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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12554997 No.12554997 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything about food and share your home preps.
I see many Italian food lovers here and I'd be glad to help, answer doubts and share opinions with (You)

>> No.12555006

How do I correctly prepare aglio e olio?

>> No.12555010
File: 140 KB, 1100x733, Easter-Egg-Carbonara-finished-wide-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does carbonara contain cream?

>> No.12555017

>over 5 minutes, still no reply
We got a real fucking Italian here. Can you hurry up so I can cook my Euronigger food?

>> No.12555022

Chop garlic taking off the inside part. Chop a fresh pepper. Have a very good extra vergin olive oil. Put them on a pan till garlic comes out with flavor, and once pasta is two minutes to be ready drop it in the pan on fire and finish it. Add couple spoons of water from your pasta bowl to help making it creamy. I prefer long pasta cuts but it's all fine. Just don't use Barilla and don't break spaghetti.

>> No.12555030

Not a carbonara

>> No.12555033

How do you cook cats?
No matter what i do they taste like shit

>> No.12555035

What do Italian women's assholes smell like

>> No.12555040

It doesn't you fatass american.

>> No.12555042

How many garlic cloves per person do I have to add?

>> No.12555043

We normally don't, but I would try some honestly
Not really food pertinent, I have never tried one but seems mine is fine

>> No.12555046

Both garlic and hot pepper depend on personal taste I guess. As every garlic dimension's also different, let's say I would use one-two teaspoons of minced garlic each

>> No.12555076

I want the result's pic btw

>> No.12555078

Why not Barilla?

>> No.12555083

Cause it's the worst brand we have price/quality despite it's the most popular. It's as bad as the discount ones. Have Garofalo, rummo, de Cecco, del verde, la molisana, voiello, terre d'italia.. or make your fresh egg-based pasta

>> No.12555086

Hey mate, I'm cooking a meal for some friends on Sunday and I plan to serve pork loin braised in milk according to Marcella Hazans recipe.

My question is: what would be a good salad / side to serve with it? Cheers

>> No.12555095

Yumm nice question.
I would have with it some classic roasted potatoes with Evo oil, rosemary and generous pepper; either with or without some sliced onion roasted together. Or spring onions baked in the oven; or some drunk carrots, sliced and done on a pan with white wine or whiskey; or some sliced and pan-cooked apples, they're fantastic along with meat. Or some fresh salads as raw fennel and orange, cold beet, raw carrot and hot pepper, pears nuts and parmesan or more classic salads

>> No.12555110

I'm in Eastern Europe I can't find any of the brands you listed. for one euro a 500g pack it's not that bad, any pasta under that price is usually a lot worse.

Also fresh pasta doesn't work with carbonara.

>> No.12555114

Yeah i imagine sometimes it's just what one has. Here we have better brands for a lower price. And yes very good, fresh pasta doesn't go with carbonara!

>> No.12555123

Correct myself:
>raw fennel and orange, cold beet, raw carrot and hot pepper, pears nuts and parmesan or more classic salads


raw fennel and orange; cold beet, raw carrot and hot pepper; pears nuts and parmesan; or more classic salads

>> No.12555127

because adding cream in a carbonara is totally wrong
only ham and egg with some parmesan or pecorino, Done a good and non american carbonara

>> No.12555170

And black pepper*
And for ham* we mean pork fat (pork cheek, guanciale), pancetta or bacon if really can't get anything closer

>> No.12555179

Why Italian food get BTFO by French and Spanish cuisine?

>> No.12555364

My Italian friend develops nearly murderous tendencies when American-Italian food 'bastardizes' the traditional recipes. What all can I do to really piss him off for keks?

>> No.12555369

Why do women type like plebbitors?

>> No.12555481

Have you ever had mushroom carbonara?

>> No.12555523

This sentence makes no sense, but I have never had a pasta dish with both mushrooms and egg sauce

>> No.12555545

You should try mushroom carbonara. It's yummy!

>> No.12555550
File: 22 KB, 530x298, 104531669-soupnazi-1.530x298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't use Barilla
Pasta Nazi

>> No.12555561

Post a picture of your asshole so I can determine the smell

>> No.12555566

Do you drink wine?
If so, which local vintners are your go-to purchases?

>> No.12555590


>> No.12555613

We have different types of pasta dishes with mushrooms but it wouldn't be a carbonara if it had those, so... Nope
Yes I do and I love it, but I'm not such a refined expert to have fave vintners, as I'm quite young and penniless, and with 10€ here you already can get a pretty good bottle of wine. I would just go with tuscany if I had to pick a region, and I in general prefer red still wines, that's all the picky I am honestly

>> No.12555631

Pasta aglio e olio. How well must the garlic be done?

>> No.12555680

This is taste as well. Sometimes you find it just sliced thin, some people even just fry it entire to have it not strong, imho has to be thinly minced though

>> No.12555854

Will you be my gf

>> No.12556178

Where are you? Are you handsome and smart?

>> No.12556446


>> No.12556455

Do you like Spanish and Greek food? How similar are they to Italian?

>> No.12556461

Always mix seafood and cheese/cream

>> No.12556472

I'm from the United States and I'm an obese retarded mutt. My penis is tiny but that's why I have a dark skinned bull to stuff your manicotti.

>> No.12556481

I do like them. They're pretty similar for the things I know, to part of what is the Italian cousine. The use of fish, olives, cheese, tomatoes, carbs and general spices. Though I consider Italian cousine a bit more various, as these relate to South mostly, while we have more similar to french in the north west, German/slav in the NE. Perhaps (for sure) there is the same amount of different unique things in those countries and I don't know, just like not all of the Italian cousine is so popular abroad.

>> No.12556492

Is it true that Italians don't eat food from other countries often to the point Chinese and Italian foods are still considered exotic there.

>> No.12556521

How challenging is it for you to shave your back hair?

>> No.12556557

Italian is considered local in Italy
Chinese is exotic cause it's from another country.. only America is based on immigrates only so that every foreign cousine is local cousine as well.
Though, we have lots of ethic neighbourhoods in some cities. Chinatown in Milan is huge and can get very good stuff. Turin has lots of moroccans and Latin Americans.
Maybe other cities less, as average Italians tend to love and stick to their food; neapolitans go out and have pizza quite a lot. Northerner than bologna it's harder though to find good places where to eat traditional from the region. So foreign is embraced more as well when eating outside
I fortunately don't have any, but I'm ok with italianons having them. Still we're in /ck/

>> No.12556599

Have you tried the Italian sauce called ketchup?

>> No.12556670

You're probably in bed getting hosed by a guido who would make this board shudder, but what's you're favorite rissoto recipe? I get stuck in a rut and generally just do a leek, mushroom, tomato risotto adding meat, depending on my whim.

>> No.12556679

I have tried classic Heinz type American ketchup, it's very popular as we have fast foods too. But here you have more: ketchup is probably of Asian origin.
In Italy we have "salsa rubra", which is slightly different and has more of real tomatoes in it, less sweet; and it is an evolution itself (a commercial version tbqh) of "bagnet Ross", a red sauce from piemonte used along with "bagnet vert" (green) usually for boiled meat dishes or fresh cheese. This is probably something you won't find in internet in English, as many Italians don't know about piemonte's cousine neither.
Your welcome

>> No.12556735

No Guido tonight, I'm w/anons
What I enjoy of risotto is how I can throw anything old in the fridge or nearly in it and make it good. Though, I would never exaggerate with ingredients, that's something I feel they often do making Italian recipes abroad.
I have it with green veggies and maybe some cheese, like spinach, peas, broccoli, asparagus etc; with beets, pumpkin and rosemary/and amaretto, and also blueberries or strawberries (asparagus and strawberries). Have it with a bunch of mixed cheeses, when I have them all to be finished, of course not a cheddar type. Sometimes with cleaned rinds only, I save them from finished parmesan, pecorino etc and drop them in. Safran is a classic; Italian sausage; red wine only, often when wine stays open too much and is bad to be drunk, maybe with some bay leaf, rosemary, whatever, also valid for cheese one; also valid with beer, or other alcohols; etc. Basically tell me what's in your fridge and will find something good

Mind to always do the mantecatura at the end with butter and parmesan out of fire; always toast your rice on the pan before adding broth; and choosing a good rice, which is the hardest to find

>> No.12556736

I'm going to bologna on business, what will be good eating there?

>> No.12556768

Beautiful city
Eat at the "trattoria del biassanot", or stick to this type of place, usually called "trattoria" or "osteria". Drink wine if you choose to drink alcoholic, and have salumi (antipasto), fresh pasta dishes (lasagne, tortellini, tagliatelle, whatever they have). Emilia Romagna is the pasta top master. Try ragù, cause this is the city. The place I gave you the name of will have lasagne with green pasta, which is the traditional recipe (veggies added to the dough). As a dessert, have zuppa inglese i would say, it's ugly and good af. It's local, while tiramisu is quite everywhere in Italy and gelato is on the streets

>> No.12556847

Why are Italian people so rude?

>> No.12556878

I don't know ..they are impulsive
Am I rude? I surely am straight forward, just tell you what I think about your food and directly say how i would do. We're very loveable at the end I think

>> No.12556924

If you're buying dried pasta just be sure that it's legit 100% durum wheat and even the cheaper stuff is ok

>> No.12556945

Is there such a thing as a cream based pasta sauce in the traditional sense?
I'm in Ireland and good cream is inexpensive, I made some american style alfredo with the cream instead of egg sauce because I couldn't find a proper Italian recipe for cream sauce.

>> No.12556958

Don't you get tired of always eating wheat? In other southern European countries, we eat a lot of vegetables, potatoes, rice, etc. But you guys always seem to eat pasta. Boring.

>> No.12556974

Why does everyone that is 000.5 italian with a grandmother that can make sub par spaghetti act like they are godly chefs with hidden ancient techniques?

>> No.12556990

Not really, we have cream and porcini mushrooms sometimes, also w/sausage pieces maybe. Or stuffed tortellini with cream. Though it's not such a thing, cream is cheap and covers flavours, so when there is cream added in dishes it's like a bad chef made the trick for having a decent taste.
If you look for that creamyness, try to save some spoons of water from the bowl when pasta is in; finish cooking your pasta in the pan (unless it's carbonara), so taking it out of water couple mins before, and add that water in the pan. Also help yourself with parmesan.
Try cacio e pepe, I would say it's ideally the best smooth creamy milky sauce we have

>> No.12557001

I don't, pasta is what you know we have but I have it actually once every two weeks-a month sometimes if cooking myself. I'm having tripe morrow, I have fish and different types of meat in the freezer, and I eat lots of veggies, legumes, eggs and cheese. Give me an ingredient and I'm giving you a traditional recipe
I don't really know, perhaps they're proud of having some Italian for how they love it as a country. The fact is though, Italy is a very diverse country with cultural influences that go in the cousine as well from France and Germany to maghreb. Soooo whatever I guess, still means anything

>> No.12557010

Pig's feet

Go on, a traditional recipe for each, please. Cartoccio doesn't count.

>> No.12557037


>> No.12557101

Polpo alla Luciana
Impepata di cozze
Marinated (Calabria)
Pig's feet:
O pere o' musso (naples), Cassoeula (Milan)
Farinata ligure.

>> No.12557127

Ok I'll try what I did yesterday but with mushrooms and again with some sausage.
I know to use the pasta water and how to put eggs through to make a sauce, I really was only wondering what to do with cream.
Anyway, what I did yesterday was fry some garlic and white pepper in olive oil and butter then added cream and fresh parsley. I reduced the cream on low, cooked the tagliatelle and finished it in the cream then grated a lot of parmagiano over it, tossed, grated, tossed, until the sauce was how thick I wanted.
Next time, I'll do same but add mushrooms with the garlic.
I think when I do with sausage I'll use some truffles at the plate, should be good.

>> No.12557139

Impepata di cozze is just boiling the mussels, but ok.
It's surprising how similar to dishes from Portugal and Spain all of those are.

>> No.12557194

Ok this is the point, this need of ingredients. A note about parsley, add it at the very end, has to stay raw.
With mushroom choose either butter or oil. Also, if you add sausage, you're having another source of fat and a very strong flavor. So, why killing a delicate truffle with it? One or the other imho
Yeah it's the name of the recipe, we also have others but that's the most popular. And yeah we do are similar, have both fish in the south, have been conquered by the same people and conquered each other, med bro

>> No.12557509

Alright I'll add the parsley at the plate, but what I was trying was to infuse the parsley flavour into the cream because I like it with garlic.
You're probably right about the sausage being too much, I was reading about pasta all norcina that's what I was thinking for the truffle but it's probably too much with the cream.
There's nothing wrong with using olive oil and butter, it stops the butter from burning.
I'm not planning on mixing all this stuff together, it's about a cream based pasta sauce with or without garlic and maybe onions.

The sauce I made yesterday had these ingredients:
Olive Oil

I'm going to try to substitute the garlic with mushrooms, and after that with shallots. I'm abandoning the sausage.

>> No.12557967

Do you put cream and peas in your carbonara?

>> No.12558508

Humm fine, well garlic is ok, we tend to use a soffritto with either garlic or onion in a fat (oil) before adding ingredients, so sounds fine with the mushrooms. I know butter burns at a lower point, I tend to just use a low fire or clarified butter.
Post result if you can!

>> No.12558513

Again? No. Ingredients for carbonara are
>Black pepper
>Guanciale/pancetta/bacon for desperates

>> No.12558527
File: 729 KB, 1080x761, 1443142625817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad always added peas and now when I eat proper carbonara it just feels like there is something missing (it's still great tho)

>> No.12558563

I'm sure you can find something better for that price, you don't need to necessarily shop by brand either. Just make sure its produced in Italy, from durum wheat semolina, and is opaque and yellow with a rough texture as opposed to brown and translucent and smooth. >>12555613
>We have different types of pasta dishes with mushrooms but it wouldn't be a carbonara if it had those
It would literally be a "carbonara with mushrooms". Is it not a carbonara if I serve it on a plate instead of a bowl? Or do the atoms of my breath as I exhale onto it change it from being a carbonara?

If someone serves me carbonara with a side bowl of fried mushrooms, I'm literally eating carbonara with mushrooms. If I take those mushrooms and mix them into my carbonara and eat it together, it's functionally the same.

>> No.12558566

Yeah i understand it. It's always relative to what you're used to. I tend to notice it's another thing when I can have good eggs, good cheese and good guanciale, which not always is possible (most of supermarkets have pancetta only, or precutted guanciale which sucks. First post pic has a real guanciale).
And huh, if you served me a carbonara with peas it would feel like Chinese noodles to me

>> No.12558573

Yeah perhaps it's a carbonara with mushrooms. But why? It's not like a pizza topping, it's adding a consistent ingredient on something already quite characterized. I'm ok you do it guys, but it would be a ruined carbonara to me. I'm having the mushrooms as a second dish eventually.
Notes on pasta are based

>> No.12558608

>Notes on pasta are based
Thanks, you learn what to look for as a poorfag. If you're rich I guess you just buy whichever is the premium.

With carbonara though, I don't see how it's ruined. Eggs and bacon and mushrooms are complementary and eaten together in many places. Just be minimal with the cheese, use it as a seasoning as opposed to a primary flavor, and you have a delicious combo of 3 different flavors and textures.

It's not something I'd have every time, I just like changing things up each time I cook a dish.

By far my favorite mushroom pasta dish, besides the traditional spaghetti/tagliatelle with wild mushrooms & wine, is a dish I make with thick square slices of smoked pancetta, sliced white mushrooms, cream, and a tiny bit of smoked scamorza, with egg yolk stirred in at the end. Best served with large penne. The dish is creamy, silky, smoky & delicious.

>> No.12558616

Ikr, am a poorfag reading labels too
I would probably be happy if without egg, if it's a carbonara with mushrooms... Just to Italian autistic to accept it. I guess the only thing I'm conservative about is food, and I strongly be. Unless you don't call it a carbonara or anything, Peruvian cousine is very experimental and i'm fine with it

>> No.12558619

a babbida boopi?
a boobida bappida bappa!
a spaghetti fettuccine meat-a-ball-a!
parmigiano-reggiano a gabagool!
a mario and a luigi!

>> No.12558637
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>> No.12558745

Do you know anyone in the Mafia?

>> No.12558769

not personally, but yes mafia is everywhere. they own business shit in the north and control small commercial activities in the south. few months ago they put a paper bomb outside a pizzeria next here

>> No.12558771

>they own business shit in the north
Like, for money laundering and shit?

>> No.12558778


>cream in carbonara

>> No.12558780

church and mafia are just one thing
they own hospitals, foundations, restaurants, anything.
also, may not count it as mafia, but politicians and other public roles (univ professors in sicily atm being inspected) buy votes and positions. salvini votes in naples are basically bought with camorra with small activities

it's a trash country. perhaps that's why i enjoy concentrating on and promoting abroad what we have of good

>> No.12558834
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This is what I'm going with r/now, for my Spaniard fren

>> No.12558837
File: 2.69 MB, 3120x4160, 15618055783091647703131699241522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
