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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12573885 No.12573885 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Decide to make something new
>I'll do some japanese style curry
>look for a recipe that seems as authentic as possible
>I'll do it from scratch
>buy all the spices and grind them myself
>make the roux myself
>use fresh ingredients so everything is perfect
>get japanese rice and cook it perfectly
>literally spend half of the day gathering ingredients and preparing them
>it smells good and tastes good
Wife -I don't like it, it tastes too much like cumin
Daughter - I want nuggers (she is 5 so I saw it coming)
Dad - it's ok I guess
Everyone else opted out.

>mfw still eating curry for 3 days and there is some more left

>> No.12573892

Shouldn't have used so.much cumin

>> No.12573893

Japanese doesn't even take time to make.

>> No.12573899

Most people don't care about food and will only like food because it's socially accepted, not because of the quality. This redpill is a tough one to swallow and it tastes bland.

>> No.12573903

did yuo serve it over rice or potatoes
old people love potatoes so maybe your dad didn't like it if it was rice

>> No.12573911
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Your wojak and boring story is CRINGE EVERYBODY CHECK IT OUT this predatory pink mouthed sherbet egyptian discuss eurocuck carbines and how 9mm is superior for knocking eyrab heads compared to 5.56 and yaw-dependency wounding twig bodies

>> No.12573916

leave your family desu

>> No.12573919
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I know that feel. Most people are used to eating slop and older people especially are terrified of new things. Not to mention the jealousy from other people who can't cook as well (your mom probably). They're perfectly fine with lying and saying they don't like your food just so they won't admit you're better at cooking then they are. People are obnoxious like that. Keep doing what youre doing

>> No.12573923

dude just tell them ahead of time so you're not springing it on them and making them feel like they don't have a choice. also why do you need a pat on the back for a job well done? you said yourself that it smelled/tasted good. seems like you were doing it for yourself- not them, they dgaf about authenticity.

>> No.12573934

Did you balance it to taste?
What would you improve next time?
Curries hard anon. Takes experience. I'm sure it was good but i highly doubt it was great.

Also, it is possible to make high quality food for simple palettes. A 6 year old would actually like most japanese food as it's just sweet and slightly salty.
She wants nuggers? Make Karage. Make vegetable tempura.

>> No.12573937

> I poorly cooked a new dish for my family and nobody wanted to eat it
Boo fucking hoo, do better if you want people to enjoy what you cook.

>> No.12573943

my mom bought me one of those knockoff video games with like 4 different skater/biking games in 1 when I was 11. I didn't even play it once and still to this day I feel like shit for it

>> No.12573952

making japanese curry with fresh spices isn't authentic lol. And whatever recipe he found is likely pretty arbitrary.

>why do you need a pat on the back for a job well done
Why not? If someone cooks you food, thank them, and give them a small compliment. That's just basic manners. It baffles me how many people don't do that. If their food is generally good and they fuck up you can even criticize them. They'll handle it.

>> No.12573956

when someone tries to make you happy but doesn't try hard enough it can only lead to sadness or anger

>> No.12573959

Stop crying because no one wanted to eat your shitty food.

>> No.12573961

it's not her fault, she didn't know any better. she did try :(

>> No.12573981

This is what happens every time I cook. My immediate family are a bunch of unappreciative tastelets and I don't really have friends to share with.

>> No.12574070

Served it over rice, I'm not sure if my dad would like it anyway, he always eat bland shit, I guess he can't take spice.
I always cook on Sundays so my wife can "rest", I made Tonkotsu 2 weeks ago and everyone liked it but I guess you cant go wrong with breaded pork, but yeah I wanted a pat in the back, do you think my wife is a fucking chef?, when she does shit food and I make sure to compliment it somehow.

>> No.12574080

*Tonkatsu not Tonkotsu

>> No.12574168

Your wife loves it when i cumin

>> No.12574540

>japanese faggatory food
you deserve it all, they should spit that shit out on your face

>> No.12574553

>>I'll do some japanese style curry
fuckin weeb. That's what you get. Japanese cartoon-loving idiot. I bet you watched anime to inspire yourself too, before not bathing for the 5th day in a row.

>> No.12574558


>going to all that effort to make something that is basically fast food
>thinking there's anything "authentic"about Japanese curry

Your wife is fucking someone on the side. And I bet she likes his cumin (her ass).

>> No.12574571

That must have made your afternoon chemical castration appointment extra miserable.

>> No.12574595

I have reverse story. I tried to make a pizza from scratch, making the doe and such. Turns out I added too much yeast and didn't wait enough and doe eventually tasted like yeast and I couldn't eat it. But my SO liked it and ate it all. I just hope SO stay alive after that.

>> No.12574603

This is a pretty clear case of ignoring your audience. Sorry your family has shit taste, but this is not something you're going to change by making elaborate dishes for them that they don't like. Cook something good that they will enjoy and stop trying to change their minds about food. I know what this is like. I grew up an adventurous eater in a picky family. For example my mother hates mushrooms and my dad is no fan of rice. So there's no fucking way I'd waste my time making a mushroom risotto for them. I know better, and I'm guessing you do too, but you decided to make curry anyways. That's your poor judgment.

>> No.12574708

so what, sometimes parents just phone it in and a knockoff video game is definitely phoning it in. I'm sure she hasn't thought about it at all

>> No.12574716

this, good cooks know who they're cooking for. also OP probably fucked up if his japanese curry was cumin forward

>> No.12574775

>Every recipe for curry roux basically calls for curry powder and garam masala
>some cunt in asstown, Kentucky throws a loss of cumin in there for muh authenticity
>is surprised when everyone hates it
>spends three days sitting in a corner crying and choking down the leftovers while insisting his authentic curry is good
>wife starts "working late" a lot, comes home with her hair all matted with jism

Am I missing anything in my summary?

>> No.12574796

You're a terrible parent for only feeding your kid shit anyway. And no, being a sunday dinner chef dad doesn't make up for shitty parenthood rest of the week.

>> No.12574831

>You made something from scratch for the first time ever and think it was brilliant
>you made something from scratch that no one makes from scratch
>i honestly dont know what you expected, jap curry is always only ever ok
>its easy to overdo cumin and if your wife picked up on the specific spice that you overused, chances are that she's right,and fucking someone else whilst you spent half your saturday making a shit curry

>> No.12574835

>You're a terrible parent for only feeding your kid shit anyway.
That's too fucking easy. Some kids are picky little fucks. You're a terrible parent if you bring your kids up on a diet of fast and frozen convenience food, but plenty of kids go through a phase (usually around 5) where they only want to eat a a few things and everything else is gross to them. And turning mealtime into a battle with your child over what they will and won't eat accomplishes nothing. Most kids grow out of it. Still best not to let them just eat trash, but forcing them to eat something they don't like is not a winning strategy.

>> No.12576311

you are pathetic and will raise a pathetic child

>> No.12576640

>Japanese curry

>> No.12576651

Already raised two men who are doing quite well. The older one was a PITA about food from about 5 until nearly 16. He's fine now.

>> No.12578119

>Curry is hard
It's literally just throwing shit in a pot and finding what tastes good together.

>> No.12578125

>Japanese curry
You fucked up before you even started

>> No.12578158

This will make a good story for Chad when he's fucking your wife later

>> No.12578161

Ungrateful prick

>> No.12578163

>and then I spent the rest of the day eating my curry while my neighbor dropped my dad and kids at mcdonalds and took my wife out for dinner

>> No.12578169

>cooks once a week
>picks a foreign dish
>claims this means having taste
Look, I'm sure you do have taste, but its more you have a Japanese food hobby than you're trying to be a good chef. Why don't you just oven roast some fantastically seasoned chicken thighs skin side up in the cast iron, and make a cube of instant curry on the side as sauce for your own plate? I mean yeah good effort for sure, its admirable, but not every foreign dish you make will be everyone's favorite

>> No.12578170


>> No.12578172

The part that he's a weeaboo considering that he made tonkatsu earlier so family's shit taste = doesn't enjoy every Japanese food ever conceived.

>> No.12578175

I've been in this position before. I always thank people for a meal. Even if it tastes like shit, I thank them for their effort.

>> No.12578177

This. Forcing the kid to eat something they don't enjoy is pretty much guaranteed to make them avoid that ingredient for the rest of their lives.

>> No.12578191

How many weeks in a row have we had some obscure plain foreign dish of some country whose cartoons you like, and suddenly I'm not 'supporting you' and I have 'bad taste' because I tell you all I can taste is cumin? You spend every Saturday running around trying to make an 'authentic' version of what amounts to japanese fast food, yet when you hand me a plate of taco seasoning on rice, I'm the one with no taste for saying so? And its ruining your whole week too, look at you, why don't you go talk to your internet friends about it?

>> No.12578215


the funny thing is that in japan literally no-one makes their curry from scratch

>> No.12578241
File: 3.18 MB, 3648x2736, banzai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British whitetoids rule India, and create a bland shitty, mass processed, white boy version of their food using french technique
>Whiteoids introduce this 'curry' to the Japanese navy in the late 19th century
>Japanese navy adapts this slop to make it even worse and more bland
>American mutts annihalate Japan and turn their people into effeminate cowards
>Childish feminine escapism, anime, reaches round back to America and brings with it the special needs class, chinese whispers version of curry
>Amerishart on /ck/ finds 'authentic' american recipe for the the american version of the japanese version of the british version of the french version of authentic Indian food
>his 5 year old has good sense and rejects it

>> No.12578247

Letting kids eat what they want leads to demanding little shits. Do what Asian families do and shame the kid. The beat them if they give lip

>> No.12578253

>mass processed

>> No.12578280
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Shouldn't have gone to so much effort to buy expensive items and grind all that shit if you knew your family were tastelets from the get go.

>> No.12578326

>>Be me (american)
this is where you went wrong OP

>> No.12578340

>make gyoza for parents
>Dad scoffs at "weird asian food"
>there better not be any raw fish haha
>eats all of his serving
>says it was okay
>go to clean up in kitchen
>dad is standing by the counter eating leftover gyoza with his hands
>still says they were just fine but wouldn't mind eating them again

You do what my parents did and tell the kid if they don't want to eat they won't eat at all. Have the food available but don't give them anything else. Kids at that age are testing you to see if you'll cave. That said if the kid genuinely hates something don't force them to eat it, but make them try everything.

>> No.12578619

lol based tsundere dad

>> No.12578630

my plan for kids is to have them in the kitchen doing stuff from a young age

i won't make them eat stuff that isn't sweet and simple when they're young but i'll get them to help me buy and cook food so they get familiar and then when they're a bit older they can be bosses and try new stuff because they have a hand in it.

>> No.12578644

That's funny your wife never complains about the taste of cumin her mouth when I'm around

>> No.12578772

>cook decent food even safe comfort food tier meals
>offer roommates to at least try a bite
>they decline
>die a little inside

>> No.12578777

This. Teach your kids to cook. 8 year olds should know how to make dough at least

>> No.12578878

Is this just an American thing? I've never had my family or any of my partners ever turn down any of my cooking no matter how "foreign" it is.

>> No.12579002

>That said if the kid genuinely hates something don't force them to eat it, but make them try everything.
I agree with this, but you have to keep in mind kids have really shit taste. Many are thrown by any trace of bitterness, certain textures, unexpected vegetable matter and anything unfamiliar. Of course they are testing to see how much shit they can get away with. If they can complain about something they think is lousy and be rewarded with nuggers they will do just that. I watched my brother do that growing up. But there's more to it than that. Kids don't have all that much control over their lives. This is why two and three year olds throw temper tantrums - they're experiencing the realization for the first time that the world doesn't revolve around them. When you're a baby it's easy to get the impression that it does, so this is one of life's first tough realizations. By the time you're five or so the limits of your own control over your life are pretty obvious. But there's one thing you CAN control - what goes into your body. And for kids who find specific foods challenging this becomes almost a kind of identity. When you don't have all that much to define yourself in relation to the world around you "I don't like that" is at least something. And some kids grab on to this shit and don't let go. While you don't want to indulge it, it's also a bad idea to turn mealtime into a battle with Pickypants Jr. Mealtime is a time to develop and reinforce family bonds. Letting it become a test of Pickypants' will is wrong. It's better to avoid serving them the foods they don't like while exposing them to everything else than pitch a battle over broccoli or mushrooms. It's a pain in the ass, but they do grow out of it. If you make it a battle that just reinforces picky eating as a part of their identity and the don't grow out of it.

>> No.12579048

>I've never had my family or any of my partners ever turn down any of my cooking no matter how "foreign" it is.
Xenophobic views about food are common in some parts of the US, like Appalachia and the Midwest, where the word "foreign" has sinister connotations. But being put off by unfamiliar foods is hardly just an American thing. The Irish are just as bad if not worse.

>> No.12579057

>expecting anybody irish to have a modicum of taste

>> No.12579062

actually, i'll take that a step further: the irish are probably the reason Americans dont have taste

>> No.12579071

>Be German
>Lardass dad won't eat any meat other than pork
>Won't eat fish
>Won't eat vegetables outside of potatoes or tomatoes
>I decide to make stir fry one day
>Mom made some constructive criticism about the broccoli being overdone but loves the rest
>Dad didn't eat it because its "gay and asian"
>He ate a ham sandwich

It's not just you, it's just the stupid poor in general.

>> No.12579085

If you think about it most of the meat and potatoes guys from three generations ago in America had Irish blood. Appalachia has the most xenophobic eaters in the country, and there's a lot of Irish blood in the folks there. One could definitely make the case that some of the picky eater thing in the US is the result of Irish immigration in the 19th century. But that doesn't explain all of it.

>> No.12579617
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>>Dad didn't eat it because its "gay and asian"

>> No.12579631
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>> No.12579680

My son likes plain bologna sandwiches
No condiments, no cheese, and he doesn’t even eat the bread.

>> No.12580062

I enjoy cooking but my family is full of picky eaters, save for my brother who is obese. My mother has the palate of a child, my step-father is American (TM) and doesn't like things to be too spiced or have too many vegetables (unless it's chilli), my brother generally is the one I feed things to when I decide that I want curry or something.

Otherwise, I make foods that they'll actually eat. It's the quality of a good cook that they work with their audience, not against them. If you knew your audience then you would have anticipated that kind of reaction and only made enough curry for yourself, as I do when I want curry.

>> No.12580087

when my brother was a kid the only thing he would eat from mcdolans was "cheeseburger without the burger"

it was a slice of cheese in a bun. I think sometimes he got it with ketchup. he'll eat pretty much anything now though, he especially likes korean and mexican food. don't lose hope oto-anon-san.