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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12518987 No.12518987 [Reply] [Original]

if you had $100 to spend on groceries each month, what would you buy? assuming you have no allergies too.

>> No.12518997

Big fuckoff bag of rice, spices, hunt for sales on eggs and milk and bread to shake things up a bit. Sales on meat too, and ugly produce.

>> No.12518999

>$100 per month
A gun so I could shoot myself for being poor.

>> No.12519017


> 90 one dollar banquet meals
> 5 dollars of broccoli
> 5 dollars of rice

live like a king

>> No.12519052

I'd get a better job is what I'd do.

>> No.12519067

i'd just get 3 taco bell beefy frito burritos a day

>> No.12519070

a bottle of vitamins

realistically on $100/mo I'd probably be looking for free meals at a homeless shelter or similar charity

>> No.12519105

Rice, beans, frozen veggies, salsa, limes

>> No.12519399

The one right answer, Hispanic food is cheap and can last you forever.

>> No.12519414

buy mcdonald’s every day. spend ~3 dollars or less everytime and eat only once a day.

>> No.12519419

7 rolls of dip and a bag of rice.

>> No.12519428

That would only be about 1200 calories a day.

>> No.12519431

buy a quarter (smoke it all in less than a week) and buy $40 worth of rice each month

>> No.12519437

? is that not enough to live or what? because i’m pretty sure that’s the healthy daily amount. it’ll be hard to adjust since i’m fat, but i could probably manage

>> No.12519441

Seven limes, to be specific

>> No.12519466

Spend it on drugs then kill myself.

Besides cheap shit food, you can't afford toilet paper, laundry detergent, and cleaning supplies with 100 dollars a month. Even if you could manage not to starve or become malnourished, what kind of life would you be living?

>> No.12519472

8lb bag of beans - $6
10lb bag of rice - $5
10lb bag of potatoes $3

4lb of spinach (1lb/wk) - $8
Broccoli (2 heads/wk) - $12
4lb of carrots (1lb/wk) - $6

8lb bananas - $5
8lb cheapest apples - $10
cheap frozen blueberries (lb/wk) - $10

40oz peanut butter - $2.50

Now... You want meat? Get some meat. You want more variety of veg/fruit? Do that. You want to treat yourself to some lazy canned meals? Do that. Try new spices and get yourself some oil. But that ticks a shitload of boxes of macros and micros and is better than many would get on a fast food diet.

>> No.12519475

I should have added onions and garlic, but those are cheap as fuck. I left you with $35 to play with, spend $5 on a bag of onions and a few cloves.

>> No.12519479

Dried pinto, black beans and lentils, use a pressure cooker.
Buy bulk wheat flour, store in your fridge.
Get a yeast mother going if you don't already have one. Get your ratios right.
Bake bread, make beans.

Spend everything else on eggs, kale/spinach, spices, vinegar, canola, and Dawn. Thoroughly wash the kale/spinach with the Dawn, as that shit has the most pesticide residue due to an FDA loophole. Seriously, be thorough.

>> No.12519484

Where do you live where those things are that cheap?

>> No.12519500

Just googled and founded the cheapest branded shit on Walmart and Amazon. If it's more expensive then you cut back on extras, clip coupons, or find a way to get more money but it'd be dumb to sacrifice nutrition.

>> No.12519528
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 19105540_10155030889009902_5351202943611494452_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 of eggs

>> No.12519540

You meant to say $100 of venison, JRE's chickens and fridge gives him all the watery eggs and pickled jalapenos he needs.

>> No.12519542


>> No.12519583

Honestly I could do this probably no problem. Wouldn't be a whole lot of variety, but I feed my wife and i by going to the hispanic market and spending about 40 bucks a week and that's with extra shit. That feeds two people for a week. If i was just feeding myself i could probably get it down to 20 bucks a week.

>> No.12519613

That's a pennsylvania boy right there

>> No.12519627
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bro my family of 4 and dog lived off $100/month, buy a months worth of chicken breast when it goes on sale and freeze it, spend the rest on rice, frozen veggies, soy sauce and butter. Be frugal and you might have enough money lest over to buy a weekend treat which is important to maintain sanity and not lose sight. good luck and god speed anon

>> No.12519645
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pro tip when really broke you can rip pages out of the phone book to use as toilet paper, it help if you crumple them in to a ball repeatedly to break down the stiffness. Be smart and when they delver the yearly phone book go around and steal as many as possible.
t. life lessons learned as a kid that wanted a clean asshole

>> No.12519648

Healthy daily amount is 2k calories a day. 1200 a day is lower than the average for starving African nations.


>> No.12519650

this guy knows

>> No.12519656

so what, being skinny is sexy

>> No.12519662

oh well. it’ll help me lose weight by starving

>> No.12519682

I'd cook him 3 eggs and a slice of toast . every everyone loves that. He deserves it.

>> No.12519699


Big ass bag of rice, beans, pasta, any sort of jarred tomato sauce on sale, eggs (realistically probably 2 or 3 dozen), bunch of canned tuna, bread, cheddar cheese, onions, garlic, ginger, spring onions, apples, oranges, broccoli, bell peppers, serano peppers, a large bag of frozen perogies (ukrainian style garlic if you can find them), and a bag of chips. You can get stuff like salt, pepper, soy sauce, hot sauce, and butter from supermarkets. If you go to the deli and ask for a small cup of olive oil or butter a lot of places will give it to you (they will just assume you want it to accompany something you're getting from the salad bar or hot buffet or whatever. This is all easily doable with $100. Do your best to shop for stuff on sale. You honestly don't have to live like you're in poverty and eat rice and beans everyday. You can make cheese omelettes with toast for breakfast, tuna sandwiches/tuna melts, spicy fried rice with tuna, decent pasta (add in seranos for a kick). You'll get by just fine dude.

>> No.12519704

ham margera

>> No.12519705

do phone books still exist?

>> No.12519726

Seven limes, cilantro, lettuce, another seven limes, and you know what, lets throw in another seven limes

>> No.12519734

Is that bam? What happened to him?

>> No.12519742

Lots of chicken, eggs, beans, rice, and frozen vegetables. Fresh ones when I have leftover food.

>> No.12519766

the wall

>> No.12519773

How old is he? He looks like 60 in that photo.

>> No.12519863

That's how much I had going through university. Usually bought bulk rice, potatoes, beans and eggs. One whole chicken cooked and split up, various vegetables with the leftover money.

>> No.12519867

also Aldi's is even cheaper than Walmart. If I hadd $100 to live for a month, I'd go there first

>> No.12519897

this aldi is based but you got watch you gotta watch some of their stuff is very cheap but if your not paying attention one or two is way over priced

>> No.12519948

$23 a week or $3 a day. In the US that sounds doable but it won't be that enjoyable. What you'd get is obvious though.
2 loaves of bread, butter & peanut butter/jam (this is breakfast & lunch)
stock cubes.
spend the rest of cheap meat like minced beef, chicken drumsticks, wings.
if you can afford it get some bulk tinned tomatoes as well

>> No.12519957

Add eggs and some kind of oil to this list and you could live off of it forever. The meat to watch out for would be chicken thighs on sale.

>> No.12519965

This is what a shitty diet and drinking too much does to you. Probably some drugs, too.

>> No.12520110

>Is that bam? What happened to him?

Looks like he drank and was stressed out every day for the last 20 years.

>> No.12520173

100 dollars worth of mountain dew

>> No.12520189 [DELETED] 
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Whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.12520199

refrigerate, ice and sell on a hot day at a common area with pedestrian traffic for another $100

>> No.12520209

I live off £100 per month...didn't think it was poverty tier :/

>> No.12520214

fuckloads of eggs and sardines.

>> No.12520300

what's a weekly menu look like for you? 100 quid isn't bad if you don't paying with your health

>> No.12520322

Cereal or nothing for breakfast.

Cheese wrap for lunch mb with ham

Rice or pasta and mince or chicken for tea. Maybe with spinach. Pretty cheap desu

>> No.12520325

Alcoholism + eating disorder. I think he's pretty much been doing really badly since Dunn died.

>> No.12520380

Making fun of poorfags is a huge indicator that you're a t_d transplant from reddit. Just so you know. Nobody did that shit before 2016.

>> No.12520407

depending on the cheese and ham you might be coming in high on sodium, a lot of cheap proteins are high in it. I rec to get your blood pressure checked next time convenient, and if that's fine then you oughta be good.

>> No.12520427

I think it's shit desu. I eat no fruit or veg either...need to start...

>> No.12520440

oats are cheap and good for balancing the unhealthiness of cheap diets, and are filling. they can lower BP and cholesterol and keep things moving via fiber so you're less exposed too irritants from cheap stuff in your intestines. It's easy to add slices of bananas or apple and cinnamon for cheap or you can get a bag of frozen fruit (expensive but can last indefinitelyl) and sparingly use that

>> No.12520472

flour, oatmeal, macaroni, tomato paste, beans (bought in bulk not from supermarket). milk for yogurt, yogurt (freeze in ice cube trays for yogurt starter). big bags of frozen peas, frozen corn, big bags of fresh carrots.

>> No.12520629


is that Bam Magera?

>> No.12521921

Cheap meat cuts/large cuts I portion myself
Root vegetables

>> No.12521946
File: 21 KB, 750x422, phil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. He's actually becoming the man he tormented throughout his youth.

>> No.12521967

I think the pic might be old man filtered. A couple people close to him claim he's been using meth to go along with constant boozing for the past couple of years, but I still think that pic has an old man filter on it or something.

>> No.12521996

I think you're still too young to accept what time, substances and closeted homosexuality can do to a body.

>> No.12522010

It is. Go look up recent pictures and he isn't half that bad. He's not the lean 20-something he was at the beginning of Jackass but he's not as fucked (yet?) as the picture would have you believe.

>> No.12522043

Original image is from a Vice feature on him. He's showing some gray but yeah he's not quite that bad yet.


>> No.12522084


>> No.12522219

yup, at least in Florida and with a population density that equals NY:NY the phone book is about 4 inches thick, if you gather 6 or 7 of them you got a heaths supply of TP

>> No.12522224


meant for you >>12519705

>> No.12522265

>I know everything better because im so wise and old and bitter !!! xD


>> No.12522302

>I know everything better because im so wise and old and bitter !!! xD
that describes every anon on /ck/, this is literally the retirement board for veteran anons

>> No.12522306

I already spend 100$ on donuts and candy each month

>> No.12522425

based, which dip

>> No.12522447

chicken thighs
ground beef
chicken stock
that's all you really need. you can grow peppers and herbs pretty easily

>> No.12522478

Half a gallon of Half&Half everyday.

>> No.12522495
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United States buy list

4x Cream of Mushroom Soup 2.00
4x Cream of Chicken Soup 2.00
4x canned green beans 2.00
4x canned corn 2.00
4x canned carrots 2.00
4x canned greens 3.00
2x 16oz fresh carrots 4.00
2x 32oz Value Pack Spaghetti 4.00
4x Value Brand Spaghetti Sauce 4.00
2x 10lb sack Russet Potatoes 6.00
3x 3lb sack Onions 4.50
3x 16oz Sack Rice 6.00
2x Dozen Egg 4.00
1x 1 lb bag sugar 2.00
1x 1 lb bag flour 2.00
1x 1 lb bag corn meal 3.00
1x value size garlic powder 1.00
1x value size onion powder 1.00
1x value size iodized salt 1.00
1x canister black pepper 1.00
1x canister cayenne pepper 1.00
1x canister chili powder 1.00
1x canister dried oregano
1x canister dried thyme
1x canister dried basil
1x bottle value brand soy sauce 1.00
1x bottle value brand worcestershire sauce 1.00
1x bottle value brand hot sauce 1.00
1x canister baking powder 1.00
2x 33oz can value brand coffee 6.00
1x 100 count tea bags 2.00
1x 16oz Vegetable oil 2.00
1x 160z olive oil 2.00
1x 24oz lemon juice concentrate 3.00
4x 10lb bag chicken leg quarters 24.00

>> No.12522807

based and redpilled

>> No.12522830
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>implying 7 cans would even last 1 week
Former copehead lmao.

>> No.12522873

>Couple loaves of bread
>Assorted deli meats, whatever is cheap
>cheese slices
>Salt, pepper, garlic, cayenne

Had two sandwiches a day for two months non stop since they're filling and I was poor as fuck in that span.

>> No.12522975

you're a bad troll :^)

>> No.12523025

>1x 160z olive oil 2.00

no where on earth are you getting 16oz of olive oil for 2$

>> No.12523087

Vinny Beedle fed him drugs and dragged him out to exploit him for comedy shows. He surrounded himself with the wrong people, and had a complete fucking mental breakdown in January and February. He even posted a lot of it on social media. He was drinking and driving, smoking meth and publically humiliating Brandon Novak and demanding he pays up for a car Novak totalled. Eventually, his parents staged an intervention and he was admitted into a "looney bin" (as he calls it) and emerged from it with severe withdrawal. He was administered drugs which would hospitalize him if he drank alcohol. Then April came along and he threw a failure of a party which had the local township's (pocopson) sheriffs baracaded the premises. Long story short a bunch of people got scammed. In the coming month he focused on skateboard, Nikki and his family. He now is sobering up, back on the board, and spending time with his family and the people who care about him.

t. I have a friend who is very close with him

>> No.12523093

Jesus christ. Every time I see this dude he looks like he aged 5 years.
He's not even 40 years old be he looks like he's in his 50s

>> No.12523112

the photo was touched up to make him look older.

>> No.12523254

bam margarine

>> No.12523310

topkek. Bam for the first few months of this year was basically Old Novak except with money.

>> No.12523340
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>had a complete mental breakdown in january and february
>then april came along

what did he mean by this?

>> No.12523385

April 1st he attempted to stage a party at castle bam but the pocopson township hate him (for obvious reasons) and got the sheriffs to baracade the premises so a buncha bam loving mutants couldn't swarm in and turn the surrounding area into Skateopia. Sohe then tried to schedule the event at FDR, but the police were already there to tell everyone "nope." Then another venue goes back on their word and cancels so he haphazardly scheduled the party at a bar, which consisted of Vinny insulting the audience and Yelawolf apologizing on his behalf. It was truly a site to behold. Truly pathetic.

>> No.12523392

$100 worth of /deenz/

Good luck, even shit guns will run you about $175.

>> No.12523405

Oh, and I forgot to mention he charged fucking over a hundred ameribucks for admission to the clown parade OR jump in a hot tub that people have been pissing and shitting in for weeks for i think like 20 seconds or some shit.

>> No.12523406

>a shit gun is at least 175
wrong. you can buy a shotgun or a nugget for roughly 100

>> No.12523492

I just looked at my bottle and it is 8oz not 16koz, and I did get it on sale for $2. Regular price $2.75.
It is 100% olive oil. Says so all over the bottle because of the recent scandals.

You can probably get the 17oz on sale for 3.00

>> No.12523512

By the way I got it from Big Lots, which usually has several different varieties of olive oil for sale that has been put there after it didn't sell in some other store.

>> No.12523539


used single barrels maybe, and nuggets are like $300 now.

>> No.12523586

Nobody did it during 2016 either, this is a whole new breed of newfag