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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12569270 No.12569270 [Reply] [Original]

>sets bacon on fire

>> No.12569285

>butter olive oil olive oil butter olive oil
>pepper on everything
>whole fucking mushroom cap
>bacons chewy
>egg not even over easy

jesus christ why is he so fucking incompetent when it comes to burgers, how, how is it fucking possible

>> No.12569354


The epitome of a 20 something 'overdoing it'. Less is more. Flavour is everything.

>> No.12569358

>The epitome of a 20 something 'overdoing it'.
that fuck is 52

>> No.12569362

Jesus he's just not even trying anymore, that or he's a raging alcoholic and his cooking has just gone to shit

>> No.12569365


Like a 20 something. It's how young people cook. They throw the kitchen sink at their food and end up with a morass of shit.

>> No.12569375

I follow now, sorry i've been up since last night because i've lost control of my life.

I just don't get it, he's ALWAYS bad at burgers, but this is Mr. let the ingredients shine through elevate it motherfucker. Where's the disconnect? How does he not get how rubbish this is? Is he trying to overcompensate for bad beef?

>> No.12569376


He's not cooking for a michelin star reviewer, he's just cooking a burger for himself.

>> No.12569378


I've learned most of my cooking techniques from him, but this is embarrassing. The UK has had a spotty record with beef so it's not much wonder he's tone deaf compared to American grillers with more experience.

>> No.12569383

Young Gordon wouldn't do this shit, I get it he doesn't need to try anymore but he's slowly morphing into Marco stock cube Pierre white

>> No.12569393

i like how when he opens the grill the next time the bacon is on the top rack when he never put it there on camera. what a fucking CLOWN

>> No.12569449
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you have to be a soyboy to fit this thing in your mouth

>> No.12569484

>structurally unsound
>burnt ass mushroom
>olive oil and butter doubled up on fucking everything
>cracked pepper on everything

Christ almighty how the mighty fall

>> No.12569501
File: 47 KB, 399x400, 1541542405949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really important to season the burger
>every step of the way

>> No.12569523

I worked on the first production of gordon making a burgah for good morning america. It was a complete shitshow. I know who did this one. I guarantee that they bought that grill and returned it after the shoot. im not surprised gordon cant cook on it. it also looks like they threw it all together at the last minute again.

>> No.12569526

Did this faggot just tell me how a pepper grinder works?

>> No.12569546
File: 2.48 MB, 350x386, gordon burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jollibee Cheeseburger Yum >>> Gordon

>> No.12569564

The burger in the top part was a 1 pound patty. Not even close to the ones on the bottom

Faggots in here don't realize he was intentionally making a ridiculous burger because of hitting 10 million. Context is important

>> No.12569613

>he was only intending to be retarded

>> No.12569622

This. That feel when you love long enough to see your heroes become the villain. Or just a sloppy sellout.

>> No.12569628

>Siracha, Butter, EVOO
>Aruglula, Mushroom, Bacon,

Did he always act like a faggot? And how does he fuck up a burger that bad? And when did he get fat? He burns the bacon, overcooks the burger, oils the bun instead of buttering it, Salts the plum tomato. I mean good fucking lord, What?!

>> No.12569917

really want to believe he acts and cooks like a clown because of his zoomer fanbase and all the "it is raw" and "it is unseasoned" memes so he can pander for view buck$
but he isn't actually like this off cameras
i REALLY want to believe this because this is getting worse overtime

>> No.12570163

>he was pretending to be retarded
Gotch, he's playing 7 dimensional chess!

>> No.12570210

It's 3 inches thick, Gordon.
might as well put dandelions on your burger
>lightly seasoned
way too much fucking salt.
>swiss cheese
only ever on a hawaiian teriyaki burger
>olive oil on a burnt bun
it would taste like metal.

Gordon is a fine dining shitter who has no authority on western food. His opinions on Pizza and Burgers are dreadful.

>> No.12570248

He wasn't retarded at all. He was just making an over the top burger in celebration of something. Why are you so autistic

>> No.12570543

Imagine the smell.

>> No.12570838
File: 7 KB, 250x236, 1540727680085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 02 40
>that's a mushroom

>> No.12570873

>how to make a burger
>say beautifully every few seconds

>> No.12572023
File: 59 KB, 453x439, 1561780582736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wish I could see the bottom of that mushroom and how much darker than sin it is.

This burger has offended me in every possible way. The bacon looked like it was made of burnt sponge, and FUCK STOP SALTING GORDON, JESUS.

>> No.12572039
File: 491 KB, 255x235, 1556937333704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olive oil on the buns
>'this protects everything from getting soggy
fucking jesus christ

>> No.12572102


This is the most abhorrent burger I've ever seen. This is an insult to America.

>> No.12573552
File: 154 KB, 1280x800, Wellington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally created roast beef, beef wellington, beef pies, beef steaks
>hur dur UK is tone deaf with beef
pick one.

>> No.12573872

It's also a fact that the US brought over a number of english cattle breeds over from england because they were higher quality dairy and meat producers compared to longhorn scrub cattle.

>> No.12573886
File: 335 KB, 400x600, 1538672794207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I ordered the Gordon Ramsay 10M special burger. How did you know?

>> No.12573888

Top one has 2 times more meat than bread.
Looks retarded

>> No.12573989


I know you're too young to remember this, but in the 80s the bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreak chased all britons away from beef, that's right when Ramsay was getting into cooking. Yeah he did the classics but not full on American ground beef cooking. He's always sucked at it.

>> No.12574386

Nigga are you blind

>> No.12574407

The US should attack the UK after this burger insult!

>> No.12575099

and that's a good thing!

>> No.12575158

>shits on people making uneatable burgers
>it's all he fucking does

What's his fucking problem?

>> No.12575161

Because bongs can't cook

>> No.12575166

only legally i can still see though

>> No.12575192

I honestly can't tell whether or not this is a joke. Those mushrooms don't even look edible by the time he is done charring them. The eggs didn't cook either; he said they were piping hot but anyone with half a brain knows what an egg making contact with a piping hot surface looks like. The white immediately starts to denature. It didn't do fucking shit in the video. Bacon looks like shit too.

>> No.12575208

He didn't cut into it because that burger was ruined. Even at that size all that time on the grill is too much. IT STILL COOKS ON THE TOP RACK!!

>> No.12575226

bongs do not know how to make burgers, this is a fact. they can't understand that a simple thin patty with onions, some mayo and maybe mustard is all you need, maybe a slice of american cheese

>> No.12576120

None of which are grilled. Steaks in Britain still tend to be cut thinly and then fried until shoe-leather. Steaks cut thick and seared on a grill or griddle before being allowed to rest is regarded as foreign.

In the 70s, every Brit household could cook those other things almost from scratch with only the pastry being off the shelf, but it was basic and under-seasoned because Anglo culture promotes it. Now basic cooking skills are lost for various socio-economic reasons, but at the root; Anglo culture promotes those reasons too.

We were rescued from culinary oblivion by colonials bringing their flavour profiles over and in return we gave the world Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay, because we're shits.

>> No.12576157

Christ, go have a handpulled ale at least that gives you a shred of decency.

>> No.12576188

Once there was a time when a blind old fart could tell where he was in these isles by asking in a pub for whatever was brewed locally, by just the taste.

Ales have been watered-down and face competition from 'craft ales' made by 'micro-breweries' that are larger commercial operations than any local ale producer.

When we leave the EU though, things will go back to normal. Because of magic I suppose.

>> No.12576366

>When we leave the EU though, things will go back to normal.
Nah, you'll become a colony of the US then and get the full measure of what that entails. I wish you luck!

>> No.12576445

there was no sriracha on any part of that burger

>> No.12576465

wtf is a morass?

>> No.12576477

>putting whole mushroom caps on a burger

here's your first sign of impending senility

>> No.12576480

He made saracha Mayo.

>> No.12576482

You're a bitch.

>> No.12576492

>I meant to do that!

>> No.12576531

>I like my patties thin

>> No.12576536

Gordon is smart. He was a French-trained British chef who did have a quality Franco-British restaurant. But when he came to America, it made no sense to try to replicate that in the good ol' U-S-of-A. Think about it
>I'm Gordon Ramsey, I have massive name-power thanks to my gazillion shows.
>I need a serious amount of money, because my father-in-law ripped me off for tens of millions of dollars.
>I can open a burger joint in America, because Americans love burgers. On the internet, they are even know as "burgers".
>I can "this is Gordon Ramsey burgers" and stupid American, even poor ones, will pay $50 to eat a Gordon Ramsey burger, even if it's just a fucking Red Robin with my name on it.
>If I opened up "Gordon Ramsey's Anglo-French fine cuisine, no one will bother, because Americans cannot stomach British food, and they cannot understand French food.
>But they will come for "Gordon Ramsey's Masterchef Hell-fire Mushroom Jalapeno Swiss Cheeseburger with Devonshire Butter on Brioche".
You gotta know your audience.

>> No.12576653

This is what disappointments me most about the “modern” burger. Impossible to eat, the bun tears in half, and the ingredients slide out the back when you bite it

>> No.12576724

You gotta cut it and put toothpicks in them.

>> No.12576869

do you kiss your wife's boyfriend with that mouth?

>> No.12576893

He’s is literally the great cook of. All time. He will roast you on Twitter.