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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 198 KB, 1280x1440, Sean's food budget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12518234 No.12518234 [Reply] [Original]

If you only hate $9000 per month to spend on food, what would you eat?

>> No.12518239

$9,000 worth of lentils and brown rice. I'd have at least 6 fully formed bowel movements per day.

>> No.12518245

Cocaine, cigarettes and liquor

>> No.12518248

Steak and eggs, and a new griddle and poached egg maker while I'm at it.

>> No.12518249
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A burger from five guys.

>> No.12518250

I'd rather kill myself than subsist on the slop I'd be able to afford on that budget.

>> No.12518313
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a whole lot of chili and beans

>> No.12518320

Pure salt

>> No.12518323

i'd buy a black truffle and a white truffle put some in risottos to compare the flavors. i've never had truffle before. then i'd stock up on quinoa

>> No.12518329


>> No.12518336

id still go over budget from the coke pretty quick

>> No.12518337

with $9000/month i could finally afford to buy vegan staples like beans and pasta!

>> No.12518344

Twelve lines of cocaine a day, a pack of darts each time I crave a snack and four tabs of acid to take the edge off the day.

>> No.12518346

i don't know man an oz lasts me 3 weeks and thats only $1000

pretty sure if i use any more in a smaller time period im dead

>> No.12518347

>$300 every single day
I'd struggle to spend that much unless alcohol is included

>> No.12518358

What the fuck? I only bring in $5,000 a month to cover all my expenses, and I'm still only 125 lbs. The hell was he eating?

>> No.12518363

I'd be importing cheeses and sit in my underwear during the summer eating cheese and watching TV.

>> No.12518374
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>I can't afford healthy food
Is their a single bigger myth? Why do people get away with this still?

>> No.12518400

I'd hire someone at $5k a month to buy me $1k a week in different ingredients and prepare breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner for me. I'd change to a different person each month so I can taste cuisine from all over the world, give some students/immigrants a decent income, and not have to worry about spending 2 hours a day or so on food prep/waste.

>> No.12518409

Because they've never learned how to budget, cook, or be a fully functional human being. Every single one of those people rely on some corporate entity to shovel overpriced and fattening food down their gullets.

>> No.12518410

post pucci

>> No.12518411

He said only $9,000 a month.

>> No.12518453

9000 chicken fajitas

>> No.12518474

20 burning hot wings for every meal 3 times a day every day, so about $60 a day or $1800 a month. I'd use the other $7200 on medical bills to keep me and my forsaken anus on life support to continue eating the wings.

>> No.12518477

my ass gets thirsty on coke so most of it would be handed out to whores thats why, which is why we dont touch the shit in the first place. solo id be okay, but its not realistic

>> No.12518492


This guy died.

>> No.12518501

I said only the burger, I wasn't getting fries.

>> No.12518536

For me it’s the mcchicken

>> No.12518546


kekked and rolled on floor laughing

>> No.12518562

>sharing coke with woman

yeah i learned that lesson pretty hard

coke by yourself is pretty fun but not as fun as going out with friends to the bar with it. I keep that shit on the down low, I'm too giving of a person when im on coke and piratically give that shit away for free

>> No.12518627

This but unironically

>> No.12518640

at least the down pyament, anyway

>> No.12518664

Good, did they film it?

>> No.12518681

because when you live exclusively off of pre-packaged garbage, the healthy versions of that pre-packaged garbage is more expensive

Little do they know if they bought fresh fruits, vegetables, unprocessed whole grains (you know, actual healthy foods) that it would save a fuck ton of money

>> No.12518695

Everyone has a cheap food they enjoy. The highest tier restaurant connoisseurs will go home and orgasm at a bowl of lucky charms or some $2 frozen pizza. You can happily, unhealthily, live on less than $200 a month worth of food and love every minute of it.

>> No.12518699

Lentils, brown rice, arugula, kiwi, blueberries, avocado, almonds, many assorted and expensive teas, artichokes, pineapple, dragonfruit, bread - all organic

>> No.12518769

Barrels of whiskey and bacon.

>> No.12518799

Alot of salmon and beef. But mostly alot of salmon.

>> No.12518804

About 288 McChickens per day.

>> No.12518841

Weed, cocaine, cigarettes, whiskey, beer. And probably, just regular meat and potato meals, panfried whatever meat i fancy, mashed or fried potatoes, and either gravy with the mash, or some condiment with the fried potatoes.

>> No.12518849

Only 9000 what the fuck do u mean

>> No.12518858

That's an enormous amount of money for food per month! I would eat like a King, nigga, I would always eat out at good restaurants I always wanted to try

>> No.12518864

"only"? I spend much less than $9k a year on food

>> No.12518883


cigarettes, diet drinks, vyvanse, kvass, steamed sauerkraut, pelmeni, pickles, and borsch. maybe potato salad too

>> No.12518919
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>Only have $5000 to last me until July 1st
Help me

>> No.12518941


>> No.12518967
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>> No.12518998

Last year my company gave me $1500 a month for food and I pocketed 90% of that

>> No.12519057

The exact same joke. Stop doing this, Reddit.

>> No.12519212

>see typo
>see reply count
>look forward to reading the hilarious responses
>not a sausage

>> No.12519222

Uh, no sweaty. That's playing along for the banter. People you know might find you less of a bore if you learned how to do this.

>> No.12519429

Lol the old "People don't like you because you don't go along with every low hanging joke." You definitely outed yourself as a reddit nigger with that post.

>> No.12519439

I have done things like you wouldn't believe. You would be amazed by me.

>> No.12519538

anything you could share?
how do I into being amazing

>> No.12519548

Is that my 600 pound life?
I've never actually seen it but I assume they all die right?
or do some actually lose the weight and become professional flying squirrels

>> No.12519553

what could you possibly be spending money on?
or was this a joke

>> No.12519622

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.12519626


>> No.12520107

what a pathetic response

>> No.12520114

soft shell crab, caviar, prosciutto, calamari steaks, cowboy tomahawks, prime rib, poke/sushi, exotic game meats, arugula, long pig, caviar, peking duck. succling pig, swan

>> No.12520429
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>long pig

>> No.12520441

>become professional flying squirrels
I huckled.
Also yeah, most of them die. Fucking look at them. If they were capable of stopping they wouldn't have gotten to 600+ lbs in the first place.

>> No.12520444

Sucking four hundred cocks an hour is not an achievement to all of us.

>> No.12520450

Buy all of my meat at the local butcher shop, all of my fish at the local fish market, and most of my vegetables at the farmer's market or the bougie grocery store nearby, if it's not in season.

Pocket the remaining ~8 grand.

>> No.12520452
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>long pig

>> No.12520486
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That's fine. I'm nauseated by his dandruff alone.

>> No.12520490

I dunno, 400 cocks in 60 minutes is like 9 seconds per. cock, not allowing for changover time, so let's say 5 seconds per. cock if everyone has practiced. That's pretty impressive, really.