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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12558863 No.12558863 [Reply] [Original]

You know you want a Big Mac, damn it's tasty.

>> No.12558874

Of course I want a big mac, they're the best. I never said I didn't.

>> No.12558882

yeah lemme get a burger with unmelted cheese shitty looking patties and brown lettuce that's exactly what I want

>> No.12558885
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I ate one and got into a drag race with myself in order to be fully immersed in the American Goy Slave experience. I dragged my car from side to side on the road, and imagined sprites which represent bicyclists hit by cars tumbling off the road after being hit by me, pretending to drive off the CA-22 overpass onto a sidewalk running a muslim woman over (scrapped footage from my mosim ride CryEngine 3 test run).

Pic related is the Free Food hamburgers put together in my pants with secret sauce.

>all those carbs
Sugar mouthed whore mouthed carb mouthed arab like on the left

>> No.12558891

Wtf is the point of lettuce on a burger? Filling? Because that "crunch' isn't doing shit

>> No.12558895

I agree I could go without it although I wouldn't mind a fresh big piece of lettuce if available but this lettuce shit that fast food places use is pathetic

>> No.12558899

I'd opt for a handful of spinach, even if it isn't as crunchy, at least it has a (good) flavor and nutritional value

>> No.12558902

seek help

>> No.12558907

This is what happens when you teach robots how to solve captcha.

>> No.12558923

>buns are soft
>beef is soft
>cheese is soft

It's texture, nobody with teeth wants to eat all soft

>> No.12558931

>pumpernickel bun
>rare tenderloin
>unmelted parmesan
There, I solved your problems, toothy.

>> No.12558934

Nah, my mom taught me not to eat garbage

>> No.12558939

This, I've never made a home cooked burger without toasting the bread, literally 101. Even taco bell will grill your shit

>> No.12558946

No, they won't. They don't even sell Big Macs you fucking retard.

>> No.12558972

All McDonalds buns are toasted

>> No.12558977

Is that really what they pass for meat? Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.12558985

Yes, it's called ground beef, and I think most of the world that has access to food eats it. One day you might be one of those fortunate countries.

>> No.12558995

Why hello Ronald, that's shit tier beef, in my country we wouldn't even feed that to the village Gypsy, you really need to reassess your standards anon

>> No.12559017

I bet your town rapist eats better than you every night, so why should anyone listen to you?

>> No.12560997
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>> No.12561006

Most franchises have stopped putting sauce on the burgers. So they're just dry double burgers with too much bread. I honestly choked on the last Big Mac I ate.

I complained, never heard back. I'll never eat there again in my life after 35 years of eating there. Give up on McDonalds, they slipping like everyone else in the Dystopia.

>> No.12561010

Engage in a mutual act of genital stimulation.

>> No.12561025

They changed the bun to some fake brioche, changed the size of the bun. The McDouble is now a fucking finger bite.

I'm thinking the western democracies are collapsing under food costs. I only eat at home now, because I eat 3 orders of magnitude better. I can make an 80/20 chuck for nickels compared to what poverty stores charge.

>> No.12561030

McDonalds has become the Boeing of shitty food.

>> No.12561045

I honestly don't get the big mac. I used to covet them as a child cause my mom liked them. I got one like a month ago because it was part of the 2 for $5 promotion. The meat to everything else ratio is way off. Why would anyone pay more then double the price of a mcdouble for some extra bread, lettuce, and, special sauce? Makes no sense. I'll stick to the mcdouble add mac sauce for 30 cents thank you very much.

>> No.12561049

Go buy ground beef and some shitty bun and thousand island dressing. Don't even do that, make your own dressing with some finely chopped cooking onion and you'll have a better burger than the piss soaked mess McDonalds makes these days.

>> No.12561058


It's not even grilled. Most people can fry at home. Even a lazy mayo concoction is more juicy. They refuse to give you a juicy burger anymore. Dry bread, no sauce. You will need a drink to choke it down.

>> No.12561100

How did your viral marketing go, McDonalds when faced with actual customers that taste your newly shit food? Happy with the truth yet?

>> No.12561148

Keep that away from me please.

>> No.12561151

10 to 15 years ago sit down restaurants taught you to cook at home. Today shitty fast food is teaching you the same thing. These people can't market food. They market gruel.

>> No.12561175

In the early 90s I could order a Subway club on Italian bread and that fucking sandwich was real. Pickles, black olives, mustard mayo(kraft real mayo) and the bread was flakey and soft in the center.

I wouldn't urinate on a Subway sandwich today if someone was under it, dying on fire.

>> No.12561180

Big Tasty Bacon for me

>> No.12561206
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It really sucks. I can't eat Mickey D's for a while now because I got a bad order. I ordered my Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese like I always do, but when I went to bite into it, i got a huge taste and whiff of something floral. It was pretty prominent. I tried to eat a couple more bites, but to no avail. The entire top bun was redolent of girl smell. I had to eat the damn thing without the top bun! What the fuck!

I think whoever was handling the burger was doing so without gloves, and had applied lotion previously. Luckily my McDouble was edible.

Fucked me up pretty good though, now I can't go to Mickey D's for a while. For the time being, I'm going to based Sonic and gettin two Ultimate Meat and Cheese Burritos with a Cake Batter Shake for my treat meal.

>> No.12561501

are you american?

>> No.12562121
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Big Mac was designed based on the Big Boy Burger blue print

>> No.12562251

Should I do another order for mr thread tomorrow? First response decides my fate.

>> No.12562278

Order a Double Quarter Pounder with a large fry and a Stroopwafel McFlurry!

>> No.12562304

I’ll take that as a yes. See you guys tomorrow!

>> No.12562326
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>> No.12562349

Why would anyone ever order a big mac when they could have a quarter pounder?

>> No.12562836
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>> No.12564498


why order a quarter pounder when you can order the double quarter pounder?

>> No.12564512

I'm going to McDonald's. What should I get?

>> No.12564518

Double QP, large fry with a Stroopwafel McFlurry. Thank me later

>> No.12564541

>large fry
>Stroopwafel McFlurry
I got a free snack size stroopwaffel from a person that I used to work with at McD's. I go in about once a week and she gives me free food all the time.

>> No.12565877
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I make mine at home.

>> No.12566103
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For me it's the Grand McExtreme Bacon Buger, hold the cheese.