbage onto the floor so we can watch the plebeian servers that are forced to clean up after us. It's a cultural thing akin to how the Ancient Romans used to toss their scraps onto the floor while slaves swept after them.

>> No.12620129

protip: pour some of the juice from the jalapeños in the condiment tray over your popcorn for spicy-pickley flavor...or just throw jalapeños over the popcorn, IDGAF

>> No.12620132
File: 335 KB, 1405x2048, popcorn oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to refreshments counter
>get XXXXXL popcorn and XXXXXL soda (Dr Pepper is BEST soda)
>ask for a large cup of popcorn oil for that classic movie theater flavor (extra $16.99 + tip)
>go to seat in theater
>take out pot roast and potatoes/onions/carrots/gravy I snuck in and the 12" spicy Italian sub, and also a lukewarm Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell
>chug the popcorn oil after adding salt, eat about half of the popcorn and illegal food and drink about half the 250 fl oz soda
>pour the rest of my soda into the remaining popcorn into the tub dump the rest of the food I didn't eat in
>have to piss and have the popcorn oil shits already
>bring the tub to the bathroom each time I go (5-8 times usually) and fill it up further in the bathroom stall
>let the popcorn/Dr Pepper/pot roast dinner/sub/Taco Bell/urine/feces concoction stew throughout the movie before I decide to get rid of it in the trash or not
>well turns out I didn't like the movie, not throwing it away
>put my fingers in my throat and puke in it for good measure
>poke a hole in bottom of popcorn tub with car keys
>walk aisle by aisle slowly leaking the wicked brew on as many seats as possible
>throw the rest the the screen leaving a massive brown oily stain on with a large piece of bread from the sub stuck on the screen along with pot roast and feces
that will show Hollywood not to ruin Star Wars anymore

>> No.12620180

For me, its babyback ribs. I use the seat cushions as a napkin of course because it can get a bit messy. Toss the bones on the ground, sometimes leaving bits of meat on them for a hungry wagie

>> No.12620624

>sit for 2.5 days straight
Seems like a good way to give yourself blood clots.

>> No.12620644

Popcorn sucks. You eat it all before the movie starts. Best are gobstoppers. Something that lasts a while, you know? Sneak that shit in my waistband or my girlfriend's purse. She got one of those big kahuna purses we practically have a buffet.

>> No.12620778

>not tossing the bones at other people as a show of dominance
Stop being a pussy

>> No.12620797

I like to sneak a can of surströmming in and secretly open it once I feel like a snack

>> No.12620817

Popcorn easily, their hot dogs are solid too even if they are reused (used to work at a cinemark)

Delicious theater popcorn and nice fountain soda with good ratios is like 40% of the reason I go to the movies at all, i will never understand people who bring outside food, i'd sooner just steal a popcorn tub and get a refill.

>> No.12620833

Just theaters since someone's job is to clean it all up anywah

>> No.12620862
File: 103 KB, 1024x731, wagie dancing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends

>> No.12620900

Goobers or raisenets

>> No.12621187

only underdressed sluts could need this
anyway the answer is nothing, amerifats