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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 251 KB, 1926x580, choc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12613804 No.12613804 [Reply] [Original]

You know it's true

>> No.12613807
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damn what a GAY-ASS thread

>> No.12613817

Peanut allergy cuck detected.

>> No.12613821

Candy bars are not food

>> No.12613841

Dicks aren't food either, but you put them in your mouth anyway.

>> No.12613858
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I don't like nut tho, and some people die if they eat nuts. Nuts are not for everyone. Milky Way wins.

>> No.12613888

sounds like you should be chemically castrated.

>> No.12613971
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>nut tho

>> No.12613992

>tfw I like nutes but I don't like caramel

>> No.12613995

this isnt fast food related

>> No.12613998

stupid mother fucker candy bars are the fastest foods

>> No.12614021

yeah, not a big fan of peanuts
Milky Way for me as well

>> No.12614257

i like twix

>> No.12614258

this isn't REESE’S OUTRAGEOUS! Kangz size Bar

>> No.12614320
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>> No.12614325

Baste and replied.

>> No.12614327
File: 32 KB, 530x299, candy-bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milky way is best

>> No.12614330

i am going to be the ONLY one in this thread, i bet, that likes 3 muskateers th MOST. Idk why, its simplistic texture and flavor, its melts in your mouth, no caramel sticking to your teeth, and peanuts? couldn't care for them. Not to mention some people can FUICKING DIE form eating them.

for me, its the 3 muskateers.

>> No.12614334

What kind of troll is this? The 3 Musketeers looks like a Milky Way to me. The "Milky Way" is definitely a Mars Bar.

>> No.12614335

The homosexual agenda strikes again

>> No.12614506

found the closeted fag!

>> No.12614860

There are no nuts ITT.

>> No.12615486

I don't like chocolate though, and some people die if they eat chocolate. Chocolate is not for everyone.
Starving wins.

>> No.12615492

It's no troll. The recipe for the bars vary by country. I'm guessing you're in the UK and are suprised that the American versions are different? (the pic shows the American ones).

>> No.12615500
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>> No.12615526
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>three musketeers used to be chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, hence the name
Fugg, sounds based. Why didn’t they bring it back after WW2 was over?

>> No.12615543

Neat. Didn’t know that.

>> No.12615554
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>> No.12615561

candy is for the weak & lazy

>> No.12615562


>> No.12615672
File: 264 KB, 960x640, 1562262753813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy bars used to be 5 cents, now they're at least a dollar. That's a 2000% markup. Thanks for ruining the economy and selling our country to the Jews and brown immigrants Boomers. You worthless pieces of shit.

Fuck Boomers.

>> No.12616187
File: 82 KB, 359x548, 1553711338967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a 2000% markup.
>implying the cost of ingredients has stayed the same the entire time

>> No.12616217 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12616225

Dark Chocolate Milky Ways are fucking choice though. About as good as snickers.

What kind of fucking loser do you have to be to eat 3 Musketeers? LMAO

>> No.12616226
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whoops I'm retarded

>> No.12616232

>Boomers let the country leave the gold standard
>insane inflation follows
>hurr durr inflation is inevitable!
Fuck you Boomer scum.

>> No.12616244

So what's the difference between a milky way and a mars bar in America?

>> No.12616254
File: 70 KB, 847x560, 847px-Graph_charting_income_per_capita_throughout_the_Great_Depression.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold standard was abolished before the Boomer generation was even a twinkle in their parents' eyes and ending it is what allowed th world to claw itself out of the Great Depression.

>> No.12616262
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Why eat egg whites when you can eat cookies instead?

>> No.12616320
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Biscuit is excellent but there are better bars than Twix

>> No.12616325

Let's face it, Kit Kat is the peak of candy bars.

>> No.12616362

the gold standard wasn't officially abandoned until 1971

>> No.12616450

That was the final nail in the coffin, sure, but I'm sure even you realize it was a gradual process beging well before that.

>> No.12616484


>> No.12616488
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>> No.12616494

based biscuit bros

>> No.12616523


>> No.12616528

This is why I'm totally okay with nixing social security and f****** old people

>> No.12616547
File: 251 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20190316_054024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I've understood, I hope I'm not just retarded.

If I bake a loaf of bread and we both agree that it's worth a little of your beer, that value stays the same right? If anyting we might start exchanging more goods to each other as the cost of production goes down with technological advance, right?

So how is it that things are getting more expensive? I don't know a lot about economics or finance. Can anyone make me not totally retarded for a second?

>> No.12616556

I've NOT understood*

>> No.12616563
File: 7 KB, 253x199, neckbeard CN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boohoo me being poor is boomers fault

>> No.12616591

None of these are Coffee Crisps

>> No.12616596


>> No.12616597

Finally, some men of taste and culture.

>> No.12616607

it's not things getting more expensive, it's currency losing value slightly over time. generally when inflation is low it's seen as positive for economy, because if money would gain in value people would save too much. ancap economists consider it a form taxation, because government can print more money and gain from it at the expense of the citizens.

>> No.12616622

I'm not poor, but I can see how the previous generation raped this country.

I currently make 110,000k salary before taxes doing actuarial analytics, but cost of living against that salary is fucked and more importantly the sacrifice required to get to where I'm at is incredibly fucked.

I worked full time out of hs while attending community college full time. I had to get 3 roommates to afford rent in the Midwest outside of a city. Despite working ~50 hours at my job I couldn't afford even cc tuition so I had to borrow it. If I had not had perfect health and good luck I wouldn't have made it.

Cue graduating and your expected salary at entry level for white-collar jobs is fucking 45k while you have 50k in student loans.

Fuck boomers who told me to go to college, I should have done a trade or killed some sand faggots for the military first.

>> No.12616628


Thanks anons

>> No.12617401
File: 23 KB, 269x211, Milky Way varieties early 90's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I thought they brought back the three flavors in one for a limited time, but I must be thinking of the strawberry kind around Valentine's Day.

>> No.12617406
File: 31 KB, 599x417, zero bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ultimate
especially when frozen

>> No.12617407

There are "Forest nuts" Snickers.

>> No.12617427

>not getting full ride
>complaining like a little beta bitch boy
Not surprised you‘re a cucktuary desu.

>> No.12617467

Ever heard of inflation?
In 1939 5 cents was worth modern 92 cents.
In 1945 5 cents was worth modern 71 cents.

You can test it yourself and see how much US dollar has lost valued during years.

>> No.12617482

oh shit

>> No.12617506

hello, based friends

>> No.12617605
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>> No.12617613

Some asshole makes cheap food, you go buy him up and sell it for more. EZ 100% kikery

>> No.12617640

fucking kill yourself nutlet

>> No.12618192

There's no Mars bar in America

>> No.12618201

Going to college was the biggest mistake of my life. The Jews brainwash you from kindergarten all the way until your senior year that if you don't get 100k in debt to go to school you won't be successful. Goddamn they are good at subversion.

>> No.12618272

There we go

>> No.12618380


>> No.12618396

Is that why American troops are fed a diet of candy bars?

Candy bars are for those who need energy, and now. Nuts are even better for this

>> No.12618404

That can't be right.

America invented fried Mars bars and it was notorious as the most calorie-dense food on the planet for several years back in the early 00s, more than Krispy Kremes.

>> No.12618422
File: 72 KB, 500x400, 1550775111831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post an actual not-shit chocolate bar

>> No.12618494


>> No.12618542
File: 16 KB, 355x355, 39475440-C92A-41B4-BD94-D97C977332C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way, plebs

>> No.12618549

>Ever heard of inflation?
That's the point he was making...

>> No.12620057

No, he was crying about markup.
Markup is the difference between unit cost and final price, in other words the portion of the price that is pure profit.

He is implying that a $1 candybar is 95¢ of pure profit.

>> No.12620080
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my dude right here

>> No.12620323
File: 43 KB, 614x586, 1559978421514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is implying that a $1 candybar is 95¢ of pure profit.
He wasn't, in fact he didn't mention profit at all. Perhaps you shouldn't imprint your own assumptions onto other peoples statements if you ever plan on understanding how this world works bud. The fact still remians, that a 5 cent candy bar now costs $1. However you want to twist or manipulate the truth, something caused this price increase. That something is the Boomers who caused this inflation through their short sighted, short term greed. Boomers fucked their progeny and caused every other social, economic, and demographic issue we are facing in America right now.

Now stop skirting the issue. Fuck Boomers, and fuck you.

>> No.12620345

everything i do

>> No.12620347
File: 336 KB, 488x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a chocolate bar when you can get the supreme ice cream version for not much more

Both are going to melt anyways you have literally no excuse except being poor.

>> No.12620354

>He is implying that a $1 candybar is 95¢ of pure profit.
He literally didn't imply this at all. You going senile Boomer?

>> No.12620374

>He wasn't, in fact he didn't mention profit at all.
>Candy bars used to be 5 cents, now they're at least a dollar. That's a 2000% markup
>m a r k u p

>> No.12620380

Are you retarded?

>> No.12620385

>oh no! his terminology wasn't 100% accurate therefore the point he is making should be disregarded!
You're a goddamn autistic moron.

>> No.12620400

I've never met anyone with a peanut allergy. I think it's a meme to punish the south

>> No.12620407

Markup and inflation are two entirely separate and different things.
When you whine about excess markup, you are complaining about excessive profiteering. Of paying more than what something is worth.

The value of the candy bar hasn't changed, markup hasn't gone up 2000%.
If you want to be retarded and use words to mean completely different things from what they actually mean, keep your blogposting on Facebook.

>> No.12620408

Havent seen one in over a decade anywhere in the states

>> No.12620508

This man is your friend, he fights for good taste!

>> No.12620539
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>> No.12620550

hard to argue with that bro
but where my take 5 players at

>> No.12620558

This conversation was never about the candy bar you fucking moron. The candy bar was a metaphor for the cost of living and purchasing power of the American people being raped to death by the Boomers.

You are an autistic fuckwit who loses the plot easily.

>> No.12620570

>gets proven both wrong and retarded
>i-i-i was using the wrong words METAPHORICALLY

Holy shit this level of cope is astounding

>> No.12620593

>uses one word in the wrong context
You...autistic fucking moron.

>> No.12620615

>gets proven both wrong and retarded
In what way? He used the word "markup" wrong, but his point still stands that a 5 cent candy bar is now 2000% more expensive (as are all other consumer products and services).

>> No.12620789

Caramel is so fucking pointless, I honestly kind of hate it.

>> No.12620825


>> No.12620826

Mah Fuckin' Nigga

>> No.12621010

>but his point still stands that a 5 cent candy bar is now 2000% more expensive
It's exactly as expensive as it always was.
The value of the bar has not changed. The money you use to buy that value is worth less now, but you're doing the same work to earn that money to pay for the same value.

>> No.12621024

>The money you use to buy that value is worth less now, but you're doing the same work to earn that money to pay for the same value.
Wages in inflation-adjusted dollars have been stagnant for a while now, so really, you've been doing that same for for less total value.

>> No.12621037

That's a separate argument and unrelated to the price of the candy bar.
If you want to make that point, you would look at the actual difference in wages to work value and not say dumb shit like "2000% markup"

>> No.12621071

You're entirely missing the point. I can't wait until all you Boomers die.

>> No.12621125

You have yet to make a point. You're too illiterate and you've got your head too far up your own ass to communicate a point.

>> No.12621154

3 musketeers that has been in the fridge is great

>> No.12621196

I've never seen one of these in person, is this not in america? looks good

>> No.12621251

I've made several points. You're just to close to Alzheimers to realize. I hope you die soon Boomer.

>> No.12621264

Baseless projection is the furthest thing from a point possible.

>> No.12621269


>> No.12621276

salty boomers

>> No.12621281

Swap milky way and 3 musketeers and it's perfect OP

>> No.12621379

I've seen them in America before, but not sure if I have within the last couple years. Also never tried one

>> No.12621652
File: 51 KB, 254x254, nestle-crunch-fun-size-candy-bar-1321681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire thread
>not a single crunch bar
What the fuck

>> No.12621702

would a kit kat fall in the same category of candy with a cookie in it ?

>> No.12621735
File: 65 KB, 640x429, 294915856_850629e168_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its Choco Leibniz.

I have to actively avoid buying them as I will inhale the whole pack in a short timeframe

>> No.12622553

No, it does not have biscuit in it.
Kit kat is a wafer bar.

>> No.12624247

That's not a fucking Milky Way.
That's a fucking Mars Bar.

>> No.12624265

I tried that.
It was shit.

>> No.12624444

Hell yeah my nigga

>> No.12626302
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Out of the way, plebs

>> No.12626346
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but how does /ck/ feel about big turks

>> No.12626387


>> No.12626394
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>> No.12626457

I don't like caramel in candy bars.

>> No.12626465

based. If I'm going to eat enough sugar to make my heart race and my vision go blurry I might as well go all in.

>> No.12626607

it's unironically something a patrician would choose

>> No.12626640

This is the only board where I ever still see people use the word 'patrician'

>> No.12626647
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x659, Screenshot_20190713-002747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont eat candy bars anymore but nothing came close to beating payday.

>> No.12627393

patrician response