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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12594872 No.12594872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Review Brah the food critic we deserve?

>> No.12594887

He doesn't even like taco bell that much

>> No.12594895

Lexi belle got big damn

>> No.12594903

I have no idea what that is, but I'm sure as a shill you'll be sure to shill out and tell us.
So shill boi, let us know...

>> No.12594904


>> No.12594908

Are you new?
There used to be reviewbrah threads on here all the time.

>> No.12594909

Holy fuck what happened to her

>> No.12594915

How much do you get paid directly or indirectly to shill that? Can't you be honest here?

>> No.12594917

No. But you seem to be the new one that loves to suck up to nothing.

>> No.12594920


>> No.12594922

Why aren't you honest about how about much pennies you make for being a fucking shill?

>> No.12594947

Here's an honest one that you don't want.
What the fuck is some faggot reviewbrah?
Is he supposed to know more than I do, GTFO! It's assholes such as you that support something useless that makes make pretend stuff, sort of like pic related. Little faggot blog posts really don't mean to much to people except other bloggers, the useless types.

Why do you exactly give him more credence than yourself?

>> No.12594953

You're not worth the picture.
Deal with it!

>> No.12594958

>13 posts
>6 IPs

>> No.12594975

Lexi belle got thicc

>> No.12594981

And you pay for this?

>> No.12594993

fat "people" deserve the rope

>> No.12595007

keep thinking that you're better than others, then we'll see who's getting the rope or not. It's an interesting thing when one can destroy but chooses not to and fuck these /b and /ck faggots who think that they've done anything.
They can kind of piss the fuck off.

>> No.12595013

What precisely have you done to say that anyone deserves "the rope." You dumbass, you can't even do it right.

>> No.12595017
File: 216 KB, 480x480, plus_size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatty rage will never not be funny

>> No.12595020

It was a simple question that you types can never answer.

>> No.12595033

>you types
Normal people?
I'm not the person you're flustered at.
You seem hangry, go inhale another box of krispy kreme.

>> No.12595039
File: 16 KB, 287x285, 1561939469065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of this thread

>> No.12595040

More like Taco Belle amirite?

>> No.12595069

I study this kind of thing

Show of hands, who prefers:

A) fat chick with saggy tits and jiggly skin

B) healthy girl with a slender body, tight ass, and perky tits

A or B?

>> No.12595140


>> No.12595173

This. What the fuck

>> No.12595183


>> No.12595194

For those worried, this is Lexi from like two years ago. She lost the weight. I think she looks better fat though

>> No.12595198

he was really popular around here a few years ago. Before us he was actually the /ourguy/ of /fit/ for some reason that's beyond me.

>> No.12595197

under-rated comment.

>> No.12595205

git the fuk back to r*ddit nigger

>> No.12595310
File: 23 KB, 460x366, 1555632897315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12595331

Reviewbrah is a cool guy, I'm fine with him being the designated "food critic" of fast food for /ck/. I'm sure he would be ok with it, although, he has made clear his distaste for the majority of our basket weaving community. That being said, holy shit, Lexi got big. My girlfriend is getting big, (nearing the stage of lexi), and I just don't have the heart to tell her the truth, and that I'm losing attraction to her. I might just watch some lexi belle right now, and fuck her like i've never done before when she gets home from work tonight. If not anything else, thanks for the fap knowledge.

>> No.12595510

spent too much time eating fast food

>> No.12595850

I'm not into fat chicks but that video was fuckin' good.

>> No.12595871

Stop eating, fatties.

>> No.12595874

Having had both I have to go for B.

>> No.12595921

What video, that's a shop

>> No.12595931

it's a girl on girl video. very decent

>> No.12595933

I hate to tell you shill fags but I don't care about your tube creation and don't why I should care. Why don't give me a positive reason as to why as I should care about something such as that?

You people are pathetic shills, get over yourselves.

>> No.12595943

That's pretty sad.

>> No.12595947

Why does everyone keep throwing the word shill around?
Is there even confirmation that he gets paid for those videos?? I'm assuming no considering he has a patreon. You realize that you would have to manually give money that way, right?

Or is this some mass contrarian shit against YouTube.

>> No.12595949

That means so much to me when you're the one shilling some shit.

>> No.12595951

Stop eating, fatty.

>> No.12595952



>> No.12595964

I'm an American so I have to do a big daddy burger dailly, what's your euro faggot exuse? Is it that's not halal from your mama merkel?

>> No.12595969

You must be an extra fag if you don't extra bacon on it!
Dumbass fucker!

>> No.12595983

When was the last time time you corrupted crime reports from merkel so that it looked like so called "immigrants" from nigeria and islamic nations weren't commiting crimes?

>> No.12596002

Funny thing is I'm not only not a fatty but I'm also a Trump supporter. What's your excuse to deal with merkel and her way of suppressing crime statististics to support her social agenda?

>> No.12596015


*** CRICKETS ***

Pathetic hypocrites.

>> No.12596020

Haven't heard of this since I'm from the states but that sounds like something she would do that she shouldn't.

>> No.12596053

It helps to read other's news. Don't stick with US news, a lot of other nations do English editons and it's best to absolve yoursolve yourself of everything possible. EU fags like to think that we don't do that, but that's their problem, not ours.
They can piss the fuck off so to speak.

>> No.12596055

my spelling sucks
If you want I can correct that.

>> No.12596062

I read international news but I hadn't heard of this one. I'm not even a little surprised though.

>> No.12596075
File: 45 KB, 870x565, PROMO-BurgerKing-youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Taco Bell put so much meat in the picture when they don't use a quarter of that much in the real taco?