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12559960 No.12559960 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck do I mix this shit with, bros? Thinking about getting some vanilla ice cream with coke or root beer. I usually just put vodka in the freezer and drink it straight out the bottle to get drunk so I’m not used to mixing shit.

>> No.12559966

Be a man and just drink it on the rocks you wuss.

>> No.12559974

What’s the point if I can just go back to drinking vodka?

>> No.12559988

Because you can't make sex on the beach with whiskey

>> No.12560001

Dr. Pepper works very well. Try not to get Jack in the future, it's very bad for it's price

>> No.12560002
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>Drinks whisky with rocks
>Drinks Jack Daniel's

I don't know which is the greater crime here.

>> No.12560007

Don't mix it with anything. Just Chase with pickle juice. Picklebacks are the best.

>> No.12560013
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sounds good. not.

>> No.12560023

That's not how you do the not joke. You're supposed to go
Sounds good.....NOT!

>> No.12560026

All "Tennessee whisky" is fucking garbage. Tastes like boozy banana juice.

Use that shit for mixed drinks if you absolutely have to drink it. If you want a real bourbon in that price range that you can drink neat get Buffalo Trace or the mid-range four roses.

The amount of marketing this fucking mediocre product relies on is insane.

>> No.12560030
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Jack and Coke. Simple as.

>> No.12560039

Holy shit dude just have sex for once

>> No.12560043

How did Lemmy not have crippling withdrawal? He used to drink a bottle a day, morning and night.

>> No.12560047

Have you guys never had picklebacks? What the fuck. They're delicious.

>> No.12560058

no, i'm heterosexual

>> No.12560071

Oh, I see. So why do you drink Jack in the first place, you pussy?

>> No.12560072 [DELETED] 
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yeah, real men drink it on the rocks and it better be sour mash from kentucky
>room temp

>> No.12560075


I guess he just never let it get to that point

>> No.12560079

Only thing your mom had available as a mouthwash after oral.

>> No.12560080

stop drinking

>> No.12560084

he was drunk for 30 years straight

>> No.12560085

Not possible for most mortals. With day drinking, withdrawals will cripple you quicker than you can drink.

>> No.12560086

What should I mux wuth isoperople alxohol? Regular alcol is expensice but this shit tadte like shut

>> No.12560088

he got diabeetus from all the coke before the booze did anything bad to him

>> No.12560096

*Taste like shit
Fucking spellcheck

>> No.12560101

With the sink and don't buy bottom shelf next time if you want it to actually taste good

>> No.12560107
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For me, I'd mix it with anything but Talisker 10, which tastes like regurgitated Bone-eating snot-flower worm.

>> No.12560112

Coke or 7up if you don't mind all the sugar, any orange sparkling water or blackberry Bubly if you do.

Or buy some old fashioned bitters and stir in a few dashes into the whiskey over ice.

>> No.12560183

Yikes, hope you wiped off the dust first. Still, she always has pickles in the fridge. You missed out.

>> No.12560188

Isopropyl? Please don't drink that shit. Plus, it's more expensive than normal fucking booze. Just but cheap vodka or malted liquor and drink straight.

>> No.12560217


>> No.12560221


>> No.12560229

just put some water in it if you're so adverse to the taste.

>> No.12560243

I've been a gutter drunk for almost 12 years. Never had withdrawals other than some weird fuckkng dreams.

>> No.12560247

Server over ice with a splash of water on top. Gentle mix and enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed - pure.

You can always bring in little brother CocaCola into the mix if you want something sweet to help wash it down with.

>> No.12560257

I envy you folks. I get withdrawals after just a few days drinking.

>> No.12560267

Kill yourself shill

>> No.12560271

Are you confusing withdrawals with a "hangover," anon?

>> No.12560275
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For me, it's Talisker 10

>> No.12560286

If hangover means I sweat profusely, tremble like mad, hear things, have intense heart palps and see moving shit then I guess maybe.

>> No.12560287

You already have a whiskey thread going, anon. Fuck off. We get that you love this shit but it has very little to do with OPs question.

>> No.12560295

Everything but the hearing shit just sounds like one of my typical bender hangovers. What kinda stuff do you hear? Like faint whispers?? I'm interested.

>> No.12560300

Jack sucks straight, just do a jack and coke OP. Don't buy Jack next time, it's fucking trash.

There is literally nothing wrong with drinking whiskey on the rocks.

>> No.12560420

Booze doesn't contribute in any way to beetus, right? I think I am showing symptoms, am going to make an appointment with my doctor asap, but I don't really do anything unhealthy except drink. I am fat though.

>> No.12560450
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>Don't buy Jack next time, it's fucking trash.
How can one be this right?

>There is literally nothing wrong with drinking whiskey on the rocks.
But also so retarded?

>> No.12560451

Alcohol definetly contributes to diabetes

>> No.12560471

Alcohol is sugar. It for sure contributes to diabetes

>> No.12561934


I'm mostly a neatfag myself, but I tell you hwat, sometimes bourbon over ice it's own kind of special. Never tried any other kind of whisky though.

>> No.12561977
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>Alcohol is sugar.

>> No.12562022

If you had some Wild Turkey 100 proof I'd say ya get vanilla ice cream but you have Jack Ass Danielle. Just get something to mask the taste like bleach or motor oil.

>> No.12562028

oh yeah that disaccharide called alcoholose how could I forget

>> No.12562132

Sugar in some form is a key ingredient to the production of alcohol. However I wont say for certain whether it is linked to diabetes but it could be possible

>> No.12562148

No dumbo. Just stop.

>> No.12562169
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>> No.12562180

>on the rocks
Neat, ya shemale.

>> No.12562930


>> No.12563074

I thought he was a Maker's Mark man.

>> No.12563082

+1. 7 Up was Sinatra's mixer of choice.

>> No.12564517

Pour it down the drain (or give it to a homeless drunk), and go buy a decent whisk(e)y. Alternatively, use it for cooking (sauces, brownies, glazes, whatever recipe calls for whiskey).