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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12531273 No.12531273 [Reply] [Original]

What's the reason why some Asian cultures developed chopsticks instead of forks?

>> No.12531364

Can't answer you. Perhaps martial arts. To eat food, you must train in the art of using two thin sticks to do it.

>> No.12531402

No weapons at the table. Same reason Europeans switched to butter knives. So they would stop stabbing eachother at dinner

>> No.12531418


>> No.12531433

>can make them out of wood
>absolutely based for cooking

>> No.12531436

it was a confucian thing, the idea was it took more patients and precision to eat with chopsticks and one would enjoy their meal more

>> No.12531438

Yeah, Chinese people used to have forks before one of the really early emperors grew paranoid. It's been sticks ever since.

>> No.12531443

Basically, don't shovel food into your mouth

>> No.12531446

Created roughly 4,000-5,000 years ago in China, the earliest versions of something like chopsticks were used for cooking (they're perfect for reaching into pots full of hot water or oil) and were most likely made from twigs. ... As a result, people began cutting their food into tiny pieces so it would cook faster , Chopsticks began to be used as eating utensils during the Han dynasty. Chopsticks were considered more lacquerware-friendly than other sharp eating utensils. It was not until the Ming dynasty that chopsticks came into normal use for both serving and eating. They then acquired the name kuaizi and the present shape,
Throughout history, chopsticks have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with another staple of Asian cuisine: rice. Naturally, eating with chopsticks lends itself to some types of food more than others.
as for the forks it was believed that the silver would corrode and turn black if it came into contact with poisoned food. because the rivalry of the ruling classes in Britain and Europe in general killed each other with foods that had been poisoned so all the plates and cups had there own tasters before the king / queen / nobleman ate from them.

where the Asian just killed with swords , spears and arrows , because it it was thought that poisoning a person was dishonorable and weak way to kill someone, the ninja changed a lot that

>> No.12531447

Just like how King Louis XIV of France banned pointed knives for fear of violence

>> No.12531459

How did europeans eat before metal xookware anyway?

>> No.12531463

they cooked on flat rocks, like everyone else

>> No.12531802


they roasted their food on spits and skewers ..
how dumb are you ?

>> No.12531813


The Sun King did a lot of cunty things. Like bankrupting France.

>> No.12532264

Japanese chopsticks have finer tips, for picking and peeling fish bones out.
Korean ones are Silver to test for poison.
Chinese ones are thicker because China

>> No.12534244

Because it's cheaper and easier to take a couple twigs off a tree than to make or purchase a properly-made fork, and easier to pretend it isn't your garbage that you're throwing in the neighbor's yard.

>> No.12534253

It was Confucius. He considered knives and forks to be tools of aggression and started the trend of using chopsticks cause he hated violence.

>> No.12535329

starve gaijin to death

>> No.12535385

as a white person this may come as a surprise to you but not all races approach every single thing as an opportunity to screw over other cultures, again for a white person this is hard to understand, I know

>> No.12535411

china be thicc

>> No.12535418

Shut the fuck up you pretentious nigger

>> No.12535426

Personal forks for eating didnt exist untill like the 1400s.

>> No.12535430

yeah up until then you had to ask the lord of the house if you could use the communal fork

>> No.12535513

Which cultures are you thinking of? I can't come up with any off the top of my head. Or are you unaware that there were forks in pre-Opium Wars China, especially in the rice-growing south, and that chopsticks were designed for noodles and dumplings from the wheat-growing north? That would be embarrassing.

>> No.12535522

there's no shame in not knowing something and seeking more information on the topic

>> No.12535529

Of course not. There's shame from starting from false presumptions and therefore spreading confusion and ignorance about China. Do you have any concept of filial piety? The good of all the people? It's not good to act inharmoniously.

>> No.12535531

the aliens thought it was funny to make them use sticks

>> No.12535540

but nobody named china in the op
from op's perspective, all he knew was that some asians used chopsticks and not forks. so he asked a question about it

>> No.12535543

You're assuming a lot of things from the OP that aren't there.

>> No.12535596

>implying fork and knife are basic inevitable inventions like wheel,plate,pot
What if... not?!?!

>> No.12535604

chopsticks are by far easier, cheaper, and easier to produce when all your culture consists of is warfare and eating dogs

>> No.12535620

They weren't widespread in the US until after the Civil War. Until then, the barbarians ate with their hands like poos.

>> No.12535638


>> No.12535646

It was easier for them to see, their eye lashes would get in the way of forks, they couldn't determine how many points there were

>> No.12536286

They didn't, europeans evolved after cutlery was invented by Henry the Eighth.

>> No.12536312

>europeans evolved

>> No.12536360

Ancient civilization, it was expensive to forge cutlery.

>> No.12536366

As opposed to whom?

>> No.12536377

>it took more patients
Oh my the kitchen hospital must have been packed!