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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 861 KB, 1080x1080, BFV21677_Salmon_Meal_Prep_Two_Ways_FB_THUMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12524881 No.12524881 [Reply] [Original]

help me /ck/
what are some good meal prep recipes?

>> No.12524897

>making good food into old left overs
why tho

>> No.12524904

>old left overs

also some people have to work anon

>> No.12525112

>a week old leftovers are bad
what a dumb picky eatee you are

>> No.12525157
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>> No.12525166

based retard

>> No.12525187

I fucking hate this board

>> No.12525190


>> No.12525211
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Why is meal prep so based?

>> No.12525218

not everyone is worthless neet
there are people who have to work and don't have time to cook every day

>> No.12525225
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>> No.12525237

How is a week old fish good leftovers

>> No.12525243

I don't like the idea of meal prep but if you gotta then use things that don't age as much so cold cuts, pasta/rice/kasha salads, pickled and marinated stuff like dried tomatoes, olives, shrooms, cheese, pepper, asparagus etc etc.

>> No.12525279

FDA already deemed food prep leftovers as dangerous. Enjoy your old nasty food with flavorful bacteria. It's not like salmon or chicken take long to cook, neither does rice or any vegetable.

>> No.12525284

what are refriginators?

>> No.12525296
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>> No.12525303


>> No.12525329

go back

>> No.12525438

Meal prep is such a reddit thing.

>> No.12525460

who cares?

>> No.12525467

this is an awful thread btw. stupid question and stupider responses.

>> No.12525570

>Click on thread because it sounds like actual useful information could be exchanged.
>Only full of people spamming soyboy memes

>> No.12525580

Usually soy thing are things that didn't exist or were uncommon 30 years ago so I don't get why this is one.

>> No.12525731

Meal prepping is useless, so why would this thread be anything more? I hate the soy memes but I hate meal preppers more, so whatever.

>> No.12526105

I don't meal prep because fuck that but I have come across this recipe and it is actually nice and I make extra to have for lunch the next day. If I made it for the week though most of it would end up in the bin and I'd be buying lunch but you crack on faggot

>> No.12526111

Lazy or poor time management in the kitchen.

>> No.12526142

Fitmencook has a ton of good easy recipes

>> No.12526148


>> No.12526326

I work 60 hours a week and I still have time to cook, maybe you're just shit at time management?

>> No.12526331

Or some of us have hobbies and a social life. Take your pick

>> No.12526376

lazy it is.
>fuck your chores mom, im going to play with my friends

>> No.12526383

That meal would take like 20 minutes to cook, why would you bother to prepare four of them

>> No.12526389

Prolly because it would save 20 minutes per meal.

>> No.12526393

because then you've spent 20 minutes for 4 days' worth rather than 80 minutes

>> No.12526427

I'm lazy because I cook all my phone in one day vs every day? Doesnt make sense

>> No.12526431

How did this come from food

>> No.12526443

>cook all my phone
Your brain is melting from old food bacteria, zoomerfren

>> No.12526456

On Sunday night cook up 10 chicken thighs. Boil up some potatoes. About 1kg.

Mix the potatoes with natural full fat yoghurt, blue cheese, parsley, garlic and celery. Store it in a tub and it'll keep in the fridge all week.

Each day put two chicken thighs and a big dollop of the potato salad into a lunch box. Stuff a handful of spinach in there too. This is a manly meal that'll make your balls fuckin mahoosive.

>> No.12526458
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I'm almost 30

>> No.12526462

Hobbies and a "social life" doesn't make your sad five day old leftovers heated in the break room microwave and eaten at your desk any better, man.

Meal prepping is only acceptable for people who either have very specific allergies or who are legitimately in training to be in specific shape.

>> No.12526463

How is meal prep any different than making an sandwich

>> No.12526468

Oh, so you're just a mental midget. Sorry.

>> No.12526469

how is eating fastfood everyday any better?

>> No.12526472

Is it some social strata thing? We always made meals for several days and ate it later growing up, all my acquiantances' families as well.

>> No.12526476

A sandwich isn't 5 days old, soggy, or dried out, if you put it together in the morning. You should still get yourself out of the office on a lunch break if you can.

>> No.12526485

No. Grew up poor but my family never made food specifically to eat days later. Left overs were eaten as a natural by product of meals.

>> No.12526488

I don't get the hate for leftovers. I don't do the meal prep meme but I live alone. If I'm gonna bread and fry some chicken or pork cutlets I'm not gonna do them individually each fucking day, that's retarded. Same for if I make something like mashed potatoes or Mac and cheese, am I really expected to make a single serving a day? Stop being retarded about leftovers.

>> No.12526490

I don't know why meal preppers jump from the idea of making an entire week's worth of the same boring microwave meal to "fast food." Bring whatever's left of last night's dinner, make a sandwich, step out and grab something from a fast casual place, whatever. Mix it up, use your lunch break to actually leave the office.

Maybe so, I haven't known anyone's family like this ever, besides maybe my obese aunt and uncle.

>> No.12526500

There's a difference between using up leftovers and autistically eating the exact same meal everyday

>> No.12526504

A day or two's leftovers are fine. If you're eating the same dried out fridge meal 5 days a week, it's gross. And you're most likely the person who preaches about how much money you're saving and how much more work you're getting done.

I don't know a single meal prepper who isn't insufferable.

>> No.12526513

cooked fish in fridge lasts less than 4 days.. 1 week is too much

>> No.12526518

Well usually with the examples ive given I'm eating the same thing for like 4 to 5 days in a row, because that's just how much I have left over and I'm not a big eater. It depends on what I'm making, some things just don't seem possible or practical to make in 1 to 2 serving quantities.

Though this doesn't apply to meal preppers if that image is anything to go by. Salmon and vegetables are both pretty easy to make in single serving quantities. That's not the sort of thing I'd have leftovers of.

>> No.12526524

i think you are the reddit fag here. you probably living in your mom's basement (>t reddit) and she's cooking for you so you don't need meal prep.

>> No.12526532

could be someone who focuses on other stuff as well; like spanking yo mom

>> No.12526539

don't do 4-5 days; you can develop ulcerus if you like diversity in your meals.

>> No.12526540

I don't eat by "servings," but I have a hard time understanding how you don't know how to make a meal that feeds you for a meal or two, not 4-5 meals. Unless you barely eat at all, but you have to admit that's an outlier.

>> No.12526549

Like I said it depends entirely on what I'm making. It's also often about practicality more than it is about possibility. Also when I say servings I mean "enough for x meals".

>> No.12526552


>> No.12527119

I've found that meal prepping the vegetable sides works well as they last. Then I just get the precooked cuts of fish or meat from the store on the way home as they last 3-4 days if not more.