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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12613444 No.12613444 [Reply] [Original]

>two earthquakes hit California in two days; locals fear The Big One may be on the way
>Yellowstone activity is surging
>storm activity in the Gulf of Mexico is picking up for hurricane season
>the 2020 election is right around the corner and everyone is fucking pissed
What food are you boys stocking up on? You are preparing for disaster, aren't you?

>> No.12613455

Not really. I’m within the instant death zone of Yellowstone.

>> No.12613474

I wonder with less people if the price of a five guys burger would come down?

>> No.12613476
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spam, wolf chili, rice, seeds for crops, and animal grade antibiotics

also, i have lots of guns and regularly host and attend cookouts with my neighbors and fellow townspeople because i live in a high trust small town

at worst we'll be knocked back into the early 19th century while we come together and unite as a community to ensure that everyone survives and perhaps even prospers

>> No.12613485

>animal grade antibiotics
Where do you get these? Pet stores or similar?

>> No.12613489
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>too poor to afford $5 burger

>> No.12613622

yes, most online pet stores have them. though, i'm not sure if you can get them at brick and mortar pet stores since i've never tried.

i prefer thomas labs brand since they're manufactured at the same factory that fda approved antibiotics are. the only difference is how much the manufacturer has to pay to government agencies in order to market them to consumers.

i'd also advise downloading and studying pdfs describing which antibiotics to use for which infections. otherwise, you might compromise the patient's immune system with the wrong drug and cause a minor infection to become fatal.

>> No.12613627

>two earthquakes hit California in two days; locals fear The Big One may be on the way
Christ we can only hope.

>> No.12613642
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>Canned and jarred goods
Anyone that has ever watched SteveMRE knows that shit won't last. It's a recipe for botulism city. Freeze dried, vacuum sealed food is where it's at.

>> No.12613659
File: 443 KB, 1600x1200, Spices_22078028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spices were once worth more than gold, in a shtf event imports from where they are grown would be cut off. Anyone here have any longterm ideas for spice storage?

>> No.12613665

>He doesn't get the meme

>> No.12613668

Vacuum packing stuff adds shelf life.

>> No.12613685
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>There will be trade and commerce in a shtf scenario
in a shtf event there won't be food to sprinkle cute little spices on. If you're stocking up for SHTF (a stupid thing to do first of all***) you might as well collect more useful things.

***stupid because it's much preferable to die early in a SHTF event than whither, suffer and die a few months/years later. The only thing I'm packing up for SHTF is 1 shot and a shotgun

>> No.12613695

Ok I reread your comment and realized that you know there won't be commerce or trade in SHTF. I cancel my greentext. But the rest of my reply is still good.

>> No.12613703
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My livestock dealer just got arrested so I'm turning to canned goods for their rations.

>> No.12613724

With a long term spice storage solution you could buy your spices in bulk and save a lot of money over time food prices only go up. a $50 investment for 10 lbs of peppercorns would be worth it and if things do go south you would have a valuable item that you spent very little on

>> No.12613727

I hope more californians die

>> No.12613729

You will never have to worry about Yellowstone faggot.

>> No.12613736

But we're talking about SHTF where basic food to stay alive will become hard to come by.

Spices will be #1999999 in the list of people's priorities.

>> No.12613745

SHTF doesn't have to mean nuclear war for fuck's sake.
> where basic food to stay alive will become hard to come by.
Animals live outside. Go eat them.

What will you do if there are spice bandits looking to take your horde?

>> No.12613786
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SHTF's definition differs person to person. To me SHTF is when "shit hits the fan"- when things are so bad that regular trade and bartering ends and people are fighting for self preservation.

Anyways, even if it's not a total SHTF and it's just a big disaster or economic depression, betting your money on spices is still not the best choice. There are so many better and safer/more consistent things to invest on (e.g. firearms/ammunition, coffee, etc) yet you choose spices, which is a luxury good.

>Animals live outside. Go eat them
There won't be any because tens of thousands of survivalists in your state (that probably thought they were clever) all had the same idea of going out and hunting for food. You'll probably be hunting for each other, not animals, in the woods. A forest empty of food and full of hungry armed men.

>> No.12613820

realized that I was not responding to the spice guy. Sorry about that.

>> No.12613866
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shoot the bandits with my guns
I would have spices in addition to other supplies eating unseasoned rice and beans for years would be very boring. the spices can also be used to preserve meats and vegetables.

>> No.12613899

If you hoard spices ALONG other essentials, it's fine.