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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12568689 No.12568689 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever try to make friends at the café?

>> No.12568692


>> No.12568693
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>going to a cafe

>> No.12568696

no. everyone knows that the male with the most expensive macbook pro is the dom one and all potential females are his..

>> No.12568700

thats a no bueno from me esse

>> No.12568710

I am more the introvert type that need space but now and then i see a fellow introvert woman or man and talking explodes exponentially :D

>> No.12568714

>talking to some girl
>she likes coffee
>ask on a date
>take her to a coffee shop
Oh no how soy of me.

>> No.12568717


>> No.12568720
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>taking a girl to a nice coffee shop as a date
top kek are you 45, time to stop posting gramps

>> No.12568725

Bitches like coffee. Especially from hipster cafes like I'm assuming op is talking about.

>> No.12568729

>she says she likes coffee
No, what she actually likes and wants is milkshakes. Take her to stake and shake, force her to buy from the 4 meals under 4 dollar menu then make her pay

>> No.12568747

>stake and shake

>> No.12568753

Forgot to say i meat my gf in a coffee shop :D that means a shop that makes coffee and sandwiches and good buns and not like the Dutch or Danish mariuana or hashish coffee shops.

>> No.12568761

leave and never come back

>> No.12568765

Then we dated like a long time until she she said she wanted a dinner with wine and things happened a lot that evening :D

>> No.12568771

I live in Europe and Dutch and Danish drug emporiums are really known over here.

>> No.12568780

The coffee shop I took her too doesn't have Starbucks tier trash.

>> No.12568799

>flirt with barista on and off for a week
>finally ask for number
>writes it on my hand while smiling at me
>we date and do sum fuk
>still not sure if we're actually a couple....
Everything went better than expected.

>> No.12568856
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>> No.12568927

Why would I want friends?

>> No.12568944

playing with fire bro. next thing you know you'll never be able to go back there again
if you make eye contact with someone several times and they smile at you only then is it appropriate to approach someone at a cafe. otherwise never approach someone just because they're a pretty girl or whatever.

>> No.12568945

I usually just buy a 36-pack of beer and go find random people at the local park drinking(there's usually at least a couple of groups on any given night), then join them in their quest to liver cirrhosis. I can't really make any friends that way since I don't even remember half of the evening but I always have a fun time.

>> No.12568995

>limiting your lifestyle for a woman

Oh no, a barista might cry when she sees OP in the shop after he stops porking her?

What a travesty

>> No.12569211

I dont want to be friends with women unless they let me pork them

>> No.12569228

Found the virgins. Have sex.

>> No.12569237


>> No.12569246


>> No.12569277

people are so up their phones these days theres absolutely no point in even bothering, anything you have to say or express there is something 1000x more interesting within the screen they are holding. I just go in, get my drink and walk out.

>> No.12569296

This is very jaded

>> No.12569298



>> No.12569409

I'd throw hot coffee in her face just for being a roastie

>> No.12569416
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>> No.12569425

Nah. Bitches like smiley faces. Send that bitch a smiley face.

>> No.12569454

No, but I got a hookkup at a cafe once. Got the cheap coffee and poured whiskey into it. Some nosey broad started complaining but I cut her off with 'Just killing time until the bars open with this overpriced herbal laxative.' She decided to follow me out. Anal was had late that night. The ass was fat.

>> No.12569475

And get arrested and jailed? Yeah, I don't think so. Coward.

>> No.12569733
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>>Do you ever try to make friends at the café?
Why would I want friends?

>> No.12569771

and you probably never talked to her again. this site is full of such losers...

>> No.12570927
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>> No.12570937

Holy fucking based. I hate women too.

>> No.12570938

I'd do it. I'd fucking do it

>> No.12570953

Lmao roasties think guys want to talk to a girl after they buttfuck her

>> No.12570962

No, not "friends", but I have chatted with strangers while we hung out places. Cafes, coffee shops, record stores, even the DMV. Met some interesting people and have had good conversations.

>> No.12570963

ITT: incel general

>> No.12570967

Have sex

>> No.12571941

hell no. People are so unfriendly here

>> No.12572518


Just here to say you're correct in your observational decision making

My standards for women...

Tattoos: Short term mentality, not worthy of long term relationship
Dyed hair: Attention seeking whore, also avoid
Abnormal piercings or plugs: Parental issues stemming from fatherly neglect or absence
Unnatural hair style: Abuse maternal figure
Liberal: Mentally deficient

>> No.12572560

kindly look up what this word actually means

>> No.12572564

like a faggot like you has a choice

>> No.12572596

Have fun never having a girlfriend.

>> No.12572630

thank you oh wise sage for enlightening us with your hot takes on women

>> No.12572674


>> No.12574255

and very true

>> No.12574512

>everything except staying alone in my basement crying is soy

>> No.12575587

that’s a big mug

>> No.12575616

>Danish mariuana or hashish coffee shops.

No sir, that is not a thing.

>> No.12575645

>be me
>trying to read the grapes of wrath
>woman tries to make conversation

The one day where I didn't want to talk to anyone

>> No.12575655

leave her alone, she's a model on a photoshoot.

>> No.12575787


No, but sometimes I try to pick up chicks and fuck them. You should try it instead of taking creepy pictures with way too much headspace. And I'm talking to the person who took the picture, not OP, who is always a faggot.

>> No.12575819

is there anything you cannot mark as soy? you pathetic faggot

>> No.12575829

I bet you did the fortnite dance in past 7 days

>> No.12575843

people try to make friends with me and i'm usually not interested
if you need to make friends at a cafe, you probably aren't very cool

>> No.12575861

I met my ex-girlfriend in a café, of all places.

>> No.12575864

Unironically this

>> No.12575885

i don't eat sweets and i make my own coffee every morning, so no i don't go to cafes

>> No.12575905


Thanks for taking the time to tell us of your patrician ways, cunt.

>> No.12575998

Fpbp. The impulsiveness that led to them getting a tattoo in the first place makes them a shitty partner