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12555226 No.12555226 [Reply] [Original]

Eat this shit

>> No.12555231

Not really the barbecue peanuts or the chili cheese nuggets, but yeah, the rest is pretty fair game.

>> No.12555235

I have never had a peanut flip or a cruspie.

>> No.12555242

Then youre not a real american

>> No.12555253

At no point did they consult an American when brainstorming these products.

>> No.12555254
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the american style snack box looks pretty good.

>> No.12555257

Only 2.49 lad get yourself a cheeky all american snack box

>> No.12555259

the answer is always yes

>> No.12555267

Thank fuck.
I’m not fat and I shower daily.

>> No.12555276

No, but I really want to try those chili cheese nuggets now.

>> No.12555277
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I always wonder how the rest of the world who has never been to the us understands the culture. This is a glimpse into the mind of someone like that.

>> No.12555299

Yes and no, I mean I keep some Hershey's Chocolate Syrup around 4 when I have ice cream. And yes I eat pancakes but I will never sink to the level of eating pre-made pancakes it takes like two minutes to whip together a batter. Hell if I have my own cooking notebook I can even make my own mix. Some of those items I don't recognize and frankly there is nothing snack about that American snack food box, that's pub food the kind of crap I order when I'm watching UFC Fight Night at the local sports bar.

>> No.12555307

Its always shocking to go to another country and see peanut butter in the "international foods" aisle

>> No.12555311

I dont think many people believe it to be an accurate portrayal i think its just what people see as stereotypical of America, over indulgence, greasy fried shit, bigger portioned stuff, burgers and fries etc. Id like to think most people know its just stereotypical nonsense but i might be too naive, dumb people might actually believe it to be true.

>> No.12555329

Forgot to add items that don’t belong in order to suit local taste: (the flavored peanuts)

>> No.12555338

>American food
>it's snacks aka the thing fatties eat

>> No.12555352

Undeniably American Food
>Chinese Takeout
>Fast Food Cheeseburger and Fries
>Fast Food Tacos/Burritos
>Grilled Steak
>Hot Dogs

>> No.12555373
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>> No.12555377
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more "american" food

>> No.12555384
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>> No.12555391
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Last one for now.

>> No.12555393

what about apple pie?

>> No.12555395

>no American brands

No wonder Trump is starting a trade war. If you’re going to stereotype American shitfood, at least import American food.

>> No.12555400

Something they already do.

>> No.12555408

>chili cheese nuggets
where in america can i buy this

>> No.12555416
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>> No.12555420
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>> No.12555429

What is this, British?
Also wondering this

>> No.12555443

Well, you can get tots and the gas station, then pour that liquid cheese and chili out by the hot dogs over them.

>> No.12555472

>What is this, British?

The £ is a bit of a giveaway.

>> No.12555515

>Yuropoors brand
>Do Americans really???
kys yuroslime

>> No.12555530

Hershey's is a European brand now?

>> No.12555540

I always giggle how inaccurate faux american foods are.
>that fucking pizza with corn on it

>> No.12555542

Quit pretending to be retarded.

>> No.12555567

So Americans don't really Hershey's syrup, then?

>> No.12555579

This is fucking surreal to look at. No wonder other countries think America’s a fucking freak show if this is what they think American food looks like.

>> No.12555608

Seriously, though. What the fuck am I looking at? Deutschland, you leather fuckpants wearing deviants!

>> No.12555673

1st - All common sides with a burger or a sandwich at your favorite eatery, odd to have them all in one thing though

2nd - God tier fries damn-near only sold at Chik - Fil - A, second only to curly fries.

3rd - Some eat it on pancakes, but mainly used as syrup for some ballin chocolate milk

4th - Cancer. Only uncivilized swine would eat this. Real Americans make their own damn pancakes from scratch, or at least use a store bought mix.

All the rest fit into the 'would try at least once' category.

>> No.12555712

Why are eurofags obsessed with snacks in boxes?

>> No.12555799

Do people think us Americans live at the north fucking pole where we just eat sugar and snacks all day? Like, no? People here with reasonable eating standards are tired of food companies shoving this shit in our face 24/7. Literally everywhere you go, you see sweets and salty snacks. Even the most disciplined burger cant resist getting something tasty every once in a while. It's just baked into our consumerist culture, damn near impossible to escape. Sadly my parents are idiots and didn't teach me the monk-levels of self-discipline you need not to eat like shit in our culture, especially as a kid not knowing any better, and I'm paying for it later trying to eat better and make good habits

Now imagine going to get something even remotely healthy at any of those eateries. You often can't, unless you get a shit-tier salad. I'm at the point where I bring an awesome sandwich for lunch, and avoid eating fast food as much as humanly possible because I realize how shit it is.

>> No.12555804

tabasco is american dumbass

>> No.12556280

I remember going to Knotting Hill four years ago and seeing an “America” store that was literally 2/3rds cereal

>> No.12556314

Real American fruit pies come in boxes or little paper sleeves, jack ass.

>> No.12556399

What kind of fake name is "McEnnedy"

>> No.12556538

I think it's racist, but I don't know how.

>> No.12556682

Snack box looks great, never heard of a chili cheese nugget before though but it sounds up my alley
Potato lattice is jsut euro for waffle fry and while personally I'm a straight cut fry guy those are definitely american things
I dont even know the last time I have seen hershey's syrup. I don't want it.
Yup, we eat pancakes, though not out of a box. Some people do maybe. Not me.
What is a peanut flip? Americans eat peanuts yeah.
I have seen worse flavors of nuts so I can say for certain some american eats them.
Brownies are gold standard among american snacks.
Yeah I've seen cones like that sold before I jsut get normal ice cream though.
Never seen a cookie dough pie, I have better options available to me.

So in conclusion americans will likely eat half of that on avaerage.

>> No.12556810

only the hersheys syrup but big brands are kind og tanging as millennials take over the supermarkets

>> No.12556820
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Yes they do. It makes us big , obese, and healthy just as an American should be.

>> No.12556952

Hershey's Syrup

That's literally it.

>> No.12557135
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>> No.12557949


>> No.12557963

we make our own pancaks, we don't buy pre packaged ones

>> No.12558441

Calling them "potato lattices" is some real pinko commie shit

>> No.12558660

wait really? i'm in fucking poland and they have chili cheese nuggets here at burger king.

>> No.12559094

This is not supposed to accurately represent anything. It is a product range with a loose theme to be rotated through on a regular basis. Other product ranges at LIDL are things like "vaguely spanish sounding things", with canned squid and cheap chorizo, or "Arabian Nights" with flatbreads and disgusting spice mixes. Or french week with different kinds of cheese who all may or may not kinda come from france.

It is just about offering some variety to the customers, while making people feel like they are eating something "exotic and special" separate from their regular shopping list.

>> No.12559128

>American [tortilla] wraps
It's another episode of United States represents North America. Mexicunts rise up. Your tortillas belong to us now.

>> No.12559313
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>Hershey's vomit syrup

>> No.12559539

I saw those peanut things at trader Joe's.

>> No.12559644
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Well, the portion in fast food are larger.
French Canuk here.

Your small Mcdonalds soft drink is our large size.
But I only visited the Maine, do I cant assume for all state.
I do wish my south neigbourg arent the greasy stereotype.
Most american I met were decent person tho.

Love y'all

>> No.12559658

thats just pretty crazy. just flat out pretty crazy.