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File: 180 KB, 1234x800, 1561763175394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12557306 No.12557306 [Reply] [Original]

how accurate is this?
t. non-american

>> No.12557310

>super nutty toffee clusters

I've never heard of this. I usually eat granola with yogurt for breakfast, with local honey drizzled on top of it of course.

>> No.12557322

>eating breakfast cereal over the age of 16
It really doesn't get any more nu-male than this unless you're eating it with soy milk.

>> No.12557323

God tier is Organic Kashi Cereal desu

>> No.12557494

Is this list ranked in terms of sugar content? If you are such a manlet that you can't come up with something for breakfast better than cereal at least get a relatively healthy oat/whole grain one & add fruit or nuts. By the way raisin bran is S+ tier so I know this list is dogshit.

>> No.12557506

that's... actually surprisingly accurate
good job OP

>> No.12557516

What? No sugar smacks?

>> No.12557524
File: 257 KB, 540x467, 1553305044805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cinnamon Life in shit tier

>> No.12557534
File: 67 KB, 700x400, S02E04-H0TzfehW-subtitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

golden crisp and frosted mini wheats are the only good cereals on here
golden grahams and frosted flakes are o.k.

>> No.12557566
File: 11 KB, 640x640, M6HKmTs_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggo, Frosted Flakes, and Reese's Puffs got tier
Everything else shit tier

>> No.12557599

Breakfast is a meme that needs to die and breakfast cereal is bait for fatties who are too lazy to make an egg

>> No.12557680

life and raisin bran are literally the only cereals worth eating.

>> No.12557683

came here to post this

>> No.12557690
File: 67 KB, 600x449, honey-nuts-cheerios-w-banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All cereal is pretty shit tier but i do get a craving for pic related sometimes

>> No.12557693

I agree with some of this. Other parts... not so much.

>> No.12557717

Non-American living in America.
I've tried all the """"""""""God Tier""""""""" cereals in that pick 'cept the toffee one. They're all way too fucking sweet for me. I would suspect the toffee one is, too. The """""""""Top Tier""""""""" and """"""""Mid Tier""""""""" ones are also way too fucking sweet, except for cinnamon Puffins, which are pretty decent.
Of the """""""""Low Tier""""""""" ones, Crispix and Special K are both delicious. God Tier, IMO. The others are either, once again, too fucking sweet (Frosted Flakes, Honey Bunches of Oats and Cookie Crisp), drier than a geriatric cunt (Wheaties) or completely unknown to me (whichever variety of Cheerios that one is).
Finally, the """"""""""Shit Tier"""""""""" ones: Basic 4 used to be much better, but it's not so great anymore. Wouldn't say it's shit. It's middling. Kix and Raisin Bran are both pretty good. I've never had Life cereal or Go Lean Crunch. Honey Nut Cheerios is too sweet for me sometimes, fine others. Dunno why I vacillate between the two, but that's how I feel about HNC.

All things considered, the person who made that macro has an extreme sweet tooth. We could be roommates because we'd never have to worry about eating one another's cereal.

My favourite cereals are Total, Product 19 (RIP), Crispix, Rice Krispies and Whole Foods own-brand raisin bran.

>> No.12557723

All cereal is shit except for muesli. Special K is alright when you want a treat.

>> No.12557728

Why cookie shit gets 2 tiers?

>> No.12557736

Because it tastes substantially better dry than it does with milk.

>> No.12557747
File: 181 KB, 625x626, bait_harder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you substitute semen for milk,OP.

>> No.12557752
File: 78 KB, 400x595, flutie_flakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot one in the God Tier.

>> No.12557758
File: 358 KB, 616x520, ewg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12557844

The only people who still eat cereal for breakfast in America are children and diabetics.
Eat real food.

>> No.12557890

Cinnamon Life, Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Honey Bunches

Those are all top-god tier

Also, Oreo Os, Count Choc, Honey Nut Chex, Frosted Chex, are all some of the best cereals

Also, French Toast Crunch

>> No.12557898

Move Puffins up at least one tier. Love them fuckers.

>> No.12557905

Ultra God tier is crackling oat bran

>> No.12558090

>Toast Crunch in God tier
Kino taste bubs, anon

>> No.12558125

Flip that chart upside down and it'll be more accurate.

>> No.12558130

Bills make me wanna shout!

>> No.12558131

glad to see someone already wrote exactly what i wanted to say

>> No.12558136


>> No.12558140

Toffee cereal is for dickholes, if you eat that shit you might be a dickhole.

>> No.12558239

Honey bunches of oats is fucking GAS and I will die on that hill. God Tier.

>> No.12558292

>honey bunches in low tier

>> No.12558432

No Cheerios. Fuck off.

>> No.12558449


>> No.12558453

Cheerios and Special K are the best.
t. non-American

>> No.12558704

GoLean Crunch is unironically good, and Cookie Crisp should be in shit-tier, but otherwise it's pretty accurate. And the Oreo cereal should be in god-tier because it is.
I eat cereal as a dessert, though.
(Also I really fucking miss that Eggo cereal. Or Waffle Crisp, I'd take that too. Oh, and the Jif peanut butter cereal. and the Churro cereal. Why do they keep stopping all these delicious cereals? Bastards.)

>> No.12558732

Things I ate regularly growing up, as much as I ate cereal:
>apple jacks
>froot loops
>frosted mini wheats
>honey nut cheerios
>raisin bran
>smacks (not pictured)

Things I'd eat occasionally and enjoy but didn't really consider a breakfast food as much as a candy type thing:
>reese's puffs
>lucky charms
>capn crunch
>cookie crisp (big when it came out)
>cocoa puffs

Absolutely abysmal tier:
>any "pebbles" cereal

Everything else is something I'd try once or twice for variety but never left an impression. Honey bunches of oats was okay.

>> No.12558734
File: 441 KB, 377x547, Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at 5.57.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gorilla Munch is nowhere on the list

>> No.12558737

Very wrong
>raisin bran
at the bottom. Those are all god tier.

>> No.12560505

Basic 4 is the best and if you disagree you're a toddler

>> No.12560582

wp sir, speaking on behalf of us who transcended 1kg of sugar in your bowl every morning (and evening if u a playa)

>> No.12560746

The OP image is inverted. God tier is actually their bottom row.

>> No.12561342

>raisin bran at the bottom
>no grape nuts
and into the trash it goes

>> No.12561351

God tier is pretty accurate, kind of a mess after that though

>> No.12561352

It's accurate if you're 12 years old.

>> No.12561634

I disagree, however if you're eating super sugary bullshit like in OP's high tiers then it's manchild as fuck.
Notice how remotely healthy cereals are at the bottom? An adult should only be eating hearty cereals, the sweetest being something like Mini Wheats or Honey Nut Cheerios.

>> No.12561639

this, if it had a different name it would be universally beloved.

>> No.12561709

Gorilla Munch is trash now that they've rebranded into a cartoon baby gorilla.

>> No.12561718

Basic 4 is based. Gfys anon

>> No.12561742

Fruity pebbles, fruit loops, and captain crunch with the faggot berry balls should be at the highest rung.