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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12581178 No.12581178 [Reply] [Original]

Can /ck/ please redpill me on MSG?

When I was younger I kept hearing about how it was bad for you and my dad wouldn't let us eat anything that contained it. These days I hear anons say that it's not bad for you and that it's great to use. Then I look it up and find some articles praising it and some condemning. I hear as well that it's the secret to really savory food and that it sets some restaurant food apart from home cooked food just because of MSG.

I just am always looking to take my food to the next level and want to know if it's safe to incorporate MSG on a regular basis and what would be the appropriate foods to use it on.


>> No.12581182

its fine one bag like your pic should last like 3 years

>> No.12581185

It was part of a retard panic, but is not actually any worse for you than any other form of sodium. Common story, very sad

>> No.12581193
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Legend says msg makes everything taste like anime girl pussy

>> No.12581194

It's fine, it has countless variants that every manufacture uses. It's known to get some people headaches though and digestive issues. There is no real proof to back up the mom claims to it about causing any ill effects on the general people who use it.

Essentially it just does a big breakdown to a lot of flavor senses at once, aside from that nothing really big.

>> No.12581196

Actually, its better for you, because MSG is more intensely flavored then other salts you can put about half as much in and get the same level of savory/salty flavor as traditional table salt.
If you're looking at cutting back on your sodium intake while cooking, MSG is a great way of doing that.

>> No.12581214

use it correctly and its a beautiful thing.
same can be said about most things, this is not a world of absolutes, and your father was a fucking idiot. find your own way instead of trusting dear old dad, he wasn't that smart you know

>> No.12581221

Nah he's smart. I was deathly I'll for several years as a child and they almost lost me multiple times. He's was willing to do anything to try and keep me in good health and that included what people thought at the time to be a healthy diet. You would get desperate too if you thought you might lose your only child. He's a great dad

>> No.12581230

Deathly ill*

>> No.12582622

I seem to remember them pulling Accent from the shelves in the 80s. Could be a mandela thing.

>> No.12582627

it's just a salt

like any salt, the only danger is that it raises sodium levels which doesn't matter if you drink water

>> No.12582642

Use it for things that are supposed to be savoury, hearty, etc. Don't use it on sweets, things that are supposed to be light, refreshing. Just substitute a portion of the salt you would normally use for MSG. The difference is subtle enough that I don't actually notice it unless I taste something with and without side by side.

>> No.12582655

I find it kind of clinical to use straight packaged msg. Many chinese sauces like Lao Gan Ma have msg in them. Just use some of those instead.

>> No.12582657
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>using a crutch for flavor

>> No.12582713

are you a middle age retarded paranoid housewife?

>> No.12582747

>using flavourful things for flavour
durr guhhh hurr gurr duuhhhh buuuuhhhhh

>> No.12582777

too much will make your food high in sodium. Watch how much you use

>> No.12582784

Some people, like my aunt, are allergic to it and have bad reactions to it. I also notice that I'm very thirsty and have a dry mouth after eating foods with MSG, but nothing really nefarious.

>> No.12582851

>allergic to MSG
you do realize there's no such thing right? MSG breaks down to sodium and glutamate which occurs naturally in your body, that's like say you are allergic to water or salt

>> No.12583098

But you'll use straight sodium chloride? How is that, as you autistically put it, less "clinical"?

>> No.12583101

I'm not. I'm someone who pays attention to what may or may not be harmful for me, just as any sane person should

>> No.12583110

You can be allergic to anything. There are people allergic to salt and water. There are people who are literally allergic to oxygen and sunshine. They just live miserable lives. Bad reaction to too much msg isn't that uncommon. People who are sensitive to it can really get themselves in trouble if they eat things like Chinese food

>> No.12583118

if you are allergic to water or salt your body will literally kill itself, I can get if people are allergic to something in water but how can you be allergic to something your body is made of entirely, that's stupid

and yes I did read this over - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquagenic_urticaria

there are people "allergic" to electromagnetic waves and wifi too, but those aren't real allergies, its just your head is fucked up and nocebo response, you aren't really allergic to it

>> No.12583125

Why do you talk about things you know nothing about?

>> No.12583129

Alright MSG is literally just sodium and glutmate. Sodium is sodium. Should be obvious what to think of that.

Glutamate can cause Glutamate Syndrome through retrograde trafficking in the gut. Basically, you get a ton of glutamate, neurons in your stomach take it up and send it all the way back to your brain where it causes exictoxocity. Alternatively, massive amounts of glutamate overwhelm your perictyes and astrocytes in the blood brain barrier and your glutmate concetration in CSF shoots up cause many things to get fucked. This only happens in absurd amounts. Think 1/3 of a lb of MSG in a glass of water on an empty stomach while swallowing it all back as you vomit repeatedly.

Tldr it's fine. Treat it like salt and the glutamate will have no biological effect.

>> No.12583130

nice argument headcase

>> No.12583140

half a teaspoon goes a long way to making your food oishii

>> No.12583145

>There are people who are literally allergic to oxygen
we call them aliens

>> No.12583151

Can't argue with a retard

>> No.12583153 [DELETED] 
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>imgur filename
Go back.

>> No.12583168

it's fine for home cooking and fast food I guess. kinda just muddles flavors and it's easy enough to just properly season things and much better tasting IMO. There's a reason starred chefs don't use it, not even the guy that makes $5 rice bowls

>> No.12583169

1. MSG is significantly less harmful than salt. The only part that's harmful is sodium, causing increased blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular problems, but while salt, NaCl has two atoms that are roughly similar size, so is about 40% sodium, the glutamate particle is big - about 17 atoms to one sodium atom.

2. Glutamate part itself is harmless and found in a lot of foods in amounts about the same as when a food is spiced with MSG. Generally, it's the substance responsible for the umami flavor, just like sugars make stuff sweet.

3. People who reported headaches after oriental cuisine dishes, are fucking gluttons who eat too much too fast and would get the same effect without MSG but seek a 'dangerous chemical' to blame for feeling bad after their gluttonous feasts 'cause otherwise only they, themselves would be to blame for eating like fucking pigs.

>> No.12583177

The drug companies are winning. All this stuff is great. MSG is superb. Tobacco has no health risk. You'll live a longer life if you worry less.

>> No.12583190

>tobacco has no health risks

You're gonna need to back that up with some sources.

>> No.12583191

so you are a middle age retarded paranoid housewife

>> No.12583215

No, I just like to take care of myself. Not that ridiculous

>> No.12583242
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Omg, file names

>> No.12583267
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>not using 98.5% monosodium glutamate, 1.5% disodium ribonucleotides for even better taste than 100% monosodium glutamate

>> No.12583268

what ever you say, mister middle age retarded paranoid anon

>> No.12583280

>be OP
>cares about his physical health and wants to know what he puts in his body along with the repercussion
>is using a device that gives him access to the largest database of human knowledge in existence in mere seconds
>durrp better axe 4chan for help

>> No.12583282

I guess I'll stop using seasonings then.

>> No.12583284

>knowing what that looks like
>giving a shit

>> No.12583344

How is 4chan any more or less credible that the questionable msg articles on the internet? Just trying to get multiple opinions

>> No.12583350

Alright, man. If calling other people names over asking health related questions makes your feel better then you go for it. We're all rooting for you, buddy

>> No.12583371

There's nothing wrong with MSG, the only problem with it is that shitty restaurants and brands would dump so much fucking MSG into their food that it was as if you were chewing on pool salts, and you wouldn't realize because MSG just makes things takes increasingly savoury rather than unbearably salty like regular salt. I once bought some pre-marinated chicken that just tasted like a fucking steak from how much MSG it was soaking in.

>> No.12583378

Nothing triggers me more than people who think MSG is bad for you. Maybe only second to people who say shit about "muh GMOs".

MSG genuinely gives you a taste that can't be easily replicated by anything else, and used appropriately can make so many dishes taste so much better and savory.

The ultimate redpill: Japanese people love MSG and put it in tons of things, and Japanese people have the single longest lifespan on the planet. Shit is probably good for your health if anything.

>> No.12583383
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Why does seeing a picture of Megumin make my dick diamonds EVERY TIME.

>> No.12583384

There are short term effects like headaches or lightheadedness, but it's completely fine in moderation. About a teaspoon of it is a game changer for savory foods, and will have absolutely no effect on the average person whatsoever. I'm always skeptical and negative articles about stuff like these, because there's always a chance that the salt and sugar industries are trying to throw dirt on revolutionary products like MSG or aspartame.

>> No.12583390

Well I think I'm sold. I'll give it a shot. Any particular brand I should get or is it all the same?

>> No.12583401

>a teaspoon
What? That much for a 1-2 serving dish? I just replace like 1/4 of the regular salt.
I'd get the 100% pure stuff like the ajino moto in the OP pic.

>> No.12583402

Might as well go with Ajinomoto which is the original. Unless you live in Japan, it's probably either that or the local generic brand.

>> No.12583413

Optionally, you can also salt your foods with a bit of fish sauce. Fermented anchovies have the same umami flavor as MSG. I recommend it for soups and stews.

>> No.12583425

All the same.

>> No.12583430

Generally, they are just another way of naturally generating MSG.

>> No.12583445

People who are "allergic" to MSG perform the same as oure chance in blind taste tests. Look it up. This suggests that not only are these people not allergic, they don't even recognise the presence of MSG unless prompted.

>> No.12583454

>my personal anecdotes trump your facts
This is how people believe in retarded shit like religion.

>> No.12583482

I am simultaneously impressed and repulsed by you faggots' ability to instantly name whatever random anime girl gets posted here.

>> No.12583495

Really? I'm disappointed. I feel like /ck/ of all the 4chan boards is the single most isolated from /a/. Anime girls are as rare as people who like margarine here.

>> No.12583952
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stay mad

>> No.12583975

It's likely safe, however you won't take your cooking to the next level since you're using an artificial crutch instead of thinking of ways to incorporate real sources of umami into your dish. That's taking it to the next level. By using msg, you've simply thrown up your hands and declared I'm taking the lazy way out.

>> No.12584022

It's fine but the thing with MSG is that the body takes a long time to metabolize it so eating it often results in it building up to high levels. Don't eat it breakfast lunch and dinner and you'll be fine.

>> No.12584046

it's a cultural thing anon
it's arbitrary sure
but still a thing

>> No.12584490

Not really. I know very little about it so I've hardly given up. No need to be such a cunt. It's not much different than any other flavorful ingredient as far as I understand now.

>> No.12584496

What a faggot

>> No.12584536

they're not being a cunt, cool your persecution complex. it's the absolute truth. msg is instant-flavour for people too lazy to put actual flavour into a dish.

>> No.12584718

It is actual flavor though? So I don't understand. It's not any different that adding salt it seems. Seems like you have a bunch of made up cooking standards that just aren't relevant.

>> No.12584871

it's only a crutch if you use it as one. you're just too stupid to use refined ingredients in a complex manner because you saw msg in instant ramen and assumed it's only use is to poorly imitate glutamate rich ingredients. also it's not artificial, it's a refined ingredient

>> No.12584978

nah /ck/ is pretty weeb
the most anti-weeb boards here are /mu/ and /tv/

>> No.12585164

MSG is naturally present in tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, meat and breast milk, to name but a few.

>> No.12585174

Dumbest Post Award 2019

>> No.12585186

I'm sorry that you're not intelligent

>> No.12585189

There's nothing sporting about this. The best stonings are when the victim is buried up to their head and the people are throwing from a distance.

>> No.12585192

It's a gained knowledge from hours of asking for spoonfeeding daily.

>> No.12585208

msg doesn't replace salt baka
also the physical amount of msg vs the physical amount of salt does not relate to the amount of sodium present in either of the two.

>> No.12585243

t. lazyass line cook with no creativity
That's why you'll forever be nothing but a worker bee.

>> No.12585246

That's simply incorrect. There are many things that do not provoke allergic reactions - the only exceptions are theoretical genetic conditons that could potentially do this but are utterly unknown or unencountered because such conditions would also mean death invitro. This whole idea that you can be allergic to anything is pseudo science pushed by the homeopath / snake oil medical types. An allergy is a very specific medical condition. It's possible to be sensitive to certain things without it being an allergy, but even then it's extremely difficult to discern between a physical insensitivity to something and a psychological condition that provokes a psychosomatic response when encountering said thing. I mean you no ill will and genuinely hope you know better in the future because the less stuff like that spreads the better.

>> No.12585253

>There are people who are literally allergic to oxygen
hahaha how is this a thing like just breathe only nitrogen hahaha just turn off the oxygen

>> No.12585254

Why would you stone a man after throwing him off a roof?

>> No.12585406

He clearly wasn't dead yet

>> No.12585534
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cooking nub in here, what is the best way to use MSG? can i put it on my omlettes? or salad? plz no bulli.

>> No.12586356

Retards think they're an exception to basic chemistry and attribute everything wrong to the scary sounding chemical

>> No.12586378

MSG is terrible for your. it makes you more docile and calcifies your pineal gland (third eye). It's used by oppressive governments which is why China uses it so much. stay away from anyone wanting you to use msg. it also lowers testosterone.

>> No.12587190 [DELETED] 

It has no flavor. It only a chemical that shoots up your brain with excitement. It basically just turns basic food into crack.

>> No.12587225


Check research on snus. Due to not smoking it the health effects are minimal. Cancer risks aren't even that high (certainly healthier than alcohol.)

The guy you're responding to is a fucking moron tho

>> No.12587231

It has no flavor. It's only a chemical that shoots up your brain with excitement. It just makes basic/bland food taste like crack.

>> No.12587479

you've either never cooked with MSG before (likely) or your tongue is broken and you're missing one of the basic tastes (unfortunate if true).