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12610843 No.12610843 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making beef stew.

>> No.12610847
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>> No.12610852

Based dickered OP.

>> No.12610854
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>> No.12610859

Not fucking around one bit. I'm watching this thread. Also are those rutabagas in front of the beef stock?

>> No.12610860

If your wine:stock ratio is anything less than 2:1, it's not going to be nearly as good as it could be

>> No.12610863
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>> No.12610868

No flour?

>> No.12610870

also, since you're using bones, you don't even fucking need packaged stock. you're making a good homemade one

>> No.12610872
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>> No.12610878
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I put the bones in the stock to make ultrastock or basically a shitty version of brown sauce.

>> No.12610881
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Bacon in butter.

>> No.12610886

OP, keep in mind that almost no one on this pathetic board knows anything about food or cooking. They only eat ramen or fast food every night but will criticize everything you do. But good luck. At least you are actually cooking, unlike these other literal fags.

>> No.12610888

OP, it's a braise you need:
>fish sauce
These are mandatory for all braises.

Also, why the fuck are you making beef stew in July?

>> No.12610890
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Onion, garlic, leek, shallot, and green onion roots in this to saute and get translucent

>> No.12610892

Are those your root vegetables? Your technique is fucking retarded my dude. The French already perfected the braise/stew; just follow the fucking procedure and get creative with your ingredients.

>> No.12610895
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Mushrooms next because they sweat like a motherfucker.

>> No.12610902
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Now I sweat the root vegetables and deglaze some.

>> No.12610908

Nice trips and because it's fucking delicious!

>> No.12610910
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Then add beef and let it sweat some after stirring all the roots around and getting rid of their moisture. Now I do the same thing with the beef.

>> No.12610918
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Then I deglaze with the whiskey and wine and add the stock in finally.

>> No.12610926
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Oh fuck that was out of order. That's when I added the heavy cream to the stock. Whatever, here is when I added fennel, clove, nutmeg and other spices.

>> No.12610931

You're supposed to cook the bacon, remove it, sear the beef, remove it, then saute your vegetables, then deglaze, then add your meat back in along with your cooking liquid (which should be that whole fucking bottle of red wine, pussy)

>> No.12610933
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Next I let it simmer until all the rendered fat and cream fat rises to the top and I scoop it out and put it in a seperate pan.

>> No.12610944
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Halfway through the roux.

Half the time walter just boils his beef so I don't see what for other than more fond or if you really want some color on the beef. I've done it both ways it's not very important.

>> No.12610948
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Then I just keep simmering and seasoning to taste. I also use better than bullion beef base instead of salt.

>> No.12610949

>getting meat bits in the fond isn't important
>building flavor by searing your meat isn't important
I don't know who the fuck Walter is, but he's dumb and doesn't know how to cook properly.

>> No.12610953

>not cooking your meat covered in a large pot for at least 3 hours, preferably in the oven
enjoy your tough meat, dumbass. you did ALL of this wrong

>> No.12610954
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Then it's done. I'm just mad they didn't have celary root so I had to use double rutabaga.

>> No.12610960
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Walter Staib from A Taste of History.
It was probably an hour an a half and it's in chunks. Came out good. Cream plus roux makes the difference.

>> No.12610962

Good job, OP. It looks delicious. Fuck these faggots who can't actually cook.

>> No.12610964

classically trained chef here
>dude up top is more right than you are
you need to make a demi, mix it with stock to have a stew by definition

your shit looks like it tastes good but its not technically a stew
cant make a roux to fix it
also: hot roux cold stock to avoid clumps if you cheat that way

deglaze fond as much as possible, that is where rich flavors are

>> No.12610968

18th century American recipes are not as good as 19th century French recipes.

>> No.12610973

where do you cook?
I think you're right about what you're saying and OP won't take criticism

>> No.12610976

You don't have to make demi glace for it to be a stew, and you don't need to use stock. Daube is a stew, and that's all wine.

>> No.12610977

I don't know but when you use cream and a roux it comes out incredibly silky and tasty especially if you use the fat rendered from the marrow bones for it. Tastes good.

>> No.12610982

I cook at home. It's not like any of this stuff is hidden knowledge in the age of the internet.

>> No.12610990

On a hot plate in mommy's basement when he isn't microwaving dino tendies

>> No.12610995

This is the definition of projection.

>> No.12611008

I meant microwaving ramen and jerking off to trap porn on /b/

>> No.12611010

>Half the time walter just boils his beef so I don't see what for other than more fond
you build up a lot of great fond by searing the meat first. the boiling is done to tenderize your meat so it has that fall-apart stew-like texture. this is a very high-level stew you just did but you missed out on these two crucial parts on how to cook meat for a stew. find a way to incorporate these two steps into your recipe, but everything else about it was very, very nice.

>> No.12611015

I mean its a really broad term, and I'm hammed after work, so roll with me
> you're right
but also I am, since who doesn't use a bottle or 2 of pinot when making demi.
and why not just make demi and stretch it into stock if you need it because it stores much better and takes up less space.
heavy cream is a magical ingredient and goes with almost everything well.
but heavy cream and roux's are not the way to make a stew. demi and loosening with stock is the best way to go.

your call though, you're the one who is eating it. I just have to cook for money so I can't be so liberal in my cooking sometimes

>> No.12611024

Shut the fuck up you drunk

>> No.12611042

wow, chill I'm the kind of person who's responses should be appreciated by home cooks. I'm not hating on OP or anyone, I'm just trying to have a discussion. thats the point of the board kid

>> No.12611053

I still don't think you NEED to do that when making a stew. It's one way to do it, but by no means the most common. It's usually the standard sear, saute, delgaze, and braise.

>> No.12611066

Jesus, you are so fucking dumb

>> No.12611067

To make a demi takes waaaaaaayy too much time though right?

>> No.12611070

I told you to shut the fuck up

>> No.12611074

Only for retards like you

>> No.12611075

Why? It's unreasonable to expect a home cook to keep demi glace around at all times. You can easily make a good stew with oil, beef, salt, pepper, carrots, onions, some fresh herbs, wine, and water.

>> No.12611076

I thought you had to basically cook down stock without burning it and it takes like 24 hours? That's why I just make extra strong stock by making my stock with marrow bones.

>> No.12611102

I mean it takes alot of time to make a demi, but it is worth it imho. they freeze really well into a jelly and taste great when watered down or added to another stock (mushroom or brussel sprout for example)

you can't argue that the "common" way is the right way. what you're describing is just a soup. stew is much different.
nigga you gay
the gelatin content is really what makes a demi a demi in most circles of practice. marrow and knuckles are the best things to roast and boil for a good demi

>> No.12611121

How long does it take to rxtract the gelatin and what is stopping me from just adding gelatin?

>> No.12611122

Show me three definitions of the word stew, from any reference you wish, that includes what you're talking about.

>> No.12611169

dude its just making this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bordelaise_sauce with vegtables and stewed meat
12 hours, nothing is stopping you other than if you do the process correctly and add gelatin then youre final product will be too thick and unusable

>> No.12611194

>12 hours, nothing is stopping you other than if you do the process correctly and add gelatin then youre final product will be too thick and unusable

That's right, so if you want a bowl of beef stew for dinner at 6 PM, start cooking at 6 AM hahahaha

>> No.12611209

no, you make off a large batch of demi and freeze it. (probably 32 oz) then you pul it out and throw it in stock or water to make stew. you dont make a demi for just 1 use, that is a waste of time.
don;t get mad at me. I'm just tryin to explain things

>> No.12611221

>wine:stock ratio
Wtf muffugah runes shit this be?

>> No.12611284

I used half the bottle plus about 150ml of whiskey. If you haven't put wine in your stew holy shit do next time. I also put whiskey or wine into my chili.

>> No.12611348

The next time I smoke something and am already throwing away my day to cook I'll use the gfs crock pot to make a demi. Tell me how.

Stock, bones, root vegetables, celary, herbs, and wine? Just simmer it down for 12 hours?

>> No.12611361

>mandatory for all braises
NOPE. Lrn2cook other cuisines besides asian.

>> No.12611387

NOICE, OP. I'm midnight cooking right now. I just put a brisket in the roaster to braise (for using in a variety of dishes), and am rendering beef fat as well (which is going to take about 4-5 hours, but who cares, it's MIDWEEK MIDNIGHT MADNESS!!!!)
The brisket is braising in a mix of beef stock and beer, with bay leaf, peppercorns, allspice berries, a metric shit ton of onions, garlic, and a couple of sliced serrano peppers. I'm using my electric turkey roaster for the braise, because there's no way I'm turning my oven on in this heat. Btw, turkey roasters are the fucking bee's knees for braising, I do it all the time.
So, I'm going to chill and drink wine and hang out, while periodically checking my rendering beef fat, and let that meat slowly turn into gorgeousness.

>> No.12611436

Is braised brisket good? I've been meaning to try to smoke one but the price of fucking up is double most pork or turkey things I've done.

>> No.12611456

Oh, fuck yeah it's good. I mean, I smoke briskets too, but braised brisket is good for making things like salpicon de res, enchiladas, rice bowls, meat fillings for other things as well, all kinds of stuff. I was actually going to smoke this brisket, but I just couldn't be fucked to do it, plus I need to go get wood too. But braised turns out tender, juicy, and soft, a whole different animal from smoked.
Smoking brisket is a bit riskier than pork or turkey, for sure, but as long as you let it go slow and low for the right amount of time, and give it the right amount of smoke, you'll be good. You have to give it enough time for the cartilage to melt, which for a whole brisket is about 16-18 hours.

>> No.12611476

Don't give the fuckwit (you)s fellow chefbro.

>> No.12611480


>> No.12611481

I'm cooking an experiment right now. I have five pounds of pork belly rashers and spare ribs roasting in the oven, when they're crispy and golden I'm going to curry them, Penang style.

>> No.12611485

Sounds fucking delicious, anon. Let us know how it turns out.

>> No.12611490
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Holy shit. I have an offset charcoal and lump wood smoker that has to be babied every 20 minutes I couldn't last 16 - 18 hours.

>> No.12611526

I have to agree your stew looks god-tier but the meat still looks bouncy.
Fuck it this thread is the best one we've had in a while. Learning so much.
>It's usually the standard sear, saute, delgaze, and braise.
I call this a roast. Deglazing with wine was a big step for me. I grew up on hotdogs.

>> No.12611594

Is that a ceramic knife? How do you like ceramic knives for cooking?

>> No.12611664

No, it's a coated steel knife my mom bought me when I moved out 5 years ago. It is alright as long as you keep it honed all the time. She bought me and my gf new ones that are nicer for Christmas but it's special to me at this point.

>> No.12611672

Problem is I'm used to chuck not rump and rump was on sale this time. Still though, I'm going to do what was suggested the next time in terms of fond and searing just to see how much of a difference it makes. The cream plus roux was very good though so I may make a demi next time I smoke but I wouldn't go out of my way for it just for anytime I make this unless I already have the stuff frozen like anon said.

>> No.12611704

Is it some sort of carbon steel and the coating is to prevent corrosion?

>> No.12611716

No, pretty sure it's gay ass shit where they're tricking you into thinking they're ceramic. They come in a bunch of different colors for each type of knife. It's a gimmick marketed at women. But the steel itself isn't bad.

>> No.12612325

dont have a recipe but I always trust this guy
you can kinda just throw a bunch of shit together
do the bones first, then veg, then wine and simmer it down till its like 1/12 the original volume and sticks to a spoon
shouldn't have but I was too drunk

>> No.12612334

Shut up fag. Nobody cares.

>> No.12612731

But any braise is better with them than without.

>> No.12612748


>> No.12612753

Holy shit, you're like the 3rd person I found who can actually cook on this board. I'm happy.

>> No.12613174
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That really looks good but shouldn't the celery be a lot more broken down? Everything should be.
I think this is a raw stew Anon, this has a couple of re-heatings with 2+ hours of just-below-simmer before it is perfect IMO.
Or is that bring it out of what you're trying to accomplish here.
Please Anons respond I don't want this discusion to die.
Last time I pulled my carrots and kept the meat and celery braiing until the celery was mostly broken down then I re-introduced the carrots.
Total was about 6-8 hours of cooking or so, this is like halfway through.
Sear, sautee, wine deglaze, braise, separate, braise some more, put back in, braise some more, eat.

>> No.12613182

It's a stew, you pathetic fuck.

>> No.12613381

Fucking tatted up degenerate meth head, shut the fuck up

>> No.12613648

Great, but nothing beats a traditional Irish stew that you can make without most of thos ingredients.

>> No.12613655

That looks more like curry than beef stew

>> No.12613662

it's light in color because he didn't create fond in the pan by searing of the meat.

>> No.12613738

We can only hope that cunt is finally dead

>> No.12613960

It's light because there is a pint of cream in it.

>> No.12613968

That's raw green onion on top.

>> No.12615173

What the flying fuck does what month it is have to do with what you cook?

>> No.12615178

I'm having sex

>> No.12615241

>sweltering heat and humidity of mid-summer
yeah, lets eat a big bowl of steaming hot heavy stew!
>dead of winter below freezing temps.
Yeah, lets eat a tomato salad!

Are millennials this far from know where their food comes from and growing seasons?

>> No.12615251

It's bait.

>> No.12615273
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>you can't eat warm food when it's hot out
Yikes, you get the award for most retarded thing I've read all week.

>> No.12615283

I don't think they have air conditioning. A lot of Asia doesn't use air conditioning. Maybe south America as well.

>> No.12615296

>you can't
it's not that you can't it's that it's fucking stupid to do it. I remember Eric Ripert making fun of dumbass girls making beef stew in the summer because they got a copy of Julia childs book or saw her beef bourguignon show on youtube.

>> No.12615307

You could have made barbacoa instead.