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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12533305 No.12533305 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat today?
What did you have for breakfast?
Any snacks?
Did you take pictures?
Wanna tell other Anons their diet is shit?

>> No.12533334

Breakfast one egg one slice of bacon piece of toast
Lunch 3 crackers pepperoni cheese slices with a few dabs of mustard
Dinner beef fajitas rice and beans

>> No.12533359

i had 2 hard boiled eggs w/ketchup for breakfast
i made about 40 wonton wrappers and put them in the fridge for tomorrow
dinner has so far been 1 12 oz bud light
i didn't feel well today

>> No.12533360

I had chocolate granola and milk with chopped banana and a caffelatte for breakfast. Later in the morning, I had a pineapple wedge.
For lunch, I ate a few slices of a roulade of veal breast with sides of cauliflower stamppot, garlic mushroom confit and buttered carrot with caraway, dry onion and parsley.
I had tortilla chips with homemade salsa as a mid-afternoon snack while catching up on Krypton. The salsa was shit because the tomatoes were flavourless.
For dinner, I had spaghetti with broccoli. It was basically just aglio e olio with the addition of shocked broccoli spears sauteed in the oil. Topped with fresh grated parmigiano.

How'd I do?

>> No.12533468

Woke up late and didnt have much time for work, so had 3 or 4 spoon fulls of peanut butter and a couple of glugs of milk.
Got to work, I work in a deli, so just munched on past sale sandwiches, drank coffee, and ate a few slices of salami and or cheese through out the day. Mostly all meat, cheese, bread, and olives.
Got home, made ramen with 2 eggs for dinner, and just finished making tiramasu for the first time. Currently chilling in the fridge until its ready to eat.
Tomorrow im planning on making steak!

>> No.12533755

breakfast: fried egg sandwich, banana, black coffee

lunch; leftover vegetarian chili

dinner; grilled salmon, baked potato, green salad

>> No.12533787 [DELETED] 

I only ate once. Leftover spaghetti and meatballs + red wine. No pics because it's spaghetti and meatballs.

>> No.12533826

3 egg omelette with 3 slices of bacon & cheese + 1/2 an avacodo

12 macadamia nuts & a baby bell cheese

Cheese & parsley sausage. Little neck clams cooked in white wine, butter, garlic & lemon. Grilled zucchini, squash, & red peppers

>> No.12533856

What a faggot

>> No.12533880

yogurt with kashi cereal

salad with lettuce, chicken, chickpeas, red peppers, cucumbers and sesame noodles on the side

graham cracker, coffee and two chocolates

bean burger on a slice of toast with chow chow, a handful of pringles and three banana bread cookies my mom made

>> No.12533895

carne asada burrito and bag of chips

debating what I should get for dinner

>> No.12533899
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Woke up hungover and was craving salt so 2 boxes of pic related and 8 Morningstar buffalo wings

>> No.12533931

breakfast: leftover mac n cheese & a tall glass of water
slept thru lunch
dinner: wild rice, assorted leafy greens, and chopped tomato

>> No.12533948

I had some sashimi and seaweed salad just now.

>> No.12534050
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> “Yep. That’s how you cook a real meal”

>> No.12534070

A handful of KIND Peanut Butter clusters and some water for breakfast, a Gatorade and a Monster and a small bag of chips for lunch. Half of a medium thin crust pizza I got from Dominos on Friday and water for dinner

>> No.12534075


>> No.12534089

McDonalds grand breakfast with hot cakes
1 med McDonalds caramel macchiato
1 bag of baked Cheddar Cheese Lays
A handful of peanuts
An order of fried cheese curds from freddies
2 scoops frozen custard
1 20z bottle of lemonade

Pretty sure id have diabetes at some point. I should be fat as fuck

>> No.12534938

had peanut butter and banana smoothie and a pieces of diced watermelon for breakfast

dinner was some leftover fried scallops and popcorn shrimp and 2 hushpuppies

>> No.12534955

Breakfast - leftover cheese breadsticks
Lunch - three oatmeal cookies
Dinner - wine

My diet is 3 shades of fucked right now. Happens every time I go on a bender. Then, when I stop drinking, my diet gets super fucking healthy, until my next bender.

>> No.12534959

breakfast nothing
lunch rice, karaage, tofu, and ginger pork
not eating dinner yet

>> No.12535789

Seems like a pretty balanced day to me.

>>12533334 >>12533359 >>12533468
>>12533895 >>12533899 >>12534070
>>12534089 >>12534955 >>12534959
>little-to-no fruits or vegetables
Fucked and blue-pilled.

>> No.12535806

I had bread with butter and cheesefor breakfast.
2 burrito with chicken, taco sauce sauercreme and onion for lunch
Going to have potatoes and Lamb for dinner
I had 2 nutwaffles, 1 strawberry, some melon, as snacks. Not done snacking for today tho

>> No.12535815

As of right now...
No breakfast.
No lunch plans yet.
No dinner plans yet.

>> No.12535895

Breakfast, 7:30am
>Toasted small flour tortilla topped with mashed avocado and an over easy egg
>Coffee with half and half
Right now, 12:21pm
>8oz fresh coconut water
That's it so far

>> No.12536083

Nothing for the whole day except one chokobon and 6 double espresso.
Now at seven I ate a quarter pack of peanut flip and three chorizo style sausages. And half a litre of beer.

>> No.12536288

I've had nothing to eat today and its now 19:15 I want to go out to eat with the misses but don't know where to go, any ideas .

>> No.12536293

for breakfast i had avocado toast with hummus. avo toast actually bangs
lunch i had a couple biscotti

>> No.12536299

My one meal today has been seafood gratang, for supper.

Later tonight I will either heat up some readymade thai noodles, or maybe make egg sallad (thanks ck,) or something.

>> No.12536379
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>eat spinach and eggs before work
>shitting liquid all night in between washing dishes
>supposed to leave at 9
>"yea im gonna need you to close at 10"


>> No.12536489

Coffee and cheap cigarettes with a side of butter toast.

>> No.12536497

For breakfast I ate a bakery roll with blueberry goat cheese. Not sure what I'll be having for lunch.

>> No.12536631
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Apple jacks
1.5 home-made cinnamon rolls
>You are here

>> No.12536636

A local place you haven't been to before. Nothing fancy.

>> No.12537162

black coffee and a clif bar

chicken caesar salad and a glass of water

turkey tacos and some beers

>> No.12537221

Breakfast was a cup of coffee, with just a little milk.
Lunch was some chicken salad and some udon noodle soup.
I had some cherries a few minutes ago.
Dinner is undetermined

>> No.12537886

Breakfast: 5grain cheerios
Snack: mixed nuts
Lunch: buffalo wings and a bell pepper
Dinner: came here to try and figure out what I want to make

>> No.12538818

Breakfast: frozen waffles from the toaster with homemade strawberry sauce and caffelatte.
Mid-morning snack: some peaches.
Lunch: lentil fritters, potato croquettes and green salad with lemon dressing.
Evening snack: pork instant noodles with spinach.
Dinner: vegetable paprika soup with cheese-and-herb dumplings. Used carrots, celery and onion for the soup. The dumplings were filled with strained farmer's cheese and grated parmigiano and flavoured with lovage, dill and markery.

>> No.12538947


>Banana and Weetabix for breakfast
>Butter chicken and a Manhattan for dinner

>> No.12538962
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breakfast: coffee and cigarette
lunch: frozen pizza
dinner: gum

>> No.12539669

Lunch and dinner was shitty chinese leftovers, which is why we don't usually order or eat out. I really need to learn to make chinese food at home to satisfy the occasional cravings. Mostly, I love lo mein, and I bet I can replicate it especially since I have a shaker of MSG.

>> No.12541197

look up a recipe for bakmee goreng. it's basically the same thing as lo mein and easy as fuck to make.

>> No.12541217
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>cherry cigarillo and black coffee
>Ham sandwich with this whole grain mustard thats just vinegar and whole mustard seeds from an amish place
>Havnt had dinner yet but its going to be goose breast, brusselsprouts and either rice or mashed potatoes

>> No.12541223

Fried tofu with lemon pepper quinoa and roasted garlic asparagus.

>> No.12541328

2 red Times, 1 pint steel reserve, 30mg amphetamine salt. Will be having half a pound of lasagna for dinner along with a football of oxy but thats not for several hours.

>> No.12541335

I had a chick-fil-a spicy chicken sandwich with extra pickles and a pink lady apple
I'm not gonna eat anything else today

>> No.12541477

breakfast; fried egg sandwich, banana, black coffee
lunch; beans in tomato sauce (canned), buttered bread, carrot sticks
dinner; vegetarian gumbo

>> No.12541529
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Breakfast: White toast with cream cheese, lox, and an over easy fried egg

Lunch: Spanish Chicken and Rice, pic related

Snack: Some celery and hummus and some orange juice

Dinner Plans: Ground beef burrito with thick diced tomatoes, and a cold root beer

>> No.12541712
File: 253 KB, 768x1024, bFast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toast with guac chimichurri spread (store bought)
>Tomatoes with some cilantro,
> 2 Eggs (one yolk exploded) with 2 small pieces of salami, cayenne, cumin, cilantro
>spinach, half a tomato, small yellow and orange pepper>
>scallion on everything

I shouldn't have sautéed the spinach and just put it between the eggs

>> No.12541912

Unasked for update: the beef burrito was a little one note, could have used something else, vcado would have worked but that's not really what I'm looking for, maybe some sort of non-lettuce crunch? Cucumbers? How about some ultra crisp dill pickle slices? Basically cucumber vinegarette salad with dill. Jalapeno is alright. Pickled red cabbage, the meme ingredient to end all meme ingredients???

>> No.12542728
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, 3C1A697B-FB1B-41E8-9C00-9713F4EF3E07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ham and onion omelette, toast, blackberry jam, yogurt
>spicy chicken taco
>some salmon my grandmother brought up

>> No.12542744

10 potatoes

>> No.12542747

half an oreo
black coffee
things arent good boys

>> No.12542761
File: 22 KB, 480x270, goulash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millet porridge with cherries, butter, sugar, cream

>Steak goulash (Balkan style, but with some extra vegetables to stretch it)
>Mashed potatoes with mustard seeds
>Homemade bread with butter

>More goulash
>Pasta salad
>Homemade bread with butter

pic is just some goulash and bread from the other day

>> No.12543301
File: 2.75 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190625_184024562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made myself some Teriyaki Salmon with some White Miso soup and a side of Broccoli and Cheese. Pretty fucking good anon.