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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12523641 No.12523641 [Reply] [Original]

grilling general

>> No.12523664

you ever try secret aardvark sauce?
I put that shit on everything

>> No.12523669

wish there were more news stories about the media getting shot while I grill some burgers

>> No.12523870


>> No.12523927
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do you put cheese on the burder after the flip or when you take it off the grill?

>> No.12523944
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>Good evening, I'm Ken Bastida, Dana is off tonight, he was murdered and then set on fire while celebrating his birthday

>> No.12523980

After the final flip, a little bit before you take it off.

>> No.12524036

immediately after, depending on the heat, should be 2/3rd cooked before flip. once the cheese is melted, burger is done.

>> No.12524040

Won a gas grill at a raffle, got any tips? Mostly for keeping the cast iron grates clean. Some people say to full blast and close to ash the remaining scraps, is this necessary?

>> No.12524044

sit on it when it's still hot

>> No.12524104

After the flip. If the cheese isn't fully melted by the time you need to take the burger off the grill then close the lid for 5 to 10 seconds.

>> No.12524147

What's the taste difference between a grilld burger and a pan one?
>T.only has tasted pan burgers at home

>> No.12524168

On grills the fat and juices drip down into the heating element and somehow impart flavor back into what you're cooking in a way that doesn't happen on a pan. Also if it's charcoal, especially with smoking chips, you get a really nice smokey grilled flavor. Propane flame grills don't do nearly as much for the flavor but are good in places like mine where charcoal isn't allowed on the porches (I think you can bring them 20 feet away from your garage into the parking area if you really want charcoal but fuck that).

>> No.12524172

even with gas, you can get smokey flavor closing the lid and letting the juice and fat drippings smoke

>> No.12524176


this board needs more boomercore

>> No.12524180

non Americlap?

>> No.12524181

Yeah it's definitely better than nothing. I mainly like that my small home doesn't intensely smell like burgers, steak, chicken thigh, or whatever else for hours or longer when I cook on the grill.

>> No.12524191

goddamn sounds nice

>> No.12524209

grilled foods cause cancer

>> No.12524229
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>Propane flame grills don't do nearly as much for the flavor

>> No.12524234

But he is right. Propane is way more convenient but charcoal is where the flavor is.

>> No.12524237

You want to taste the meat, not the heat

>> No.12524238

Well apparently whatever you're eating causes it, too.

>> No.12524257
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>> No.12524291


>> No.12524298
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>jumps out the bush like Margot Kidder

>> No.12524414

not really. seems like an unnecessary risk.

>> No.12524417

shit on it when it's still hot

>> No.12524442
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, B54C0767-E599-4F45-84D8-B40AA585BDEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MAGAfag Amerimuts are so booty-bothered by their president being a dumb fatfuck who ruined their economy that they literally attack the idea of free press
>still going to vote for Orange Man in 2020 to stick it to da libruls

>> No.12524470

I see this is the dumb barely on-topic cooking thread. I have a dumb barely on topic-food story.

So I was at the bar getting too inebriated. There were two fellows standing at the bar. An Indian, a real Indian came to the bar. He ordered two budweisers or something. 50% of the duo at the bar then commented that he must be drinking water.

Unfortunately for half of the duo, he had ordered a green alcoholic beverage. Not sure what it was but one of the ingredients was coconut water. The indian looked at the drink and retorted immediately that he's already a woman for drinking such a drink.

The duo took longer than ten seconds to retort, which is already a loss as far as retorts go. Even without penalizing them for the delayed reaction, their comeback was so terrible, they would have lost the interaction anyway.

When the indian went away, they immediately began gossiping with the barmaid, apparently the indian's retort was too intimidating for them, even though it was them who began the altercation by calling his beer water.

The Indian was seated in a position directly behind the duo, so if they wished to look at him, they would have to turn all the way around. And that's what they did. And when they did, the Indian said in a commanding tone, asking them what they were looking at.

They claimed that they were looking at a friend of there's walking by. Seemed to be a fortuitously true excuse, since the man strolling by at that moment did in fact return the wave they gave.

That duo was such a pair of cowards. I should have given them a lesson on how to return insults like a man. Anyway, what's the deal with only men sitting in around or at the bar. how am I supposed to talk to girls if none of them will sit alone outside of their packs they travel in?

I'm going to vegas to hire whores

>> No.12524501

fuck off saint

>> No.12524510

Had some delicious long bone rib steaks the other day. Slow cooked for about an hour and a half and finished directly over the charcoals.

>> No.12524555
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>> No.12524560

too long, didn't read

>> No.12524570
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tldr; I covet the breasts of Dark Magician Girl

>> No.12524577

Nobody cares about your blog faggot, kys.

>> No.12524594

*funky southern rock intensifies*

>> No.12524606

Fuck this guy pisses me off.

>> No.12524609

He looks like he's a huge fan of Michael Jackson.

>> No.12524611


>> No.12524617

I love it when my clothes smell like BBQ smoke

>> No.12524631

I love it when a cute guy walks by and you can smell his colon

>> No.12524681

It's like everything about him is designed to piss me off, his face, disgusting complexion, accent, his mannerisms, the fact that he slathers everything in butter, even the lighting and shot composition of his videos.
It's like some mind reading alien read my mind and created a human being in a lab that was specifically designed to annoy me in every way. My perfect nemesis of annoyance.

>> No.12524733

He's Brazilian, and I understand where you are coming from because Brazilian culture can come off as very annoying, condescending, and patronizing. They tend to start every fourth sentence with "in Brazil we" and talk up their country like everything there is the greatest thing on the planet.

Now, that said. Does it remind you of people from any other country in the world?

>> No.12524737

>Does it remind you of people from any other country in the world?

yeah, brazilians obvs

>> No.12524742

are you talking about Belizians?