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12594060 No.12594060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12594072

The patrician chooses the middle road, not the blue nor the cheddar but the exact middle for maximum taste and health benefits.

Vegans can't understand, cheddarheads can't understand and most notably the cheese(so called) connaisseurs can't understand.

Us mildcheesers are the superiors in this case. And we love it.

Cheeselets are crying

>> No.12594088

Is this what baby coffins believe?

>> No.12594090

All cheese is shit.

>> No.12594095

continue your path towards seeking the truth

>> No.12594101

>SEETHING cheeselet

>> No.12594147

how do you eat your cheese?

goat cheese with salt and vinegar chips

>> No.12594159

So 95 and 145 are the smart guys but 110 and 120 are dunces ?

>> No.12594162
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Vintage Somerset Cheddar

>> No.12594164

The older you get, the moldier the cheese you like is. Deny this all you like.

>> No.12594169

sounding like a dumb boomer.

>> No.12594180

Hi teen

>> No.12594182

The word you're looking for is aged

>> No.12594187

No, the word is 'moldier'.

>> No.12594190

Cheddar doesn't get moldier
Brie doesn't get moldier
Camembert doesn't get moldier
Moldier isn't a real world
Don't reply to me or my post ever again

>> No.12594200

No u

>> No.12594207

Haha wow. BOOM Roasted!!

>> No.12594212

I like gruyere, but I'm also a troglodyte, what does it mean?

>> No.12594216


>> No.12594227

did u try any other kinds?

>> No.12594238

brie and camembert are literally encased in mould you mong

>> No.12594300
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>know nothing
>post anyway
wow, you must be bored

>> No.12594313

imagine being this retarded

>> No.12594699

It's true. Brainlets and brainmores can get shit done and enjoy life more, the middle pack fuckers are insufferable faggots that think they are smart when they are not.

>> No.12594720
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based mimolette

>> No.12594792

Feta 175 IQ masterrace

>> No.12594820

I really like gouda but I'm bad at math. I wish I knew what the correlation is?

>> No.12594826

>tiny pepe is always the best

Who knew

>> No.12594869

I don't know, my 146 IQ brother is perpetually miserable.

>> No.12594913

Illegal in the US because of mites.

>> No.12594939

If Shakespeare can make up words so can I.

>> No.12595707

highest iq person itt

>> No.12595713
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I have never tasted a cheese I didn't like.

>> No.12595730

Undisputed best cheeses:
Parmigiano Reggiano
Pecorino Romano

>> No.12595748

T. Siddhartha

>> No.12595764
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>best cheese
>no one mentions this beauty

>> No.12595786
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I pity Americans, all they know about cheese is their muh cheddar
Enjoying my Morbier

>> No.12595840

>he never tasted Serra

>> No.12595846

>I pity Americans, all they know about cheese is their muh cheddar
Why can't you enjoy something without needing to attach a superiority over Americans to it? Even Walmart has a bigger selection of cheese including cheese imported from Europe so you're kind of making yourself look silly since you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12595848

I don’t know that we have that in the US

>> No.12595858

Cheese selection is always within context

>> No.12595894
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>mfw Bleu is unironically my favorite cheese

>> No.12595896
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>walmart cheese

>> No.12595959

I only eat American when I need it siced and Mexican 3 cheese blend when I need it shredded. Occasionally I'll do cheddar, parmesan, or other similarly common cheeses when a recipe calls for it. Pretending that expired cheese tastes good is for brainlets. Grating your own cheese is for brainlets. Eating cheese on its own is for brainlets. If your """culture""" does not have hot sauce as an accepted condiment then it is inferior. Debate me.

>> No.12595982

This. Cheesefags btfo

>> No.12596252

Whatever cheese you eat, trying to convey ideas with pepes and wojaks is not something smart people do.

>> No.12596259
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>Whatever cheese you eat, trying to convey ideas with pepes and wojaks is not something smart people do.

>> No.12596268

You're not helping your case by saying ">walmart cheese" when some of what's being sold there is from Europe.

>> No.12596274

I hate walmart but he's not wrong. My local HEB has a selection of cheese that although not with the same look, mimics what I was able to purchase while living in Germany, outside of some hyper regional ones.

>> No.12596602


>> No.12596612

>higher moisture cheeses are the best
You’re a huge fag

>> No.12596614

Cheese is just a loaf of milk.

>> No.12596616

I'm a smoked gouda guy myself.

>> No.12596623

A moldy loaf of milk held in controlled environments for periods of time based on desired results.

>> No.12596646
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that makes me a genius

>> No.12596664

Based Texasbro

>> No.12596672
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My preference is a Vintage English Cheddar, followed by a Triple Cream Brie from France.
Fight me!!!!

>> No.12596763

>no raclette

>> No.12596777

I love Europeans but present-day Greeks are absolute tards. Hate to say it but it's true

>> No.12596782

goat cheese with some of those rice crisps.

That or a good gouda. Brie if it's an occasion but I don't want it all the time.

Trader Joes has surprisingly good cheese

>> No.12596796
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>> No.12596953

I concede that raclette should be on the list as well

>> No.12597065

I literally bought it at a cheese monger last month in fucking Indiana.
It was gross, by the way.