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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12525188 No.12525188 [Reply] [Original]

Döner is better than whatever Mexican'ts come up with

>> No.12525210

I'd like to add that I'm talking about Döner in Germany, not the fake faggot bullshit you have in Amer*ka

>> No.12525215

No care cares, "Franz" Al Rashid bin Faisal

>> No.12525220

I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty fucking good, but I can't buy it anymore because of ethical reasons

>> No.12525222

Ay Caramba, pendejo maricon!

>> No.12525238
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Finding a good Döner in your homecity needs time. >have 15Sellers
>tried 6
>3shit (amazing fat content like Leberkäs)
>1ultra shit (indian cook)

>> No.12525413

Mit alles, bitte

>> No.12525415

und schaaf

>> No.12525427

Only huge faggots use letters with accent marks, ever, for any reason.
This is not 4çℏåñ, asshole. Back to the 3rd world with you.

>> No.12525430


>> No.12525431

mmm spiced human meat in thin cuts, my fave!

>> No.12525444

Tell me about it, döner culture is slowly going to shit really. Hardly anyone uses fresh yogurt sauce anymore and some of these jerks don't even have red cabbage. Fuck that shit. We urgently need a Dönerqualitätsverordnungsüberwachungsgesetz.

>> No.12525446

How does it feel you have lower standards of life than most European countries? Enjoy your "1st" world

>> No.12525456


>> No.12525461

I lived in BW before, 80% are yogurt based sauces with good meat. Now living in Sachsen and the Döner is shit. The meat gets a splash of sour Herb butter (tastes like rotten meat) + 2 sauces; red sweet BBQ sauce and a mayo herb sauce. It tastes like a candy version of my hometown Döner. If you want a image collection im making one this year on a döner tour

>> No.12525463

And here you are, speaking MY language, instead of your own.
My standards exceed yours, by far. Just go back to your shitty little ethnic community and stay there. Speak like a fag all you want there, but please don't do it here.

>> No.12525465

Bist ja nur neidisch, daß deine zurückentwickelte Scheißsprache so was nicht kann

>> No.12525472

Well that's easy. Vote with your feet and never buy there again. Make your own döner and tell those fuckers to shape up if they want to be in business.

>> No.12525475

Calm down nazi or we might have to turn your cities into burning rubble again

>> No.12525479

>MY language
You don't even have a language mericunt

>> No.12525489

Im buying Döner at 10am when everything is freshly cutted, thats worth driving a mile further

>> No.12525606

Abi mit alles?

>> No.12525615

i think the most important thing is how the döner is built, the ratio just needs to be right, then i really dont need any extra stuff.
meat salad tomatoes onions and sauce, it does not need more.

sure a really really good one has extras, but its not neceserry

>> No.12525624

I've lived both in NY and Germany, and surprisingly the living standard actually is lower in the us. What's remarkable is that someone actually made americans believe they are better off than the rest of the world, despite living in what we Europeans would consider a 3rd world hellhole.

>> No.12525640

Really good Döner needs red cabbage. Salad makes for a sub-par Döner.
Also either lamb or veal (chicken is awful), self-made bread.
And one guy that has become my favourite uses a really good, really hot chili sauce instead of that tasteless chili flakes they usually have.

>> No.12525643

I'll take the thick taco with extra cum, please.

>> No.12525675

america is pretty well off in the midwestern states like mn, wisconsin north dakota etc, and considering i lived in europe for 4 and a half years moving around on programming contracts to different developers I also got to experience Denmark, the Netherlands and the U.K. extensively.

Out of all the countries I lived in and visited, yours was by far the worst, Hans. Including the U.K.

>> No.12525681

Sure thing Hans

>> No.12525691

Is it any wonder no one likes Germans?

>> No.12525696

I'd rather live in Berlin than New York. Been living both.

>> No.12525703

Germany is the US of Europe.

>> No.12525709
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this desu

>> No.12525789

Germans can't even into Mexican food, so your opinion is worthless.

>> No.12525793

This is the stuff that's supposed to be popular in europe? You faggots can keep it. Don't bring that shit to the USA.

>> No.12525799

Why would a 1.world even deal with a 3.world?
it baffles me?

>> No.12525805
File: 25 KB, 425x282, leberkaese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here, nowonder when some subIQ Germans try to speak for all Germans.
My opinion: Mexican food>>DÖNER:
And inside YUROGAY its france>Germany>rest.
Just chill and dont fall for German or pseudo German B8.
See ya with some Curry and Miso later ;)

>> No.12525813

It's already here, you dumbfuck.

>> No.12525821
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>> No.12525829

thanks for blabla>turkish fever>baklava. Imbiss.. Please, dont report back.

>> No.12525830

du bist ein dreckiger und niederer Volksverräter

>> No.12525831

Don't worry Cletus, your flyover shithole will get it in 5 years like every other new trend.

>> No.12525862
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>dgw der Dönermann dich Brudi nennt

>> No.12525942
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Besitze Waffenschein, Waffen und bin in Vereinen tätig... und du Ahmed, schon die Schwester befriedigt?

>> No.12525964

Na und? Ich bin Reichsbürger und Döner sind eine Zierde des Reiches.

>> No.12525967


>> No.12525970

Lol, was für Soße bunutzt man in deinem Bundesland?

>> No.12525971
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>schon die Schwester befriedigt?
Ist das ein Filmverein oder warum die Projektion hier Mongo?

t. eats "american cheese" on mexican napkins

>> No.12525979

>du bist ein dreckiger und niederer Volksverräter
Cringe and reported to the German police

>> No.12525982
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Ich fike deine Schwester !

>> No.12526008
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Ich fike deine Generation !

>> No.12527173

Fun fact: Tacos were a imported food idea to Mexico from middle eastern immigrants.

>> No.12527216

No, only tacos al pastor came from lebanese immigrants. The general concept of tacos existed before.

>> No.12527689
File: 143 KB, 1024x683, Homemade-Donairs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the donair

>> No.12527705


English people can't even speak their own fucking language.

>> No.12527957

Scheiss Pifkensau.

>> No.12528026

based and austriapilled

>> No.12528198

>The language of america
Fucking retard

>> No.12528204

both are good though
why are people's tastes so limited?

>> No.12528727

based shindy

>> No.12528740

Look at all these Krauts and Amerimuts. Meanwhile l, a superior helvetian gentleman am enjoying an unspoilt döner at 4am while blasted as fuck.

>> No.12528982

Nordic people use ä and ö and they're as white as it is possible. They are literally the letters of the aryan race. How does it feel to be that stupid?

>> No.12529701


Question to eurofags :

why are so called "kebabs/döner" absolutely horrendous cardboard tier pieces of crap in france and belgium but its easy to find decent döners in germany ? I mean its not like the decent ones require much skill to make.

Not just my opinion. Anybody whos lived in those countries knows.

>> No.12529710

Wasn Spinner

>> No.12529727

I always thought doner kebabs and gyros were pretty much the same thing.

>> No.12529729

It's only the Turkroaches that can make a decent Döner, and since Turkroaches are our main group of immigrants, we get the best Döner.
France and Belgium get different immigrant groups from like Angola or Morocco that seem to be specialized in selling counterfeit rolex watches and dumb trinkets

>> No.12529731
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Where I grew up kebab was a greek or turkish kind of thing and they came in pita bread. Here there is a strong indian influence and they tend to be on an oversized nan which I prefer. The meat quality varies, some seem to use a sweet/cinnamon kind of spicing which I dislike. I prefer the more cumin heavy, onion heavy vibe. Also while there are a range of sauces, a yoghurt based one is always available. Also typically a range of chilli sauce, some places do a very thick and chunky chilli sauce, others a vinegar based thinner sauce, but still with bits in, they'll make them in house. The dog shit places have stuff that looks like tomato sauce and comes out of a bottle. Also Europe. WTF is with the option for dry chilli flakes? Fatty meat, sharp vinegar based sauce to cut through the fat. Fucking dry flakes what the hell.

>> No.12529776

>Really good Döner needs red cabbage

but red cabbage has no business being in döner. everyone knows that.

>> No.12529801

Das Rotkraut muss da drin sein, du Höhlenmensch

>> No.12530089

Ohne Blaukraut, bitte.

>> No.12531144

about 2/3 kebab shopa here are local owned, the 3rd being some shitskin.
100% of the time the locals make better kebab (or shaorma as we call it) than the shitskin immigrants.
gyros places are greek owned most of the times. eastern europe here.

>> No.12531174

good doner is nigh impossible to come by nowadays pretty much anywhere, everyone just uses this shitty ground mystery meat prefab shit instead of proper grilled meat
not to mention that in some joints i've been to the kebabmen absolutely can't assemble it and roll for shit
maybe i should open a kebab joint myself at some point

>> No.12531178

Ihr scheißbayern gehört alle umgebracht

>> No.12531185
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In American, I often get this "chicken hani" from National Coney Island. Never ever tried "doner" sandwiches. But I agree in general, I prefer a pita type sandwich to a tortilla one, but both are good.

>> No.12531307
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I live in a city of 2 million people and there is literally only one place that serves döner. We have dozens of Gyro places, but both döner and shawarma are rare.

>> No.12531542

No better feeling than sitting drunk on the sidewalk at 2AM shoveling one of these.

>> No.12531549

I prefer living in America, but it's insane that being a mcdonalds worker in a German city is a better financial situation than being a 40k/year office worker in the US.

>> No.12531564

my favourite guy also uses a hot spread, this and a little bit of garlic oil elevate the döner to a new level

>> No.12531578

this. any European that has ever visited the USA would consider it third world.

>> No.12531604

>Germany has been Turked balls deep for so long, doner is now authentic German cuisine
The absolute fucking state.

>> No.12531621

Rotkraut gehört nicht in den Döner, du Russenkind.

>> No.12531728

BW also
all bud one Döner are Pajeet owned and at best mediocre
the Pajeets are overtaking our fast food sector

>> No.12531765

Germany is Turkish colony so of course they can make kebab.
France is an Algerian colony.

>> No.12531770
File: 79 KB, 473x566, 1601da914b2390ebccb1b99c7ae0b1ab-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They´´re making a copy version with additional shit in it. Going to buy 1 in 2h but not that pajeet shit. Never again.
Or should I try a Döner with only meat? Never had that befor

>> No.12531786

The best Döner in my town is easy to find. There is a line in the street at lunch time.

>> No.12531787

Avoid city Döner and the Dönerstreets + Every Döner for <4€ . So get a villag Döner made from Turks and your fine. Otherwise the Döner is >50% bullshit for german standarts

>> No.12531810

>Germany is Turkish colony
Yeah, 25.000.000 guns inside the hand of Germans and Russia/Germans. Less than 0,5% legal guns in turkish hands and illegal possible 50.000
Day of the Rope= sad day for my Döner

>> No.12531824

Kebab is fantastic but that strange meat paste in your picture is horrifying. I'm fairly sure it's the worst thing I have ever tasted texture-wise.

>> No.12531855
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Back the fuck up, a real sandwich is coming through

>> No.12531866

only meat is disgusting
Meat and kraut is eatable but obvious dry

>> No.12531922
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>> No.12531925

We have a option for extra meat + Sheep milk cheese. Its fucking amazing when you add some Sriracha-Sauce or powdered Habaneoro

>> No.12532334
File: 1.08 MB, 5312x2988, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a german Döner with fresh refilled Vegetables at 12pm :3 Fuck yeah

>> No.12532415

Remember that Indians are the largest group of non-EU migrants that migrated to Germany in the last year

>> No.12532459

gênante vertoning

>> No.12532463

I can buy a pound of gyros or shoarma + pita bread+jalapeno+onions+garlic for the price of 2 basic bitch kebabs.
Tastes better too

>> No.12532475

Possible, this Döner was a big disappointment.
The quality for sauces, bread and meat have a fucking huge spread and its mostly at the bad end.
BUT a well made Döner is KING!

>> No.12532478

Saupreiß-Untermenschen san hea ned wiakomn.

>> No.12532485

This >>12532334

>> No.12532898
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>Why yes I do always go for onions, lettuce, extra shepherd's salad and only crushed hot peppers as sauce, how could you tell?

>> No.12533004

In our city the indian makes one of the best ones.

>> No.12534380

go to king of donairs and get some donairs