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12536342 No.12536342 [Reply] [Original]

Why can I, living in Chicago, USA, buy mexican-made cokes? It doesn’t make sense to me. They are there in the mexican aisle of my store, but we already have USA cokes one aisle over. Why do most supermarkets sell both?

>> No.12536347

Because Mexico makes better Coke, since they use real cane sugar. It's cheaper there since they don't have all the fucking corn subsidies.

That's right, Mexico makes an American product better than we do.

>> No.12536350

Real cane sugar doesn't make it better. Cane sugar is for children.

>> No.12536352

Because mexican coke uses real cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.12536359

Okay I know. But why doesn’t the USA produce both then?

>> No.12536361
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>imagine being so racist, you insult sugar

>> No.12536367

Corn subsidies. You have no idea how big the corn lobby is in DC.

>> No.12536374

Because of big corn

>> No.12536383

I live in bumfuck Montana and I can get it at the grocery store. It’s not exactly rare.

>> No.12536396

The taste is slightly different. I don't see the appeal. It's still sugar and still shit for you either way.

>> No.12536403

I’m commenting on its ubiquity, not its rareness.

>> No.12536410

fructose is processed differently than glucose

>> No.12536417

In blind taste tests, with americans and most importantly, non americans. HFCS beverages win out over sugar every time.
Humans are biologically designed to prefer sweet things.

>> No.12536419

Sime people prefer glass bottles and when the company wanted to save money they stopped selling cola in glass.
*sips BPA contaminated plastic soda*

>> No.12536424

source? One one hand I find that hard to belive, but on the other hand HFCS coke has more sugar/calories than mexican coke

>> No.12536431

Is it because of taste or because they get a bigger sugar rush from more sugar?

>> No.12536446

marketing tactics

When USAians are served coke labeled "Mexican coke" vs "American coke" they prefer Mexican. When they are given a blind taste test they prefer American coke make with HFCS because that is what they are used to. Go figure

>> No.12536471

I'm looking for source. The experiments were based on taste tho.

>> No.12536486

Humans are only biologically designed to prefer sweet things as CHILDREN. Your sweet tooth is supposed to diminish as you become an adult, and this is for dietary reasons. If you still drink beverages with HFCS as an adult, you have issues.

>> No.12536490

The fact that they sell well enough in the USA to even have them as an import should be enough to tell you that any such study would probably not be very reproducible.

>> No.12536503

People prefer the idea of real sugar over HFCS. This is why the sell so well. In blind taste tests HFCS perform better than cane sugar equivalents.

>> No.12536511

Jews are trying to get us to associate Mexico with superiority

>> No.12536521

Cry more about what other people enjoy fatass. Are your tears healthy to drink or should I stay away from those too?

>> No.12536548

Sounds like you're the one crying, "boohoo someone told me drinking muh corn syrup water is bad, moommmmmyyyy!" Lashing out when presented with facts isn't a very mature thing to do, anon. Grow up.

>> No.12536566
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>> No.12536578

Only foreigners and jews get to drink real coke enjoy your corn slop Americans

>> No.12536607

I wanna post the reasonong and myth with and behind mexican coke, but you retards will start to post faux data and racist bullshit over fucking soda and somehow white supremacy will pop up

>> No.12536622

Double-blind taste test showed that people can't tell the difference by taste alone. Also Mexican Coke is specifically made and bottled for import the USA, HFCS is used in Coke distributed in Mexico.

It can. It's just cheaper to make it with HFCS; Pepsi still makes a real sugar version.

>> No.12536634

Really, that's it? Yeah, you have nothing.

>> No.12536640

>In blind taste tests HFCS perform better than cane sugar equivalents
Repeating something without providing any sources doesn‘t make it true, assblasted mutt.

>> No.12536647

It already did, the second post. The racists and bigots here get triggered at supersonic speeds.

>> No.12536666
File: 354 KB, 1798x1056, FAA79035-9C74-4A0D-A8C8-CD0801C431EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american coke bad!!!

>> No.12536670
File: 190 KB, 630x384, 25C1A75F-BBD5-4284-8946-110AE77FEE70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really, that's it? Yeah, you have nothing.

>> No.12536741

t. sugar addict

>> No.12536748

t. reddit

>> No.12536750

Is that why literally everyone not born in the US thinks our soda tastes "strange" when they get here?

>> No.12536762

Wheres the racism and bigotry

>> No.12536772

When we stupidly slapped embargos on Cuba after Castro freed the 95% who were slaves to the corrupt fascist banana republic US puppet Bautistas, our supply of sugar cane was eliminated so Monsanto stepped in with their carcinogenic Roundup saturated corn for hfcs production. Sugar cane is a luxury in short supply in the US.

>> No.12536840

Why do you hate the hard working big agra corperate corn farmer anon? Thats unamerican, do you support the taliban too?

>> No.12536855

I think the glass bottle looks cool and it tastes now sweet. I rarely ever drink soda but these always go good with tacos