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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 640x480, 8wDPVIr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12531844 No.12531844 [Reply] [Original]

we're well into summer and i haven't seen or heard a single ice cream truck. what happened? is it a dying industry?

>> No.12531850

amazon took over

>> No.12531852


i have a kid and i wouldn't let them anywhere near a stranger's musical treat van

>> No.12531932
File: 609 KB, 1024x683, haagen dazs vanilla bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to the grocery store to get a pint of haagen dazs. what flavor is the best? Im leaning toward vanilla bean.

>> No.12531934

Vanilla is the best ice cream flavor and don't let anyone tell you different

>> No.12531940

The best part about vanilla ice cream is that it goes with almost anything. I like to get creative with toppings and things to mix in.

>> No.12531949

Two whole days into summer, that's pretty well into it you stupid eurocock.

>> No.12532008
File: 272 KB, 2100x2100, Andes_Mints-9062-DEFAULT-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broken up Andes mints go really well on vanilla ice cream.

>> No.12532013

I've gotmsome.

>> No.12532022

pumpkin pie

>> No.12532039

too early

>> No.12532058
File: 119 KB, 1200x800, mister_softee_truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr S O F T double E it's Mr Softee!

>> No.12532066

Kids don't go outside anymore unless they're involved in adult monitored and controlled activities. Ice cream trucks, like lemonade stands, are one of those Norman Rockwell "good ol' days" fictions that died a much needed death with our technological advancement.

>> No.12532093
File: 18 KB, 220x332, Risky_Business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One has to be a future enterpriser.

>> No.12532113

I just heard one yesterday

>> No.12532126

People don't walk about existing anymore. Children are kept under lock and key, distracted by fortnite videos

>> No.12532129

why not?

>> No.12532154

i'd whip that faggots ass on the spot if i saw him in the flesh

>> No.12532161

Another weird thing that I've noticed is that there aren't any sand boxes anymore, everything is little plastic particles so little timmy wont get a bruise or a scrape. The stuff made of wood and steel that friends and I used to play on when we were kids would seriously freak people out these days with their stupid cellphones and coffee 24/7. Oh no, its real wood, little timmy might get a splinter! BAN IT NOW!

>> No.12532166

Enjoy, they'll be all over nyc in about a month, when it gets hot and it has that fucking annoying music.

>> No.12532174

We have to find mr. Tastee and suck his dick. Are you in artie?

>> No.12532205

Who's Artie?

>> No.12532207

Tastee was the shit knockoff of Softee, maybe some NJ or Long Island stuff. Even the song was slightly different.

>> No.12532210

I think that poster meant Artie Lange.

>> No.12532219

The strongest man... in the world

>> No.12532227


artik menta chocolat banana

artik menta chocolat limon

whoaaaaaaaaa chocolat banana

whoaaaaaaaaa chocolat limon

>> No.12532231

Shit. Forgot all about that guy...

>> No.12532236
File: 32 KB, 720x480, banana_phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a banana phone.

>> No.12532255

I don't know about you, but where I live kids get out of school before May ends, and it's been pool weather since March.

>> No.12532270

Brits don't understand. There, it's 57 degrees and overcast every. single. day. of. the. year.

>> No.12532272

It's been a while for but I'm in NE USA school generally gets out around mid to late June. Private schools generally around the 15th, public ones generally more toward the end of the month.

>> No.12532287

You're probably a cunt parent

>> No.12532318

I still cringe about this one.

There was an ice cream truck driven by an older portly armenian man that loved us very much, sometimes hed give me free shit when he could tell I was stretching my money to get something for me and my sister. Never got his name. But he was always laughing and yelling about something and thanking us for always sprinting out the door when he drove by. It made him happy.
This guy also sold games. Bootleg gbc games. I wanted one so bad. I asked him if those cartridges were real, he says oh yea yea they real, you like the viddy game? You can has, 5 dollar my fren. I look at my fist. Fuck me. Aint got anything close to 5 fuckin big ones in there. But it dawned on me. Perhaps I could scour my house for some change, there was always change!
I tell him, wait right here sir I got more money in my house. So me and my sister run back in and start searching for money.
But holy shit, there was no money. I should have given up and ran outside and told him sorry, but the thought of embarrassing myself like that felt like death. So i just kept fucking searching. Inside, I hoped he just drove off after about 10 minutes of waiting. But no. After 30 minutes, he was still there. I was panicking, and I just stuttered to my sister "Lets keep searching I bet we are close."
She looked at me and I knew she wanted to say something but she didn't.
Eventually, he drove off. Without much commotion or getting out of his truck. And he came to our route very rarely.
Even if I heard his familiar ice cream truck music, I would just freeze up and stay inside. Mom would ask why I don't shake her down for ice cream truck cash no more, I said eh, not my thing.

>> No.12532351

I think those limeys understand.
It's likely rainy there but look at the beautiful weather here...

>> No.12532364

Fuck you coward, you probably made that Armenian feel cheated after he gave you so much free shit. He sounds fucking great because he loved his job

>> No.12532372

I will repent my whole life for the mistake of trying to throw things under the rug when i was 9.

>> No.12532381

Damn boogers, gotta throw them somewhere, maybe in your sister's underwear?

>> No.12532435

>ice cream truck still run through my neighborhood
>can also buy weed at $5/g and loosies for a quarter from the ice cream man

feels good

>> No.12532528

Yeah, I'm progressive but this over protective shit doesn't sit well with me. I grew up with 3 brothers and we had fun in uncontrolled environments. Fun, a strange word nowadays which connotes lack of adult supervision and control. I pity the spawn being shot out covered in piss and shit and facing a world that will smell worse than their birthing.

>> No.12532539

I passed by the local Ice Cream distributor place and it was frightening. The ice cream trucks all huddled around each other like baby birds in a nest, the dripping rust color all over the building, and especially this really weird mural of a child eating a chocolate ice cream scoop with crazy sanpaku eyes, gave me the heebies.

>> No.12532569

All I see is money being made, baby.

>> No.12532577

going and buying ice cream is always an option you tard

>> No.12532595

Is this an incest pasta? Should I have a boner now or nah?

>> No.12532882

good story

>> No.12532970

>product that targets kids has a kid eating ice cream in their advertising

>> No.12534716
File: 844 KB, 1275x1650, NICKpast397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still missing?

>> No.12534796
File: 30 KB, 312x444, Lingling-Missing_Dog_Head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you folk are on it make sure to look for Ling-Ling.

>> No.12535574

they are food trucks now. same clients just older and with a bit more spending money

>> No.12535586
File: 2.48 MB, 200x153, 1550839621189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can probably get a dairy queen fudge sunday with the peenuts in it uberd to your front door faster and cheaper then waiting around for some faggot ass old dude in a paper hat whose probably a child molester

>> No.12535615

They come every day here. Maybe move out of Detroit?

>> No.12535626

>ice cream truck
I'm a basic bitch, so I just like vanilla ice cream with a bit of chocolate syrup

>> No.12535636

based and thanksgivingpilled

>> No.12535642

all ice cream truck drivers are pedophiles or drug dealers

>> No.12535666
File: 366 KB, 600x400, 1555536596380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Tiger Tail.

>> No.12535678

I've been hearing them since spring in my neighborhood

>> No.12535704

Kids are stuck inside glued to screens playing fortnite and beating off

>> No.12535738
