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File: 277 KB, 1600x1200, 20180317_220320533_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12529947 No.12529947 [Reply] [Original]

Local liquor store has the 10% version for $1. How is this cheaper than water?

>> No.12530004

Way easier to sell water

>> No.12530040
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>> No.12530348
File: 135 KB, 878x473, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that they have a 10% version. I think you're just a lying faggot.

>> No.12530361
File: 131 KB, 425x384, Night_Train-n-Thunderbird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks are serious niggers if you buy that crap, is that bought behind those 3 inch thick plastic windows like in some ghetto banks with little drawers that only one side can open?
You might as well go for Night Train and Thunderbird if you're that fucked up.

>> No.12530368

Look at "Mr, Too Sophisticated For Four Loko" over here
Don't you have some 100 dollar bottle of artisanal liquor you should be posting about in another thread?

>> No.12530372
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Bro I wish they didn't

>> No.12530373

It appears some nigger got it's nerve touched. I'm happy to do so, thank me later.

>> No.12530378

I'm white and I've never seen that shit. I'd buy it, but not an option in my city

>> No.12530380

But I'm having a really hard time understanding why you would buy it. If it is real, why would you not just get the 14% version?

>> No.12530381

Only niggers buy that shit and they do it for "street cred" so they can look big with their so called gangster wanna be friends that they see on television instead of being humans.

>> No.12530383

The 14% wasn't $1. In all honestly, I think the liquor store accidentally ordered the 10%.

>> No.12530387

They're niggers, don't even try to understand them, it's a waste of time.

>> No.12530397

Another reason if in the USA the ABV will vary by jurisdiction, that's up to the states and within counties within states, or perhaps some shithole such as NYC.
A county or jurisdiction can make some law restricting this or that but it can't superceed a state law.

>> No.12530406

>buying Four Loko for "street cred"
kek, nobody buys it for street cred, they buy it because it's a cheap way to get drunk

>niggers niggers niggers
Did a nigger fuck your wife or something? You seem awfully obsessed.

>> No.12530411

yeah right, 2019 and you can't afford real booze even as kids. That's real nigger shit. What do you spend it on, crack rocks?

>> No.12530414

Checked for impressive projection

>> No.12530416

Take your racism somewhere else, dipshits. I drink 3 or 4 four lokos every night, I'm just wondering why someone would buy a weak variety.

>> No.12530417

lol you're talking to a white guy you nigger lover
Sure I could afford "real" booze, but why drink my money away when I could spend it on nicer things?

>> No.12530423

This might seem difficult for your nigger mind to comprehend but when I was in high school friends and I got jobs and made money, so that when we weekend came we could spend that money on girls or weed or booze or whatever. That whatever is the point, because we earned our own money with jobs.

Try it sometime instead of being a fuckin monkey with it's paw out looking for handouts.

>> No.12530427

I think you're replying to the wrong anon.

>> No.12530428

Are you australian or something? You just can't quit?

>> No.12530430

Nope. USA, NYC back in school.
Still NY.

>> No.12530432

Niggers living rent free in your head
You ought to get some help m8, you can have your opinions but you seem to be obsessive about this topic

>> No.12530436

So you're in a city that's 25% black, and you're on the internet calling everyone niggers... I guess I can understand that.

>> No.12530441

Perhaps you see it as obsessive but if you had to deal with the untenable taxes that people actually work have to pay for these lazy scumbuckets and illegals then you might think twice about it as well.

>> No.12530445
File: 28 KB, 396x396, 1561280221285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NYC back in school

>> No.12530446

Nope, you don't know English very well do you. Read what I wrote, be careful before making presumptions.

>> No.12530448

your point?

>> No.12530451

Fuck off faggot, no one cares what you wrote, blow it out your ass.

>> No.12530453

You clearly cared or you wouldn't have responded, same with the cat fag.

>> No.12530460

You think anyone is reading what your australian ass is saying?

>> No.12530462
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>> No.12530464

Exactly! Australians don't really even HAVE asses!

>> No.12530466

Never again, best school in the city/state/nation in fact, but never again will I be so constrained. It's worse now with the quotas imposed on it.

>> No.12530472

You're a stupid bitch.

>> No.12530485

... this is what happens when you take federal money instead of doing this locally. You have to take in fucking niggers and shit instead of it being a test to get it, it has to have racial bullshit quota associated with every applicant.
There was no sculpting of the grades based on race or whatever when I got in or people way before me who did it as well. You either pass the fucking test or you didn't, that's that, fucking simple.

>> No.12531501

How quickly will you die if you drink these once a day

>> No.12531517

Why are you so obsessed with blacks, little white boy? Is it because we're superior in every way?

>> No.12531682

Not quick enough, but 4 a day? How we're getting somewhere

>> No.12531686

>making money for girls and weed in high school
This sounds very nogish

>> No.12531721

>Americans pay for water

>> No.12531967

Suburban white, actually.

>> No.12533724

Never seen these for sale, shame

>> No.12535078
File: 315 KB, 600x450, Gamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your racism somewhere else, dipshits.