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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 581 KB, 642x473, college life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12563760 No.12563760 [Reply] [Original]

Starting college soon. What are some easy dorm meals for someone with only a microwave? Should I get a hotplate or something?

>> No.12563804

I hope you become extremely depressed and stop going to classes, acquiring a substantial debt that you have to work for years to pay off with zero benefit to show for it. Every day slaving at some shit job knowing it is paying for an experience you never truly fulfilled. Your misery adding up until you finally lose it and quit. But then you're homeless and taking jobs through a mobile app for pennies just so you can score that next hit of meth. But not to worry, there's always jail to take care of you. Sure they starve you and beat you, but it's place to sleep at night, right?

Oh, and yeah, get a hotplate.

>> No.12563808

Why are you a sociopath?

>> No.12563831

Dangerously close to a bingo with all that white fragility, projection and autism.

>> No.12563843

That story was autobiographical. And I bet you'll never know the thrill of murdering a duck with a rock to roast over literal flaming garbage because you're JUST THAT HUNGRY. But the chick under the bridge thought it was manly and sucked your dick.

>> No.12563844

Salads of all kinds.

Check that the dorm allows hotplates, some don't due to fire hazard. A personal fridge might be nice, depends on how nasty your dormies are.

>> No.12563847

I only have ten minutes left before they kick me out of the library, tell me more about my privilege.

>> No.12563850

Damn dude that's rank

>> No.12563854

College grad here, and if you're sharing a room with anyone, a personal fridge is an absolute must. Get one you can lock. People can and will just take your shit.

>> No.12563894

Not that guy but holy shit bruh
>Substantial debt
I got a full ride, not everyone is a retard
>Shit job
My major (falls into the STEM meme) is more or less a direct necessity to getting useful materials out of the ground; ores, oil & gas, groundwater. As a requirement for the major I had to pick up 3 programminng languages and have enough experience to fall back on that if need be. However I work in the field I studied for and I get to travel cross-country on company dime to job sites (which is sometimes just me and some other people, computers and equipment, and a tent for a week picking up data) and to cushy congresses where I get "updated" on the field's progress. Oil and mining companies pay incredibly well, as one would imagine. TL;DR Not everyone studied to be some mindless office drone in a finance institution or a doctor in postmodern African clay sculpting.

Get a (mini) fridge, hotplate, pot and pan (stash under bed or wherever if room is tight, pull out as need be). Congrats, you can do just about anything that doesn't require an oven. You can make rice pilaf, you can make stews, you can boil eggs to both keep as a snack in the fridge and force your drunken hookup to consume in their entirety before being allowed to leave your room. You can cook a steak (not very well), you can do stir fry (not very well), a pan-fried chicken breast. You get the idea. Also the minifridge lets you keep fresh fruit and vegetables around and a lot of that can be eaten raw.

For cooking meat high and fast specifically you have an additional (kinda shitty) options; a George Foreman grill, which was in every other dorm when I was back in college. Is it good yet? No, but better than a pan on a likely anemic hotplate for the purposes of cooking a piece of protein properly.

>> No.12563941
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Do people really cook in their shared bedroom in college?
Fucking why?
Eat like carrots and bread dipped in hummus and stuff like that if you need to.

Why not get a lil gas burner and go outside and find a nice table to make a meal at if you want to cook? Most colleges have pretty comfy grounds right?
Seems crazy to cook in your fucking bedroom. Is there really no communal kitchen either?

>> No.12563957

>I never went to college

>> No.12563962

Or you could just go into math.
>Any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.12563971

Get yourself a five gallon jug, and make your own alcohol to save money. All it takes is water, sugar, and bread yeast. Add some raisins if you're worried about fusels.

>> No.12563982

rice, eggs, vegetables, pasta, noodles. if you can find an electric hotplate that isn't retard level electrically that will be far better.

>> No.12563983

Lol, is that you Black John? Still raping the Earth, huh? Morality don't make cents when dollars make more, right?

Anyways, to OP get a mini fridge, yes people will raid that shit but whatever. Your best bet is to take advantage of whatever cafeteria program they got, I mean, they got the ability to cook some decent shit and you're stuck with prison level gear, so leave it to the pros. Also, stock up up on napkins and plastic forks. Nobody does dishes.

And if that is indeed my negro friend from above, it's my job to make your job harder. Should have gotten into politics, bro.

>> No.12563995

I did i just never lived in a dorm.
I just don't understand why you'd smell up a room you're fucking sharing with another (1? 2?) gross cunt(s) with cooking smells and mess

>> No.12565257

Get an induction stove top and a toaster oven

>> No.12566482

hits pretty close to home here too anon. I'm just now starting the heavy drug use/ dead end job chapter

>> No.12567314

like 2 years to pay off a university debt with a normal $20/h job

>> No.12568381

school sux

>> No.12568647

You know that guy wants to fuck her.

>> No.12568654


>> No.12568659

just watch weber cooks bro steven reed has your back

>> No.12568777

Hey fellow /sci/nigger

>> No.12568843
File: 93 KB, 601x601, 1515226011583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you kid, join a fraternity and just eat fast food and drink coffee everyday
you little fags are a plight on this land and make campus life unbearable

>> No.12568935
File: 216 KB, 970x1139, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force your drunken hookup to consume in their entirety before being allowed to leave your room
I see you're a man of culture.

>> No.12568982

How does anyone get any schoolwork done when there’s hot girls everywhere?