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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12561316 No.12561316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>This confuses and enrages the yt


>> No.12561348

What kind of ice cream doesn't have a seal? Isn't that the same brand that got people sick a while back?

>> No.12561356

Yes actually

>> No.12561357 [DELETED] 

Take this shit to /pol9k/. Has nothing to do with this board. You'll get the nigger hate thread you crave elsewhere

>> No.12561360

would fuck so don't care

>> No.12561361

Does this really matter? Won't the freezer kill any harmful bacteria that could've been passed by her saliva?

>> No.12561363

Most freezers that are around the same temp as home freezers aren't cold enough to kill harmful things
though commercial freezers are probably a bit colder because people are constantly opening and closing it

>> No.12561364

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12561365

>p-p-protect me i'm a nigger lover!


>> No.12561366

No, it's not that cold. And I still don't want to eat another random person's saliva even if the bacteria has been killed if it can be avoided. Someone thinking it's okay to contaminate another person's food fucking matters.

>> No.12561373
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>be virgin
>almost a wizard
>eat ice cream defiled by negress roastie
>get herpes
>kicked out of hogwarts

>> No.12561375

No it usually just prevents bacteria from growing.

>> No.12561393

Newfag, stop acting like a fucking spic and learn board culture.

>> No.12561414

Your culture (niggerloving) is not in line with board culture, cuck

>> No.12561416

why can't they just BEHAVE like human beings?

>> No.12561419

That's like asking why can't a wolf behave like a German Shepard.

>> No.12561441

They're inferior to us as white men of virtue

>> No.12561443

but they can

>> No.12561447

Isn't that illegal? I hope she was fined.

>> No.12561451

apparently the guy who posted it is black and called the girl doing it psychotic. not sure where he got the video from though.

i guess it's easier to act like they have no self-determination

>> No.12561452

Oh wow. I'd pay extra for that tub.

>> No.12561453

Food tampering is illegal. Probably a few other things you could throw at her.

>> No.12561455
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>god I'm a mega virgin.

>> No.12561459

They are, unlike us white men of anime and vidya, without agency. They are like animals. They don't have an inner life or true self-consciousness. Same for all non-whites as well as women. Only we possess this depth.

>> No.12561463

lol shut up fag

>> No.12561465

How can a smile like that be illegal? The girl's an angel.

>> No.12561469

try the redpill and please agree with me. Been having a tough week, would like some validation. /pol/ and /r9k/ agree with me, but would be nice with you guys as well.

>> No.12561476

I agree with you anon, these guys don't get it they think it's because she's black they don't get that it's because she's black AND a woman, that's why the black guy is appauled he's still god the goodness of man inside of him

>> No.12561477

>shopping in an area with nigs and buying anything that isn't triple-sealed
oh no no no
You move to a shitty neighborhood you learn to check for this kinda thing.

>> No.12561512

you mad nigger?

>> No.12561525
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I will pay extra for that tub of ice cream specifically

>> No.12561640

Bros I was literally planning to buy ice cream from the store in a few hours. Which brand has a protective plastic over it? I live in the hood so I feel like kids watched this video and might emulate her actions.

>> No.12561643

Halo does

>> No.12561647


>> No.12561648

Does it actually taste good though

>> No.12561670

Get fresh fruit instead- ice cream is fucking poison

>> No.12561674

Just try and get one as far to the back/bottom of the shelf as possible. Or order some from Schwans.

>> No.12561710

She was spotted licking the banas as well ;_;

>> No.12561727

It is decided, I'm living off of eggs, spam and frozen spinach

>> No.12561733

Good luck in these dark times anon

>> No.12561743

>these dark times
Good save, adding 'dinez for the vitamin D

>> No.12561758

God I hate niggers so much.

>> No.12561764
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Based & redpilled

>> No.12561779

muy basado

>> No.12561793

It's a girl andd she's hot. Seems like it should be worth more now.

>> No.12561794

Please clap!

>> No.12561798

This. You can hear in the video that it's some nigger male ape convincing her to do it, and approvingly calling her a nigger after. It's crazy how lowly and trashy black culture is. Oh you're a real nigger, yaaaay yas queen

>> No.12561817

Hagen dagz
Ben and Jerry's has the seal on top

>> No.12561830

thank goodness I don't buy Bluebell frozen dessert anymore instead I get h-e-b creamy creations

>> No.12561839

I'm not even white, but I don't behave like a fucking ape either

>> No.12561844

I haven't seen food packaging that lacked some sort of tamper seal since I was a child in the 80s. I'd be very surprised if that brand didn't have some sort of tab or wrapping that makes it obvious when it has already been opened.

>> No.12561913

>product isnt sealed
>dont buy it


>> No.12562454

I need to buy this ice cream.

>> No.12562471

You look for a seal before buying any product?

>> No.12562480

No, but when I'm opening it for the first time I always notice if the seal is broken. If it happened a lot I'd probably start checking in the store.

>> No.12562488

I once ate talenti gelato that didn't have a seal on it. I wouldn't have bought it if I knew it didn't, but it was like $4 and I didn't want to throw it out.

>> No.12562515

Gotta pay up that nigger tax, whitey!

>> No.12562547

Not all ice creams have a seal unfortunately.

>> No.12562550

You could have returned it.

Not all ice creams have a seal, especially larger ones. It's usually smaller packs that have a seal.

>> No.12562585

all trader joes ice cream has a protective seal
the triple coffee is based

>> No.12562588

They do in Australia. A plastic ring wrapped around the lid, a tab that has to be broken before you open it, a sheet across the top under the lid, it's not always the same but there's always some sort of seal.

>> No.12562654

The lid acts as a seal. If you pull the lid off and it's not acting like a seal (you truly have to peel these lids off) and there is no seal underneath, do not eat. I prefer that style of packing because it also lets you know if the ice cream ever got too warm, as the lid won't be stuck on properly. Blue Bell is mediocre even when it isn't making you ill, though.

>> No.12562677

Nobody likes you tbhfam.

>> No.12562684

Is there anything niggers won't record themselves doing for attention?

>> No.12562719

Blame your politicians
They allow them to live near you by choice.
It's not like they can help their own nature.

>> No.12562739

Lol wasnt the burger king foot lettuce guy white? Choke on your own shit and die cunt

>> No.12562747

That's not very progressive of you.
To the gulag.

>> No.12562748

Getting jobs.

>> No.12562750

Ask your father about whataboutism

>> No.12562751

You voted your politicians into office. Neck yourself instead

>> No.12562804

More than likely it's a fake video, made for attention. That being said, I'd gleefully do a prison sentence for aggravated assault/hate crimes for stomping the shit out of some poop colored nigger for doing that type of shit if I saw them do it.

>> No.12562810

Only if he's Australian. Most "democracies" let citizens decide whether to vote or not which leads to the most inspiring AKA exciting AKA novel candidate winning.

>> No.12562838

At least they had the decency to do it to a brand that would have given you listeria anyway

>> No.12562853

>using cuck unironically
Go back to /pol/, faggot.

>> No.12562855

Why is it only recently that I've seen anyone cry about /pol/ on here? Is it just you sperging out in every thread you can find on this board that has anything relating to black people?

>> No.12562857

Damn, /pol/ come to /ck/ too? This site is overrun

>> No.12562864

I think the red velvet is enjoyable, however it's still low fat ice cream. They use erythritol instead of sucralose (splenda), so there really isn't a fake sugar taste.

>> No.12562870
File: 515 KB, 462x554, 964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is the retroactive /pol/ progenitor
activated almonds>redpills add infinitum
they will realize this once they manage their degeneracy to appropriate levels, but kekistanis have set them back

>> No.12562872

The first pint you get is really good. But the more you keep buying halo the worse it tastes and the more your brain realizes how fake it is.

>> No.12562873

I'd pay more for that ice cream now

>> No.12562874

This is imperative if you live in a shitty neighborhood or happen to stop through somewhere dodgy. When the seal is on the outside, which is often, it's obvious if there's something wrong with it. I never check stuff that's supposed to be sealed inside, because I've only ever had an issue with that maybe twice in a decade.

>> No.12562879

This board was shit before 2016, but 2016 made it shittier. You have a mix of edgy 20 something incels and literal boomers shitting up the place.

>> No.12562887

4chan was always on a downward trend but whatever happened in 2016 killed the entire website. Literally every board is fucking garbage

>> No.12562895

I would just like to let you know that /ck/ has been my homeboard since I started coming to this shithole, and /ck/ is what pushed me to shitposting years ago
redditors a shit and /ck/ mods a shit - in that order

>> No.12563098

Summerfag spotted!

>> No.12563129
File: 2.32 MB, 480x270, nonononono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. Just stop. Are there even /sips/ threads at this point anymore?

>> No.12563131

>ck homeboard
haha what, how fat are you?

>> No.12563141

It's not about fucking meme threads you absolute fucking retard. It's about thick headed morons in retirement sitting in front of their laptop or phone and browsing 4chan because they heard about it on CNN or FoxNews and facebook keeps deleting their posts or whatever so now they are here and posting quality is in the gutter because of it.

>> No.12563146
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>> No.12563147

You should feel embarrassed actually typing that shitty bait out

>> No.12563148

I wish it was bait but it is reality.

>> No.12563436

Not in America. I've bought plenty of tubs of ice cream with no seal. And it's not out of bad luck. Sometimes I opened them to check and some had seals some didn't.
I also worked in a supermarket

>> No.12563693

/pol/ is everywhere. it is everyone.
except soibois and trannys

>> No.12563710

that wouldn't matter. you never check whether the seal is intact of everything before buying them, now do you?

>> No.12563725

what kind of dumb question is this? just take off the lid and you'll see which ones it is. if you're legitimately worried about having your ice-cream licked you would have checked it by taking off the lid anyway in the shop

>> No.12563731

You can blame mainstream media for that, since they aren't allowed to speak their minds anywhere else of course you're going to see them spill out everywhere they can. I'm not trying to justify it though, in fact it's the same kind of aggression that's causing the left to alienate so many people.

>> No.12563738

in most states that is assault with intention. she'd be facing a few years of jail time for that lmao

>> No.12563752
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>> No.12563879

Instagram story

>> No.12563898

based 57yo know nothing magapedes coming on here in your own territory and making you cry like a bitch

>> No.12563936
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Doesn't everyone? Imagine where we could be if we didn't spend trillions babysitting these fucking apes.

>> No.12563963


>> No.12564070

don't use that N word here, it's cringe

>> No.12564072 [DELETED] 

shut up, nigger.

>> No.12564081

cringe af desu lmfao

>> No.12564083

you peel those

>> No.12564132

Oh you niggers ruining something again!

>> No.12564142


i'd love to kill her with an axe

>> No.12564147

Definitely a proportionate response. By the way, I was being sarcastic.
>well, duh

>> No.12564156


>> No.12564160

This, except unironically

>> No.12564167

Get blue bunny chocolate


>> No.12564170

The banana peel acts like a condom to the black people viruses.

>> No.12564176

How much extra does that cost?

>> No.12564178

No I mean since when do you peel bananas.

>> No.12564185

Well bananas tend to have thick peels with carcinogenic pesticides that aren't good for you.

>> No.12564188

nigga what

are you eating banana peels

>> No.12564195

They're edible. Unless you have a compost and a garden to use it with, disposing of banana peels is just throwing away money.

>> No.12564200
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Then why have I been served bananas like this for literal decades?

>> No.12564206

Because you live in a place where they're grown locally without pesticides and a different species from western bananas?

>> No.12564211

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest

Jesus Christ guys, I've hated bananas all my life this changes everything.

>> No.12564214
File: 29 KB, 201x226, 1489808842671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seriously been eating the peel on a banana your entire life?
did nobody ever fucking stop you?

>> No.12564227

I only ate them at school and we got punished for not finishing our lunches.

My mom never bought them because I told her I hate them.

>> No.12564458

imagine being so retarded you eat bananas wrong

>> No.12564514

Yes I do, that's why they are there to ensure the product isn't tampered with.

>> No.12564581
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>blacks getting uppity when their grammar is challenged

>> No.12564590

yea deb mind your biz

>> No.12564595

>it's called aave
I fucking hate that term. It's called niggerspeak and it's not some sophisticated "alternative english dialect", it's just being fucking wrong.

>> No.12564599
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OK.......this is actually epic

>> No.12564607

I'd be yelling about our safety seal to the world after that video surfacing too.

>> No.12564611

>gaymer autist
at least she admits she's literally retarded

>> No.12564614

I don't play games faggot. AAVE is in the same tier as "Professionalism is just white patriarchy" retardation, you're not speaking a dialect of english you're just being flat out wrong. Move back to haiti.

>> No.12564621

What the fuck are you talking about? Gaymer Autist is the name of the person who mentioned aave in the twitter, fucking invalid.

>> No.12564622

haha imagine unknowingly buying that ice cream and accidentally eating that black girl's spit haha wouldn't that be really really gross

>> No.12564637

I don't acknowledge twittersphere retards by their chosen name, only by their inane comments.

>> No.12564639
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, 1F922547-57C8-4878-950B-470805132F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greg Abbot is building the gallows right now as we speak. This dumb bitch dun messed with Texas!

>> No.12564642

As long as certain people keep doing certain negative things in society then /pol/ will exist everywhere. If these "people" learned to be human /pol/ wouldn't exist in the first place.

>> No.12564643

That's disgusting but why did she look like she was committing some sort of awesome crime? Who fucking cares?

>> No.12564651

She finds solace in the sjw ideology that says she can't commit a felony because only races with power can.

>> No.12565105

>get home
>see seal is broken
>don't eat
Can even take it a step further and complain. Buying it isn't a fucking contract to eat it.

>> No.12565114

But you'd waste money if you didnt use it.
And complaining is just a waste of time and energy.

>> No.12565115

imagine being black

>> No.12565120

>But you'd waste money if you didnt use it.
Oooh nooo.
>And complaining is just a waste of time and energy.
It literally isn't, you'll get a refund or gift card from any major retailer.

>> No.12565121
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>> No.12565132

>It literally isn't, you'll get a refund or gift card from any major retailer.
At the cost of your time and effort of physically moving yourself into a store and bothering a clerk with evidence and shit. Why the fuck would anyone consider that valuable?

>> No.12565151

>physically moving yourself into a store and bothering a clerk with evidence
You fucking autist, you just fill out a form online and they mail you a gift card. Hardly a physically enduring experience. And again, if you're such an awkward bitch just take a loss on the ice cream instead of eating some nigger's herpes juices. The safety seal is to show evidence of tampering.

>> No.12565174

Why would stores give out free stuff just because someone filled out an online form?

>> No.12565185

Because they want to keep you coming back to buy shit, of course they take a small hit but a $5 or $10 gift card in store credit isn't shit to a large retailer.

>> No.12565188
File: 114 KB, 675x900, 31B63704-9E52-4137-8366-4432A7D9D725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m pretty sure it was a form of protest or something. Can you get Blue Bell outside of Texas? I literally don’t know.

>> No.12565194

The real problem is that mods have cracked down on the natural defense system of old (loli and gore). As such we are utterly defenseless to the onslaught.

>> No.12565363

>It’s really awful. I work in healthcare and this is a public health nightmare waiting to happen.
So why aren't all coalburners dead yet? Kissing a nig should have the same effect.

>> No.12565374

>tfw banana peels tell tomato worms to fuck off
I don't even like bananas that much but I have them for breakfast when my tomatoes are flowering or fruiting.

>> No.12565395

I don't even browse pol, man
what you're seeing is a literal nigger, no excuses. a black person behaving like a savage. anyone could potentially call it a "nigger"

>> No.12565557

i dont think ive ever bought ice cream that had a seal under its lid.

>> No.12565809

Shut up nigger

>> No.12565872

for some strange reason, i just can't seem to figure out why everyone hates niggers.

>> No.12565879

Print out this cunts picture and stick it on ice cream freezers in every store across the country. Hey ready for hell to break loose.

>> No.12565915

So everybody can start masturbate in public when they see this gorgeous woman? I've already masturbated four times to this video and will probably find inspiration from it for the rest of the week.

>> No.12565942
File: 18 KB, 350x350, BFDBF81A-DB3C-4EBD-A603-BAE67A8D6FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they make special flavors for the new territory they acquire. They grow very slowly.

>> No.12566125

Fuck I'd unironically buy that. Have I become a degenerate?

>> No.12567480

I actually do. I've taken stuff back before because the seal was broken already.

>> No.12567685

Then you're willfully retarded and belong in the gutter with the ape from OP.

>> No.12567741

It’s felony assault, just the same as if she’d spat on someone in public.

>> No.12567759
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talk shit get hit

>> No.12567817

Great. Someone might have Aids now.

>> No.12567840

The only thing you possess is your virginity and questionable porn.

>> No.12567857

4chan started decending in 2012 when it turned out that there wasn't some prophecy coming to wipe out this bitch of an earth unfortunately

>> No.12567863

>Venezuelan spanish isn't the same as Spain spanish so therefore it's invalid

>> No.12567866

identity property, you can't be what you aren't

>> No.12567876

Are you just poor and lazy?

>> No.12567879

back to t_d for you.

>> No.12568172

Is the spic monkey going to jail?

>> No.12568201

But you can have those lids and still have the plastic ring as a seal. You can still feel if the top is loose.

>> No.12568210

fuck i want to eat that ice cream so badly....it has been licked and blessed by a black goddess so its the closest im going to get to kissing a woman

>> No.12568239

This girl is hot as fuck and I want to make mutt babies with her.

>> No.12568260

>comparing the dialects of two distinct COUNTRIES to nigspeak and american english

Stop trying to justify laziness and stupidity just because its coming from american minorities. People like you are enabling this bullshit. The funny part is, the mental gymnastics you put into making this sound like there's some intellectual merit to this crap takes considerably more thought than american blacks have ever put into their "dialect" in the first place.

>> No.12568263

Me first.

>> No.12568268

being impregnated by these two idiots is a suitable punishment for her
blue bell not having a seal always bothered me, never buying that shit again

>> No.12568355
File: 100 KB, 735x709, 6BAA39BB-FC09-457A-85E0-845E72A7E1E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit reminds me of when I was called out for wiping the top of my soda can with my shirt before opening it.
Started off with "haha fucking weirdo why wipe it?", explain that it's a single qty can stored on a mouldy shelf constantly being dripped on by condensate from a cold store that employees go in to fart when they don't want to be heard by a customer. It's probably been taken out and put back in half a dozen times by customers that couldn't decide on what they wanted. That shelf was also stocked by the same scabby dude that was running the register, without any gloves or need to wash hands because it's not "preparing food", and prior to that it was packed into a box by some 3rd world shitter without access to running water or clean sheets. Also christ knows what chemicals or greases are on there from the manufacturing process of the can itself. Needless to say friends started autisticly wiping there cans as well.

>> No.12568358

Wiping the can's not going to help much, boyo.

>> No.12568365

I'm still reducing a micro gram of filth down to parts per million, but it helps mentally far more.
but give it a try and you'll see just how much shits stuck to the top.

>> No.12568383

Reddit recently banned their Donald Trump subreddit and /pol/ is inviting over the survivors for refuge.