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File: 144 KB, 650x400, gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12530486 No.12530486 [Reply] [Original]

Im moving next week and my new place has a gas stove.
I have never cooked with gas before. what should I expect?

Also, im getting an entire new pot/pan set. what should i look for?

>> No.12530489

>what should i look for?

>> No.12530580
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>what should I expect?
to never cook on electric again. you'll never go back to electric
>what should i look for?
decent cookware. dont be cheap, shits expensive because its worth it. stainless is god tier, but cooklets bitch that everything sticks because they cant cook on it.
ive had the same stainless set for 12+ years (cuisinart) and they still look nearly brand new.
dont buy pic related, ever
kys immed

>> No.12530659

Gets hot immediately.
Stops being hot immediately.
Bitch to clean up.

>> No.12530669
File: 25 KB, 624x351, Merrimack Valley gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What should I expect?
>What should I look for?

>> No.12530675

you have to relearn to cook a little bit. this anon >>12530659
was right. shit gets hot, QUICK. I overcooked a lot or things for a while before i got used to it, but once you do, it's really nice
this guy was right too, you'll never go back if you don't have to. it's annoying to go to other people's houses and cook though, when they all have electric stoves

>> No.12530678

oh yeah, and go with stainless and get a cast iron pan or two.

>> No.12530706
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>Bitch to clean up.
what's a bitch exactly? get a gas stove with grates on top instead of burners and the silver ring shits. my shits easy to clean, pic related.
as for heat its based and there is no substitute for gas. i feel for people who will never know its joys, for instance being able to roast a chili or red pepper right over the stove. based.


>> No.12530707
File: 443 KB, 800x747, feelsnotterrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over cooking with gas
Idk how nigga but ok. I've always hated electric with a passion because it takes 15 years to cook an egg and the thermal latency means if you over shoot it stays hotter then the surface of the sun unless you reshuffle all your shit. Then you're hovering with the pan until the heat fucks off and you get to repeat the ordeal again. Gas you just turn down.

>> No.12530744

Because the heat is direct and immediate you're going to want to shy away from nonstick cookware and toward solid metal stuff. In terms of cooking style you'll lean toward high heat to start with then finish things off with a simmer. It's much easier to control because you have the visual of the flame to judge by.

>> No.12530860

Why the fuck would you never buy a cast iron skillet?
Because of its heat retention? isnt that the literal reason you get it?
Those saying stainless. okay. but What of ceramic? or other expensive as fuck non-stick pans? Or go strictly SS?

>> No.12530882

why does every retard circle jerk over cast iron, ive lived in apartments with gas/electric and there was no difference

>> No.12530892

>Why the fuck would you never buy a cast iron skillet?
turn your burners to low buddy, i meant dont buy the 230 unless youre a soy hipster rube.
>Because of its heat retention?
ive never once thought about heat retention. if you leave food in there after its done its going to cook up, but otherwise you want a pan that goes from stovetop to oven. stainless will do this too.
>strictly SS
everything else scratches and youll eventually toss after a shorter time compared to the longevity of stainless. ive had luck with annodized but you have to baby them and stainless you practically cannot ruin. also with stainless you can use steel wool which is based.

>> No.12532014

I don't think gas stoves are hard to clean. Why do you say that?

>> No.12532021

>Gets hot immediately.
Induction is about three times as fast as gas in an ordinary home gas range

>> No.12532100

It also only works with a few pans, temperature control is mostly guessing and some models make a very high-pitch buzz that make my kiddie bleed

>> No.12532106

*makes my kiddy ears bleed
That got dark

>> No.12532216

All the coils on induction stoves I've used were never level. I prefer a gas stove since you can immediately change the heat level or turn it off completely.

>> No.12533714

ive tried 4. nothing but issues with them. either they were noisy, not level so the pan never made a proper connection, or they burnt out after a month.

the tech still has a while to get there. in the mean time, ill take gas.

>> No.12533759
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>I have never cooked with gas before. what should I expect?
The pan/pot/etc. will heat up much more quickly. You might even have to play around with different heat settings so you do not overcook the food. It's a huge switch from an electric stove to a gas stove. Be cautious and all will be well. Like >>12530580 said. You will never want to go back to electric. Now you can fall for the cast iron meme :) Enjoy your new place and have a safe and successful move, and welcome to heaven that is cooking with gas!

>> No.12533781

Gas stoves are awesome. Congrats on the life upgrade.

>> No.12533852

Roasting peppers or also toasting tortillas