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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12539523 No.12539523 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12539535

Yes, and his name is Chef John from FOOOOOODwishes dot com.

>> No.12539538

God damn... I hate... the way... he speaks

>> No.12539543

>white rabbits are too cute
>doesnt show him slaughtering rabbit
I’m getting mixed feelings about this one>>12539523

>> No.12539545

I don't think I could handle the heat in that dish desu.

>> No.12539549

Here’s Shredder slaughtering Raphael

>> No.12539557
File: 895 KB, 1207x710, 3F101E5D-9BF2-4DAC-9A0D-4BFC2533FCA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yum authentic chinese cuisine

>> No.12539568

I don't understand why he leaves the bones in all of the things that he cooks.

>> No.12539574

oh i enjoyed that a bit more than i thought. That was a nice execution.

>> No.12539579

It adds a texture component. Something to nibble and navigate with teeth.

>> No.12539590

That's stupid though

>> No.12539598

Doesn't sound like a good reason desu

>> No.12539633
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Yeah what the hell
Do people go into restaurants expecting bits you cant swallow to be in there?

>> No.12539722

All food in china is this way. You spend most of the mea spitting bones into a small bowl or onto the floor depending on the restaurant. You get used to it after a while and can tell which pieces will have the easiest bones to chew around.

>> No.12539728

I want to hate him but he's too sincere and his daughteru is cute. I did learn something too, I'm never making decent stir fry with my tiny white pigguh wok.

>> No.12539756

Why not just trim the bone bits off?
I dont think people in the west left bones in food in the past when food wasnt plentiful, is it because chinks didnt have european aristocracy culture?

>> No.12539765

You know how it's rude to blow your nose in Japan but perfectly fine to keep sucking that gunk up your nose over and over as loudly as possible? It's sort of like that. The Chinese have totally different views of what is acceptable food etiquette, in the west it'd be extremely road to pick at your teeth with your hands or suck on some bones at dinner, while it's the norm there.

>> No.12539776

They told me that it makes the meat more flavorful. It did taste pretty good. They also eat a lot of different things each meal. It saves time for preparing their 9 other meat dishes which you can just jack through bones, letting everyone deal with the bones and really suck on the flavor of the meat.

>> No.12539793

Can somewhat verify this. My Chinese boss's family ate a shitload of fish with inedible skin still on it. They'd sort of suck the meat out from under the skin and spit the skin out. It was damn good fish though.

>> No.12539799

Yeah, meat near bone is tasty so the scraps are boiled to make tasty water that can be used in various ways.

>> No.12539811

I mean you saw it. Surprised that they didn’t just chew on the skin for 5 minutes and swallow it. Asians will order a plate of cartilage as a main dish.

>> No.12539825

please no

>> No.12539831

Cartilage is delicious though.

>> No.12539844


>> No.12539924

>ywn marry into a Chinese peasant family and live off the land with your qt waifu
the west was a mistake

>> No.12539992

He doesn't because he got too much shit for slaughtering his animals on camera as it is, it was a minor "controversy" as far as youtube goes

>> No.12540002

What was the complaint, "noo you're not meant to kill animals before you eat them"?

>> No.12540007

these are comfy, but they are state funded propaganda.

>> No.12540026

So is Sesame Street

>> No.12540087

It's endearing
Good videos though

>> No.12540090

It's a common thing in Asian dishes. The bones actually add flavor to the dish. If you go to any chinese butcher and ask for "soup cuts", they're usually parts wuth a lot of bone, like pork ribs or leg

>> No.12540098

Cartilage is a common asian food. The best and priciest stews and soups usually have tendons. Ears and tongue are each served as a dish themselves too

>> No.12540165


>> No.12540180

1. it adds flavor
2. it helps prevent overcooking, especially in frying at high temps, which is a lot of chinese dishes

>> No.12540311

He is pretty far up there, honestly. Very few people on youtube cooking with freshly slaughtered animals, especially mammals.

>> No.12540595

>See unique animal in the thumbnail, fuck it decide to watch
>He just chops it up and throws it into the wok 3 times just like every other dish of his
Hes not bad but not nearly as based as ck claims he is. It gets old fast unlike my nigga Chef John.

>> No.12540614

when was the last time that sing-song faggot slaughtered and butchered an animal on camera?

>> No.12540646

Does this wang guy even kill them on camera? Every video I've seen he doesn't show it

>> No.12540657

he does all the time

>> No.12540688
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I thought the bug shit was just people being edgy, but these people have zero regard for how they kill whatever the fuck they're eating. What the fuck is wrong with these talking animals? And the chicken is the tamest, but he still decides to slit the fuckers throat.

>> No.12540692

>doesnt show him slaughtering rabbit
He says in the rabbit video they thrash around too much and are messy so if you're inexperienced get your supplier to do it. Makes sense, that way dumb idiots who have no idea how to kill quickly doesn't try to copy him and end up torturing the rabbit before it dies.

>> No.12540696

that's a fine way to kill a chicken you soilent guzzling fag

>> No.12540703
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Spanish you mean?

>> No.12540707

You're supposed to do it upside down so they immediately pass out. He did it like a cartel execution.

>> No.12540708
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I don't care about all the on camera animal killing (that's where meat comes from after all). What I find really abhorrent about these videos is how he always has to add a billion fucking seeds or other little pieces of vegetable fiber. Though to be fair this seems to be how Chinese cooking in general works. I can feel my intestines bleeding just imagining having to eat that.

>> No.12540711

Why not just cut the head off completely? Why not wring it neck and drain the blood? Stop being a fag. Plus I think there's an actual correct method for slitting a chickens throat anyways.

>> No.12540719

vegans on suicide watch

>> No.12540721

That video was clearly propaganda but Wang Gang and his daughteru is authentic


>> No.12540725

>soft-shell turtles are an endangered species


>> No.12540729

I want to fuck his girl

>> No.12540733
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>> No.12540737

ive alerted wang gang and thirty chinamen with meat cleavers and no regard for human life are converging on your location as we speak

>> No.12540741

There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting some effort into minimizing suffering in killing animals for food.
I hate how so many people here think you need to be a dick to animals and revel in their suffering to prove how pro-meat and anti-vegan you are. You can eat meat AND have some respect for the animals it comes from. You're getting the sustenance to live another day from them. The appropriate soul having human sentiment is gratitude and care, not "durr stupid animals get in my belly."

>> No.12540747

Obviously, I'm referring to his beautiful wife

>> No.12540748

Dude is the platonic ideal of cooking videos. Clear, efficient, simple editing, and he keeps his life story to the vlogs.

>> No.12540751

Why do you love to suck this guys cock so unbelievably hard? Hes not an exceptional cook. Is it that he kills animals few people in the West would like to eat? If thats the case youre just a cringey edgelord.

>> No.12540753

You had better be willing to get to know the family first and marry her properly, you fucking degenerate.

>> No.12540754

there's like twenty species of soft shelled turtle, not all are endangered. also endangered refers to wild population, even if it were a member of such a species it would be fine if it were farm raised.

>> No.12540758

I thought chinks were ugly, thank you for changing my mind

>> No.12540774

did you watch the video? it was fine, the chicken didn't "suffer". you people are so fucking precious. he didn't torture it or revel in it's 2 seconds of pain. you're just a couple of begrudging fags who want to get upset about something for no reason.

>> No.12540790

Yeah, that's why I mentioned it. The only reason the chicken wasn't making noise or "not" suffering was because he had his hand clamping its throat shut. Obviously chicken don't have the same capacities as humans, but would you want some bug to slice your neck while choking you?

>> No.12540792

i like his bald uncle

>> No.12540796

Anon who wrote the first post you included in that reply here.
I watched the video. I also said absolutely nothing about the chicken. That was the other anon. My only point is it's stupid to brag about how much you don't care about animals. Mocking someone for bringing up humane kill methods is retarded edgy bullshit. If you think he's wrong you can say he's wrong and explain why without trying to characterize an interest in humane killing as soy.

>> No.12540812

>The only reason the chicken wasn't making noise or "not" suffering was because he had his hand clamping its throat shut
bzzzt wrong bitch. he was holding the back of its neck. a single deep cut of the main artery is a perfectly fine method of slaughter. if that bothers you then just stop eating animals altogether because 99% of them experience something worse than that on the way to your table.

who was bragging? it wasnt me so suck my cock you dumb little bitch. im in medford massachusetts so you can come see me irl and do it and i can knock out your fucking teeth for you so it's easier.

>> No.12540823


>> No.12540825

Bit hard to tell from the video, so fine, but how does cutting the main artery mitigate prolonged suffering. It doesn't. Shorten it slightly? Sure, but it doesn't stop it. And I knew I should have mentioned the factory farm/poor animal treatment for meat since your fag ass was gonna bring it up. I can't control the methods a mass meat farm will use, but on an individual basis, you can just cut the fucking head off. Stop being an edgelord and suck a dick.

>> No.12540875

>I can't control the methods a mass meat farm will use
Yes you can, by not eating meat you numb nut. The meat industry is entirely dependant on your business. What you can't control is how a ransom Chink in some rural-ass village halfway across the world slaughters their meat for their family and restaurant.

Why are you bitching about some guy killing (quickly and effectively) for food on a website 2 clicks away from Mexican cartel gore and niggers beating up kittens?

>> No.12540885

Because I can and will complain about any triviality I want. It's fun. Why are you defending some Chink when you're 2 clicks away from gore posts with completely innocent victims?

>> No.12540890

he wanted to drain the blood and not make a mess. he didn't have a setup to hang it upside down or anything. most "humane" decapitation involves awkwardly sawing at the chicken anyways, very few people are creating the setup necessary for an actual fast chop like you seem to be imagining. a deep cut on the artery and two heartbeats and the chicken has lost so much blood it can't feel a thing. you're just being a precious faggot.

>> No.12540896

>how does cutting the main artery mitigate prolonged suffering
because the immediate blood loss dulls your senses you dumbass

>> No.12540905

Has videos with him chopping heads off
Can't read the rest of the reply?

>> No.12540910

>Because I can and will complain about any triviality I want. It's fun.

Maybe you can clue me in on something: I have these friends and they fucking LOVE to gripe about everything, as an optimist it can get grating sometimes to just hear them bitch and moan about the tiniest things. SO I ask you: where's the fun? They don't sound happy, they sound annoyed, why not just spin the situation in your head and see the good things in x? I mean to each his own, but you are literally rewiring your brain ever time you gripe to just be set in seeing things in a shitty light and make it harder and harder for you to see the world through unjudging eyes. So, why do it?

>> No.12540913

>Has videos with him chopping heads off
yeah not chickens though. do you not realize turtles and chickens have completely different anatomies? he uses the same method for other birds because that makes sense with what he has at hand. you're actually really dumb.

>> No.12540917

>Why are you defending some Chink when you're 2 clicks away from gore posts with completely innocent victims?
I'm not the one defending the poor innocent cuddly wuddly chicky victim you bogbrain

>> No.12540922

I can't help dense morons

>> No.12540934
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>> No.12540945
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I can't help it anon, I do it for (you)s sake. I love Wang.

>> No.12540955

Yeah? This isn't even an Asian thing, it's pretty normal in western european dishes. idk why people are acting like it's weird.

>> No.12540956

He has other methods and recipes but for some reason people always post the deep-fry-in-a-gallon-of-chili-oil ones


>> No.12540959
File: 337 KB, 1440x1080, 20180209093006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learned that bamboo rats exist through this video
>find out they're extremely cute
wtf why aren't these pets yet, they're already being farmed

>> No.12540960

She came under flak for representing an idealised vision of rural China which does not and has never existed. A bit harsh, I think. She is genuinely from a dirt-poor Chink family.
Propaganda is too strong a word, but you're right. She operates with the approval of the state, and her funding comes with strings.

>> No.12540964

Find 1 western chef putting small bits of bone into a meal on youtube.

>> No.12540966

Maybe risk of becoming a pest issue in other countries?
I knew there was a tinge of something off with the videos. I was gonna joke about it, but I thought it was more innocent than propaganda. I guess it doesn't hurt to make great looking videos that also kinda makes the country look good.

>> No.12540971

It's a custom in asia, it give the food more flavor and stuffs

>> No.12540982

Yeah, I think she's just an idealistic nationalist. Too pure for the dirty world so she escapes by making videos that show her ideal country life without flies, stagnant water pools, and goat shit everywhere.

>> No.12540991

I don't think she's an idealist or a nationalist. I think she knows what makes a good story for a video, and that people don't want to see flies and goat shit. And navigating the Chinese government is a very real thing; you might not have a job set for you by them, but you do not want to do something that would get you censored, either.

>> No.12541003

i would think it obvious to anyone with a brain that it presents an idealized version of rural life. and why shouldn't it? it's not a fucking documentary selling itself as telling the REAL TRUTH about rural china. they're just videos meant to look pretty and entertain you.

>> No.12541099
File: 13 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the white American alternative to Wang Gang?

>17 min long video full of useless talking
>"what do you do when you get the frog kid? that's right you rip its face off!"
>doesn't show the """humane""" dispatch
>wastes half of the frog
>deep fries it like he does with all his food
>kids unenthusiastic about eating dad's food
>2.5m subscribers
I can honestly say I prefer the Chink to this asshole

>> No.12541117

Beautiful language.

>> No.12541128

I like fishing but about 75% of people who are into it are horrifically obnoxious assholes who make boomer memes seem tame.

>> No.12541158

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12541308


Source on propaganda?

>> No.12541507

mmmm deliciosa