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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12550601 No.12550601 [Reply] [Original]

How does everyone like to eat their lobster? I like mine butterflied like in my picture, with a little smoked paprika, and butter - no garlic.

>> No.12550604

I like to shoot mine full of heroin and suck it’s titty

>> No.12550667

Sorry, I don't eat bugs/insects. Poor people food is disgusting

>> No.12550678
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>> No.12551086

Lobster is for slaves, prisoners, or tourist, anon, not people.

>> No.12551092

Poached in butter.
Inb4 fattie, it's the most tender, luscious way to eat lobster.

>> No.12551097

Well, then be sure to cut 95% of the foods you eat from your diet.

>> No.12551116

Honestly the way you have yours is fantastic. I'm thinking of buying one and making it tonight in fact.

>> No.12551624

Wheres a rest of lobsters?

>> No.12551708

In cans somewhere. Just bought the tails.

>> No.12551725

>t. Jew

>> No.12551735

That's hardly even lobster. It's like 50% of the meat, and the worst 50% at that... get some claws sonny

>> No.12551780

city boy detected. the only answer is steamed, claws/knuckles pre-cracked with a knife, slap the whole lobster on a plate and serve.

>> No.12553422
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Silly goyim, jews love lobster.

>> No.12553439

Yeah if it's on sale

>> No.12553458

I like my ‘ster as nature intended. In sashimi form with the head used for soup.

>> No.12553475

Jews don't eat shellfish

>> No.12553481

In my experience growing up in a highly Jewish area, regular, non-anthiest, Jews will generally refuse pork but not worry so much about shellfish except at sadirs and religious holidays and such.

>> No.12553501
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>> No.12553527

How can I get into eating the head? I eat every other part, amazing stuff, head just always seemed gross, not really into offal anyways, what does it taste like compared to the meat? texture?

>> No.12553537

use it for soup?

>> No.12554042

Wow turns out even the non-goyim are religious hypocrites. Are Muslims the only people that take religion seriously anymore?

>> No.12554324

I will never understand why people pay so much money for this garbage fish.

>> No.12555020

Muslims don't generally take it too seriously either. Many drink for example

>> No.12555053

Grilled, with olive oil and lemon.
Fuck all you niggers.

>> No.12555074


>> No.12555088

I like it, but as you say it's way over-priced. Main reason I eat it like once every decade.

>> No.12555107
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Seafood is based. Only eating in restaurants near the coast.

>> No.12556059

Boiled in seawater without getting fully cooked, so the meat is still slightly juicy.

>> No.12556174

Smothered in butter

>> No.12556500

I've never tasted it.