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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 500x500, LX-WP-ATRU-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12584743 No.12584743 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone use a water filter pitcher or system? Which ones do you recommend?

>> No.12584774

My dumbass friend has one because he thinks the microscopic amount of flouride in our tap water will somehow give him brain damage because is grandpa told him or some shit

>> No.12584789

I use Brita just because it's the easiest to find. Pretty much all stores carry their filters. I live right by a water treatment plant but the water is still pretty hard. Helps remove any smell or taste.

>> No.12584794

before i use onions i will sometimes rinse them off in a bowl of water. thank you.

>> No.12584801

>(((plastic filters)))
Remember to dilate

>> No.12584802

I don't filter my water. I don't live in or near a large city so there is no need.

>> No.12584879

I use some absurdly expensive MLM water ionizer thing. It helps my dad's acid reflux when nothing else has so I guess it's paid for itself by now. Wouldn't recommend it though cause it's just that fucking expensive. Before that we used to use Brita though.

>> No.12584914
File: 456 KB, 3232x2877, 1559181272549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluoride sucks. However tell your friend that he's retarded because no filter can filter out the fluoride. The only way to have fluoride-free water is distillation or collecting rainwater.

Anyways, the biggest threat in our public water supply is all the free estrogen from birth control pills. Also no filter can filter this out.

>> No.12584955

I use a PUR and it is pretty good as long as you replace the filters at the recommended time or after the recommended amount of use.

>> No.12585027

Floride has like saved our public dental health

>> No.12585182

If you're a normalfag with shit taste buds who thinks spring/drinking water and purified/distilled water taste exactly the same, nothing.
If you haven't destroyed your mouth with cigarettes, try a Britta system.
If even that doesn't do it for you, considered either getting a reverse osmosis filter or buying distilled water in bulk. Your choice will be up to your wallet and how much good water means to you.

>> No.12585201
File: 30 KB, 455x480, 71YIjdPKzGL._AC_UL480_QL65_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a reverse osmosis system from amazon. $160. The hardest part about installing it is drilling a hole in your countertop, and you don't even have to do that if you don't want to.

It's like having bottled water on tap.

>> No.12585215

Just by Infowars anti-estrogen pills, /pol/tard, lol!

>> No.12585511

Many countries without fluoridated water have similar or lower frequency of cavities. The claim that fluoride helps dental health cannot be really proven. Fluoride is going to be known as snake oil in the coming decades.

nice 1 friend :)

>> No.12585527
File: 166 KB, 552x480, flo rida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the accompanying picture using data from the WHO. You're just being conned by the fluoride industry.

>> No.12585535

You know there's plenty of fluoride in toothpaste, right? Or are you too much of a dweeb to brush your teeth.

>> No.12585587

he never brushes his teeth so he needs the government to make it easier for him by putting Fluoride into water.

But seriously, toothpaste has like 1000% the daily need for fluoride. Adding it into water is overkill and makes little to no difference. Beyond the argument of whether fluoride is effective or not, it's just dumb.

>> No.12585619
File: 126 KB, 500x365, general ripper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?

>> No.12585803

Remember, the world is filled with intelligent, discerning individuals such as yourself.


>> No.12585982

I'd rather get a reverse osmosis pitcher that does the same thing desu

>> No.12585988

What is this? Just get a water cooler and buy pre-filtered water.

>> No.12586206
File: 39 KB, 480x360, DILATE, SOLDIER!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12586424
File: 1.69 MB, 423x234, GoAway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally has only an active carbon filter and some LEDs. You were bamboozled.

>> No.12586449
File: 836 KB, 1594x1692, Screen Shot 2019-07-04 at 8.54.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gravity water filter from Propur. The filter filters out things other filters don't. It's an all-in-one filter with certification from laboratories most water filters just do not have.

>> No.12586505

just get the water pitcher. it's 4x cheaper and works better because you can refrigerate it

>> No.12586642
File: 84 KB, 1200x800, maxresdefault.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy it already he needs the money for those lawsuits

>> No.12586660


>> No.12586668

That video is when Propur had the add on fluoride filter. Now, it's all in one inside a ceramic silver filter. No extra dangling shit. One filter to rule it all. Compact, high performing, Americana.

>> No.12586672
File: 1.16 MB, 824x838, Screen Shot 2019-07-04 at 10.09.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, man.

>> No.12586686

You can't filter fluoride

>> No.12586706

have had one for like 10 years

>> No.12586715

>To explain a bit about fluoride removal, there are some really good and a few not-too-bad ways to go about it. The best technologies are reverse osmosis and distillation. Both remove fluoride handily. If you do not want the total treatment of a distiller or a reverse osmosis system, the third best thing is a simple filter with a cartridge containing activated alumina, the standard industry strategy for fluoride removal

>> No.12586736

>standard industry strategy
Yeah, those conniving kikes which the industry is comprised of would never lie about the extent to which their so-called methods remove fluoride.

>> No.12586764
File: 131 KB, 816x404, 1509418561207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Reverse Osmosis is not a perfect method to remove fluoride. Distillation is the only way.

2. Alumina has its own set of potential health risks, specifically its possible damage to the central nervous system. Alumina tends to stick to the nerves and not come out. We need more research on this material.

>> No.12586815

Hold on to your buts then anons

>> No.12586856

Closed the video as soon as I listened to the intro music

>> No.12586860

you should stop posting, Fl- is easily filtered with a brita ion exchanger

>> No.12586865

yeah they also don't eat a shitload of refined sugar
too many confounding factors

>> No.12586868

it's eurotrash what did you expect

>> No.12586955

I would not be surprised if a huge proportion of the population doesnt use toothpaste

>> No.12586960
File: 146 KB, 312x374, Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 4.50.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this board infested with subhuman 3rd worlders without access to clean tap water?

Or infested with retards who need to filter clean tap water?

>> No.12587084

The studies suggesting that fluoridation of public water helps dental health have too many confounding factors as well

>> No.12587096

Yes you can. I'm also not talking about natural fluoride. How do I know? Reading with my eyeballs.

>> No.12587102

I read with my urethra

>> No.12587106

The fluoride they add is a neurotoxin as it's an industrial type (mostly a byproduct). Illegal in a fuckton of other countries. Natural fluoride is found in streams, which is good and fine. It's been shown that fluoride in toothpaste is worthless and actually harms teeth. The US cites a 1941 paper that was shown to be disproven. Any updated study you see from the US concerning fluoride is researched by a lair. Most US science is corrupted by industry (this is a fact and has been shown on many accounts).

>> No.12587110

Playboy does have interesting articles in their magazines.

>> No.12587122

nice source bruv

>> No.12587125

Yes I especially enjoy reading the Braille versions. Really excites my urethra with all the bumps

>> No.12587138

The problem with water filters is the filters. One day some smart ass will invent one with a permenant filter filter that can be cleaned with a pressurized air accessory or something and the world will rejoice.

>> No.12587155

>that source guy

>> No.12587161

>Implying the Filter mafia would let that happen
The inventor would be sleeping with the fishes

>> No.12587165

>Where'd you learn that?
>oh some anonymous guy on 4chan told me
>Where'd he learn that?
yeah sorry chief this ain't how it works

>> No.12587166

>The claim that fluoride helps dental health cannot be really proven
Fluoride triggers your teeth to regenerate their enamel. It doesn't directly prevent shit - that much is true. But it strengthens your teeth's outer layer which is their primary defense against tooth decay.

Incidentally, GSK (the people the make Sensodyne among other things) are sitting on a toothpaste that's 20x more effective at regenerating teeth than fluoride. But that's all their doing. Sitting on it. Because their entire business would fall apart if teeth didn't decay anymore. Useless trivia for you.

>> No.12587171

Now show the one with all 126 countries that participated in the study instead of cherry-picked ones. The fact that Iceland, New Zealand, and Ireland are shown instead of more significant countries tells you all you need to know.

>> No.12587186

Cherry picked or not, it shows that you definitely don't need fluoridated public water for good dental health.

>> No.12587189

Everyone in this thread is dumb. Just get a berkey.

>> No.12587191

berkey sounds gay

>> No.12587199

Nooooooooo it shows external factors at work that are only present in the listed countries. That's what it means to cherry-pick your results to suit your agenda. This is what happens. All the sudden everything magically favors your opinion *cough*when-you-throw-away-95%-of-the-data*cough*

>> No.12587347

>depending on the 4chan hivemind for research

>> No.12587366

Anon showed a graph with countries very different from one another (not similar, broad range). Why do you chalk that up to "external factors at work"? You don't have an argument. Do you think the researchers did not test the levels in the water for other contaminate levels? Yet, cherry picking if 126 or 1,000 countries aren't included, no matter how irrelevant. Damn shameful tactic. Common sense wins again.

>> No.12587381

>depending on
lmao. more like expecting retards to back up their claims before I pay any attention to them. fuck off you conspiracy theory coot.
>hurr durr I shouldnt have to source anything xd
this is what people who are full of shit say

>> No.12587396

is there anything wrong with getting water from one of those water vending machines? its $1.50 give or take for 5 gallons

>> No.12587430

Boy, I sounded like a prick. S-sorry, anon. That's not like me. Your points are still valid 'n' shit. >>12587199. Pick me apart and call me an idiot. I deserve punishment for something.

>> No.12587438

RO removes fluoride

>> No.12587477

nah, its literally no different than what you can get from brita filters.
i only see mexicans use those

>> No.12587523

enjoy your microplastic accumulating in your gut

>> No.12587559

how come the dentist puts fluoride directly on your teeth and if you swallow toothpaste you're supposed to call poison control, yet it's perfectly fine to drink fluroide in the water?

>> No.12587683

>he ACTUALLY thinks his tap water is clean
Ok retard