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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 700x700, 30-binging-with-babbish-grub-diet-2.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12605332 No.12605332 [Reply] [Original]

*layers you're tres leches*

>> No.12605349

redditing with reddit

>> No.12605417

I made his Confit Baldy recipe from Ratatouille, but it was pretty lame.

>> No.12605427

*ruins it's alive*

>> No.12605447

I like the guy. Obviously he seems like the reddit type but he's inoffensive and his videos are well-produced and entertaining. The food looks pretty good most of the time.

>> No.12605457

I don't speak spanish. I did read a pornographic novel once where a spanish man referred to his ejaculation as an "eruption of thick leche"... Is leche jizz?

>> No.12605458

There is nothing well-produced about a poorly researched video. He just knows how to make them visually appealing and easy to binge watch

>> No.12605477

His solo show is pretty ok, I like his autistic obsession with English muffins, but seeing him interact with guests makes me cringe and his episodes with Brad are almost unbearable. You can very transparently see there's no chemistry between them and in the end both are just there for the paycheck so they put this ultra unconvincing front of friendliness.

>> No.12605481
File: 905 KB, 697x692, 1562357891312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you youre a bigger faggot than he is.
faggots detected

>> No.12605580

wow I like that mug, where can I get one

>> No.12605584

>patchy beard
>black rimmed glasses
Every time.

>> No.12605619


>> No.12605689

It's alive is better because they are investing so much into Brad, the only reason half of their viewers go to their channel

>> No.12605696
File: 105 KB, 854x480, BE041840-6596-47C4-A1A9-799B95CDE995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*creates the perfect recipe and technique*

>> No.12605726

>confit baldy

>> No.12605731

How come this reddit cuck has made food from cartoons like Steven Universe, Regular Show, Spongebob Squarepants, Bob's Burgers, Adventure Time, Kim Possible, Pokemon, Family Guy, The Simpsons... but he hasn't made anything from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

>> No.12605737

his black beans were horrible
i made his chili from his The Office episode and it was actually great. But I think that's probably the best thing he's done.

>> No.12605790

Do you know what producing or production is? His kitchen and filming are beautiful. I love the -mostly- mod filming of keeping his face out of view.

>> No.12605802

Because you're the only faggot that thinks of mlp

>> No.12605805

brad ruined its alive

>> No.12605908
File: 2.09 MB, 1728x1080, that reddit cooking show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why he doesn't show his face.
>"My intention with creating BwB was to put an emphasis on the food, first and foremost. I was tired of YouTube cooking channels where personality/vlogs/antics were given precedence over what we actually clicked on the video to see."
>Doesn't want to show face in an effort to bring attention to the food itself.
>Still takes up 2/3rds of the frame.
>food is only like 15% of the frame.

>> No.12605968

I think of ponies because I'm sexy and I kick-ass.

>> No.12606015

"All of the pixels aren't food" is not a valid criticism, at all. Go look at the Gordon Ramsay videos with that hyper-zoom editing where all of the frame is just food and his hands, it's God awful. It becomes too much to take in visually. Also if you're a total scrub (99% of people watching) being able to see what the arms and body do is actually a huge plus; I know how to stand in front of a cutting board, Jonny Chucklefuck doesn't but he'll subconsciously copy the posture and positioning of the guy on the screen. I have actually seen so many people stand hunched over and sideways at a counter doing things it's baffling, but have someone watch a video and cook along to it and they'll straighten up for whatever reason.

The actual editing on his videos does what he wants perfectly; it draws your eyes to the food without being a huge mess. There is no ugly mug to draw attention to. His pasty skinnyfat body covered in a solid black apron isn't something that's gonna be drawing attention. The top two thirds is some out-of-focus background still; it creates an easy on the eyes empty space that isn't as jarring as a completely blank white background, but being out of focus means that yet again your eyes are not drawn to it, unless your first instinct is to nitpick some fag's bar. The countertop is visually boring and the food stands out on it. If you flash a dozen people a screenshot they'd be able to tell you what was going on in the countertop or stove, but you'd be hard pressed to have anyone give you any detail on the background or him or anything else really.

He's a self-admitted amateur cook and I find his humour and delivery to not be to my taste (as in far too Reddit), but he sure as shit knows what he's doing with the production.

>> No.12606044

But with his body there, how did you ever find the food in the frame?

>> No.12606070

He doesn't really do anything eligible for disliking, so I don't understand why posters on here are pretending.

>> No.12606076

Big crybaby retards dislike the way he exists.

>> No.12606094
File: 47 KB, 378x378, 1546793228430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr what is negative space
Yeah why don't mc donald commercials just zoom in on the burger so it's 90% of the frame instead of 50%+
Since your image is original it's safe to assume you are actually retarded and have zero understanding of framing, unironically educate yourself if you're going to attack a reddit celebrity don't use reddit reasoning

>> No.12606106

You mean besides being a hypocrite and acting cocky whenever talking about methods and tips someone who actually studied gastronomy would never attempt?

>> No.12606126

Because dandelion sandwiches are not nearly as good as you they'd be.

>> No.12606133

his food is not very good, he's a fucking amateur and tries to come off as an expert (despite his false modesty) and he's reddit. having said that I don't think anyone cares enough except to say as much in threads like this, which is really no effort at all

>> No.12606140

What food is even in that show? Fucking fairy cake or some shit? Can’t be different than what he’s already done.

>> No.12606165



>> No.12606702

Babish is a fuckin fraud. All his recipes are just cookie cutter garbage, he just copies what he thinks is "good" and adds his own retarded hipster shit to it to not seem like a total fraud. His show where he recreates recipes is gay as fuck, might as well watch those chinaman videos where they create retarded recipes.

I wouldn't mind the guy if he wasn't the biggest cooking channel on youtube and his retarded fanbase shilling his garbage as if most people aren't already aware of it. I have never seen Babish make anything that actually looks good or anything that's not filled with meme ingredients, he's an aesthetic obsessed soy guzzling bald FAGGOT just look at his right arm.

>> No.12606915


>> No.12606920

love ragusea

>> No.12607032

Babish poaching Vinnie away from BA ruined It's Alive.

>> No.12607148

He wants the Rick and Morty fanbase

>> No.12607342

I made his Apple Pie recipe, and swapped all of his hipster spices for a three-quarter cup of cinnamon and a sprinkle of nutmeg.
It was fucking delicious.

Chill dude, what did he do, shit in your soup?

>> No.12607344

He is my husbandu and Im not even gay

>> No.12607373

epic soyjak cosplay bro

>> No.12607511

Legit don't understand why /ck/ hates this guy so much

>his recipes are so simple!!!
yeah... because if he were to fucking re-invent the grilled cheese sandwich, you guys would rip on him for that too.

>> No.12607517
File: 495 KB, 1699x793, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what you want to see in a cooking video? fucking retard

>> No.12607547

Did he fuck your girlfriend or something? /ck/ why do you fags seeth and REEE over this guy? Is it autism?

>> No.12607565

Nobody complains about his recipes being simple. People here don't like him because he's all style no substance. He's popular due to high production value and trendy atmosphere, despite his shit content, and some people resent that. Compare to Food Wishes, presented by someone who has actually worked as a professional chef, provides excellent advice, has heaps of personality and a moderate production value.

>> No.12607584

god damn you are so fucking stupd

>> No.12607615

Correct, but gay.

>> No.12607644

milk or in your case, man milk

>> No.12607681


You guys are slowpokes. Hes larbing with larb now. Get with the times gramps.

>> No.12607789

i made his strudel and it was pretty dope

>> No.12607796

>high production value
you mean a single shot with very little editing?
>trendy atmosphere
a kitchen??
>shit content
a simple recipe

Just admit you hate him because he reminds you of a website

>> No.12607806

You can pick out like 95% of his videos and no one here will be able to point out anything wrong with what he does.

>> No.12607904


Honestly his cooking skills are pretty decent, he's just a bit of a meme, I don't get why people seethe so much. (Even though he has completely sold out now, but who wouldn't take those fat cheques)

>> No.12607905

Ppl that have too much free time
They usually spend hours going from youtube video to youtube video, porn, eating and then more youtube

>> No.12608033

yea his whole schtick is reeks of insecurity

>> No.12608392

This. But most of all, he angers losers. Their rage nourishes my soul.

>> No.12608406

He represents style over substance. He has no personality, his content is wholly mediocre and yet he's possibly the most popular cooking channel on YouTube, above channels like Food Wishes that churn out excellent content, simply because he has an expensive camera and a nice kitchen.

>> No.12608426
File: 39 KB, 255x219, 1476989459281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12608512

>Their rage nourishes my soul.
You sure sound like a winner there, pal.

>> No.12608541
File: 627 KB, 719x449, Ba'Corn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's how food wishes does it.

>> No.12608592


This is begging for a dick to be shopped in

>> No.12608613

Looks like Cooking With Jack when you zoom in like that

>> No.12608856

>doesn't really do anything eligible for disliking
What absolute groupthink shithole did you come from where there is a list of things you can't dislike?

>> No.12608901

don't forget easy to listen to, he's got a nice voice and ratatat fucking slaps

>> No.12609146

In this place, I am.

>> No.12609167
File: 34 KB, 314x192, 1461262261267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What absolute groupthink shithole did you come from where there is a list of things you can't dislike?

>> No.12609227

Bahahahaha he's got a YouTube channel. He's not a celebrity you sperg. Reddit or otherwise.

>> No.12609237

If you'd like to look like a website to, use code babbish for 30% off your first squarespace order.

>> No.12609302

Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with this guys speech?
Can he speak in complete sentences?

>> No.12609357

>i dont know what production entails

>> No.12609724

Someone pay his tattoo removals now

>> No.12609971

Food wishes is actually good though and the recipes are fantastic.

>> No.12609985

But listening to him is pure cancer.

>> No.12610060

I tried making a post comparing his videos with other similar ones but I can't sit through his content

>> No.12610326

Has anyone made the bourbon candied carrots from Babish's "Steak Au Poivre" episode? They're tasty as fuck but my butter always breaks.

>> No.12610421
File: 529 KB, 1015x1527, I'M KILLING HMM HMM AND I WON'T STOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le tiny whisk
>le get to know each other
These memes are terrible. On tier with when Townsend's started acknowledging the LOL NUTMEG in every episode.

>> No.12610428

You get used to it. After a while it just becomes humorous.

>> No.12610441

but im sure you love Chef John and his cayenne right?

>> No.12610451

No. I dislike that singsong voice nigger period, actually.

>> No.12610494


Let people have fun

>> No.12610842

>you get used to cancer
4chan(nel) in a nutshell.

>> No.12610912
File: 429 KB, 2483x1330, a401d5_343f13f9c52a47ad94662fc7ab227e48~mv2_d_2576_1380_s_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12611021

>dude im so smart and woke, let me criticize this other cooking show because there are SOOO many
>didn't make a video about the fucking cooking channel and its popular variations around the world
humans love food, wow I wonder why

>> No.12611026


>> No.12611031

This board sucks ass

>> No.12611033

Yeah, just look at your opinions.

>> No.12611035

90% of the people on this board don't cook and have come here from other YT'ers talking about /ck/ memes

>> No.12611154

I like some of his methods but he seems to have an alternate style of cooking for literally every dish ever made that he thinks is superior when 90% of the time the tried and true way is tried and true for a reason

>> No.12611205

Putting my personal SEETHING hatred for this bald wojak cuck soiboi hipster faggot aside, I hate his obsession with always making ingredients from scratch. He even made spaghetti from scratch (only to get bashed by Italian chefs for making the wrong ones) to his Carbonara, like come on, who the fuck makes his own noodles?

>> No.12611330
File: 151 KB, 326x216, 1554975734150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12611349

Chef John makes zoomers seethe. Based.

>> No.12611355

There's a marzipan mascarpone meringue cake.

>> No.12611370

Of all the things this is what he knows least about, in my opinion. He's sure to fuck it up if he ever attempted it.

>> No.12611375

That's probably the only respectable thing about this faggot though

>> No.12611400

Do you realize you literally admitted that you hate him because he's popular?

>> No.12611455

I hate him so much I wanna practice sodomy with him FUCK YOU BABISH ROT IN HELL YOU BASTARD

>> No.12611519

I don't like his sterile "apple" style videos, his entire attitude screams insecure. He only cooks as a hobby never worked in a restaurant, no culinary education, idolizes tv chefs. Worst he thinks he's hot shit, reddits it-boy all style no substance,

>> No.12611522

There's a thread there now on a cookbook that just released.

>> No.12611618
File: 66 KB, 640x640, buck_a_horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a cookbook but there's a lot of other shit in the show. The Yaks have their own cuisine. The Gryphons have different scones, one like hard tack, one that's a bit better because of horse intervention. The dragons and some other predators can eat the residual magic that makes gemstones grow in the ground some neat rock candy thing around that could be cool. You can go the Manticore route and have an episode about horse steak. Or horse wendigos and go dry aged horse meat

Also there's this which would be mildly entertaining to watch live. https://i.imgur.com/I1fDPaQ.jpg

>> No.12611624

Go to hell, Chef John''s speech pattern is fantastic.

>> No.12611631

The butter won't break if you keep the temp low, let it get too high and the fat will separate.
Honestly you're best off just accepting that the butter will break, fucking around trying to stop it is more trouble than its worth.

>> No.12611648

Cayenne is one of my most used spices, right after Salt and b.Pepper. Its an excellent source of heat, without carrying too much of its own flavor outside of that unless you want it too.

>> No.12612275

Nah, its just cancer.

>> No.12613500

My dad always made his own pasta from scratch for lasagna. It was always amazing too.

>> No.12613548

I can tell the majority on this board are quite the unsuccessful bunch.

Get good at something! Once you start making some real money, ya might stop directing all this weak hatred to a guy who is better than each and every one of you complainers.

>> No.12615567

Go back to plebbit, Babish.